Pate, Chadrick B

DME:_M\Ml< RECEIVED II HLE INWRJMLE C0URT 0F CRmmi APPEALS BY:• (P '_ JUN 112015 Abel Acosta, Clerk IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. ex PARirE ,,,. dr ii^gnt eefttains $mfk the the district court CHADRICKBPATE gg^SU&lW. 36THJUDICIALDISTRICT TDCJ #015*63340 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE. W. M^SftSfMCJR COVER SHEET EXHD3IT 15 -MASTER INDEXCHRISTOPER HALL REPORTERS RECORD 1-11 PAGE 2 €*-* 13 Scanned Jan 26, 2012 ^zis-ofr^ 1 r g p q r 11 « ' s •RlCOTHi 2 VCOJWSS 3 4 •tsia.1. Court. C«ml«*. Tftaafawc A.-Qft-5«*-« ''»••-( ci^--- (thl°- Pretrial .Yieaxxiig (iu-;& C&usr-C ta se-t i?-(j- r 12 Mr.' Pate from this' case at this time because they 're going to get into evideace t,ta.a»t.' a aat e.d.rc.i.'S.^.'Lb.L'e. ^^^i.r^'sA:. ^..vni BiTitSii J. 4 j^s g&ingt x.o J?£> us&d atg&iKsi: //Tint. S& I oi'jjecrc ana' J''a ask 15 for .a severance. 16l MS. . C^RLE. •. Z. te^Lift'fi Vs;at. •c.'&Ti '!/•& tvrr-feti Vy J 7 ^>.o j^^'rcitf,';, u.:ri,ci:y-6-. fYrey Can as tried together and' 18 there can be an instruction as to the jury not consider!n 1.91 Cb.^'A'i it.^ ?at^ . TffE COURT: See, £''m at such ah .unfair 21 advantage. I have no idea what this guy's going t:o say Lt •kTi'd vto. 1 titm'"t 'ktiow 'now l"'nv going, to ma'ke a ruling on /. 3 this because I have no idea what he's going to tell us. 24 MS. CABLE: He's basically going to say, 2oj Judge.-, that he was contacted by Michael Underwood and IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 EX PARTE FROM THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRICK B. PATE TDCJ NO. 01563340 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT APPLICANT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR NEMABARDJIN PETITIONER V. JUDGE JAN'.NA K. WHATELY PETITIONER'S ItfFOR&lATIO\ NEMA B ARDIN Austin,'Tescas 78767 512-487-0197 cell CERTDJICATE OF SERVICE /*** Am^J.^ Ido hereby certify that atrue original of the above and foregoingApplication ofiEmergency Original Ma beas Corpus was personally hand delivered on the 2>a> day ofJUNE, 2015 toThe Texas Count of Criminal AppealsClerk's Office at 201 W. 14th Street Austin, Texas 78701 and sent regular mail to: JUDGE JANNAK. WHATELY P.O. BOX 700 SiNTON TEXAS 793&7-tt7Qft ARANSAS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK'S OFFICE 391 NORTH LIVE OAK STREET ROCKPORT, TEXAS 78382 PAGE 1 OF 2 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 EX PARTES FROM THE DISTRICT COURT CHADRICK )B. PATE TDCJ NO. 01563340 36TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT APPLNOANT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR NEMABAJftDIN V. JUDGE JANKA K. WHATELY OATH STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY , N.A. CADENA &£&!$& Notary Public, State of Texas I fpTut My Commission Expires Wil-$F October 20. 2018 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ARANSAS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY 301 NORTH LIVE OAK STREET ROCKPORT, TEXAS 78382 PAGE 2 OF 2