Agere Tadesse v. Riaz Akhtarkhavari

JOHN F. t'ARREM. COUNTY CLERK No cC-/3~-&3>9£?\jg 0ALLAS roL,m T£XAS 2lliAU8 3! PH12= "I i» pTflZ. Mrtf77KkJ/AI/Aftr In the^Z^ court Plaintiff >i cot/ft^/ ew&r LJttt/ r- i2 S3 ^^^ T^^^^g- ? : ^ Defendant Dallas County, Texas > 5 ^ ^S NOTICE OF APPEAL S ^ ^ ^ !,° <•.» TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: COMES NOW the Defendant, self-represented, and fries this Notice ofAppeal from the judgment signed by the Court on /£//&K/±f 24 2-&/J? . J/fjr-tf/ £ /S^JZ^I^ Defendant, appeals to the" ^& ^A/JfrT & /rf/y&/r^> at Dallas. Texas. * Respectfully submitted,> A Print Name: /?&&££' -T^JZ^J^ Address: ?J*/*f /T/Z/jStTZ/XLC ^j/ Telephone: 7!h~ Z^*/~ fW? CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, fl&£#j? T^'^^befendant, do hereby certify that atrue and correct C0Py <7/^g/ ofthe'foregoing has been mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested to J^JJ^p^^1 /TfW AJoLB^)/ ,Attorney for Plaintiff, at -?//?- IV'fl#Kk /?#UJ^ /?K/~^MPr2>/7/'?*X, 1 ----^Z_dayof^^<^Xl-'20^ i cXaS, uii uus me • ^0/" /get* //- .signature /}&£#£ -rtmg&FZ' Print Name