Hernandez, Oscar v. State

a/0. i i - t i - a n a L o - c t i T3C/5 X.N THE .CJDUrt _0~-C(l Perjtxoa/ ink nxscRetzoma ry HE. \SX£ \A/ JiO^±J^i±O^j3JLA_BlE___C0^ri' of Appeal£ c^neL TUSJ-lC-e. JlkeJLCjdEj .JD.$Cj^rLJd^IJlCkh oiez^_A Pp ^ilc^n fs hy *,n£ Th rough */5 _p^.rA i7,0J2j.A^t(_*i._Jk>_£V Ten n Z_(.$j^^elaM^jJitoU>S^JEB&b "P ~ro~Je~ jjXEMTxt^rL.0b. Fartibs aa/o cou/v^bl A-PMjLL^AMTJ OJC^rrternan^ez : T_D_CT^4* OJlUX XX AAiChCLel .Uft i.T. .Tewi eSS et .Colo r\y, T* 7tr.rrU.. APPELLATE Cou/v£E L'* S l~-en L(xngsjo^n P,o. to* 531 TyJj^r^.jOL.Zi'7-LQ TRXAL COU/I/SZLS Jcctfr she^rieioun PjOJftox £3 7 _ . . ... RiASKjTy 7S7P5- STATE oF TEXAS : Za.chM-Lt„Pa.?f on cJzue.-£-o-ti-C£—C.e6, Vox it so HuSkj T* 7r7tr- • ___ TAR LP nP tnh/TEA/TS ; . £.4j>B, .A/a-yTl&.SL_Pjj___coll _pAr+l_£S__ _ i Ta*bJjz.-QJLut&n.-tents . .. ii_ XttjCzx.. af Auth arjfijzf .... ili Sta-Te/^&nt 7f e-Cf^udridJn^ A/0. oTtuJ _/+jr.g.U-#\jtLKt_t_. S-hc*ste/*€.h,t of f-hsL.._/&_-.______. .5-Hutc/nt-nT ot pro C^dutr(A__l_Hi$tpjry_ ~.6dC0MjbjcL for Kzis/e ^ AKgU./nctJt . J -// -^pjrcvyvl &***+£>j___7_&<».$t.\*r,_j3LclJ5:i Cr^,_c&s^,_A-/?/LfJtJjO ..LUQUh j 4*/7 S,W. jid CAsfl+M Lf LUfUlbj^, st-osi-n. 7X s.iA,, j./ 3S~S"j 3(,3 CT^r.cri^, ^/s>.9^o^)_ .Ro.ti-0&i?—te-f±&££-jJJt-S-*-.i'r' -let.- forj ?iiAT^X^crir^,^^_^cto_t_) "RaSe- V. S+*she,j 7 Crjyy.. A-*p. it 77) FBDERA L \_Aus .cuyier v, siAiil\/CL.hj hhg u,s. 35Cj sw.cinro)•_..__ .^L„C_&n*^J3_iJ_J^,3_,_£&M_J_^^ ih^-Ce^MJi—S^JltiJ^h^ocUse*-,-.3* 7_ iA__5, 7S~M'y.77J-.CJHJ-0-)- $fKi-£M-L*d&.iC ¥,. W.JHeJjk-JjBLf'tv*, HUt; U*.5.*..(,.tt-j--(^Z-j-.tffJLJL\311£\\- til *TATEMe.*/T 11 Efi, AlQ[) Ja/& a*> f> fi A L ARGUMe.HT -ALQ—joxj^J. <*/h.ent Li r&au &ftecl j, &cc^mSCj glS .-^/U~b^e.. s.k.0 <#:n ~ -» i ^ b Vi/j Th e fC/_a?( -r^Cord CI ec^r/y C5tc^bt <$h € f Theut .Ths. , j^Jv^lct€j^Ci2,__a£_.i^ei^e^T} of cetuunSeJ ~-)t( b-e- es-rcuhihkef. STATEA\EAH- o-F THB CASE. J3Jt-J£B^JUJ^JLy-^J4JO.yln...tkse Jaconet Tudidc^l OlStriCt Ceu.r't of...- Ch^TLhr-e coL^nTyjTexa^; The 0f+',/ne j^i^A/c/i tCfUt, Th-e. pcfittoh for P.scr-CTtoncory H^i/I e\v,Thv ri/n* rtfiU th-e pe,tiT>oh hc^s ^b^^n^€_-e&-L $ fe»- son a^b ly cupply c Ie<*r\ y ^estc^hj./shed ^^d^rc^l \_o.\as , a*d#r Strt'ch lct**d v, Wccffi In^tPP^OO. .,. w,s, 4>4rv Iftf s,ct. ^otXj yo L,£d,v\UL$t cc-CT vyithlri Th-e. ra^nd-*- &f coyyipet-exc*.-- aCe~/yia^td'&dl o~f e^tf ot *-eyJ '* cr lattice/ CC^^ti, TyiC/Ku-hH \7, Wchu-ird$Q)\ . 3.f7 UstJ7r% 77/ ClfSO)* Th* Scu/n-e $T<^n elc^rdS c^/o/oly In woJua,+fhsj -jffidsUfep^-^±a*±Lo_n $f_...fetsulh eoL cobd ouyyo Int&d. ceutiS-H. cayferv^ . 5MJl.lkeo.hj M. *fA... US* 33S~j 3ff C19tO ) , Th* tff-e. Cti^£rt*S5 of CouM$-et . 1$ 0r>?. yttpf, iff/) «Xtl.-ecrdd.i.tlcMj cu dtf-e* da,^T in a- cr^fntut trivul does sis&T n€.^jiL to . ^o.b^€ct..clr\r< .Th* \S$U-c -for o^ff^^l< Kob'>n5oft V, Stc^T-c^lb StW> 3d rd^S-H-. ..-XJ.S2L. Criffle AfPiJ^OJDQ^.Xn orfar in he-r-t «jc ca-nv/cfitm r-cVtrs-eU. on ._. ..^/'jiff.^ij.^ c*~rf*riliLne^nc-«- ^-cC&fUj-tnf'.-tt-t+d Th-uT th* U^flc\eh.t f*rfor/>*&<*icc re $n( •+<£*? in , pr-e-JjUClU-t TO The d.tf-endfr'it by *t*-f>ril/jh t,WJ.-bp7jo*i.- ...Cit$'€)f Thji c^ff^l/tutc- Cffuo^T syiocst j>^e triV/ coum&-tixs Conduct: .JoJLSj€jL-jjip0&- T-he^fCt^rtlcUl^r Fc^otS ot €.CL>ck cct,5<- >Zot. uXT.ty.lCL..- —. .T.h-Cr--Urpf'efl.0>'HT.-'n-ufi~ sho*" TWcoT Thiecl CooonSvft ir-tpr*Ser\-tc^T>oh -f~<,(l _ - bclon/ cuti 0bj-e. CT! \rc sTundturdl #~f rJeeut0*icubled9-e£S— cL,ppell&n± .jnjJST id&.nTiiy.-.XLjLfS OT OynlS$Jotl S by Trifl COUnS-C thccJt i*,«/>e_rf_U,.i_t5^- of r-cO^Soneubi-C -frs -fvision ets( J uda,yn fit Cunt/ vr-e^e e>.&JtrsS'ttiL- jrh*~rc Zd. M.e...ftt^-dcL_r:d.S—asJ9.ti.0Mrtj£&fC. It) ftrick l^nd uJSe u-ffly rv c^;^ ina^f. .. cou5^eS_ Jib. Ttk^ccS ,..£«.. Htrn.tut\A.£i-. V> ffy-&//&-nT r-z C-eIis i#z~ in ff-& ctiVe u^SiSto^tit-e , ...jp.t- Co\u,.n£*£,(.. ...... J .-Tho5-fL ^rrvr^ IhC/iCd.^l TtSKZ XI) Afp^lf&vT vtscu$ U'tffiritrvti (?-f his . .. Ki^ht To.€.-Ff-&Ctil/<- U^SfSt&snte of cjc^KS-d.y^b&n.tricol CVUsrtS-el . fulled .to UlSclcS~*e a^pi *J.-€K±J&JiTttiSL§S« .... . ... . .-ZSJue- 31) A-ppvl/u-nt. -*^*^ d^prfir*** ot hh rip/iT to d^p riir-cd o-f.hh. ris-ht -TV- *-ffr pourol^e.^ :Z5svL-e- C>) App--ellounir v^c^S deprived of his rip^hf to *ff-ec+iyiL .OsSS^tQshCt of oouhSet ^h-en Trjcuf CouiSel fcull-cU. to. obj^ctLTjo_tk.e .tricol courts ? rofoftd r~cspo*c-e r-ce,u^rd) nj Th -t -t Ff^ct of f> curoL-e.^ . OKI Ayp^U.fl'ft'fs S-ent&HC-i. «. ._..... .._ £JSci<, 71) Apfvifo/ht wet* cd^pri r-edl of hi-b riyhr To •cff^cTi^-e .. c^.fSistco-r\C& ot coutn5^1 */he*\ Tria^l Counsel faulted To object- ~t0 3 in.a, d /*isslbl& h&^r^u.y recjurd,>r\q u decuTk rhr^c^t.-/y\£o.d~e—by A-pp-zll-Qs*it» - .. .. _ Xn 1h<- -F-lirff- is5Uej rfppef'fcc+T e^r Tfo**T. Uic'z> COUn£*tl K^*-£ //•? e.&PeCi~it/£. .h-€.Cu.US€ .h-P-f.^JLed^Jv d/S-U&S-e.. child fo^&mtc, thTer\/le.i*'&y f)e&,she/ JLe4JLjt£-Ac-*o.t&tjh'Aj..&k-.p~CK±j*rJr*.sf^yi^Vy Ued i-c _ hnJ^lny UjC.dL.jri 1~h*~ yet&t Ccmctfrtietp, fJti^—-C,iAt^<^T. c*^.f&&4., SpeeJft'caJ.ly^ &*5> T-eS*-'fi-td.*=Z follows \ -...'. . __ Q,b0.y0U t-cnt'rvb-tr' fcolffhg ft? c^jpoiic-e oftiCre.r.ThcoT #i}/yft'Tf_ A.^y.es_i . . __ Q.* A*s<£ *&**t'did\y.0jULjt&4t'-Th-e, ptPh'C-e, offj C-*rA A, Ufaid i^lyux 4cm*, of Th-e, 6TiAffv J%.:OJ\?-yt Mo**' c.a/n~t. y?u. didnt telf 1^',/n c^il thti. StaffI'lisTh-e>ce. cu reasonj!'. j£.»-T-EUSt..,-£. .do-nt-r£fik:j.ly-l:Lk£,-J'b.^--p^ #r.i T.-$uSTde&*-\ ,_.X. did/ft. Thi nk iT.HAJ^J. u/so necessary to .te//.. th.u-_tc// u^bo uT -Lis-cryrhinp r^tcst kc^^P^^-^^ o/xfestd9 oj^^yt - —- - . .Am—y~€S-4- JX,J^h.C^-JLS^y It d*sptH(£s on who yoc-t, c^rc tuJklnpTOfhltf^lrrozct.y T.b,.^^jJt^.depend'i on hojf smUcA y0i>t Tri^ft th*f- p^/-^1"1 * ..Q t.-Wh&n you •foufd' t*oJP T# otbir p-e*p/e- <*->*Vyo u urait.ld.flf .Telf.Thati ^yxjryThtnp^? vwcr-cvou. T&Mlh.jp- Th-#*n Th-e, .tr.t^Th ore*-, lie, J\a X gu€f>s yo*~ oeultt Secy oc lie » if Qt.Q.ha./.,J4^e.uM tkn^t h*. Jbeta,uZ€. yai^ dI(Lift tr,ll then* Th* tmtt'r-c +ij(jHj ?_ A* yef» ... -.^AJtot-eoiSjtf-j f>p>, Jlyyi'ilc^r/y c^dy^/tte,c£—±hiiiA__hjer_l_n^ ,-.!J4-C0rt_5_;sTe*'t -w/Tk- her p r-esflous shzfts-^t&nTs conc^r^tnytjhj^c^le^c^Hi- _<,U*TTS, speo;flCcUjy_jB±SrT.e9.tifi-cc/ c^i falh^.^4, #, SP Thfe-e^orfotcs ygtcr* \a,ter^ yffu.T-cli. Th-& Iflftrict- 4~Hn>rfle.yJ u^A*,1 yr is Th*. truth r At.y-es*. -$••*-» kt*y.tS.t. fbr^ Pvj^r.ye/^rij you ccntinucd to lie, c^bouit if, A» -"fit Tvtuily, ..SI aJ^Jvi>T^jde. yoiL.sn ett,*i r\ pt _. Ta:fii,lly,>_L_der^ 'f.. und<- X u*_us&n-t .Susyl.rip. fhewfai-t entire truth..JL Mrej^Jd f lc ct'..$ay_pArfS/ - _.irJ^JoLulil. h-e t*,' ii-e thouvdi* - , Thu.5, 5-elf\ T^ST,sntwj,• The, ^-K.ry ut^ej^ld b.-C. cz,b/' e- ~iO_Con Sid-e.d' th<. . \r_icjhisn'*$ .. ih~ Co u,rt T^J>tl<sly kc^d ^,/ i^^n l.€SS.^Th.t^n .ce-**-/> lAfe- iA-e.r~sj.ajd of Htefr .~.$.£*ri-es_+_UJt/sr* Grfe.fy^.T-h.-e-.fcotry reCu$onco4>ly• „tould facuif-t- found Th-e. &,S-, O.W.. . E,5jl icock-tU cr-eUiblliTy^b^T it d^..CT,hed^fodo jo.T.b^r^jfo.r<^ Appel/^^t - Canelcede, tria,( csun$*elt,ld hMAr-e, b^~ett cl/fFer-ent,... .^ekfrT Zo~m-pLy/h.p- .uzj*zf\- -Te-V%^ 'JtU.lej cF B\rjeL-e-hC-e. lo*X<^JJ&).-J^h-l-C-h~r<.4Ulr:es.__ a-pu/rty Cpmplcu'ihjnty pp- th-e ^Jr.c/t4^-i-/OA df^LVjd-t^A^, to ^tcchjc The, jth -c $t*rp~irt vrltfietS d<-pTtu*d hia* of etf-ectiiT-e, a,ssi£tc^sic-e. _ ^.ofccu-nS-tli Coufife,/ eJf'd nat fll-e cuny /n afig *.£„<*? _ _Xn th-e 5-e_c<;e,d c^^djT.hl.rd. i$su^/ Aff-e/twf centemdj th^T~ hi$ counsel , MAius . IK^ff e,&flIJ£ h.^ec^c *,* .•€ _A-e, f^f*c£__tv..«n^/r-&-.M^..b.ll(. ct jZ^rCtptio.n Tey-nrdfrty. th-*. Test/^ip-^y he, e^p-ecf-fd to e.//c/r- jfn?s*i_._ S.^Lf_OL^jxjd usnd pf th-c r-ccojrdsii, _o.fi—fhdt-f-e^. of Th-€. ,\d^iCf/os?y ^oi^jd. hu/rc $f>onj:#/**{'* The coitrT h a.s r&Co-tyniz-eeL