Tierra Wilson v. Houston Housing Authority

on 5/28/2015 10:20:12 AM OFFICE OF STAN STANART FILED IN COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 1st COURT OF APPEALS CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT HOUSTON, TEXAS 5/28/2015 10:25:22 AM May 28, 2015 CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk Court of Appeals 301 Fannin Houston, Texas 77002 LETTER OF ASSIGNMENT Court Docket Number: 1061720 Trial Court Number: One (1) Style: TIERRA VS. HOUSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY APPELLANT(S) APPELLEE(S) Judge: DEBRA IBARRA MAYFIELD I Appellant(s) Attorney: Appellee(s) Attorney: Wilson, Pro Se Nicole No. 24015130 1807 Ewing Street N o. 14A 610 Uptown Road, Suite 2000 Houston, Texas 77004 Cedar Hill, Texas 75104 Phone: (713) 993-6762 Phone: (713) 766-3655 Fax: N/A Fax: (888) 400-8118 N/A E-Mail: Nicole.taylor@taylormadelaw.com Tierra Wilson, appellant, a of Appeal on May 27, 2015 the Final that was on May 18, 2015. The Clerk’s Record is due to your office on or before July 7, 2015. /S/Joshua Alegria Alegria Deputy Clerk P.O. Box 1525 Houston, TX 77251-1525 (713) 755-64211>.o. 1525 I TX 77251-1525 I (713) 755-6421 1 of 1 1 c0URT DATE: PRINTNAME: (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) PHONE; N0. H-01-60 (Rcv. 2 ‘ INTHE COURT ATLAW# ONE Vs. ‘ OF COUNTY, _ _ DEFENDANT TEXAS On the day of the above entitled and , cause, came and announced ready for trial. |peared and announced ready for trial. been duly notified of this trial failed to appear. No jury fee having been paid, the parties proceeded to trial without the intervention of a jury. The Court, considering the pleadings, evidence and arguments of the parties, is of the opinion that are guilty of forcible detainer of the hereinafter described premises and that Plaintiff, have and recover from Defendant as ORDERED, ANDDECREEDthat Plaintiff |does haveand recover _ of the premisesfromDefendant locatedat , · , County,Texas (address) (city) that a Writ of Possession issue to the proper commanding him to (zip) 3 seizepossessionof saidpremisesanddeliversameto aftersaid of Possession has been duly by if Defendants have not vacated the herein described by . It is further ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Plaintiff does have recover from Defendant in the amount of together with , interest at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of judgment until paid in full. It is further ADJ UDGED AND DECREED that Plaintiff does against and and severally for an amount not to exceed . The supersedeas bond to stay execution of this is hereby set at Said bond to be either cash or corporate bond. . The Clerk of the Court if hereby ORDERED to issue all and processes, including but not limited to Writs of in aid of satisfaction of this judgment. This is a Final Judgment disposing of ALL issues and ALL parties, and ALL prior interlocutory Orders of the Court in this cause are hereby made Final. THIS DAY OF , I hereby certifythat the lastknownaddressof Defendantis: _ Name: l Defendant’s · Address:_ . City, Zip: _ 4 s i s . MEMORANDUM: the tlme of recordation, thIs Instrumentwas found to be Inadequate for the photogrephlc of lIIegIbIIIty, or photo etc.AII · addltlons and were at the tlme the wasflledandrecorded. 5