CAUSE NO. 1278106 STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE 179TH DISTRICT COURT vs. § OF WEBB, WILLIARD K. § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS This document contains some pages that are of poor quality AFFIDAVIT at the time of imaging. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority personally appeared, who being duly sworn deposed as follows. . . My name is ALISON LEDEE. I am a Deputy District Clerk employee assigned as a Deputy Court Clerk of the Criminal Courts Division for the District Clerk's office. PROSE Motion titled: MOTION FOR PRODUCTION OF TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS CLERKS RECORDS, DOCUMENTS, AND DISCOVERY IN FORMA PAUPERIS was received on 6115/15 and presented to court but no ruling was m . On 9/25/2015 court made a ruling denying motion titled:().,'cllve... ALI SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on the 2N° day of October, 2015. ~ECE~VED ~~ ©OURT Of CR!MI~V:\t A~P~lS OCT 15 2015 I Att»®~ ~rg@~~~, C~rev~ . :'i .··~ CHR'ts DANIEL .. CLER'K OF THE' •· .. l 79th. ·JUDICI·AJ.. DISTRICT COUR'l' . P.O •. BOX 46.51, ,. llouacoli; ·"ex\~ :•''7'7210-4651 . ·' r~ , < APRIL : 21 / 2015 : ..· r.: R~;.WILLARD.KENDALL WEBB V. STATE OF TEXA~ T ~ ',( •••• ••••• '''{';\~~;:., •• ~ :···,;,'.:~-.;:.:: ~J:<;~""'-':,.'1.: •• I Cause no: ·\1.·276'1'06· ··•· · · De•r ·:.;.: · 1 ·. Dietrict··~·:qlEjrkt Please firid,'·'enelQ'sed :for fi.ling:./amoung the .. pa,-per~ in the i.tbove ·~~u~e rhlmQer, :~Y' Qrirlgin~·l·.:~ m~t·lon ·Jf_q~_,::;a~Lcopy ·Qf ·t.t:u~ t;r~.o~c:~ip_t~, .and court tepctrtc:tr·s ... forma paupf!rie·. 6rlng rthis record ln :Piease ·..iooti!·orE. t·o::,;th~'.;tat\tent;ion ·~-· • ;;.::-ii •• :-"; '• .; -- \1,; ,,. ·~•• - ?. ·~ · · 5 ~-·:Enclosed~ :is t2 ,.: ~·op'i~es of 'is'a'td llo) page 'irroEiil~ ''arbh9 "ilh •IfEc£'A'RATI~oN'':op.r';IN'AalttTY. 'To P(.\y''i'c'OAsT·.,. ·' ·.: .. Your time and assistance in this matter is greayly apprecate. i' ~ . : : .. . l: ·~ ·,· \ .. RESP.E~_TfP.~~J, ~U.B,M~~~ED ~sz!i/dtud'K_U/dZ-·:· fl - '• _;_.,.:, . ~~- _- f ..~o!~. •· ' ' · .< · . • ~ WILLARD .K •. ·.WEBB Att R'Erf"utiiij\ '#i 1ti12o · '210 1:-, ,,p M ·rtx. ~::- ·.j ;~ ,- "" ;=. 76367. cc: wkw/file ,, ,, \ FILED Chris Daniel District Clerk ,~·· SEP 1 7 2015 \ . IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL\APPEALS OF TEXAS \ NO. WR-83,464-01 IN RE WILLARD K. WEBB, Relator ONAP.PLICATION FOR A WRIT OF MANDAMUS CAUSE NO.l278106 IN THE 179T" DISTRICT COURT FROM HARRIS COUNTY Per curiam. ORDER Relator has filed a motion for leave to file a writ of mandamus pursuant to the original jurisdiction of this Court. In it, he contends that he wrote to the Harris County District Clerk requesting an estimate of the "total fees" required to purchase copies of requested records, but has received no response. In these circumstances, additional facts are needed. Respondent, the District Clerk ofHarris County, is ordered to file a response stating whether he received a request from the Relator for a . statement of costs for his records. If the District Clerk received such a request, he shall state the nature of his response and, ifavailable, provide a copy of the response. If the District Clerk received 2 such a request and did not respond, he shall provide his rationale for not responding. This application for leave to file a writ of mandamus shall be held in abeyance until Respondent has submitted the appropriate response. Such response shall be submitted within 30 days of the date of this order. Filed: September 16, 2015 Do not publish ~-. ,. / ,. ..· ' I FILE COPY SHARON KELLER ABEL ACOSTA PRESIDrNG JUDGE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS CLERK (512) 463·1551 P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION LAWRENCE E. i\IEYERS CHERYL JOHNSON AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 SIAN SCHILHAB ·MIKE KEASLER GENERAL COUNSEL · BARBARA P. HERVEY . (512)463·1597 ELSA ALCALA BERT RICHARDSON KEVIN P. YEARY DAVID NEWELL JUIJGES September 16, 2015 FILED Chris Daniel District Clerk Harris County D.lstrlct Clerk Chris Daniel Post Conviction/Appeals Section SEP 1 7 2015 P.O. Box 4651 Houston, TX 7721 0-4651 *DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL* Re: WEBB, WILLARD K CCA No. WR-83,464-01 Trial Court Case No. 1278106 The· Court has this day issued an order for the above referenced cause. Abel Acosta, Clerk . cc: WILLARD K WEBB SUPREME COURT BUILDING, 201 WEST 14TII STREET, ROOM 106, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 WEBSITE WWW.'fXCOURTS.GOViCCA.ASPX
Webb, Willard K
Combined Opinion