Davis, Deon a

Court: Texas Supreme Court
Date filed: 2015-11-04
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Combined Opinion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ((O, 109 -()~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . \':

                                                                                                                                                                                  .DEON                      D~VIS #                        lf,3 7 35~
                                                                                                                                                        POE·UN;SK·Y UNIT-·

                                                                                                                                                        ~~-71' .F..M 329 .~9P'f!f

                                                                                                                                                        LIVINGSTON T.EX'AS1~ 773'5::1.: ·

                        CLER'[( .ABEL -A~OS~.A

                        p .•.   o..    sox :r1:3oa
                                       .                      c.AP!ToL

                        APST~N ~EkAS 787~1

                                                   . ·,        . ' 2-'.
                                                                                   ··~·,:..,:.          :?··~:     ·>   :~       .
                                                                                                                                          ·!.-..: ~- -~.                     .·, ', .

                                                                    ;,, .· .: !'..                      ~     '< ,                            Please' find encleeed the fol:bwing·                                                                                         "

                        ::l:_~ga.;J.· · c;J091,l~_~n~s : . f~'l,'J.~I-9N, ,.;FOR MANDAMUS. AND C~URT OF CRIMINAL.

                        ·APPEALS .HABBAS
                                  .    .   .              i
                                                              -.-. , ... :. H ~.:..: !;.t· .,    .. :       _.,
                                                                                                                    CODE . OF CRIMINA'L "PR"OCEDURE ART 4 .• 04
                                                                                                                   ..        .       ·:           ·-.   ~   .   :~                              :· . . ',,    .       ~-':' -~.:~       -

                        AS WELL AS ITS                        SUPPO~T.ItJ~ ~XHIBI'r                                                                         A AND                       ~. p'f;~AS·E                        F!t:E .THIS ON
                                                                          .                                  ,._
                                                                                                                        .                          '                                    '               ,:        •                           ~       !.
                        the           ~arne    court DOCKET
                                                             .. IN TF:J·E·
                                                                     . . . . -r. •
                                                                                   CAUSE · .AS
                                                                                                              . . -·
                                                                                                                     . '·:.. \,
                        APPLICATION AND MOTION                                                                                                                                                                                          ~EEN~ILED
                                    .     '.· '> .. ·. ' .FOR VENUE
                                                                  .- ,- ALL OF WHICH HAVE                                                    1 •                .    .   '                  •      ~                        •       '             -        ' ' • ••

                        PRIOR FOR THIS COURT DOCKET IN T_HE ·.S~AME C~IM_l.:~~A'L "C'A!JSE, NUM:BE·R.

                        ·,Tfi~:NK          YOU FOR :'fOPR ASSISTANCE IN T.8l;S M~N~E~ .•
~   ..

                                                                                                    DEON DAVIS
             .   '
                                                                                                                        .;,     .. .,,;._

                 . ,.' · ... ·   ·~   ..
                                                               COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS
                                                                                                    ·,   .

                                                                                                                    . ">.!'·=:
                                                                          A{JSTIN TEXAS                                                     !·.
                                                                                                                        '     ''

  ·/                                                                                                                                                                              \.       ..-·-
 i               PETITIONER                      I Rc.lator
                 DEON A                "~DA V.I_S                                                            CAUSE No           I~ 8 5 \ 0~)                 D \

                  T-HE STATE. OF TEXAS··

            ·~   .; .                                         PETITION: FOR MANDAMUS AND COURT ,OF CRH1INMt                                                                            \
                                                              '   ,APPEALS HABEAS. JURISD:I9TION
                                                                  CQDE OF CRIMI.NAr,.· PR0CEDURE r\RT 4._p:4.

                 +O           THE HONQRA~~E J:U:DG~ OF S.AID COURT:
I .                                                                                                                                                          I   '.
                 .c_omes ·Now Deorl pavis                         .t~e    relator in the.- .abo,ve cause num.ber · a_n;p -

       -:        . wou;id             .:~.hci.\o( 'thi·s. ~ourt    ,f:he followf'n'g :.


                                                                  PROCEDURAL HI~TORY

            ' -~s 'oF                 THE. DATE"
                                           ,. .. '
                                                   OF OCTC)BER·
                                                      !.' ·.. ,, ·. .
                                                                           3o, 20.i.s
                                                                            l•. i   . ·!   ' '
                                                                                                 t-he. c6ur"f"   dock~t     ' ' ·: ~
                                                                                                                                            is     1h r~'ce~pt
                                                                                               I~B 5 I 0\.l- .f)
                                                                         the above cause· no-...=.:.~,.,....,..---=--- this ,.                                           i·,j'
                                                                                                                                                                         '·· .,
                  coupt i~ in ·p~ceipt o-f the attacn-ed'' H'aBeas M)pli9ati.on .. in th~ abqve.

                  cause nu~ber ~SEE COQRTS DOCKET ~HEET IN TH~~ CAtiS~).


                                                                SHO~J     OF CAUSE

                 ·:.The- rel~for Deon
                                 . ,. 'f'!
                                           Davis· moves· this court to EXECUTE ORDER OF

                 .,M,ANDAMUS ppoN THE no3# .Judic.ial .District· court of Tarr~n-t. county

                  Texas                i~ t.~e a~ove caus~                number ,_and             Q~der· thi~:J'   court to·                          prp~~C,e
                  trial court: reporter'S TRANSCRIPT 'sEE NOW ~f~;LKER 827 S. W.• ~S'l a·t

                  8;39" this Tr~~l court has a ministerial duty to act in·
                                                                        .           ..
                                                                           pro:vidfng                                                             ,.    •'

                  the Court Repor-ters
                               r· . . .. Transqript of the trial in the instant case.


                                         , . :.·                                                                                             ....
                                                        attorneys failure to execute a "BIGGERS TEST"· chall:eng'ing~, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ._.. ;
                                                        video camera recording of the proximity of tlie Dollar Store t·h'at.' ·                                                                                                                                                                               _.

                                                        wa:s alleged                                                            !-O           have be·en Robbed by the                                    -~e~ia·tor             ·where this video                                                                                ......   '

                    /'\\ . · r'ec_ot:ding did riot reveal                                                                                                            h·r~ iden-tity: bUt instead another perso'n                                                                            1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ..   ;

                                                        during the conflict of interest with his attorney the-relator

                                                        De.on- Da-~i's made ·a racial slurr towarc1 his attorney ~alling him·
                                                                                                      ,.,. .
                                                    quote"A~~~~~                                                              :'T-RASH             SHIT".           what -f·ollow4d 'next was' judge                                            .R~bb- cata,ia'ri()                                      .    -~    ;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   : .     . ~·· .:·~- .-F ·<. ·:· .,.!
                                                         ---. .
                                                             ·._·                                    ..                   .                   "
                                                        yelle~                                      fot brder in. the
                                                                                                          ..._   ..
                                                                                                                  •.           .              '             ~
                                                                                                                                                                    ~ourt                then' stated quote· "I. ca:n' ge_t· you:-.- -~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       '              •         r   '   '                                   •

                                                        for conte~-P-t··_ ci_f ·.court -~-ig.ger-" the relator, was order to stand                                                                                                                                               -:-~ -:-...
                                                                                                           "" -.- r·                                           ,                                                                                                               ·~\
                                   "·               bef-e>re                                        the,_ )-~-d~-~                                Rob,!;>   c~·t'a:l kano                     ·where he was -then                      ~entenced                       to.'
                                        "-.___                            -                                           .                   ~

                                                ) ~- year~~.l fo;- wh~t _h~ the re~a;to~ Deon- Davis thought w·as for.                                                                                                                                                  t,>_,,_-;·;.
                                                    '                                           •                '.           j, ·}                   •                              •    •                                               1,,   ,,·,        .                         ...


                                           ;,.contempt of. court
                                                                 i'n ,the i-nstant: case. riurlng, the sentencing the                                                                                                                                                                                !        .

                     •       .•'                                                                                                          I                              .    ,..•

                                                    ·Judge Robb. Catciqano ordet:ed the CoQr·t. Repo'Jter to "ST_RIKE" the
                                                                    -                                                                                                                                                            '
                                                    ~~qord.~b~.rel~tor                                                                               Deon Davis while                                ~n   appeal                 tti~d ~o               e~plain

                                                        t-hi.s for adequat_e grol:lnds to raise ·u.pori his app~al,.w]:1~n he

                                                    wrote his Appea 1 Attorney _..;;B..;. A;.;;R.. ;R..;. Y;;;..__ _...;........__'A;..;...;.;.L.;;.F...;;O..;.R.;.;;D;;-_-4 ~~a:Fry A1 f or.d
                                                        !::'~fused                                   to raise anr ·grounds upon appeal of this                                                                                       ,na~,.ure                  but'   5.~:-::~~ :;(i

      ~                  .
                                                        instead filed an ANDERS BRtEF IN                                                                                                       TH~    JNSTANT CASE ON APPEAL

                                                        IN               THEj: /1 nd                                                  c.ot.H\\ PF APPEl\\':>
                                   \     ,''   ..

                                                                                                                                                                                          -2-- ,,
                                                                                                               ..    ~-.    t .    '..       ....;,..< • ' ••.   ~.

                                                                                                             Deon·: Davis could nc;>t adequately prepare his

                                                                                                             brief'absent of his Court Reporters.tr~nscript

           ~h·ere                                the material facts of ho.w the relatore Deon D'avis ob.tained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ..   .                         •'

           hl,~ sentence and the amount of time of that sentence an.d ·that

           f~ct that the relator Deon Davis never entered ~~guilty plea

          during sentenc'ing was material facts in the record see now

                 A trial court's denial on discovery issue's remedied by                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Manda~us

          . Able s·up·•. vMoye ,898                                                                                         s ~w. 2d _766., 771-72 ( Tex                                                                  1.~95.); In                                                re Hinter long

          109                          s .. w.3d 611 633 (Tex.App.-Fort Worth 2oo3,o''rig.proceeding)
                                                                                                     .                                                                                                                                     '
           (holding                                                    mand~m~s                                     relief available to compel . production ¢f info
  .   ···, ..
          • t,
                 ·~   .

:···~.y:·;.>,:~f~fo~~~'fioh b~c~'use denial. of discover¥:~· pr·eve~t'ed petitfon.er from
 ;:'"·.~~ta~ti~;~~~i'f~!g 4.:',p1i~m). ~adi relator·· D~on :oa.\1:.~~~;~ received                                                                                                                                                                                                                t·he ·'
      ' d'                        ..             !;._ .: .....:.~:           ·:~l            ·:. ·:~~.-;."'"'·,: • >' ·.~u~•'".;: ._; '.:_..1-':.-{~: .• ~            i   . . .,!   .   dJi-f'1~··rt,f..,,   ,
          csn1r-t· ~Report.'ers'.transcr..ipt:;
                      , ,        .   : ..•
                                                        . .
                                                             i'ri's. t·c:rn:.t: case '··· he...-.·: ..could
                                                                                                            hav.e                                                                                                               ~,;-··,...;.,,          ~··..t                        1~                                               ·.. ·.

           pre.se·n·t~·~·:.t~.i·~, ~Q.~f~·~,: '",lit~.                                                                                                                ina't:et;ial fact·s '(from ·~t~e.'~~e·~:·~;~·; whfch:
                              .                      .' ')··::. i            :~~.~·:   '-'   ·;                -~ ·~·
                                                                                                                    ..     •.\ ,     •                     . .,                                  •               .;.   ......                            .•       ':'              ••. ' . . ;    :           •

          wi 11 rev.ea:l'·:
                            , ...
                                   ; '";
                                         '. or :·
                                                           a :plea .of• Gu,il:t
                                                                                • :;

           re~eived· :a ~ent~nce ~f                                                                                                                  25 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                 but'~i:nstead-"red~i:~~d                                                                   ·-·
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -a. 14 year
                                  ·~    :    J •• :                r..' -·                                                                          ........
           sentence 'during ·a· pret'rial hec:fring·: for::;"c.ontempt bf c.our,.t::                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~)ler·~
                          •                 .·         I·                       ;            ·1                     · ,.             ..                                                                                                                                            .. ,,,

           i~ st~uctu'~':"llerrcir and                                                                                                                     Recusal the judge Robb                                                                       C,~i~~~~o                                 gid .
           use derqgatory language "NIGGER" toward the                                                                                                                                                                            -r.eTa~t:q,r·:.m.'¥.o.n                                             pav1:s'
                                   .   -~              '       ~   I   'r .~..-.J                                                        •           ~··                                                                                                ••   ~·~. '.\~~~.~i~~;~~~'·' •.                   .
          and impos·ed a 14·.-·year imprisonment term                                                                                                                                                            wh'icb~·~w.a.if! ~l·at.er.                                                           illegaly

          ~1 te,rd                                    by                 th~ Isame trial court ~nder .a f~l:~:e~. jj~'~g~~-.m~:~·t)rt1'e                                                                                                                                                                 fa·ct"':.
          . that, the                                                  ··c~~~.t of Appeals in the in~tant 'c·~S'~.::!!~~h~b.~:~~;, ·t:her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              r             , •·            ;,:,,:

          Ande,rs brief. fi.I"ed .by appellate counse·i                                                                                                                                                          B~;-ry· A'iffio'i'd>w!Hle
          'failin·g to~ t?ro.vi=de th·e··relator Deon .Davi~ with'''a-· record·of the

           tri~l transcript violate~ the law see e~hibit ~ ari~ this law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .   :_.,                                                   /



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     /             '1,,.:. .. ·

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~'   .
                                                   t·   ....           .l


                                             Kelly.v State                  No~o6-12-00141-CR,2013                 (holding that the court
                                              .                                                      .    .             ,!
                                             ~f    Appeals erred by deciding the                              ~nders   a~peal-without              ensuring

                                             that· sylvester Kelly had adequate opportunity to obtian the

                                             appellate Record and prepare pro se brief.In addition where the
                                             is_sue ''s of the court reporters records are in controversey as

                                             to the r'elator Deon Davis contest th~t he did not enter a ple!!

                                             .of   gu~lt        -.:r'l.ot;'· receive a sentence of 25 years as asserted by the·
                                             trial ,cq1.1rt in the instant case,this Court has jurisdiction of
                                                                       I                ..
                                             mandamus to compel! the 3i Judicial .District Court of Tarrarit
                                             ~6unty            Texas        in the instant case to provide                             t~e   Record or
                                   . -~.,.                                                                                              ,\          ')   _.
                                             otder the relators Deon Davis Habeas Relief of NEW TRIAL under

                                             the HABEAS CORPUS APPLICATION that is currently pending on thi:s

                                             cou~ts.Docket                  in   the.~nstant         case see Appellate Procedure Rule

                                             34.6 .(f) (1) and (2).

                                                                                                 . III.

                                                                                      REQUESTED RELIEF

                                             Wherefore            Pr~msies        considered in light of CRIMINAL CODE OF

                                             PROCEDURE ar~ 4;?4 the relator Deon Davis prays that this court
                                             grant relief of ih~ following:(A) order MANDAMU~ compelling the

                                             Judicial District Court fTarrant County Texas in the in~tant cas

                                             to provide the Court Reporters Transcript.Rec6fd:p~t~uant to

                                             Appellate P:r;<;>~:~dure Rule 34.6 (f) (1) ot;:' be ~u,bject to ~ew trial                                        _,.
·.\   .\

                                             in the instant case and in light of this court review of Habeas
      ·"'       )
                                             Application on docket in the instarit case·.
                     t   ,'
                                             EXECUTED ON THEJo DAY OF

                                                                                                     - ~-
                                                             UNSWORN DECLARATION
                           CIVIL    P~ACTICE          AND REMEDI*S CODE SECTrON 132.000-132.003
                                                                                                                                                  .   '

                           I DEON DAVIS      #j83/ 3 S Q                 the relator in the             ~etition     for
                           Mandamus and COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS .HABEAS JURISDICTION CODE-·
                           OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ART 4.04 d6 hereby swear under penalty of
                           ·perjury that t:he           follwoin·g~   aneW   fo~r~ego.i:ng:    legal document and its
                           exh''ibits A .AND          B~EVIDENC:E;r·IN.SUEPORT''THEREfJF          ARE TRUE AND CORRECT
                                                                        ..   -            [,        .   .

                           duly    e.~ecuted.    in the same on this the.3Q_DAY                  0~ Otivh