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L\)\“Wf¥@f~< 1 +\~~¢ flpp~<\\ad \`\\+0~ lamar C,~;sz"> SPM_., »\~»4++\/\‘§ M\S @w\*v ¥\\>W\\…_<. mow… S;,,r M>PW…,W 04 Cwn$¢\ €, 0\& CDM"\*» $3§>\>\'\\0"+_& wv'.\*‘r~ lhs%w‘"\“m* `\$ \“'_S %v’.r’£v:n k’.s i\p‘>~\ w .»+ ;+ /' PQWC_ dog.v,l\` Gv~<‘¢'\v LU_t '\X( 7 gym .C:§ mm haw F\\\\¥O"\ Cz('~§j>_& P‘Jv\°r Cc)uv\*‘}:q\\ Q%©\ gj\aw+ 3a Cg<~<~c»\o'\\ `( Y\<, '15`§(0\ CASlOl DOCKET BOOK REPORT PAGB 1 CASE § CR1401075 COURT§ COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO. 1 02/16/2015 CAUSE: FAIL TO IDENTIFY FUGITIVE INTENT GIVB FALSE I ' STYLE: THE STATE OF TEXAS VS MILTON EDWARD GRIGGS DEFENDANT NAME ~ ATTORNEY PAR:$, JACK L§ JR. 3101 JOE RAMSEY BLVD.,sTE. 101 P.o. Box 3277 GREENVILLE,TEXAS 75404-8277 903-455-5797 GRIGGS,MILTON EDWARD D 2310 HENRY ST GRBENVILLE ,TX 75401 TRANSACTIONS FOR ALL PARTIBS REPORT FOR ALL DATES 08/06/2014 DECL INABILITY To EMPLOY couNsEL,oRDER APPT ATT¥, GRIGGS,MILTON EDwA J.PARIS,FAX coNF.REsET 3/8/14 9AM BoND HRG/c T 08/19/2014 ORDER coNcERNING BoND-$lsoo.oo PR BoND,FAx coNF To GRIGGS,MILTQN BDwA JAIL/c T 03/19/2014 PR BoND,FAx coNF To JAIL/C T GRIGGS,MILTON EDwA 08/29/2014 COMPLAINT,INFoRMATIoN,sTANDING oRDER GRIGGS,MILTON BDWA BoND,oRDER coNCERNING BOND 09/05/2014 sET PER NoTICE LETTBR 9/30/14 9 AM/L A GRIGGS,MILTON EDwA - 09/30/2014 ` ' REQUBST FoR NEXT CoURT sETTING/oRDER GRIGGS,MILTON EDwA RESET 10/30/2014 9 AM/L A 10/02/2014 sET PER NOTICE bETTBR 10[30/14 9AM/c T GRIGGS,MILTON EDwA 10/30/2014 REQvEsT FoR NExT couRT sETTING/oRDER GRIGGS,MILTON EDwA RESET 11/20/2014 9 AM/L A 11/04/2014 SBT PER NoTICE LETTER 11/20/14 9AM/L D GRIGGS,MILTON EDWA 11/20/2014 REQUEST FoR NExT couRT sETTING/oRDBR GRIGGS,MILTON EDWA RESET 1/6/2015 9 AM/L A 11/20/2014 sET PER NoTICE LETTER 1/6/2015 9 AM/L A GRIGGS,MILTON EDWA 01/06/2015 REQUEST FoR NEXT coURT SETTING/oRDER GRIGGS,MILTQN powA RESET 2/6/2015 9 AM/L A 01/08/2015 sET PER NoTICE LETTER 2/6/2015 9 AM/L A chGGs,MILTON EDwA 02/02/2015 sET PER NOTICE LETTER 2/13/15 9AM/T L GRIGGS,MILTON sowA . 02/13/2015 DEF.PRESENT,PLED GuILT¥,wAIvED JURY,cC-237.oo GRIGGS,MILTON`EDWA ATTRY~1985.00, 300 oAYs JAIL 16 DAYS TIME sERvED. 02/13/2015 DIsPosITIoN,JuDGMENT/sENTENCE,DOCKET,cERT RIGHT To GRIGGS,MILTON EDWA APPEAL,PYMT FEE voucHER,BILL op CosT./L A 02/13/2015 wAIvER oF RIGHTs,coNFEssION AND AGREEMENT./L A GRIGGS,MILTON EDwA . 30 CR iL-iOi©/lg f THE sTATE oF TExAs § IN THE Co \1TY C"Qu \-. § AT L.Aw No. l MlLToN EDWARD GmGGS " CouNTY f ». ~ _ coMPLAINT w YME AND BY AUTHORl enda Henderson, solemnly swear that l have good reason to believe and do OF TEXAS beam GRIGGS,' hereinafter called Def_endam: heretofore on or about th 4th day of August, 2014 before the filing of this complaint, in Hunt County, Texas, did then and there, knowing that the said G. Barrow was a peace officer, intentionally give a false or fictitious name and date ofbirth, to-wit: Reginald Kinchen DOB: 10-07-1978, to G. Barrow, a peace officer who had lawfully arrested or detained é"_ MIL'I`ON EDWARD GRIGGS, and MIL'I`ON EDWARD GRIGGS was then and there a fugitive from justice. z Complainant bases his/her belief upon the observations of G. Barrow, a peace officer, obtained by reviewing said officer a a - AGAINST THE PEACE At" z |IGNITY OF HE STAT COMPLA INA NT “ ` '_ ' sARAit AalGNt mut ( § 2 § Notory Fublic. Stote ot Texos ` . _ My Commlsdon Exp‘ues - d october 03. 2016 §:£_¢_Q \ NOTARY PUBLIC, STA T OF TEXAS CA 149923 FAlL TO IDEN'I`IFY - FUGl'I`lVE FROM JUSTICE CLASS A 13 cR \\'\©\ 075 THE STATE OF TEXAS § lN 'I`HE COUNTY COU'RT\ ¢_t Zi‘.i| § v. - § AT LAw No. 1 § ' . HUNT COUNTY,'TE MILTON EDWARD GRIG ' S lNFORMATlON __ fN TH t ~ ‘ ME AND BY AU TY OF THE STA 6F TEXAS ~ I, oel D. Littlefield, County Attomey of Hunt County, Texas, presents in and o MSE§B the Hunt County Court At Law that on or about 4th day of August, 2014, and before the filing of this information, in Hunt County, Texas, MlL'I`ON EDWARD GRIGGS, hereinafter called Defendant, did then and there, knowing that the said G. Barrow was a peace officer, intentionally give a.false or fictitious name and date of birth, to-wit: Reginald Kinchen DOB: 10-07-1978, to G. Barrow, a peace officer who had lawfully arrested or detained MILTON EDWARD- GRIGGS, and MILTON EDWARD GRIGGS was then and there n fugitive from justice JoEL 1). unwme HUNT couNrY ATToRNEY=s orrici~; oR BYAssisrAt\"r cotter Arro r couNrY, TE»xAs CA 149923 ` \ FAIL TO lDENTIFY - FUGIT[VE FROM JUSTICE CLASS A 14 lN THE COUNTY_ C_OURT AT LAW NO. l , & 4 IN THE COUNTY COURT A'I` LAW NO. 2 OF HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS STANDING ORDER IN ALL CRlMlNAL CASES On or before the date scheduled for the Defendant’s first status or arraignment hearing in all criminal cases now or hereaiier pending in this Court, the State, through the office of its Hunt County Attomey, is ordered to produce and make available to the Defendant’s Attomey at the office of said Hunt County Attomey for inspection and copying and without the necessitv_of the filing of a motion' for discovery orJroduction thereof, or by posting same on the County Anorney’s case search (Hcocs) website the feiiewing, telwit; . The crim_inal arrest and conviction records (criminal history), if any, of the Defendant. 'l`he purpose of ithis-Order is to eliminate the necessity of pretrial hearings or the filing of pretrial motions related to the discovery of the Defendant’s criminal history. lt is further ordered that the Dei`endarit’s Attomey is prohibited from disseminating and/or distributing the criminal history record to anyone without further order of the Court. This order is effective the lst day of August, 2012 and shall remain in full force and effect until eacopy”$liis\ plaint and information is receive d » \ altered tt z ' ' - , or resci - ' = ~ the Court. The Clerk of - ` oertobefiled in all ~t-"tt al casesa ~\et » 7%;; '; in ma Honorablc J. Andrew Bench w ‘-WYat F. Duncan Thoma§`/ Hunt County Court at"Law No. l _ Hunt County Court at Law No. 2 15 V.UL/ U.L nuc-is-Ltw' 12=23 . _ ' CAvSE lsde iUJ:O) sTA"n: or rExAs _ § _ _ mma coim"rv'couitr` . G’Q% § 0€04> v. ', § Ar LAW No. 1 4 se ‘P@<~ C) ' 1\(\'\\L § ' €»C'/€/ top 9'(1(`€35} \‘UV\ § mTTCOUNW'muS l year w - ' 3 Qit,\\i© t>'i § \ eeoc . Pgn_sQNAL norm§§~g , » fj)»,, die just and full sum of $ myself t_o appearin the Hunt County Court lite Condjtion of the abo r, to wit: ' Now, if I, the said Prin ipgl, shall be and personally _appear'm ER before the County-Court at Law No. l, 4a floor, Hunt County Counhousc, mcnvi e:'Teiias, until discharged by o accusation against me, and shall personally appear for any land obligation ` incipal hercio, am held and fumly bound unto the Staxe of Texas in " for the payment of which well and truly to be made, l bind ' ______ O.e-l»v\dien~stnumened\\\ ch that, er s the B:€e§d has“"beeii entered into by me, having (` §§ / ,/ . rider of the Courg to answer the aforesaid all subsequent proceedings had relative to the above charges, and before any Court or Couns of the State of Texas in which said_ subsequent proceedings may be pendingn and not depart the Court without leave; and further conditioned that l will pay all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by any and all sheriffs or other peace oflicers in rra-arresting me in the event that l fail to appear before the Court or Magisu-ate named in the bond at the time stated therein, as well as before any other Court to which the same may be transferred and for any and all subsequent proceedings had relative to tlic charge, then in such case the bond will be null _ and void, otherwise to remain in hill force and effect. ` l swear that I will appear before the Court designated in the preceding paragraph or pay the Court the principal sum of this bond plus any reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in inc event of my arrest for failure to appear as required by this bond. ADDRESS. l'I` lS THE DU'I`Y OF Tl{E PRINC[PAL TO IMMED;TELY NOTIFY THE COURT OI" ANY CHANGE OF wnNEss ourt i-iANi), mall day er gg_//§____, 20]_$4 TTER lS RESET TO: , 59 ~Zy~/¢P at(§tOO a.m. in the C Mj,;,ee_, Principal ` ' b §/D /9@/7/"1 ,,€ , r is § HUNTcouNTY,TE qer Co@ ~ _.. y .\‘Zr 4' oni)r;rt coNcERNrNG noNn ON Tl~llS the lO\ day of O\ L¥‘\ lui , e on for{` consi ' matter of bond herein. 'l`hc Det`endant has been @rged with the off se of C?C;`/\_Q 0 . Thc Co lindé§at the Dcfendant is currenth ~ = ' - and that bond should be reset at $ ~ _ lTI RBFORE, ORDERED that ~ . . . - - - - t’s bond is h by reset in the amount of $l cash or surety / t _ ` rr rs FuRTHER onDERED that ss conditioned of this bond, the Defendam sham [ ] Submit to home curfew and electronic monitoring under the supervision of the Hunt County Corrununity Supervision and Con'ections Department (HCCSCD). ‘ Not leave Hunt County or county of residence without written permission of HCCSCD or the Court. [] Subm_it-to testing as directed by HCCSCD for the presence of controlled substances in the Defendant’s body. . 7(£;-‘Abstain from thc use of alcohol and controlled substances while this case remains pending [ ] Not directly or indirectly communicate with ` , the alleged victim in this offense, and shall not go near a residence, school, or frequented by the alleged victim or the alleged victim’s fnmily. [ ] Work toward obtaining a high school diploma or equivalent. 7{4/\ Not commit a new offense against this state or any other state or of the United Statcs or any political subdivision thereof. . [ ] _ Report immediately to Hunt County CSCD with this Order, and as directed thereafter. [ ] Pa_v costs of attorney in the amount of $ to the Hunt County Auditor, PO Box 1097, , Greenville, TX 75403 on or before ` , 20 l l /' / ll n [x] Ap inge Hunt County Court at Law No. l on . 20 / at § .m. and al ali other times ordered by e C bond and the pending review Anyj violation of the conditions herein shall be grounds for the auto l ti issuance of a warrant for the arrest of the Del`endant. Bond in sue by the Court. » JHJDGE PRESIDING I have read and understood the above special conditions and understand that the Court will revoke my bond, y order my arrest, and order a new bond hearing if the judge receives written notice concerning any violation of the above required conditions ‘ / * Defcndant 17 _ ‘ roch P.oi if ’ :A'~, ulscm mmwm may mann .»=.-> cAsH PRoFERTv - 50#§5 7")/ {B§lj§g_l\l_z_\L/ ° ms sTATE oF féxAs : ' ‘ aAe # COuNTv OF HUNT GREENV|LLE.T_EXAS , ' necscpr N; »; 86184 {:` L/'Q|' {q § o ci DEFENDANr /`°§.‘/»cqc.,\ , ml{'/(,.’\ ' ZQIM)CMJ ' P¢£Assmwr~AM£cL£A/av ‘ oEFENDANrsAc>DREss /_Qj\l 13 `\\O{\VLA § G¥/E` 97\1)1¢’“€,".%);73\¢/)5 ~ l AMOuNroFBoNDC .'4~'<~'/~ hundred C[o//cu’d s /SUO oereNsE ;: T ` :L d ' OM\LM)(L)/]z CourerppE/\RANCE 55 D`AYOF § g '~e:[§`{' ,CBO"»{_ AT q )'_\ M ~ count {\\/\ ,./\4\“ 1 ARREanG oFr-lcER= P_N>r F ¢w C)p.j\ BOND REFUNDABLE TO_: l 3 ; NAM`E HuNr couNw sHEmFF s om. Aooneas . 18 BY p&/C{` LM/ "`:T.`;`*-§;`:"`-_f;¢';j`-(‘).°>, z 304 D/W § E:/\A/§ § j j§/ <;\ DO
Milton Edward Griggs v. State
Combined Opinion