l %|4%/0|'0; 104th DISTRICT CoURT ' §§E§YAE£?.§§¥atdr LEE HAMILTON, JUDGE 300 Oak Street Suite 402. Tay|or Cnunty Courthousc Abi|ene, Tcxas 79602 325-674-13|3 .lULIE CAMPBELL Court Reporter I)ANNYWAI)E ~ October 16, 2015 Ba'l'ff Clerk, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas P. O. Box 12308 , ,Austin, Texas` 78711 ' Re: N'o WR- 83',-479- 01 & 02 . Ex Parte Ricky Joseph_ Martinez, Applica_nt - Dear Clerk: 1 have been ordered to make findings and conclusions in the referenced case. Currently, I arn ordered to resolve all fact issues by October 29, 2015. Due to rny busy docket and schedule, l Will not be able to resolve the issues by October 29, 2015.'. Accordingly, I am requesting a 60- -day extension on the deadline to resolve factual lssues. Please advise the Court of this request and advise me of the Court’s ruling. By copy hereof, I am advising counsel of record of this request. Thank you very much. Sincerely, y`§¢/ M Lee Hamilton Cc: Niles Illich, l’h.D., J.D., Applicant’s Attorney RE©EUVE© nw 701 Comrnerce Street, Suite 400 Dallas, _Texas . 75202-4518 _ l @©\LM 613 @WMWM :\l@l§l§¢\l!-S ' 001 - 22 201 , J ames Eidson, State’s Attorney 300 Oak Street, Suite 300 ` _ ~ R@W 'Abilene, Texas 79602 A®@“A@®§i@.©
Martinez, Ricky Joseph
Combined Opinion