FlLED FOR RECORD Z015MAY 22 AM 8: 3l+ su::,;· . i' 1\l1:CC:i:SON G\STF~iCT Ct.EH~ ~ 1 I Mi\RfoN COUHF. TEXAS NO. Fl449; BY---------~-DEP. FILED IN ST ATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT 6th COURT COURT OF APPEALS § I TEXARKANA, TEXAS vs. § 5/22/2015 2:44:54 PM 276th JUDICIAL DISTRICT § DEBBIE AUTREY CHRISTOPHER WAYNE WILDER § Clerk MARION COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE .JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Now comes Christopher Wayne Wilder, Defbndant in the above styled and numbered cause, and gives this written notice of appeal to the cburt of Appeals of the State of Texas from the judgment of conviction and sentence herein rendered against Christopher Wayne Wilder. ' Respectfolly submitted, ' I ROBERli L COLE JR 409N. Ffedonia.. Suite 101 ' LONGVIEW, TX 75601 Tel: (903~ 236-6288 ' Fax: (903) 236-5441 I By:~~~-!:__~...:...l.!!:.::::=~---- Robef! L. Cole, Jr. State 1Bar No. 0454 7800 rcolejd@gmail.com Attorpey for Christopher Wayne Wilder I 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE . . This is to certify that on May 22, 2015, ai true' and correct copy of the above and foregomg document was served on the County Att9rney s Office of Manon County, Manon County Courthouse, Jefferson, Texas, by hand delivery.
Christopher Wayne Wilder v. State
Combined Opinion