This document contains some pages that are of poor quality DATE:MAY 21.2015 at the time of imaging. RE: MariON FOR LEAVE TO FILE WRIT OF MANDAMUS AND WRIT OF MANDAMUS IN TRIAL r.AUSE N0.809892-B AND WR-5S.762-l0. DEAR r.LERK, CAN YOU PLEASE PILE TATS DOCUMENT AND PRESENT THEM TO THE COURT FOR THEIR CONSIDRRATION. ALSO I HAVE PLACED A STAMPED ENVELOPE WITH THIS T.EETER CAN YOU PLEASE'IN- FORM ME OF THE DATE YOU RECEIVED AND FILE SAID DQr.UMENTS- C-C.F. f 1•' J ,c;EPH NES RECEIVED IN h 901768-r.ONNALLY UNIT COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS ~~~99FM 632 KENEDY,TX. 7Rll9 MAY 26 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk TRIAL CAUSE N0.809892-B WR-55,762-10 JOSEPH BARNARD HINES, § RELATOR v. § IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS CHRIS DANIEL,HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK, § RESPONDENT MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE ( S) OF SAID COURT: . RARNARn oro se.and files this motion for leave to file writ of mandamus and.request for such motion to be grante~ as Relator will show·as follows: I- Relator filed his aoolicat;on for writ of habeas corous on April 14.2014. Once the COfTRT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS reca;ued such appli- cation Relator filed a motion to hold in abeyance which was gran~J by the c.c.A. on 9/30/14,but eight day later the c.c.A. dismissed Relator's application with~ut written order.pursuant to TEX.CODR CRIM.PROC~ART. ·ll.07.sec.4(a)-f~l on 10/08/14. Re~ator then filed a motion to reconsider with the C.C.A- .whir.h was granted on 4-1-15 which granted Relator permission to supplement his application,~. giving him a daedline of Mayl,2015. Relator filed his supple- ment! writ of habeas corpus grounds on APRTL 14.?015 with the dis.- trict court of harris county[l80th] .see.Ex-nr.~uPPLEMEN'T'AL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WITH MEMORANDUMl. Relator also since a letter to the c.r.A. informing the clerk that such deadline had been met-Ree. EX-B[Relator'S LETTER TO C.C.A.] • R~,lator notice that his leading actual innocent ground was not placed into t·he supp 1 ementrll writ and he immediately supplemented the supplemental writ the next day on APRIL 15,2015,where he had ln nays left to file.see.EX-C [THE SUPPLEMENT GROUND ']'() THE SfTPPT.EMRl\l'l'.lH. WRT'T' OF HARRAS CORPUS WJ'T'H MEMOR- ANDTTMl. Although Relator requested from the district clerk if its office had received the applications he was provid~d with no re- sponse.see.Ex-DrRET.ATOR'S T.ETTER TO DIS'T'RTCT CT.RRKl. Relator contacted the mailroom supervisor of his nni t rf'ONNAT.T.vl about the packages he mailed out to the h~rris rounty district clerk on the dates s~nted in the attached memorannums ann applications of writ of haheas corpus' through the unit request form and h~ was instru- cten the packages were mailed out. see. EX-E r 1"()1\lNAT.T.V UNI'T' MATT.RnnM REQUEST FORM 1 • Thirtv-fiver35l day has pass since the filing of Relator's supplemental applications has been filen and the State fail to answer within 15 days,and the trial court failen to answer with~n 20 days,and the district clerk ha~ not forwarden the rerords ~o the CJ'.A has it's duty instructs.'T'RXf'OliH•~ CRIM.PROC.ART- 11.07"5<=-c.. :H c ) - Relator has exhausten his remedies nnd has no other adequate remedy at law and the ac~ sought"to be comoellen·is mini~teri~l. nor 'discretionary in nature. 'T' C-e:p art- 11 07 sec-3fc). \ FRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE,Relator respectfully prays the Court grants his ~dt ion for leave for writ of mandamus and compel Respondent to imme- diately transmit the supplemental applications for writ of haheas corpus. memorannnm. and exh i hi t-.s. executed on 5/22/15. CERTIFICATE OF SERVTr.P. !,JOSEPH BARNARD HINP.~.hereby cer~ify that a true and correct coo~ of this motion for leave ~o file wri~ of mandamus with app1.ication for wri 1;: of mr~ndam11.R was mailed b~ U.S- P S to~ THE CLERK OF THE COURT OF r.RTM~NAL APPEAL~ ~t P-O-BOX 12308. CAPITOL ·STATION', AUSTIN, TP.X AS 7A71 1 ~ann ~o! PHRT s DANTP.T-HARRIS: COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK at.p.o ROX 4n"ll .HOTTSTQN,TX.77210-4nSlon 5/22/15. executen on 5/21./.15 B. HINP.S ---=~-...,EPH #901768-CONNALLY'UNIT .8.99 FM 632 KP.NEDV.TX.· 78119 3 TRIALR CAUSE N0.809892-B WR-55,762-10 JOSEPH BARNARD HINES. RET.A'T'OR v. ~ IN THE COURT 0~ r.RTMINAL APPRALS CHRIS DANIEL/DISTRICT CLERK OF HARRIS r.OflN'l'Y, RR.~PONnF.NT PROPOSR ORnRR Qn this day,carne On tO be hearn thP foregoing Relator's motion for le;:me to file writ of mandamus and it appears to the court that the same should be: GRANTED IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the district clerk of harris county shall im- mediately transmit to the COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Documents fi!ed unner the above cause a.R supplemental writ of habeas corpus. SIGNED on this-----day of--------- , 20-··- -. PRESIDING JUDGE 4 TRAIL CAUSE N0-809~92-B WR-">'),762-10 JOSEPH BARNARD HINES § RELATOR "- § IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS C.HRIS DANIEL.HARRIS C.OUNTY DISTRirT CLERK. § RESPONDENT ORIGINAL APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO THE HONORABLE ,JUDGE ( S) OF SAID COURT OF . CRIMINAL APPEALS~ Comes now,JOSEPH BARNARD HTNES, Relator- in pro se. in the above- styled and numbered cause of action and files this oriainal ann- lication for writ of mandamus pursuant to article 11.07 ~ection 3 (c) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procenure.and would show the court the followina: I. Relator is an offender incarcerated in the TEYAS-DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JTTSTICE.-WHO CAN BE LOCATED ~T R99 FM 632,KENRDY,TX-78llQ TI. Relator haR exhausted his re~edies ann has no other aneauate remedv at law and the a~t souaht to be compelled is ministerial not discretionary in nature. T-C.C.P- art- ll.07sec-3(c) requires Resnondent to immeniatelv transmit to the COURT OF CRIMINAL APP- EALS a coov of the aoplication for writ of habeas coronR.anv ans- wer filed.and a certificate recitina the date 1100n which that findina was made,if the convictina court decides that there are no isRues to be resolved. Relator contends that he filed his aonlication for writ of ha- be~s corous on APRIL 14.?014. Once the rOURT OF CRIMINAL APPRALS [C-C-A. 1 received such aoplication Relator filed a motion to holn in abevance which was oranted by the c.c.A on 9-":l0-14,bnt eiqht days later the C.C.A dismissed Relator's appli~ation without written order.oursuant to TEX.CODE CRIM-PROC.ART.ll 07,sec-4 1 (a)(c) on 10-8-14- Relator then·filed a motion to reconsider with the C.C.A- which was granted·on 4-1-15-which qranted Relator permiRsion to supplement his application,qivinq him a deadline of MAY 1,201S. Relator filed his supplemental~writ of habeas corpus grounds on APRIL 1412015 with the district court of harris county [ l80th] • see 1 EX-A fSUPPLEMENTAL WRIT OF HABEAS CQRPUS WITH MEMORANDUM]. Relator also sent a letter to the c.c.A. informinq the clerk tha~ such deadline had been met.see.Ex-srHELATOR'S LETTER TO c.c.A. t Re- lator notice that his leadinq actual innocent ground was not placed into the supnlemental writ and he immediately suoplemented the supplemental writ of habeas corous the next dav o'n; ··;' ~APRIL 151 "• . 2015.where he had 16 days left to file.see,EX-C[ THE SUPPLEMENT·· ::,-· GROUND TO THE SUPPLEMENTAL WRIT. OF HABEAS CORPUS. WITH MEMORANDUM 1• A1 tho-'- uqh .Relator requested ·from the district clerk if it's office had received the supplemental application.he was provided with no resoonse. see EX-n r RELATOR'S LETTER TO DISTRTC"T CLERK] • Relator con- 1 tacted the mailroom supervisor of his unit[CONNALLYlabout the packaqes he mailed out to the.harris countV district clerk on the dates stated in the application for writ of habeas cornus' and memorandums'fSUPP~EMENTAL'S] throuqh the unit ~equest form and he was informed the packa~es·were mailed out.see,EX-F.[CONNALYUNIT MAILW'OM REOIJEST FORM]. Thirty-five[35l days has·pass since the filino of·Relator's supplemental appl i r.ations has been·. filed and the State failed to answer within 15 davs, and the trial court failed to answer within 29 days1and the district clerk has not forwarded the records to the C.C~A-· has it's duty instructs.TEX CODE CRIM. PROC.ART. 11.07 Rec.3( c). PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHF.REFORE.Relator resoectfully pravs the Court qrants his motion for le~ve for writ of mandamus and· compel .Respondent to immediately transmit the supple- mental applications for writ of habeas corpus,memorandums,and exhibits. executed on 5-22~15. .TOSEPH CONNALLY'UNIT 899 F'M 632 2 .·.·:~·<-. CERTTFICATE OF SERVICE !,JOSEPH BARNARD HINES,HEREBY r.ERTIFY THAT THIS OR!h!NAL APPLICATION OF WRIT OF MANDAMTTS WITH ALL EXHTBITS MENTION WAS MAILED BY US.P.S- TO:THR CLERK OF THE COURT OF CRIMIN~L APPE~LS at-p.O.BOX 12308·CAPITOL STATTON,AUSTIN,TX- 787ll.and the same was mailed by U.S.P.S- TO:CHRIS 'oANIEL-HARRIS COUNTY DIS-' TRir.T CLERK AT-P.O~BOX 4t;5LHOTTSTON,TX. 77?.10-4651 on 5-22:...:.15~ executed on 5-21~15. HINES#901768 CONNALLY UNIT 899 FM 632 KENEnY,TX. 78119 3 TRIAL CAUSE ~0-809892-B WR-"i5,762-10 AFFIDAVIT !,JOSEPH BARNARD HINES,SWEAR UNDER OATH THAT THF. FACTS AND ALLF.GATIONS IN THE ABOVE APPLICATIONS FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS ARE TRUE AN UNSWORN DECLARATION I.JOSEPR BARNARD HINES;IS PRESENTLY INCARCERATEn IN T.D.C.J.-TD AT THE CONNALLY UNIT, AND SWEAR UNDER THE PENALTY OF PER.TURY THAT THIS STATEMENT' IS TRTTE AND CORRECT- 4 TRIAL CAIJSE N0~809892-B WR-5S.762-l0 JOSEPH BARNARD HINES, § RELATOR v. § IN ~HE COURT OF CRTMINAL APPEALS r.HRIS DANIEL.DISTRICT CLERK OF HARRIS COTTNTY, § RESPONDENT PROPOSE ORDER On this dav.came on to be heard the'foreaoino Relator's orioinal aoolication of writ of mandamus and it appears to the r.ourt that the same should be~ GRANTED IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED,that 'the district clerk shall. immediately transmit to the court of criminal apneals the supplemental applir.ations for writ of habeas corpus,memorandums,andexhihits filed in the above cause- SIGNED ON THIS -----DAY OP------------- ,20 PRESIDING JUDGE ( 5 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS APPLICATION FOR A \VRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS SEEKING RELIEF FROM FINAL FELONY CONVJCTION UNDER CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, ARTICLE 11.07 INSTRl1CTIONS L You must usc the complete form, which begins on the following page, to file an .application for a wdt of habeas coqms seeking t~clief from a final felony conviction under Article 1 1.07 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. (This form is not for death- penalty cases, probated.sentenccs which have not been revoked, or misdemeanors.) 2. The district clerk of the county in which yQu wer·e convicted will make this form available to you, on request, without chat·ge. 3. You must file the entire writ application fonu, including those ~ect:ions that do not apply to you. If any pages are missing from the fonn, or if the questions have been renumbe1·ed or omitted, );our entire application may be dismissed as non-compliant. 4. Vou must make a separate application on a separate fonn fm· each _judgment of conviction you seek relief from. Even if the judgments were entered in the same court on the same day, you must malH:', a separate application for each one. 5. Answer e\et·y item that applies (o you on the form. Do not attach any additional pages for any item. 6. You must include all grounds for relief on the applicatioJi form as pt·ovided by the instmctions unde:· item 17. You must also briefly summarize the facts of your claim on the applicatioiiform as pmvided by the instmctions under item 17. Each ground shall begin oi:'t ~t new page! and the recitation of the facts suppot~ting the gt·ound shall be no hmg(•r than the rwo pages provided for the claim in the fonn. 7. Legal citations and arguments ma:--· be made in a separate memorandum that complies with Texas Rule of Appellate Pn~cedure 73 and does not exceed 15,000 words if computer-genera:ted or 50 pages if not. 8. You must verify the applic.ation hy signing either the Oath Belorc 'iotary Public or the Inmate's Dtc!aratiori, whiCh arc at £he end of this form on pages 11 and 12. You may be .prosecuted and convicted fm· aggravated pcrjur·y if you make any false statement of a material fact in this application. 9. '\Vhen the applica1ion is fully completed, mail the original to the district cler·k of the county of conviction. Keep a copy of the application for youT records. ·~ rL .:ou must notify the distJ·ict dct"k of the county.~. of eom·iction Many change in ~ address after~ ou have filed your application. - Rev. Ol/14/P IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS APPLICA TlON FOR A WRH OF HABEAS CORPUS SEEKING RELIEF FROl\l FINAL FELONY CONVLCTION UNDER COHE OF CRl!\liNAL PROCEDURE, ARTICLE 11.07 NAME: -J"o-..::~"'.t;,'"t:f'r.:n;r---,Bt;'t"ix:t-=:-.,_-ri'.'JH'Ar.R71l:T)--e:ra-Tf'-NNHf.i-<~.s~------------------- DATE OF BIRTH: i'iARCH 36,1981 PLACE OF CONHNEl'viENT: TEXAS DEPAR'!'ME;N~t' ot C?..J.i•J!l'!f\!_, ·JUbJ.'lCt:. TDC.J-CJD NUMBER: ---!:S~·Ot:±l:-f-:'>o€9~.- - - - SID N U M B E R : - - - - - - - - - (l) This application concerns (check all that apply}: C . a conviction 0 parole ){ ~P a sentence 0 mandatory supc1·vision •• ·u time <:Tcdit 0 out-of-time appeal or petition for discrctionarv n:vicw (2} What district com"t entered the judgme.nt of the conviction you want rclieffrom? (inciude the court number and coumy.) 180th DlSTRlC'l' CvtJH.'l' o:· HARRiS COUN'rY ·,,. · (J) \Yhat was the case number in the trial court? 809892 (4} Wlwt \\'as tbc name ofthe tr·ial judge'? DE'PrUE r·!.. S'fRICKLIN THIS IS A 3UP.PI.El'fiEN'l'AL APPLICA'l'ION 1'~'.) THE ABOVE CASE NUHBER AP.PHDVE BY. 'J..'Bt: EfJ:l:'ciivc: .l;muarv l, ')014 Rc\. 01!14/J4 . ·, (5) Were: you represented by counsel"? lfyes, provide the attorney's name: CHARLES A~ BRa--JN (6) What was the date that the judgment was entered'? OC1~RB~~ 29,1999 (7) For what offense we1·e you convicted and what was the sentence? AGGRAVA1'ED SE:..'WAL ASSAUL'r/ LIFE (S} If you \\'ere sentenced on more than one count of an indictment in the sanie court at the same time, what. c.onnts were you con·vided of.and what was the sentence in each count? (9) What was the plt~a you entered? (Check one.) D guilty-op'-'n plea 0 guilty-plea bargain e5 not guilty C nolo coltlelldere!no lf you entered different pleas to counts in a multi-count indictment, please explain: Bt·l/A (HI) What kind of trial did you have'! 0 no .iury tJ jun· for guilt and punishment C jurl' fot· guilt, judge fot· punishment 2 Rev. 01/14!14 r· '.' (ll) Did you testify at t.-iall.APP.LEXIS 1918,2014 WL 6997 366. Also, by tne pr~pond~r~mce of the evidence, but fer the: vivlativi) of a cons!·itiltlon?l r-i.gbt r·o .i;aticnf;ll juro:r· could hav.:J found Apjplicant guilty beyond a ~:easonable doubt where jurisdiction is lacking,in the district court, and fm:· the prinq)lHs s~t our. in GR.J~.HA!Vl V. F10fUDA, 550 130 S.Ct~,I70 L.Ed.2d 825t2010 U6 Lr,XIS 831 & t- ., . •11A4 161 •· l"r'L ?d 1 · (15) I10'1'0tt·ctu'Tc'nfty nave:-an) pctition"tfr ~lppcal pending in any other state or federal court? 1.0 yes 0 no [f you ans·wercd yes, ph.'.asc provide the name of the court and the case i:mmbm·: 'l'BE \'!RI'I' OF !iABEAS COR.PGS IN '.L'BIS vvH-55, 762-10/Tk. lli0~<109892-l:l .!S S'l'ILL PE!.~DJ.l\l~ WJ:'i.l.Lt; UHci ;:,uPPL.b1>'iC:N'J.' 18 ot::J.N0 !.'' J.LI::U. (J 6) If you are presenting a claim for time tTcdit, have you exhausted your administrati\'e remedies by presenting your claim to the time credit resolution system ofthc Texas Department of Criminal Justice? (This rcqttirement applies to any final felony conviction. including st~He jail felonies) 0 yes C no ..", If you answered yes, ariswct· the following qut~stions: .. ·~. (A) \Vhat date did you present the daim'! (B) Did you receive a decision and. if yes, what was the date of the decision'? W/7~·-------------------------------------------------------------- If you answet·<'d no, please explain why you have nol submitted your claim: N/A F<.e.v. 0 I/ 14: ~ . ~ (17} Beginning on page 6, state cmu.:ise(r e.very legal. ground. for your dailil that you arc being unlawfully restrained, and then bric11y summariz'~ the facts supporting each ground. You must present each ground on the fotm application and a hdef summary of the facts. lfyourgrounds and briefsummary ofthefacts ltave not been presented on t!reform applicatio11, the Court will not consider your grounds. If you have more than four gt~ounds, use pages 14 and 15 ofthe form, which ·you may copy as many times as needed to give you a separate page for each ground, with each gwund numben~d in sequence. The z·ccitation of the facts supporting each ground must be no longer than the two pages provided for the ground in the form. ·vou may include with the forma memm·andum of law if you want to present legal authorities, but the Court will not coriside1· grounds for relief set out in a memorandum of law that were not raised on the form. The citations and argument inust he in a memorandum that complies with Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 73 and does not exceed 15,000 words if computer-generated or 50 pages if not. If you arc challenging the validity of your c.onviction, please include a summary ofthe fads pertaining to your offense and trial in your menwrandum. 5 Rev. 0 1/14/ 14 THE JUVENILE COURT ABUSED IT'S DISCRETIONAIN WAIVING IT'S JURIS- GROUND ONE: DICTlO!·l lN 'l'l{ANSf'£Ril'.ltil AP.i?LJ:CAN'l' '£0 A CR!NINAL DISTRIC1' COUR'l', THEREFORE THE CRIMINAL DISTRIC COUR'l' LACKED JURISDICI'ION OVER APPLICk"'JT WHERE 'l'HE TRANSFER ORDER &<".ADt.: i.\10 eiNDIL"'t',;S AOOU'l' 'l'HE SPECH'ICS OF THE ALLJ::GEO O.f~'ENSE AND ca:RCL!l-l- STANC£3. FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND ONE: THE .JUVENILE COUR'l' TR!'.NSi"ER ORDER DOES ~JOT CO!'::'l'AIN SPECIFICS E'INDJ.NGS OF 'l'HE -;;. COUR'l' IN IT 1 S RBASONS FOR TRANSFP.R OF -~PLICANTbsoo,EX-DtORDER v1A1VING JUR- ISDlC"l'ION,ALSO,SUPPLEMENTAL EX-A}. 'l'HE ONL'l REASON STATED FOR 'l'RA.NSE'ER OI:'" APPLICANT IS 'I'f.lE O~P.E:NSE ALi..r-:Gf::D ~VAS A SERIC>US ONE,AND THE OFFENSE WAS AG- . ·\ AINST A PERSUN.sae,EX-·D(ORbER WAIVING -JURISDIC1'ION,ALSO EX-A-SUJ?PLE!"l&\l1'AL] ~ SEE ALSO A'l"l'ACHI~D MEMOH!\!1DUJYJ OF Li\vv. ALSO, 'I'HE TRANSFER ORDER IN QUES'l'ION lS ON FILE ~JII'i:l 'l'HE COURT OF CRH1INAL Af'PEAL::i Ui\IULK V'JR-!)5, 762-05. Rev. 0 iii 4: l .:.; -··-·-·---········--···~----·----------------- 7 ,, GROUND TWO; APPLICANT'S EIGH'l'H AND FOUR'.I'EEN'.I'H N-1ENDMEN'1' RIGHTS WAS VlOLA'.PBD DURING 'fEE SEN'.I'ENClNG S'l'AGE: OF TRIAL, DUE •ro 'l'HE DISTRICT ATTORNE:Y' S JUDG!"JEN'l' MADE: 'f.~T THE OUT-SET TilNr HE ~·:ILI, l-JEVER BE FIT 'l'O RE-ENTER SOCIE'rY. FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND TWO:'!'HE DISTRICT A1"l'ORNEY i1JADE 'l'HB JiJDGNEN'l' A'£ THE OUT SET Ti1AT Ai?PLlCANT \·IOULD NI::VE..:=t BE FIT 1'0 P£-EN'rBR SOCIE'i'Y DURING '.f'IJE; t''''' SENTENCING S'l'AGE; BY INE'ORf>tiNG THE JURY. THAT APPLICANT COULD NO'r BE FIX, REHAB- ILJ.T.i-\TED, HE WOU.i..D NEVER BE RIGHT, Al'\JiJ '1'0 DldW::!GUAiJlli£->..G;D HINES being: presently incarccnncd in . declare under penalty of 1li"JI.S IE?JlR.i.r.tiw-Ck_,--C"i:mrt1'LAL JL.BtlCl' perjury that according tn my belief. the facrs stated in the above application arc true and correct. ··,· Signed on---,-=,--,-.,-- ______ ,20 .AfHIL l3 15 17 .. !. .. r.· Rev_ 01/l4/P ex-A PETITIONER'S INFORMA TlON Petitioner's printed name: Address: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Telephone: Fax: Signed on -------~- ._ _ _ _ ;20_ _ Signature of Petitioner 18 Rev. Ol/14/14 •; '. IN THE C..'O!JRT GF CfUNIN..I'\L APPEALS OF TEXAS. E;X Pi\RJ.'c § JOSEPH BAKNARD HINES, § TRIAL CAUSE N0.809,892-B APPLICANT § WR-55,762-10 SUPPLEMENTED M8MORANDUM OF.' LAvJ AND· ARGUMBNT IN SUPPORT OF SECOND APPLICATION FOR WRIT Of HABEAS CORPUS RELIEF,PORSUAN~ ·TO T.C.C.P. ARTICLE 11.07§ 4(a)(l)(b)AND (a)(2). TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF SAID COURT: NOW COMES,JOSEPH BARNARD HINES,Applieant,in pro se,seeking ha~ oeas corpus relief pureu.~nt to T.c.c .. p. AR'l'. 11 .. 07 § 4(a)(l)(b)W and {a) (2). Aplicant submits that he is baing illegally confined in that his conviction is in violation of law of both the Unit~d States and Texas Con.atitutions:·Where Applicant is baing d~prived of hia dua process rights guaranteed by the 14th amendment of the United States Constitution. Applicant was granted permission by the Court of Criminal App- eal~ to supplement his second 11.07 writ of nabeas corpus in 'the above writ and trial cause numbers. .l'! ";! / l ... I .t ··-~; J. .' !''I -·······! X !.-_,..... ·'(. ! .t ,r. :. I 'c· ·:---·'·-.-· ~..· / :r UJ, PRO SE , I ,/· /· / ..,....... ,.,.·.. .I. I .•. /1 '~ ..... . ,.,y-:··· ···: -···· T l'rLES: PAGES • • . . EYJUdi1'S • !I 1!! .. GROUND ONE l-5 ALSO: EX-i) EX-F-. ( Oi~u;;.;.R AJ.L':.: 1!I;r:: ,;-;_;~~rsD:<:1'1:1~~j Wai.a o.t:ci~!t· lc; .:tl-..o Cii c··~eocd ~Lien t:t<:' Court • of Cr.iminC~l Ap~~l::t in ~·;R-5!i, 76.1.-05, BX-B [ or~ET.'". r::..~!. ·rfi8 CC'O!~·:i' t)L·' !:L,l.l·llt~-~L .~Pf?E~~:~ L;~ GR~~\t~·.L'I.~((; ~P.P:~.c~\Ft~J .• '):C· ;~- I~E. ..J~.i~..:·-~ P.LJ:.:F;&-..;'l'AL ~.i:U'l' OE~ l:iA~EAS CCP...t"fJ.3) .·.. ·... '· ·, / ,.•· ·...·~ ···:;.. II. ·<:.· .·.. ·-. ', GROUNDS FOR RBLII!;F PRES~'I'ED ll'4 S.t;l.'ONIJ SUi?PLEr>tciNTAL WRll' OP HABEAS CORPUS. GROu.i:..,1i vi-ill ~ :L'hi.; JUVENILE. OOUR'.l' ABUSW L:1' 1 S DlSCR£'.UON ... ' IN WAIVING IT 1 S JURIS- DICTION AND 'L'~SE'BRRING APPLICAN'.f 'l'O A CitlMINAL DIS'l.'RJ.:C'l' COU.K'l'; THE:ru::f"'RE Tar:; CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT LACKED JURl~DlC.".l'lON OVER APPLICANT WHERE THE TRA- NSFER ORDER MADE NO FINDINGS ABOU'l' THE SPt;C!FICS OF 'l'HE ALLEGED :JFL?ENSE AND GRCCliND T'wO: A.t'PLICAI.\4'£ 'S E.tGHTaf AND FOU.Rl'EEN'l'il AM&'IDMBN'l' RlGli'l'S :WAS VIOLATED OUi.Ui~G 'l'nE .SENTEi:~CING S'l'AGS OF '!'RIAL, DUE TO THE DISTRICT A'l"l'OONEY 1 S JUDGMENT MADE A'l' ·J:HE 0U'l·-SEI' TdAT riE WILL NEVEH BE E'Il' 'lU RE-EN'l'BR SOCIETY. III. ... ___..... ,. PROCEDURAL li.i.S'IOH.Y Applicant was arrested at the age of (16) sixteen and charged as ajuven~le wi~b the offense in qu•stion. The scate filed a pet- l iti~n ~euking the waiver of jurisdi~tion·~f the 313th juv~nila diut:: l.Ct court. see, EX- D [PETITION ] • A c·~:x:-tifledt.loo hwar.l.l&g waa nald wher~ the juveniJ.a court granted the State.!) petition and .ioaued a Oi:~ waiv- · · ing J~.:n:.isdiction •.9ae,EX-f) [ORDER WAIV"IOO JURISDICTION;SEE ALSO API?L.LCAI.'-l'.I''i ADDITIONAL A'l"rACH COP.Y AT EX-A]. Applicant to the l80th district court for c~im w~s tcan~ferr&d proceedi"lgs t where na plea. not guilty and proce&d to jury . trial. Tna jury found hlm guilty and 6~n~ence him to life in the Texa.'3 Department of Cr icuincd. Justl.c:~ ~ystem. aee, EX- S [ JU])3MENT & SEN'l'Ei.'l~f~ J• .!\pplicant filed a noi;.it:.:= ~:.if ~ppe.:::.l through counael ,which was - affi~med hy cne l4ch Court of Appaal& iANO appeal to the ord~r waiving JUrisdiccion was ~ak~n wh~re Applicant waa not inforilled ov C(?rti.t:J.cation counse.i,oc t.rial coun.:sel.~~a,EX··l· [AE'FIW-WI'l' BY AP!?LICAN'l'], or O'J t.he juvenile court of the right. t·J ap£)cal.aER t"IAIVI~...; JURISDIC''l'ION;ALSO SUPPLEMENTAL EX-A]. Applicant chen filed his original 11.07 writ of habeas corpus ,Hhich was denied without ordar~ Applicant th•an filed 1M his second 11.07 writ of habeas corpua,which is still pending i~ tne court of Criminal Appeals,and h• was granted permission to supplement said habeas corpus within 30 days.aee,EX-B[COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS ORDER) • · . '~. . :~. .. . IV ..;.·, .. _, 11.07 SECTION 4 STA~£MENT: Applican~ ~ow supp~ement nis section 4 ataeement pursuant to arLtcle ll.07§4(a){l)(b) and (a)(2}. Because the current claima ha£ not b?gn and could not have been reasonaoly formulated on the data of ~ha filing of his original .haDaa~ ~orpua,because the leg~ basis of tho claim[ standard for r.aview] waa not recognied by and co- uld not hav~ b~en reaso~nbly formulaced from a final decision ·Of a cour~ of App~ll3~2t J~riodicticn of chis State on or before the oi hi. .:; or.:i.gine:11 ~~bea~ corpus.sea,MOON v. S'l'ATE, . ao s.w. 3d 366(~rEXn APP~-HOUSTON[lst dist.J2013: Alflf 1 1l_S.W. 3d_,2014 TEX. CRIM. APP. LEXIS 1918,2014 WL 6997366.]. Also,tiy che preponderance of tho evidence,but tor the violation of Applicant's du~ process righLa of &he Uniced Stat~s Conacituc- icn no r.~-:ional jc1ro.!'" n.::v.a £oun.S him guilty where· the crim- inal dis~r~ct court ~ackad jurisdiotion~aad ~he set out in GRAHAM v. PLOR!DA,560 U3-,l30 S.Ct.-,176 l.&d 2d 825,2010 US LSXIS 3~81 and ROPER v. SIMMONS,543 U.S. 551,125 S.Ct.ll83,161 L. Ed .. 2d l. Under che plain la~guage of the acatu~e,once an Applicanc tiles :~~~~~~~1~1iL'ieftfl challenging !:h~ conviction,all subsequ.,n~ ciippli- ca~iona regarding ~ha sarn9 conviction must mae~ 'o~a' of the ~wo conditions sec torth in,T•xaa Code of Crimina~ eroc~dur~a 11.07 § 4(a)(l) and (2).see,£X PARTE WHIT£SIDE,l2 S.W. 3d 821. The Texas COurt of Criminal Appeals held,~wha& iQ ~acking in . . our statutory scheme-as is lacking in KENT-is any ~xprasa state- ment of the applicable standard of appellate revi~w of the JU- venile court'a tr~nafer order. In the absence of an explicit statutory st~ndard of app~ll~te • review,tne court of Appeals have filled the void with decisioncill law spelling out now tnat will go abo•t providing the "meaning- ful review" contemplated by KENT.aee,MOON v. STATE,2014 TEX. CRIM.APP. LEXIS l9l8:see also,MOON v. STA'l'E,410 S.W. 3d 366(tex. APP.-HOUS'l'ON[lst dist]2013). Justice KELLER,atated,"For almost forty years,the tendency a- mong the courts of appeals has been to hold tn~t a JUvenile tr'an~ fer orde~ need not specify in detail the facts supporting the order. The Court of Appeals in this case broke rank with the v. weight of that •~thority,ctnd ~his Ccurt no~ goes along w1tn the CC•')~~t c.>f App~a.!.s .:&acor.vC~ntional holding." In en• instant ca~~,evan if Applicant hdd rai~~ ~h~ iaaua abuse ~f di~cr~tion/lack of ju~isdiction on appeal cr in hi~ original • writ of ~db~as ~o~pus it would hawe b~en fruitless wnere there wao a voi~ in tns statutory ache~~ proc~ss of a applicaDla stand- ard cf t''6vi~l·.'. In con~e~ning Ap~:icanc'a s~cond ground the princples of sup- •;;.me COurt.. ~·,~li~'l::JS L& GftAUAM v. FLORIDA,560 US-,130 S.Ct.-~176 L~ Cd 2d 825:2010 US L~XIS 3J81 ~od ROP~R v. SIMMONS,543 U.S. 551, 125 s.c~. 1183,16! ~. Ecl. 2d l.,n~d no~ b~~n $atabliahed that it would ba a violation of the ~igtlth dill~ndmQn~. if the scate mak~s th~ j~dgm~nt ~t th~ out-~*t th~t th~ juvenile wi~l neve~ be fit t t<'ir..aJ. 1~·-, App.l ica.•lt cusn.-:.::nde hia euppitemental writ of habeas i;..h~t cQ>rJ?i.Ji~ c-.::1-c~ins l•U";,Jal oasi.:o wl11ch w.a.;;. uuc.tvCAild.bltt on o1.· before • th~ f1!ing ~f ~is original babQaa said claim could corpu~;wh~re not hclVO b~an raa~onably formul4ted trom the final decision of a Cou~t of ~pp~ll~t• Juri~dic~~c~ gf ~hi~ ~ta~~~~nd bu~ tor a vio• l~tion of the Unit~d s~~t~a Con~:itution. no rational jutor could hcwe found him. •::-Jui.l.ty \1lt~l.~e ~;h~ c~·ia.inti:iJ. courL lacked JUriadict- ion,ana cne violation of his e1ghth am~nciment right. VI. -. · ..... ., ·... ~ ... ·.. , GRCOOU ONE: Tl.£.'; JUVr.'tilJ.IJLE C'OUH'l' Aallol::D l.:t' ~ OiSCL:.>..r.."'TION IN WAIVING I'l' 1 S JORI8- 0ICl'iC(J AND 'r'~Uu'l3FE1UUNG APPLICANTTO A CRIMINAL OIS'rRICT COUR1';'.L~OR£ THE CR!.~:;"W!,L DIS'.i'RJ.C':L' COiJRT LACKED JUR!SDicr.L'ON OVER APPLICANT WHERE THE TRANSFER t...BCUT THE SPECIFICS OE' THE: . ~ED Oh'FEL-ISE 0!~ CIRCUM- -- STANDARD FOR REVIEW: When reviewing cne pruC'C!ilo of a j~v~nile coiJct; \:.i:ansferin;s a ju~ venile to a crim~nal cii&~r{~~ court ia r~view~d by KENT v. UNITED STATES,the Unlt~d s'ates Suprema courc characturized th~ sc~tu tory t~ansier procd~ain~a in cne dis~~ioc ot Columbi~ as "criti- calll· importont" (.c\nd_ h<:dd cnat aay stat.ut:ory m!ilchanism to" waiv- ing JUY~ni~e- cou'~ JU~i~dictio~ mus: a~ le~at "ru~asur~ up to the essen~lal$ ot aue p~oca•~ aad fair ~r~at~ent. cAmong tne reQui8- itee\of a minimally fair transfer process is the opportunity for a meaningful ~pp~~latw ~evi& lti L.Ed.2d 84,383 US 54!,86 s.ct. 1045. A policy memorandum ji)rOmulga.t~d by ~;h~ di.;;t.cJ.ct ot Culumoi.a ju- the juvenile couct~~ qiac~~t1o'~ iu tiac~ding whether ~~iv~r of i t ' it•s jurlsd~v~i~a ovar ~ ~a~~~cu!ar JUV~nila oifender i~ d~pra- Tne Texas legislature iricorpor~tad ~ho3• factora sat out in KEN~1into it's o~n st•tu,ory schame.Tex. Pam. CODE Ann.§54.02(f). 'J.'de 1st Court of App~al.s ·of · :Jou,~ton has a-9t a proper standard for a meaningful review comtemplated by KENT,in it's rulin9 in MOON v. STATE,410 S.Wo 3d 366,2013 Tex. App. LEXIS 9345(Tex. App. J.l~'""Sh,.. l5'.f. ~:-d·. -z 0 IJ eJ.CC: 1 - S' ,(.). JJ - 'l.OI"f ~( ( , I f'l1 , ftf'P. t...eo<:1 l I. ·z. Ci"i 'iho::..~ o.Efena~ :illt:::g<1:d~but: th"' court s::"JO'J.'=iid nv J:indtns;e.:;;fle,E.X..:,D (ORDER WAlVIi.'iG JUfUSDier:CON,ALSO SUi?PLFt*~NTII.. EX-AJ. The J'lq~~il~ continued furc~er wh~r~ c~~cc ~bu~adof a~~cr~tlou the o~dar wsivin~ juii~di~~ion aid not specifically state it's ~e ~dons f~~ uaivgr ~nd ~ar~tf~ it'a ac~ion~ ~n a written ord~: or tne ~indin~s 0f ~h~ ~our~. 1h~ JUV~~il~ cour~ ilia~ely filled out a fol::"m c"H't.:i. 7:.· i'..::.:lt::.~:u~. ;jr.:l.::c c .;:uti;...;d.ninc;:; "uoJ..i.~l:'plai;c" language and did noc 1nclude specific ~vld0ntiary !~ndiOi3 to support ~c·~ ~e ter:ni.rk.:':t::>n~'l·.:~.;;:~~ E:·:- D [ :;I18!~R £'ilf.~\ilNG .JlJRl.SLi:LCTIOL'.J,ALSO SUPPLE..M8N'l'AL EX-A]. R;dcr.e ~' J'..!'Jimi.::;: c~)i.4r~~ .n-'.il· ;.A~rcic~ J.t.'~ uacr~~tUon co waive jurisdiction •- ov~:- a.::1 ."1.~• .1-·::g-:·j :::t'.d.l•;t <)ff~n;;Je.~·. i.:i1~ juvoanil~ court must consider. th~ n0~-exclusiv~ st~c~~Ori t~ctar~ Qt Idzae F~rui~y Cod~ Ann.§ 54.02(il t~ ~~cilcat~ the JUV~nil~ co~rt'~ balsncing of the pot- ent5al rlans~r to t~e ~~blic poe~d by en~ p~rticular juvgnila of- f iiiad•.-:!.' ,.~,L 1:h :!:'I.e ct. f·;;:n~~J:' ~ .;&>>19ih:tu.,J.ity c.o treacment. Should ~ne juvGnilm ccnrt ch~c~~ ~~ ~x~c~iee 1t'e discretion to diraccs it to statu specifically in a writcen order it's reasons for waiver and to certify it:~ 4Ction,iucluding the written order and findings of ths couct .. .sea,GU.ERR~O v. s·rA•J:·t:, 2014 TEX. APP. ~ LEXIS 13773(TEX. APP. 14th dist.-Houaton). Texas Family Code Ann.§54.02(~) obviously contemplaces that botb the juvenile court's raasons for waiveug iC 1 $ jurisdiction and .. ·~:: .. :,.~ . . I th~ findings of fact that undergrid thos2 reasons ahould appaat 1 in the tranafer order. In order to justify the broad discretion inve~ted in tne juvenile couct,a court should ta~e pains to show it's wQrk,as it were,by spr~~tclding it's deliberative process on the record,tnereby provid•ng a aura-footed and definite basis from which an appel.Late court can determine that it's decision was in fact dppropriately guided by the statucort ~riteria,prin~ cipl·~d, and reasonable-in short, that it is a aacision demonatra . 1 r11 Prl t\1.4-t \ ( r ably deserving of appellate cap&:iHtcxtHt£' even if the appellate 2 e-x-A lil.1t stA-~.IL cout·t: rni·~ht hi'iVS r·aa~b&.a a. u;.-;: r:tt.n:~m: i..·ea~l.U•• 'lbe 'l·ui•*W•aLe pur?osa of Tex. Famq Code Ann.§54.02(h) is not w~ll aerved by a tran~fo~ ~rd~~ so lacking in sp~culate as to tha juvenile cour~s r~a~~~s f~r fi~dingst~ansfer co be app~o~r1&t~ or tbe facts the juv~:1i).'J ·::::li.tCi: f.ound to substam:iate tL1o.s:: reasons .. Conversely,. the juvenile cou~t that doae the heavy lifting Tsx.Fam.Code Ann. §54.02[h} requires and shawa i~'s work snou!d rar~ly be r~versed • .:.a "':1:1 :i.d i a.L5\.i i·lD\.A~ v ~ S'l'A~rR, '014 TEX. ~.. API?. LEXIS 1918. TRANSFERRIN~ JUVENILE JURIS6ICTION -----...-··- -·-- ...... ju~~~~~~ c~u~: illei h~iv~ l&'a ~xclu~iv~ criginal jw~i~ciiction and t~-.~.n;.:;!:u.: ,. c41i2.d c;:i<:tt..:: didt.t:.·:;.ct. .::our::. ~ crimi.ilal ~~ b~vv viold~ad ·~ i -: ( l \ ..L ;' :. t.!1t.: • .... ·., ,J - .. .:;. ... -L\..;.: ..... . ... ...:; penal law of the , ( ...') ' ..:1<:'::i.i:.·.:.:,i:i>ld :'l;;. ::tdj~•·..:;;.::;~::.l,~.-. El·J~.:;;:.;,:; !l.:.t;.) !..·.l~U c,;;,u.:JiJCtttd concern- iit9 c::l&..ti.:. .:;:':f.o;;•3·S'; or ( ~s) 15 i .;.;;.:,:;;. ,;.;i ~.J ... o::: >Jlalu· ~;,;. t.t1e t••111t 8 tha child i3 all~~ad to n~v~ ccmmi:t~J 'he ofiense,~f che of- fer;:;:,~: is a f.:lcnly. a:~~~ .s·.:::c·.:H;.d . or ::.::..i~j d.;;~roe:et or a state ~ jail t~lony,and no ~djudicati~n ~~ar1ng ha~ o~en conducted concerning that off.::ns(;; .3nd ( 3) .;iftut· a ~ul.l .i.n',.;·,, anJ ~ '=' hi;;tarin-9, tlH: juv.;,nila c::.urt determii1e(i that there is prot;)eble cause tc believe that the child before the court committed the offQns& alleged and that because of th~ seriouaneaa of tna of- i~nGe alleged or the background of ths child the walfare of ~be coillmuuity requirea c~iruinal proceedings.Tex. ram. Code Ann §:i4.02 (a). To taci11tat@ this determination,the juvenile court must con- sida~,among other m•tters,th• following factors: 1] whech~r the aileged offense waa against ~ar~oa or property, with greater weigh~ in favor of c~ansfer given to offenses a- gainat th~ paraun: 2] tha e~phiatication and maturity ~f tha child: 3 .Ex-: IT .. ...... . - '' ~--· . .. ; 3] ~ha record and priviou~ bi~tory of the qh1ld; 4] che prospect of adequate p:at~ction of tha public and the lik~ ilhood of the rehabilitatiorr of th~ qhild by usa of prcc~dure~ • ·, /. ' • • \ • • • I ·~, ' .ssrvi ces, and tacili ti.e~ curren.tly: ::i.Vi3i,lab.l.~ :o ·the juvenile ;''• '§54.02(f). IS I If the juvenil3 court t-laiue jurisdictflon,it. &8 requirad to"sta- ts spac1fically in tpe ord~c ic 1 a reason~ for w~iv~r and c~rcify ,, i't' a action, including: thtil written o.r:·der ana finding.a of ~ha coutt., id. §!54. 02 (h). .,.·.· In the in~tant ca~~,whicn !z id~nt1cal t.o MOONathe only r~aso~. ·./'.:~pecifica.lly in t.f;le .JUV~nil~ court's (n:der· to justify the '~~·: . ~:~waiv~r of jur1~diction w~s ~hat the offensa allegsa was a aerious one,aud ti'le only fcLct E.pi:ci.Ciod in suppot·t of this reason was~.· that. the oftense al.l~ged wa.;; comruit.ted against ~ $~~~.aeedi:X- 0 [ORDER WAIVING JURISDIC'.l'J:ot~,AWO SUP.PW>lENTAL EX-AJ. Tha court held thac a waiv~' of juvenile jurisdiction "based on this particular reason,fortifiad> onlt by this !dct1constitutes an abuse of discretion.~ Additioudlly,th~ c~urt. d~t~cmina tnat other fact findinga in- ·cludad in the JUvenil~ co~rt'~ ~ritten ~~ctar wece "sup~rf.luous" because,although those ~act fi~dings would huve be~n ralevsnt to support a transfer for tll& alternativa reason J;U.~~iAppellates b~._ckground was such a.a to r;a~d~r waiv.,;r of juv~'nilw jurisdiccion ap~ropriate,the juv~nile cou~~ did not cite the ~ppellate's bac*- ground as a reas~n for in t:a~afar in th~ w~itten o~der.~OON v. STATB,2014 TEX. CRIM. APP~ LEXIS 1 1918, ]wl]AT*l4-15. In the instant cas~,like tha order in MOON,the transfer order in this case makes no findings about the spac1fics of the allaged of offansa,where here,two counts of aggravated sexu~l assaults and finds no more than pi;Obable cau::se to believe that Applicant com- mtted the offense allegea.see, EX- o[ORDBR WAIVING JURISDICTION,ALSQ EX-A SUPPLEMENTAL]. ALSO, AS IN MOON,the only stated reason given for applicant's transfer was that "because of the s~riousness o! the offanse,th~ walfare of the commuAity requires criminal proceedings,~and tbe ,,.'''"· .._. only specific fact aupporting this reason waa t.ha~ "the offense alleged to have been committed was against the'eeps~n of another. 11 ' ~ ,. - .tx-ft 4 :h~~ ~h~ j0v~n1l~ co~c~~·~aivdc of JUrisdiction 11 0.;.,::;.:;-.:;! Q;:;. ':.r~i t; r.;.:J..:;· t.i.::ul.:u: rli:liii,;OU foctJ.f ied only by ttl iS fact 11 con- 6tl~Ut~G ~Q ~bt1se of d!sc~ation.2014 TEX. CRIM. A?P. LEXIS 1918, rn ~~~ l~6tant ca~a,d~~ c~ the juv~~ile courc abuse of dlscret- violating Applicant'~ d:.:.~ IIIP t <>!l t.>:..1 ~} r: ·-~ ,.~·c -~ t • ~~ j ~-i-:;1'3 t~~·Z!ll ~. I ?' u.;:- t h :yc HJ·.')r-,~ _. b:-l ,:.: p: ::~LY.Etd::.: i: a~H:: ;~ ;;;f th:! ::··.: i d enG-:, b~ t L •::rr: a v io- la:i~n 0~ th0 Uni~ad Sc3=~s Const1tu~ion(lacK ~t jurisdiccicn ~nd dtJ·1 pr-:c~,H]n:· ::-a:iQ!1-'l.l ju::::: c:·:>uld h<'l'Y'a fo•.tnd !\f.'i.;J1i:.:a.:lt. guilt;.:i • ~u:i~J th2 c~rtificati~n he~ring,w~~r~ nis l4tn ~mendm~nt of the inal ~istrict ~cur~ lacking JUriediction to is~ue ~ judgmant by c~nvictinJ hl~ u~ an &dult. Applicent waa unabla tc racieve a A?plicant rasp~ctiully p~~y~ th~s ~ourc ci Criminal App~als gra.llt him :reli~.t :.>'i C:lil..i i:.h$ JUd~ment o:t the 180tn d:i.3i:&: .icr; cou~.: c.; ;;w(l l; ..alltaud t.hli case to /.JUVtt&J~lw cour~ •/ //' ,...;: /.:; />~/· ;_~- . X. .:',(._. .. / / / ./·· ..... I l ·.:· 5 STANDAAD OF REVIEW: The a~andard of revl~win9 ~iyh~h.cim&ndru&~t viulatiCn$ wnen sen- t0~cin; a j~~cnilG utL~no~r is via~ad in li9ht of GRA~A~ v.FLO- RIDA,560 U.S.-,130 S.Ct. 176 L.Ed. 2d 825,2010 US LEXIS 3081. Th~ €'!:!';,1hch ~.r.Hwdm~ut does not torecJ.ose the posaibi.lit;~r th~t ,t.H::t·sons convtct~a of ncn-homici~~ c~1ffi~ ~owrui~~ea b~tora adu~thood w1~L a remain b~hind bars for i1~e. Bu~,it doa~ torbia ~caces tree mak- ins 'd",::? .J"..ldg.rr.-.;;;;.~ .::.~ tha vi.H.-.St~~ that t.ho&li:! of.tsndGr..s 1 never \·:ill b~ £~t ~o r~-enter aoc1&ty.iti. _i..\lso,RJ.)P,~R v. Sl.Mi'i\.JN.:>,54::S u.S. :,51,560·,125 S.Ct. llb3,1Gl L.Ed. 2d l.~"An oftendars• age is relevant co ~he ~ighth ~m~ndmsnt and criminal 9ro:;e~ure law.:5 cna~ tail to t.akt! di:tf·~-H;d·:Jnt;. •;:;; :i·~u'::.t~tu~L• ne~s into account at all would be ARGUMENT ------ ·-··-··AND -··-~-~ ... ---·AUTHORITY: ... ____ ------·--. ____ ,.. ln th~ in3tanc cas~,Applicant contends that he is b~l~g ~aa~rdl in:;td ~i ni3 lib~n-:ty J.n ifio.lation of hi.!~ Ben .J.nd 14~.!1 .J.ra~nd.:r•.:ult. ri·:Jn::.s,dull to thu princi~la.:J a~t Qu~ i•l G.KArlA!'>l JJ.t"t R02~H.l.d .. Du:ing Cha aent~ncing stage of tria~ the district atto~n~y aade the 'JUDGMENT' at the out-set of the sentencing ~hat Applicant could not be fix/rehabilitated to re-enter society by stating: [IN PER'.l'IENT PART) [~ft. c.R.R. vol. 8 at pg.l7 par.l3-25]~~a,~£-C D.A;: ~we ~alked whsn ~ne voir dir~ was begun about the differ- enc cneorias and defense men~iooea them to you.And the first one was renabilitation'? ~we ta.i.ked about t"ehabilitation?One ./ theory of punishment and,you know,when you think about it,do you think you can realiy rehabilitate somebody li)!;e tnat? Do you thin!( that can be fixed? Somabody tnat did vnat this man did to the Vongs•,to the Huynhs,to Bach Ho and her family? Oo you think you can fix that? Yoti can't fix that. Not when that ie 17 years old and starting out his adult record doing things like that. ~nat 6 ·· •... [con't. i:L~:.;;n '.lB.• c.: •.t-..R. vol .. s,w.18.par.l·..2S}sEI~, EX·-C A1F.t yG·•..l kllon.ies in:: s~;.t:in0,L'::. :nont.h, y;;;:l ca:t f c ':>e tizi~d :>.!misi<:H! wh~n t1e was a juveni.L~ ~hl.<:LJ!.: .U;:-: ,.;.d-..vcth1d '~'r;,,n he c.~:t\t:i:'..'.:t'.:'C ·;!'lc:::~ c'::f!'!:--..~.~~~ wh~n he was f-6 yea;:s anc! lO months old this de.i.:.;n::lam:. b·~~;.~.xs~ .L t \dLl d~t~r. t.hi := m:;.n f.t·.;;m doi:-19 a.nyr;hing ·~l.;H:. , to hurt anyi:.xJdy, on_r· ci:;;.i~.i.n of ha:d.s <.:t)~~t.t (:u: Qr.y :;~l:h>llr cc;.Jnty ior: tt1e resc of ~'li8 li.ft:.iJ. Now back. tc 1:J1c Ji)r~~unt time1thc o.t.r..:>rnt;;y'.s JU>'.i:;~moo~ r:.:c: ["And you know,wn~n you ~h~nK auout ~t,do y~u thin~ you can i."t: :\ll.:· • Y·;x! ca:1 i.lA~ki.'-'?; x.-;.~,.. •:'i.Ar.t fl.~~ ti1i;J.t, .• ; Tn.,:;.t't. b<:~ f:t.x~d. ;Aad you knO';i t-:o·,..• y;;.! ~~..., it.; ~n':. D.! tix::!c~ ar.d :i·ou !-;;-.:'\\' that .t~~hi0.:-ii.i!:~:::i.on i~ not an l~ci-~·.:7 j b H~t ..:JlUY ,_. l'..o.:·lnlJ.,....,;~al c).ic.:.:·e •TIT "- • .:;,;"-• ;;.;Qinu~'"', . l't' loP·"· """"'""' "·-.) ,.,1:3ft "--~,..·•• "' ~ruma•··,. ..._ D.:-;,.,.._, a._., ;"'._. ~\,_.-....c,_,.,.... i¥1"" •- 7 :,· .. .· -:.:'(": "1. ·!;.; f!. i 1·- l.i·~~:t.. '~ \.1~9tCa"l .:;.~l}~-~ .4.V4¥;Li:~~:~l-~.:r! ~~~-~~;-.~:-k.1~~t r:..~;:-r::.:; .. r•. ·;·. · · ..L.!!.:!' · ·•t~·-.-<- '=.4--:;~t.l\.,.1' -·- ... ·.. ·'- .... "''. t;·~lW!r.W...•( .; t....t.\.!:d.-~ -~- ··. · ... ,,,·,. · ..r._,.;_,... ~J....,.~. '.LV.:.. :;;_J.VMJ9 ~ .... -~ ~~o.., -"Y."!S·"c:~t~Y' ., '""V ~h ~.4t.. ~~ J'-: .,..._ ••• ...,..... ....... - l~lrSO''"" t"""- •~ COllV;"'"-.1 .. ~ ..., '·"- -~ !·- .. • ... - ·•· ·. - ·, .:.; ·- ..''-'ii.-·a·.-.u"-•·-~~~ '"' ,... • "'·" ·."-·J•Ut:.ha-: ·:;r..:.tham 1,va3 j,w;(.n:·cig.i- bl~ ~a~~ 1~~~~ ~0~rcb~f~~iJ ty prison mj~b~hav1cr or tailure ~o . ' Til·~ <;;'m;.;..:>i: ·is no~.: 'ap;.;·.-::.lp~ial';;:; in l..i.yht. ct a juv<.:m:Uo . i. . 1c-.~~ie u.L:.:~:.nd;::;:..··~: ,.::;i;,~)d<~l~:./ :fo::- •::'h.:!n'J'~ and lin;it.ed mcral culpd.llJ.l- .. ' U. i:,~_:.:·f:: .;:~~~i_JC:~i.!~--3~'1·~ j'\:r:1:j~1;.:ei.".'.t .. iC. .. ~t. _;)g.24. ; =io juc.,:.~:ti'· ..l,.lf..·~> ··:.:it~"':;:~·~!t ~;,::.:~o11~ on. ·en~ -;ti.,;_s~rap-~:ictl ~he.c ~nt..~ JY- b~ a danger tv ~o~iGty ~equice~ t~e :· ....,· ·,-l:·"· ,.. •• :·:, •• .·.--- '.I"_ ....... _ ·- . J.· 'l ~•.,, "l·,n'"' that :.. :"'"•':; .... "• ~· th~ juvanila is l~co~rigblb.Tha •.·;.·,l ..,. ,·_ -.-•.·- _,· '-~ ._· ,.-.,···.,. ,'''-· · .- :··,: .•.;_,' __ :._.' .- _. ._.. . .._ .... ~- '4 ....: r ')\.. [,j\.t'..• ' ~ ~~-.:.; ...i.L~J.'1_:;..,. ~ 1( ~:;:-.., ~,;_rtd'C. 1~:.::~! ,_ ' .. ......_ JUdgment questionable.~It J.;:j r_j_.i.f;_.J.,c.;.;;l_i.;. ·.;.;:-JiJl~.· ... {~n· ::;:<;.::'"t'l: ~:,ay<::l1clr;(;!.G':·'il t(l diffortOntlat;e !:J~r;- w~ 6::it~ t. il c- j ~ . .": ~-1·~ :.)_ t,;: >}:) ;~ f ·:~ Ct '.:! ·.;;z.~ \~!·!·;c~s i:t c ;- .i.n)~ !... \: f ll~~ ~.::; u11. f crt. u ll~ ·co y.rJ t: t·····''"'l""'''""l·.·l- • " - - ' ' ~•'IW·#-."-' "rl·.• 41.1~\n:..--...4 ;,,,;.,.l.../,.." ""•"ld'· "~'""".i.l~,•- f·h,;, -:----•...., ,..,.,~:;, 1•"•:\.·-.. ""'"'"""''; '·"' ..;uv•~o••·t."' .... o·"·.~~ ... #!-.d-·"'"' ..,..._ ...... • ·.,;.!.,., '-'"'')'"'''' WJ.4."' ___ ......,., •• ,_'hi ,..,.;.!1-"" ' -j • -..,... ef.·J.·~r.··._·,,.,~ - ~ - ... - ~ .. ,••~,..,~.,-~f:.-.J,,·. .·-:...-,.-, ,;. &. .._ •·· t" ::.t • .. ~ ·- · ~ -.. .. :;-~~""l'r'n ., +- .... -.,;. L·. ·• • .. • ..~-,- .. Ro· r,.,E" ~ •...- ;;, 1 r;. .J 1 u uup.,..,. , £... ...., r ,..,~ ·A 573,125 $.Ct • .·'i, . . 11S3tl6l L .. E6. ·'20:' 1~ -:· /'.:: -! : Juvenil~s ar.'m2~e,caoabl9 of change than are adults,and ~heir ' .; {" '·:f', . . ' • ; acr;iona a.ce lQas t:6 LJ:~ e\fid.-'!nC'a ·:>f irrt-~trievably depraved ::: : "( -,.: .•· \;; character "th~~ ar~ a=tiori~ o! adul~s.ROPER,543 us at 570,125 s.ct. 1183,161 t.~~- 2d f. Ic remaina tru; t~at "fccm a mo~al at.andfJo.iliat it· wdui~f< *pg. 842 >be misguided to equate :fa.Llings ' .-:; ·, . of a minor w~t~ &h~sa ~f an adult for a treater poseibility exist &n~t a minora ~har~cta~~deticiencies will be reformed."Ibid. A:s compared tp adl1t:ta ::juveniles have a 'lack of maturity an •o underd~v~lopad ~anse~of r~~ponsibility•",tney are more vulnerabl• i 1: ' or suacttpcir).la-:. · to ne$~tive influences and outside pressure, includ- ing 9~~r pres~~e",~ri~ their characters are qnot as well forroed.•I Id.,a~ 569-570i~121/s:¢t. 1183;161 L. Ed. 2d. 1 . .! i. 8 'l'heae salianl.:. .1'- exp.rt psych~log~atb to diff•rentiat• betw~sn tha juv~nila o~~ c:.,·... -' '--.1 ,. . . \·Ji::.\1 raliabi.lity be claasified among the \.o·o~:st off~ncer.s." '. ' l,n cne insr.ant case,thf:= District Attc:be rnisguid•d' .:::~> ~~ egudte th~ tail~aga ot a ruinar with tnosJ ot an adult for a· grQct~~~ 2~sslbility ~xi~t that a minor•a chdract~r deficiencies '• CONCLU~lON .:n1t.'::..: 2i·;i:.LL; ~hci i.out.-t.•!'teut.n an Cons- ::;.·it.:.::i..i·~;;,,;r;n~~.:.:·:., ctH~ Li:i..:;t~l.CC Ai:.torn.:ry ti'H: judgru>;;tnt c'it. t;,o out :.:;;"1.:::£ ~r;~.sJ. i.'~-~; .~Obi..:Rl¢, \.:'--'ilcm::r.~:(i in t:te JUdgment ~n GH.Al:1AM, supra 6i ""':...;...,;..~~·:,;''\J~.l:' .;:, L:.:·:t·er~·e.d~:n.L alreiady prc·vi<:;.::s a i:.utflciant 17S G. 2~. 2d 813,2010 US L~XIS 3881 • ---- .HAR!.'1: Applican~ was barwad by th~ viol&tion of hi3 ~ightn ~n~ fourc~e nth amandmant~,wher~ had it not baen for th~ distric~ attorney!~ judgment at t.he out set t.hat he nev~r. l-lill b:~ fit ;~o r.·f.~-;-•··t·~;-:- soc j,.;.ty: Tl1e~:es r:eaf.l0nab1~ r,iosstbil it;y/.r:.,t.~obll :ity t.h.:• t th•~ -r!.:.r.·:.:- wo~ld have condtd~red r~habllitation,tis lack of maturity &~d un- d~r~awelop~d s~na~ of r~spcnHibill~y,and l~sd~U culp~tbili~y be- to::.·;;; ~:an.i~:=racing i' t..o l.ii)•tt. Applic~n~ 'equ&ot reli&f inform of setc1ng ae1de ~~apecctulli the district courts punishm~nt and ordar a new ~antencing phasa without ~ny judgment~ made.~c en~ cut sat o! tne s~ntencing ~~as•• I , ..!oSt:Pi{ 13.!LU'J;~D ~1i.i.\ii~S, ~S'vl '7C0,114iii~ab'.r' ~;:.;rr;ity tl".at c.hia t~~plerw;:nta.l. w-rit of ~ni:-ci<.if~ <;o:.;;c!_:.'..!lS vi tri~\l cause no.U09, 892-B & r·Jr-1··55, 762·..;10 ha;i boon m,~u by u.s. ~t.::..\, ~·::;:·,;J.c-::: to~ (';H:(J:S 1Jl-tNI!O::!~·-l::.E~L.L5 '.~•:i.i~'l.~;y c~.::.:;:,•_;;.il:i;. cl:~u:k-P.O. BOX 4651- H.•x;.~:·.,::~":, :.:.;;.·;.-::>..s ~172J.fJ-·~G5~l,oo .i\pc:..l l4,20l5., Cu:~iL'ilALLY Ui,ll1' ~~·.:;) .2' ... !,\ .. GJ2 KtJ:"UJt, ':&.'X. i8l.b 11 I,J03~JB 2~RNARD HIN~S,aru ~v~r ld j~a=~ oi sga and c~pahl~ of mak- .in:J t.~&ci ,::ftida 1Jit,and I'm of $OU4ia mind and awar11 of i;i1a t~ct.s I wa~ ar~u~~~d ~s 3 juv•nil~ ~t 10 JCdrB of age~A cer~ific~tion h~~~t~s ~~~ ~~l·J an~ I ~as ~~un~f~rcaa ~~ ihP l8Uch criminal dis- EX-X . ~ ........ ......-.• ~· ~. ....... ,~~- JOSEPH BARl~ HINES :ii90l768-:·COl1N1U..LY UNil' 899 f.m .. 632 KENEDYtTEfimS 78119 CLERK Of!' ·rHl:: COUR'i' OF CRUlJ.NAt APPEAT.. S P .. O~OOX 12.503tGAPITOL S'rhTION AUSTIN, ·m.r.As 7e71l ... ·· 'i'rJlS rs t'lY i~O'.i'iCCi 'l't1A1' I HA\fE FILED H'l SOPPL&'~""TAL tvR!T OF Hl\BC..<\3 CORPUS . ~'JI:C·i-1 THE DIS'l'RICT COi.JHT ON APRIL. 14, 2015, ~'JHERE l WAS GP..Al.-J'l'ED .P.E:Rt"'HSSION TO i:'IL.E B~ '!'HIS CCUE!.T {·l.l:l'HIN .30 Dl\YS .. ;.,, ,.".• ·':' EX-a COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS APPLICA TlON FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS SEEKING RELIEF FROi\'1 FINAL FELONY CONVICTI.ON UNHER CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, ARTfCLE 11.07 -:····:· INSTRUCTIONS \ 1. You must usc the coinplcte form, which begins on the follo~ving page, to file an application for a wdt. of habeas corvus seeking relief from a final felony conviction under Article 11.07 of the Code of Criminal P~ocedmc. (This form is not for death- penalty cases, probated sentences which have not been revoked, or misdemeanors.) 2. The district clerk of the county in which you were convicted will make this form available to you, on request. without charge. 3. You must file the entire writ application fonn, including those sections that do not apply to you. If any pages are missing from the form, or if the questions have been renumbered or omitted, your entire application may be dismissed as non-compliant. 4. You must 1~1ake a separate application on a separate form for· .each .iudgmcnt of convkt:ion you seek relief from. Even if the judgments were entered in the same court on the same day, you must make a separate application for each one. 5. Answer· C\CTY ikm that applies to you on the form. Do not attach any additional pages for any item. 6. You must include all grounds for relief on the applicatiOJi form as provided by the instructions undct· item I 7. You mt1st also briefly sunui1arize the facts of j'Our claim on the application f01·m as provided by the instmctions undc·r item 17. Each ground shall bcgiu on a new page, and the recitation of the facts ~upporting the ground shall be no longer th!m the two pages provided for the claim in the form. 7. Legal citations and arguments·may be made in a scparatl• memorandum that complies with Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 73 and docs not exceed 15,000 words if computer-generated or 50 p:1gcs if not. 8. You must verify the applkation by signing either the Oath Before :'\otary Public or the Inmate's Declaration, whiCh arc at the end of this fonn on pages 11 and 12. You may be prosecuted and convicted fm· aggr~watcd perjur·y if you make any false statement of a material fact in this application. 9. \Vhen the applicatiHn is fltlly completed, mail the original to the district clerk ofthe county of conviction. Keep a copy of the application for your rl'cnrds. fO. You musf notify llH' distr-ict clcr·k of the county of conviction nf any change in address after \OU have filed your application. R_ev. 0 l' 14!14 ' .. ~lq;·'. Case No.acea92--BL -~-10 (The Clerk ofrhe convicting court will fiil;his line in.) IN THE COURT OF CRlMlNAL APPEALS OF TEXAS APPLICA TlON FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS SEEKING RELIEF FROi\l FINAL FELONY CONVfCTfON UNDER COUE OF CRlJVHNAL PROCEDURE, ARTICLE 11.07 NAME: _ . u'bJ.~.U~u~~t.:gili.SJ,'ULid!:!l:!:l'~!ft:!fS!____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____;,J&,.ffiQ··~*H::!: DATE OF BIRTH: _:_:i1A::~f:::'\C=E:.:.1...:2:.:6:.:·'..:1:.:9..:8.::1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TDC.l-CID NlT\lBER: SID N U M B E R : - - - - - - - - - (1) This applkaiion concerns (check all that apply}: ~.W a conviction 0 parble .0 a sentence 0 mandatory supct·vision h 0 out-of-time appeal or petition for discretionary review (2) What district court entered the judgmc.nt of the conviction you want rdief from? {include the court number and coumy·.) 180t:h c:outt o:e han·is county (J) What was the case number in the trial court'? 009892 (4) \\'hat was the [tame of the trial judge'? - ;--.-··, DEBBIE M. STRICKLIN i' I SUPPLBi1llii\I'l' APPLIC.t~'l'ION TO BB ADDED 'ID SUPPLEI'lEN'fAL ~'JRI'r FILE ON 4-l4-15.sea,· first 1pag-= of mo.morandum for explanatio.'l. Rev. 01/14114 .,. ..... ·~ .. · .. t . ·~ • I : ' ' '. ': , .. ,. 'l •;.' .. r' •. :, (5) ·Were you r·cpresented by counsel"! lfyes, provide the attorney's name: ' ···.. ' CHilliLES A.. BROt~N ·-;:· (6} What was the date that the judgment was entered'? 10--29-99 (7} For \Vhat offense wHc you convicted and what was the sentence? (8} [f you \\·ere sentenced on more than one count of an indictment in the san1e court at the same time, what. counts were you·ictcd of.and what was the sentence in each count? N/A .; (9} What ''as the plea you entered? (Chc(:k one.) D guilty-open plea 0 guilty-plea bargain ~ not guilty D nolo contelldere!nu contest lf you entcn~d different pleas to counts in a multi-count indictment~ please explain: NA .·.· .. . ~-. ·' .. , .. (lO) What kind oftrial did you have'! . -- ·-~ .' 0 no .iury jun: for guilt and punishment 0 jury for guilt, judge for punishment 2 Rev. 0 l /14114 .. ··: , .. ·. .. , ·_. .. .... (ll) Did you t.estify at trial'! [f yes, at what phase of the trial did you testify'! NO (12) Did you appeal from the judgment Of conviction? [X! yes 0 no If you did appeal, answer the following questions: (A) \Vhat court of appeals did you appeal to? 11th eolli:"t. cf ,1 pp.;!.'ll.;:;t (B) \Vhat was the case number? (C) Were you represented by counsel on appeal? H yes, provide the attorney's name: (D) What was the decision and the date of the decision'? (13) Did you fik a petition ~for disaetionai·y revie"'' in the Cou:rt of Criminal Appeals? 0 no lfyou did me a petiti9n for discrdionary review, answer the following questions: (A) What was thc ~a~~ .__...... II number? ,.,!}\N(!TtJ\1 ·~c. ·•t'-•J ...._,..,, '~',' t.J!.i~:~~l:-1~· ... ' . J.S scLLt £.l'-·H1dl!l9 JJ:jiL;~~ 'Ell I~ SUPP LEEI:&!~17 I.S E).f~Ii.\J~_; f' .t.w~D . _,.··' (16) If you arc presenting a claim for l"Tedit, have you exhausted your administrat~ve remedies by presenting your claim to the time credit resolution system ofthc Texas Department of Criminal Justice"? (This: requirement applies to any final felony cm,~;iction. induding state jail felonies) 0 yes ex no If you answered ~~cs,, a.riswcr~ the following questions: ' (A) What date did you present the claim'? N/A (B) Did you receive a decision and. if yes, what was t.he date of the decision'? ;_~,/).\ If you answen·dno, please explain why you have not submitted your claim: N/A ' / I ; .·~ I . I 'I ../1·I Rev. 0 l / i 4• i -i '/ i . .I:-.:· l .,1, (17} Beginning on page 6, state concisely every legal ground. for your claim that you arc being unlawfully restrained, and then briefly summadz(~ the facts supporting each' ground. You must present each ground on the fot'm application and a brief summary of the facts. lfyour grounds and briefstmmWIJ! l~(thefacts ltave not been presented on the form application, the Court will not cmu;itfer your grounds. If you have more than four gr·ou nds, use pagcs 14 and 15 ofthe form, which ·you may copy as many times as needed to give you a separate page for each ground, with each gr-ound number·ed in sequence. The 1·ecitation ofthc facts supporting each · ground must be no longer than the two pages provided for the g•·ound in the form. You may include with the form a mcmm·andum of law if you want t:o present legal authorities, butthe Coitrt,.,m not consider· grounds for relief set out in ~ mtmwraudum uf law that were not raised on the form. The citations and argument must he in a memorandum that complies with Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 73 and does not exceed 15,000 words if computer-generated or 50 pages if not. lf you arc challenging the validity of your com·ietion, please include a summary ofthefacts per·taining to your offense and tria[ in your memorandum. 5 Rev. 0 11l4i I -+ .,.O!f-,<\'.,.•·.•·' GROUNO ONE: .;,cTUAL INNOCENT-\'~df~Ri..: 'l'i:if:J\2: Ir~; J..\ LAC:{ OF JURISOIC'l'ION,BBCAUSE 'l~HE ~TUVENI LE COUR'l' ABUSED rt 1 8 DlSCRE'J.'lON It~ TR.::U>JS.FERINC l:U?PLlCAi.'~l'l' TO h_ CRIM- Tr-.,r. 1 n·rc:~"PRJ("'P f''C!tt::<•r~- ~·r-Ht:t=lE?f•\ 1R ;:<"', :pHR r.a Iiv1Tr\ja r n.::•r'ri:lT!""'T ..:;~;c;or, · 1.:..Zt':i!'£D .:rURISD!CTIO~~ C>.)i'~ \.' J. CT :.j' FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND ONE: APPLICAN'l' 1.5 AC'l'iJALL:{ INi.\lOCE:t~T OF THL:: OF~·'Ei>.JSE 1 WHBRE 'l'HE Cf..iNVIU:l'ING COUR'I' Wi.'i ~'HTb('f.h' .JUfU..SDIC'I.'lON TO l.>..CT !\'lAKING 1'[-JE ,JUDGMEU'l' VOID.SEE, A'.r'l'ACHED f'J&'\l·- • ··< ,,\; ·, (i / Rev. Olil4!i4 I 7 Rev. Oi/14/14 GROUND TWO: FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND TWO: Rev. 0 l! l ·L l-l 9 Rev. 0!!14!14 GROUND THREE: FACTS SllPPORTlNG GROUND THREE: 10 i 1 Rev. . 0'-'',,, . , L l"-t; .. 14 GROUND FOlJR: FACTS SUPPORTlNG GROUND FOUR: ----------------------------------· ( !2 j I' .'~ Rev. 01!\4/1 4 GROUND: FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND: !4 f{ev. 01/14/14 '- !) WHEREFORE, APPLICANT PRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANT APPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS J>ROCEEDING. VEIUFICA TION This application must he verified or it wiil be dismissed for non-compliance. For verification purpose:>. an applicant is a person fi1iJtg 1he application on his or her own behalf A petitioner is a person filing 1hc application on behalf of an applicant, for example, an applicant's anomcy. An inmate is a j)erson who is in custody. The inmate applicant mus1 sign cirhcr the ''Oath Before a Notary Pubhc" before a notary public or the "[nmate's Declaration" without a notary public. If the inmat.c is represented by a licensed attomcy, 1hc attorney may sign the ''Oath Before a Notary Public'' as petitioner ;md then complete "Petitioner's lnfomution." A non-inmate applicant must sign the "Oath Bcfbr~ a 1 Notary Public" before a notary public unless he is represented by a licensed attonH.~y, in which case the at1orney may sign the verification as pctilioner. A. non-inmate non-attorney petitioner must sign the "Oath Before a NOtary Public" bd(m: a notary public and must also complete ·'Petitioner's Informmion.'' An inmate petitioner must sign either the '·Oath Before a Notary Public" before a notary public or the "!nmat.::'s Declaration" wirhout a notary public and must also compicte the appropriate ·'Peritioncr's Information.·· OATH BEFORE A NOTARY PtJBLlC STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF , being dulv sworn, under oath sav;;: ''1 am the: applicant-i.. p~~ti;ionc;:-( cit;;i~-~;~~:j·;~;-;:his al·-~i.-io_n_a-nd kno~v th~ contents of the above. application hJr a wrir <.lfhabeas corpus and, according lO my belief. the facts stated in the appltcanon arc true."' ·--------··---------------------· Signature of Applicant i Petitioner (circle one) SUBSCRJBFD AND SWORN TO BEfORE ME TIHS DAY OF . 20 Signatur-: of Notary Public i.6 < '_.·'i'~~ :}~'·'~' '. . <' .....· • ~- ·-"> PETITIONER'S INFORM:\ TION Petitioner':; printed name: __________________ State bar number; if applicable: ____________ Address: ---·-·----·-··---·------ --·----·---····---·--·-·--·-····----·--·---·-··-------··---- . Telephone: _________________________________ Fax: rNiVIA TE'S DECLARATION I" ,:rc;.:;r:p;j ~''tNiuW-ii'"'It-U:;·.:)- . . . ____ , ~1m the applicant ! petitioner (cirdc one) and ;pcrjurythaL according tn my belief. the E1cts stated in the above application are true and correct. Signed on AffiTT, ; c; · - - - - - ' 20 -±'3-- .. Signature ofApplicant; Petitioner (circic one) 17 Rev. Ol/i4/P PETITIONER'S INFORMATION Pcti!ioner's printed name: ----~-------'------ Address: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Telephone: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Fax: ------------------~------'- Signed on ___________ _ _ _ _ _;20_ _ ·-----··--····--··--··--···-··-- - Signature of Petitioner 18 Rev. Oii\4/14 J:X PARTE, § !oSEPH BARNARD HINES, § 1'R. so;:., o92.:.B § WR-55,762-10 ,: .. ,._ ':, bltief statement Applicant would like ~o inform the court that he is not in a}ly ~' way trying to delay the proceeding in filing this additional groun~ to his supp~emental writ habeas co~pus. H~ is a pro se litigant. in Qtt~mpt to seek his constitutional rights;He also tried to stop the mailing of tha aupplamantal application in order to add this ground but waa unabl~ too.see,INMATE REQUEST FORM. Applicant prays that this court axusa this error and file this ground with his ~uppl•mental writ where he was granted 30 d~ys to present all evidence and the is 16 days left from today, an~ t~,rs has been no final ruling or '·:···· :··. - .. ··.: -···1·. ·' :· ~- . ,._. ' . f:;:. .. . . .~ ~· ·. . '.:.~::C.'. ; l: .· .. . EX PARTE, § JOSBPH BARNARD HINES, § TRIAL CASB N.809,892-8 ·APPLICANT § wa- 55,762-10 :\. APPLICANT SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF LAE IN SUPPORT OF BIS SECOND WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS 11.07 § 4(a)(2). TO THE .HINORA8L8 JUDGE(I) OF SAID COURT: ·\ COMES NOW,JOSEPH BARNARD HINES,Applicant in the above styled. cause,~espectfully presents this supplemental memorandum of law in support of his second writ of habeas corpus pursuant to TEX. CODE CRIM. PR()C. art. 11.01 § 4 (a)(4). In support therefl6',·the Applicant states the following: ... ~·. ·,, -.~· I. ·.Ap-plicant filed his_ second viit of habeas corpus on 4-21-14 in trial cauee 809~892~8 and wa-55,762-10. The Court of Criminal Appeala.granted Applicant's request to supplement said application and issued him 30 days to- submit supplemental evidence.see,~X-8 (COURT OF, CRIMINAL APPEALS ORDER IN SUPPLEMEN'l'AL WRIT FILED ON ·4-14-15]. ' Applicant prepared his supplemental writ of habeas c;orPw:t,wnich was P,re- maturly ·placed in the prison mail box on 4-14-lS. Applicant contends tha,t there is (16) sixteen daY.• left from today [4-15~15] to aupplmental his habeas application where tl'lere ha,8 not been a final ruling, and inaert his actual inft- ocance claim to his ·supplemental writ of habeas corpus as his ;: first ground to his •upplemental ~rit of habeas corpus. lscttoN . :4 StAtEMENt: . . ;~·· Articl6). 11~07 § 4(a)(2),provides that if a subsequent appli- cation for writ of tu!lt;>eas corpus is filed after final disposit;.. ion of an initial ap~lication challenging the same conviction,a court may not conside·r the merits of or grant relief based on the subseq~ent application unless the application contains specific f~cts establishing that by a preponderance of the evidence,but fb for a violation of the United States Constitution no rational chtwt:»c.;could have found the Applicant guilt.y beyond a reasonable l • ~= " ·· ..··.. : ~ ' section 4 applies tci all applicetions following an initial ap- plication that ciJalletlenges the conviction.EX PARTE WHITESIDE,12 S.W. 3d 819,.821 (.TEX. CR. APP. 2002). This honorable C~urt has held that arttcl~ll.O~ is the appor~ priate vehicle for testing due process violation in Texas. EX PA- RTE BRANDLEY,781 S.W. 2d 886,887 (TEX. CR. AP·P• 1989). - Applicant has the burden to prove by a pr.ponderance of the evi- clence that the errorfa) contributecl to his conviction and or sen- tence.EX PARTE FIERR0,934 S.W. 2cl 370,375 (TEX. CR. APP. 1996). ,. PROCEDURE HISTORY: Applicant .Procedural history .is set out in hissaupllemental. · \ writ of .. habeas corpus filed on 4-14-15 • .i ,. ' GROUNDS FOR REVIEW IN SUPPLEMENTAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS ' ,. .·· l) GA'l'EWA_Y CLAIM-ACTUAL INNOCENT 2J ACTUAL INNOCEN'l'~WHERE THB IS A LACK OF JURISDICTION,WHERE THE JUVENILE COURT ABUSED IT'S DISCRETION IN TRANSFERRING APPLI- CANT '1'0 A·CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT~THEREFORE THE CRIMIAAr.-ei'~ . .. - TRICT COURT &ACKEO JURISDICTION. ARGUMENT & AUTHORITIES: \ 0 GAT·BWAY CLAIM OF ACTUAL INGOCENCE" f ' .. ..:-····· This honorable Co~rt has held that a subsequent application to for writ of habeas corp~,~sserting a constituti~nal violation, must be·accomplained with a prima-fa~ie claim of innocent.£~ PA- RTE BROOKS,219 S.W. 3cl at 396_97 •. In order to satisfy this requirement,the>application must con- tain specific facts establishing by a preponderance of evidence that,but for· a constitutional violati·on,no rational juror would have found the appli~ant~guil'y "beyond a reasonable doubt. 0 see, verno~·•s Ann. Tel(. c.c.P.-,11 •. 07 § 4(a).f2J: . ·art .• 11.011 § S(a)(2). . • I . A credible claim of innocence serves to bring the Applicant ~1- thin the "narrow cl~s~ of casesa implicatiog a fundamental mis- carriage of justice.SCBLUP v. DEL0,513 u.s. at 315,119 s.ct. 851. 2 'i, •.,' In other words~a- showing of inooaence by a· prep~nderance of the evidence i~ a gateway through which a habeas applicant must pass in order to have an other-wise barred constitutional claim consid~ ered Qn·.the,citing HERR$RA v. ~O~LINS,506 U.S. at 404, . t 113 s.ct. asJ. PRIMA-~ACIE SHOWING OF INNOCENCE: Within this "GATEWAY" showing of.innoaence,the Applicant will • demonstrate to this Honorable Court that be was uncondtitutional~ · tl_(l !fchcJ.+ ly certified to stand trial as anGJdlV1Jlt- and transferred to a .crim- inal district court,where )1] The juvenile court abu•ed it's waiving jurisdi~ tion,and the criminal district court l~c~ed jurisdiction. No ration•l juror would have found him gui~ty "beyond a reason- able doubt" in accords with article ll.07§4(a).(2) of the Texas Code of Criminal. Procedures,where there ia no jurisdiction. APPLICANT'S ONE COLORFUL P11IMA-FACIE FACT ESTABLISHING INNOCENCE The following ill~tration will shOw this honorable court that AppliCant is- actual innocent of the offense because the criminal district cour+ was without jurisdic~ion convict and sentence him. The juvenile court abused it's d~acretion by waiving jurisdi.ct- ion and transferring atplicant to .a criminal district court, when it issued an order./that did not cont'ain specific findinga of t~e c.ourt and certify it's action in a written oraer.see,EX-D[ORDER WAIVING JURISD~C'l'ION;ALSO SUPPLEMENTAL EX-A]. Section 54.02 of the juvenile justice code _provides that the ju- venile court may wa~v~ it's exclusive original jurisdicti9n and transfer a ch11• to the appropriate dj~trict court or criminal district cour~ for criminal proceedings if: [1] the child is alleged to have violated a penal law of the grade of felo(ly; [ 2] the child was: (A) 12 years of age or older at the time he is allege to have committed the offense,if the offense is. a capital felony,an aggravated controlled substance . felony,or a felony of the first degree,and no adjudication hearin #eUS,Cbf age. offald8riata 3 conducted concerning that off~e: or (B) 15 years of age or older at the time the child ia alleged to have COIIUllitted tile offense,if the off~e is a felony of the .second or third qegree or a state jail felony,and no adjudication naer- ing has been conducted cencarning that offaese:~ (3) atfer a full investi- • '1. • ~· • gation and ahearing,tne . J.UVeniitt.court determines··~ that there ia probat)le cause to believe that the child before the court coamitted the offenae alleged or • the background of the child t.ile walfare of tha camnunity raquins criminal procaedings.TEX. FAM. daD£ ANN. §54.02(a) • .J:~Lfa~ilitate this determination, the juvenile court must consider, among other ~~~rs/ the following factors: l] whether Ul& alleged offellBe was against person or property, with greater weight in favor of transfer ~iven to offenses againSt tbe pers~; 2] ~ sophistication and aaturity of the child: 3] the record and preioua history of thlil child; 4] the prospect of adequate protection of the public and the likelihood of the \ reha.bllitation of the child by use of pr:ocedures,services,and facilities cur~ently available to the juvenile court. TEX. PAM. coos ANN. §54.02(f) .• Texas family code ann~§54.02(h) obviQUSly contemplates that both the juveni~ court's reason for waiving it's jurisdiction and the findings of fact that un- de~gttd th~se reasons should appeat in th~ transfer order. In or- der to justify tbe broad discretion invested in the juvenile c~ud, a court should take pains to show it's work,as it were,by spread- ing it's deliberative process on the record,tbereby providing a sure-fo~ted and definite basis from which an appellate court can determine that it's decision w~s in fact appropriately guided by the statutory criteria,principled,and reasonable-in snort,triat it is a decision demonstrably deserving of appellate imprimatur even if the appellate court· might have reached a different result. The legislature purpose of Tex • .Fam. Code Ann. §54.02(h) is not well served by a transfer order so lacking in specifics that the appe- llate court is forced to speculate ~s to the juvenile court's re- . a&ons for fin~in~ tr~nsfer to be appropriate or the facts the ju- venile court found to substantiate those reasons. Conversely,the juvenile court that does the heavy lifting Tex. Fam. Code Ann. S IJv..V §S4.02(h) requires,and ~ it's work should rarely be revitraetd. MOON v. STATE,2014 T~X. CRIM. APP. LEXIS 1918 • .4 ·' If th~ juvenile· court waiv~s jurisdiction,it is required t6 "st&tz sp~cifically in the order.i~'$ rea~ons for waiver and cer- tify it's action1incl~ding the.written order ·and findings of the court •. "Tax. Pam. Cod~ Ann.§ 54.02(h). In the instant case, the only reason specifi'cally stated in the juvenile court's. order to justisfy tbe·waiver of jurisdiction~was that the offense cill.~9ed waa a seraoua one, and the only fcact spe- cified in supp~rt of ~his reason was that the off~nse alleged was committed against a person.see, EX-D[ORDER WAIVING JURISDIC'l'ION:ALSO SUP- . PLEMENTAL Ex-AI. The Court held th~t a waiver o~ juvenile jurisdiction "based ~n this particular reason,fortified only by this fact,constitutes an abuse of discretion. 11 see,MOON v. STATE,2014 TEX. CRIM. APP. LEXIS 1918 (WL] at* 14-15~ · The juvenile court ·abused it's discretion by waiving it's jur- isdiction and transf~rring Applicant to the criminal district co- u~t,and. the criminal ~istrict court never acquired juri$diction over Applicantlwhen the transfer order made no findings about the specifics of the alleged offense and found no more than proba~le cause that applicant committed the of~ense alleged.see,GUERRERO v. STATE,2014 TEX.' APP. LEXIS 13773. Ajudg~ent rendered by a court wholl~ lacking jurisdiction is "void" and, is "an ~baolute nullity from its inception". HOANG v. STATE,872 S.W. 2d 69~,699)Tex.Crim.App.l993):8ee also GALLAGHER v. STATE,690 S.W. 2d 587,589 n~ 1 {Tex. Crim.App.l985). A defend- ant is denied due process of~law and due course of the law wh•n the district court acts without jurisdiction.EX PARTE BIRDWELL,? s.w. 3d l60,162{TEX. CRIM. APP. l999)7see also u.s. Const. amerid. XIV,§l: FRANK v. MANGUM,237 U.S. 309,326,3.5- S. C~.582,59 L. Ed. 969(1915)(dua process requires that a criminal prosecution be be- fore a court of competent jurisdiction). By a preponderance of the evidence Applicant is actual inno- cence but for a violation of tne Unitad States Constitution[DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS AND LACKED OF JURISDICTION] no ratioal juror could have found Applicant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. 5 GROUND ONE: ACWAL•· INNOCENT-WHERE THERE IS A LACK OF JURISDICTION, BECAUSE THE 1'HE JUVENILE COURT ABUSED IT'S DISCRETION IN TRANSFERRING APPLICANT TO A CRIMI INAL DISTRICT COURT;THEREFORE THE CRIMINAL '·, . DISTRICT COURT tACKED JURISDICTION. . ' STANDAR FOR REVIEW: A judgment rander.ed by ~a court wholly lacking jurisdiction is "void" and 1a an absolute nullity ,'!'rom it's 1inception.BOANG v~ S'l'ATS,872 s.w.2d 694,699(TEK.CRIM.APP.l993);see also,GALLAGBER v.STAT£,690 S.W.2d 587,589 n. l(TEX.CRIM.APP.l985). Also, .·. 'loUAivlllG . A juvenile court abusEl of discretion by wa:t\'l>' s jurisdict- · ion and transferring a child to a criminal district court,the cri- 5-G?YI - minal.district court is without jurisdiction to convict or se~•Oit tence tho child,wh•~e th• transfer order •ade no fi~dings a~ou~ .the specifics of the alleged offense ~nd found no ~ore ~nan p~ob able cause that the chile committed the offense.see,9U~RRERO v. '-~ .... STATE,2.014 TEX., APP. LEX4DS l3773,see also,MOON v. STAT£,2014 Ce~. ·\,Grim.APP.LEXIS l(Jl8. AGUMENT AND'AUTHORI'l'Y: Applicant contends·that he is being illegally ce~trained of his liberty in violation·'of hi.s .14th amendment right to due process, where the trial court was without jucisdiction to convict and se~ tence him.· The trial court never acquired jurisdictiop from the juvenile court,because the ju~enile court abused it's discretion when is- suing it's order waiving jurisdiction of Applicant to a crimin4l district court •• The juvenile court •tated in it~s order that thete is probable cause to believe that the Applicant committed the offense alleged~ but the court sh.owed nc finding.:~. see, EX-D [ORDER WAIVING JURISDICTION: see also,SUPPLSi~N'l'AL BX~A] • The juvenile court· did not specifically state it'e r~asons for waiver and certify it's actions ina writ- ten order or th~ findings of the court. The juvenile court merely filled out a form ceitification order c9ntaining "boilerplate" l~nguage aad did not' include specificsevidentiary findings to t fr: r ' ' ' .... euppoc~ it' a determinations. see t EX-D [ORDER WAIVING JURISDICTIONi8ee ' '. also SUPPLEMENTAL EX-A]. Tax Family Code ann.§54.02(h) contemplates tna: both the ju- venile court'e reasons for ~aiving i~'~ j~risdictio~ &&d the fin~ ·, inga of fact that undergrid those ~eaaon~ abould app~ai in_the transfer order. In order to justify th~ brQad diwcretion invested in the juven1la cotirt,a ccurt uhould t~k6 pains to show it's wor~ , ae i t W9~e,by sprcadin9 it's deliberative proces~ on the rnc~rd, theraby ~roviding a ~ure-footed and detini~e baais from which an app~lla i: e cour.t can determine that' a Clecision wal:} in Zuct spp-· ··-· o~prld~ely guid~d by the statutory criteria,principl~~.~~d rG~ sonabla-in sho~t.that it ie a ~aci~iod.damonstratably doa&rving of clppallat~ imprima~ur ~v~n if ·th~ appallat~ cour~ Qight hava r2achad a diffe~ent ceault. The legislatur~ purpo~~ of Tex. Fam. Code Ann.§54.02{h) i~ net w~ll 8erved by a transfer ordQr 30 lack- ing in sp~culata as to the juvenile courts raasons tor finding transfer :o b~ appropriate or the facts the juvenile court found to ~ubatantiate tho6e r•asons~ Convereely,cha juvanile court ~hat do~s tne heavy li£ting TQ~. Fam. Code Ann.§54.02(b) requires and shows 1~ 1 8 work should rarely b~ reversed.MOON v. STATE,20l4 TBX. CRIM. APP. LEXIS 1918. If th~ juvenil~ court waives jurisdiction,it id required to "state specifically iB tha order it's reasons for waiver and carc- ify it*s action,includ!ng the writt~n ordarean6 fiDd1ngs of tha court." ~EX. FAM. CODE ANN.§54.02(h). In the ~natant caae1wnich ia identical to MOON,the only reHson specitic~lly stacad in the juvenile court's ord~r to jus~ify the waivar of jurisdiction was that th~ otfanse alleg~d was a ser~ou~ one,and the only fact spacifi0d in support of this ~aason was that the offense alleged was committed against a peraon.aee,EX-D [ORDI:::R ~·JAIYING JURISDICTION, SEE AL~O SUPPr.EME!'frAL EX-A]. 'l'ha t:I·ansfer or.·d;n: in t:t1ta cas·~ makes no findings about the specifics of ~:he all~ged offGns~~whec~ h~re two counts ~f ~ggravated eexusl essau~ and finda no more than probable Cduse to baliave Applicant comm- itted tha,suppl~m~ntal EX-A. Th~ only s:atGd raa~on giv~t~ fcc ~~plicant's transfer was that ubecauaa of the ~eriousna~~ oi tha offen8e,the walfara of tha co~- 7 ·~·'· munity requires criminal proceedings,"and the only specific fact supporting .this reasin was that ~the.offense alleged was against the person of another." MOON,instructs that the j~venile courts waiver of jurisdiction "baeed on this ~articular reas6n fortified only by this fact" con- stitut,~s an abuse of discretion. 201~4 TEX. CRIM. APP .. tEXIS 1918, )WL]at*l4~ A court abu~a of discretion by waiving it's jurisdict- j~wenile ion and transferring a child to a criminal district court,where • th~ transfer orde~ made no findings about the specifics of the al1egod offonao and found no more than probable cause that tne c~ild committed the offensa~ Tha~efora for the criminal district c~ur.~ n~vor acquired jurisdiction to convict and sentence Appli- cant. soa,MOON v~ S.W. 3d 366,2013 TEX. APP.LEXIS 9345 STATE~410 (TEX.APP.HOUSTON lst disi.20l3),aff'd . - S.W.3d - ,2014 .texocrim. . app. LBXIS 1918,2014 WL 6997366 A judgment randerad by a court wholly lacking jurisdiction is vtid and is an ab~olute nullity from it's ineeption.HOANG v. •TAT( 872 S.W. 2d 694,699(TEX.CRIM.APPo1993):see also,GALLAGHER v .. STATE 690 S.W.2d 587,589 n.l (TEX.CRIM.APP.l985) • . CSNCLUSION Tha APPLICANT CONTE~DS THAT HIS CONFINEMENT IS ONCONSTITUTIOAL- LY VOID AND ILLEGAL. Furthermere/it would be a total miscarriage of justica in accords with Stata,Federal,and supreme court preae- dsnca if his conviction is not v~cated and remanded back to the ·.juvenile court.Keaney,at 11-12,112 s.ct.l715;cf. McCLESKY v, ZAN'l',499,111 1470; MURRAY v. CARRIER,477 U~S •.,--·at 496,106 s.ct. at 2649-50;and 28 U.SoC.J22,54(e)(2). 'l'he presented evidence[order waiving jurisdiction] WITHIN Applicants claim clearly demonstrates that no rational juror would:hav~ fou~ him guilty without the violating of his consti_tutional·, rights as guaranteed by the United. States,,and it would be a grave miscer- · riage of justice if this_ llonor~ble. court· doe~· not set this writ for arr evidentiary nearing so that disputed resolves can be auf~ ficiently addressed.Id.;T.c.c.p. Article 11.07§ 4(a)(2);EX PARTE BROOl\S1219 S.W. 3d. 39:6(TEX.CRIM.APl?.200'7) ;SUHULP v.OEL0,513 U.S. 8 E.X-C ... 298,115 S~Ct.851,130 L.Ed.QD 803(1995);and KUHLMANN v.WILSON, 477 u.s. 436,106 s.ct.2616,91 t.Ed.2d 364(1986). PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED,~HE Applicant reapectfully pra~s chis honorable court to give liberal acru~iny to the Applicant's actual-innocence and constitutional claim raised herein,and vacated the l80th district court • s judgment and sentence a.nd re- mana the case to the juvenile court. executed on 4-15-15 / /f ,' (J ~ '- ' >/¢//- t!: '/ < 0:: 2 CERTIFICA~E OF SER~ICE I,JOSEPH BARNARD HINES,Applicant her~by certifX that this sup- plement~! writ of habe~s ~orpus wi~h memorandum attached was mailed by u.s.P.s •. to:CHRIS DANIEL,Harris county District Clerk,. P.o. BOX 465l,Houston,Tx. 77210-465l,on 4-15-15. execut~d on 4-15-~5. . X ~ibz1__ 2~-~ . ~SEPH B. HINES#901768 connally unit . 899 FM 632 KENBDY,TX.78ll9 : .'1 ' ; ·.": . 9 '. \:'..-/··.c_ J0:5~Pli B;;.ru~J,:\1-.UJ f-ii!~ES #901766-CONNPLLY UNIT 8~9 i?M 632 I\.S.MmY,'X'EXA.S 78119 DIS~RIC~ CLBRl\-CHRIS D~~IEL H.!.I.RRIS CCUNTY P.O.E.Y"..iX 4651 HOUS1~N,TX.7721Q-465l April 30,2015 RE: SUi?PL.G.i'1ENTAL i'i'R.!'I' OF HABEAS CORPUS IN 'i'RIAL CAUSE N0.809892-B CLERK, r 'm \ol.t·itting yo'.l in concern of t..~e supplemental \. Can you p.l~a~ inform mE: if you receive t..hase supplemental wt·its & ·if they hava w&n submitte-:2 to the court. 'l'hank you for your tima ir, this matter. c.c.F. I 1 ./] . : /J ' i. tI { X .¥~~11; if+:_)_ II I . ·f ,. / Name: --~---l1/:niJ7 _;T_~b__ ·.---~----:--- . ·:.:._. . 2_Q_L_7 b cl------~-- Unit: --~ ---------,---~--------- · Living Quarters: ___ /(J__ ___ _j(_C{_Q_____ ~--------------- Work As3ir:;nment: _____ --,-/;:,__"''f_c;_£4::J4____~------------------- DISPOSITION: (Inmate will not write in this space) i-:-1-60 (Rev. 11-90) n\ X l rr, \
Hines, Joseph Barnard
Combined Opinion