McHenry, Cornell

Court: Texas Supreme Court
Date filed: 2015-10-05
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Combined Opinion
   c.c. .A - r ·t\ -l ~ 1-v~ _H> J 0_6JA               ~ ~ ~a_,.. f)..l o& t:!l_ .... e. A.     -1   -'1'~~ ecr~-~rl- ~-:to...~§) U-1·-·----
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      To· TI-ft                HDNORtt5)E                       _juJSG£ Df. Sftrl)                                     CtJuet
 lt., f>l,.,lNf;++ •.s           Dvt,91NttL .Appf,~c.A-f;DI\J                     \for wri~                 ot Mllr\Ja,
             CofYlee:, Now                   1
                                                  r;IIJ,eJ! !1tfle/J{{¥_Re.1Atc9r ~ pro )·se.
 ;N    Th(L_ A6ovD-            stytw         ftl\)cl    NlltMbe_re_J           cR-\Ase__             of' o.CL+~-D     t\J        (;\~· f\'1~5
Th;s f)r0J iNa..l AppltcPrfiDrJ.                       'h.>r    Wrtr o.f          mA--f\JdC\1¥-U.S.               purSuA-,Jf- fo

Ar+ic.-fe.         IL 0 l      ~eot&~ 3{_c.) o~ tk ( eJlA-s L..ocle..                                          a+      C(; M:·AJA--{ (       QA..C:l wo(,t(cl       5houJ            lhL- Co(itrf ThL .PoflDwi~ •

B. ReJtrfor
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{) f=fe.Nfi U          i f\l CAILCera fed ~ f\J ThGt..-                1-e..)CA-..5   t>e~c+~                         .©f·       Cri~~',vtLI
J£As·k Le.. . c. (\lol         ·is    Appearlrv_s              fWD • 5e       . who            CO.N          b ~ I ocA'fc.J CLt
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       No lDThe{               ade~ua-~ e.-. re""eut~                    af I Prw.
  ( c0.3            Tha_       ae-+ ~d)~ht To                           be_Ur? i's rniNisf~}al
      ruot        dt.:sCt'eJttoNitll-{/ ·1rv NPrf(Ar-e. ,              TCcP Art ll. 01 ~tloN 3. c.
      re~u(v-e..s           Re.spoJVui.A-vVf- ·to Immed.iA--1-eb                              frfhv'S       lhl~ t-   ·+-o         "TA (,!_
      C£>fAr·f       of C c-i 1\'.-i NiL (       ffppea(_s a U~                       6--(}    ·fh.e_        ttpp ficA-+Ie             1\/ ,

      .Po,    Wr/t o-f H~bea. 5,                  Ctxpu.s              CANu           A-N.Sw·e~ ·f;'{.e.ot , aNd
    a__ LaJ-~·.(2;LA4-e.. re_c{'f-{Njj '-f{e_, dct:"f~ uptJN uJh~cL_ --/1,1¥+ ·tJNcV~

   was            M&;;i.Q_ (    l"'iAua- b~ 'Tc-A.v.::.rndted                 -1-o ·tk'- Cow.,-f (;..{.' Cc:·"'-~/Vtt-1 Appeal~
                Hod           Sud\ doLu/f\ef\If s                   be_e.rJ Tr!li'JSIY\i+tecA lo fhc.                        Lnurf
    D.f Lrm'\;wa (               Appectl S t:Y R.espai\Jdarv·t                        A-:J    re.~u~('eJ              !:!Y   St4-fufe_ .
    Re.lA-+Dr             WDu   Id h Pave.            r-eel -e_ve.J   1\)~·t;c.e.. -+c-oM- 't'hl2. Cou:-+                    o+
   Cc; ~ :,.~t.~l             Appeal~       c ·

 C.       RespoNol.ArJt
         2 .0 I RespoNolaNf.. ~-.&___. ipJ                                                                    her I!,:~ L'.AO:J      o.f ite..             t1ppli'cA:fitDN _Q, 'fie_

COtJ\/Zct; Al_9 ( r.Ourt                olec;dcl.s 'fhAf         are.               CUD       ,--::>   ~ b~

 R.Q.St9 ( veJ            .
2,.      ~J~. J);sfr;d Clee-k_
      Cl0fAtV"iJ m~ be.. Se.J?. v~J af he.r l.bi2.. pf~te:c_ c0·f
    at Cour-i YtJ~:e                          7/D               .<.>   B~~taiiiCA-~ .-.-
                                                  .                                             t0ew           B&P~"tcr>n..- 1exa.:'J
        J_rrJ_Q__:.:_ __2_3_2 ~
    .D     I     V;o (fClt;o(V       o+        (I rc_·f;LI~              II, 0 I     of      n e..         I e.JcA-s Code.
               o~P ~r; (V\: rva I Pcz)u:d {Arc..

        3 ,D I The_ Re.s~Nclarv+ \./·cD IA-feci . A12.f: c f~ It 01 &c., 3 {c)                         I

               of the Te)cA-J G:d e. o{ Cc- i m i eva ( Pruc.e.du v-e. ~ -fi+i' /; "'3
                To pro\ftole.. a          tio~           lf>+       rhe      upp I;          ~(" lt0r;+ Df
                HA-6<2A.s Co('"p~~t5>      1
                                               arJ_::f a.r.Jswer-5 ~;I+ -t{e_ a pp I; cA-·4 ioN ~,
                 LJr;+   o·t    H.a-b.s Corpk.5                     I   Q(l)_j     UNSw·er~      +,·ted. '      tANd     a·
'c~ G'ec.~ t-:tJ_9 '+ke. ola.fe._                                upe>tJ     u~ ~c..L        +hM .t.'Aid•'.-;
          l.AJ k S ffi flole_    ,   Wu <=- IY\ Ad"-                     b:/ &1 ll'fo r        -h:,        A/e. s J~--"'~ .
.   -   m~ Aucle:~.a:n               w           •   •    •         LtDlAI'li!r      n)   b_ym Cerd;+; e.d.          mA t'led

         \e:tt~r( da+6:i                 :Su.\(\.e.. ~a                 .2          OD    1iL         ptArst.. u~N+ tD
    ---7-liit~ (]~-·-rt-~-0/ ·--sec:J.·:o-rJ- 3 (-e )~o~~--'fkcc- GDde.: <.9.t-Crll\>..l-rv~L tta:dk

        ·1fu.e atJd AccV\rt+ie. cop£e_s D+·                                 .ne_     4bove.. ltLfter~ are-             A-·HAc.het
                                                                                      /( ("'\.      d to          A-S . E y h~ b       ;+ s          A ' lh rD !Act h             N          aN ' a{! e.

         1~drnrooeA-te.J         bv       ije.:+'en? h.e.-re.lrv -.Por                   A I\ plAPpo5e5, ·
   3;D3 'To da+e . if2e-{~J;fe--r                           hA-s r-eciev-~J ruo ~f\JS~
           froM-- ((Q~poNdthvf eea_sr-diNS f2e.J~toJLS ·~rt­
          lrAI\J.s~·-~ L9·.P A- t2o~                 Df     ·fhJL     A-pp (icl+-1-;o           rU    -~r IA1r/·t     .of
           1-t!lbtf'OI s C.orplA.s 'aN3 Gtf\J~IA),(Z_~~                    ,f;J.     f2Q_p.oa+ecl~r peA f t<..espoNdurvf                 {.)N           N\f;c..e.      --rt,n--1 ReJa+cf)(L
        S£E\C6              +h~ ·r-rflN5m; H-ed . CDDLJ Dt A C.-tJfJ}J                             a..f- fit e.. AApliL:A-l;bt

         ~('     Wr:+         Df      Htdat::n~ C.Orpu5     7   0~ a~-.stA}e.('S, ..(2; /d                     u 1\}ot a
         ~+~ f; CA--fe.. fa +.e.            LA   po   {1.}       1.-J h;6 h     iiw·~ ~~~ ,vdl JV_j' wIt~

         /V\Ade.. . +n -the.. C.Dcu-·+ o{ Cr;~~ 1\JaJ f1ope.ul5                                    Ctl"d    +h4--+   5c.t

        f2ec_o l2.G~ .5 .

  .; $ . S.           9uJret:P               ·~Lj tfte. Ct     ;:S' Ls~ue...s , -rh c;_ Qle..r lc SMA-ll .I YY\IY\ed ~ A--fL~
           1\itNSIY\:ft            LE_M.o~ ~s          A:lofc.J ) TQ             ~2 Gourf ~ Cr,' ,'\\i NeLl
            ~ppea. Ls . a CD0J o+ fl,~e_ A-ptpf I CA-t;&>(\) A!:!:J                                      Ca\J.S.wt!!.r   s -.C,'·JQj
           CAf\/rA a           Ger+; ·.C:cJ+;~e_   oe..c.~+~ N_5 'fit~              dA+e._ upbN wh :LL --11v4+
           ~; vd ~ ~            WA-)    rn.4of<.   r    ._()A-;·( ure...       +o    fh R- Court +o _ocf
           Wi~~ll) ·-fi.e.. A-llowed                    c1o dA-14 s' sh:¥11 t2oNs+:-i-(A+JL                        Sue..(      Q

           .-C~-IVul.; ~, "          ie>cAJ Cede e>f                  CR.If\\..iuvA-1

      {a, Arc_+rule. II .Ol :5a                         3 (c)                  Re..s. pn,vctA--~Vf Is /N VIDir.d-:o (\)
             o-F th;· ~ proc.edtAr e.. ' m; lVI ~--~-e_~IA-1                              ell.{_ +:-es   .   ANd         ·-rhu.s
           ilVL lAw> Df 'fh,:-.s; S+A-fe ,

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     ' Jj   I      }>RA~ er- ~ ~lei+.,
    . -         --T0hUL  aa.~ ·p~e_;r~~;_se~- RifA-f~ bArrel-[
           , I'JC~j£fl S. o/ pro . .S12_ Resne.d-P"'-i!:J ~~-~ e~+ -C.•rvdo~
I    · .   ~A-t ti\.Q. Re.s p{) Nd~:•J ~ d;d JJ v+ Tr 1\'1'11S-1'1\. itt d ec_u Mt-N+ s r:.i

     -tirK.- 4-Pfu                          tr-._~         ulu:k ·-(h~ were_ ~ue.;f~ ~ ftt+t
     £._f A--t.orL brotgh + -t'h .- s Ii t