RECEIVED IN FILED IN C0URT 0F CRIMINAL appeals June 12,2015 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JUN 15 2015 Ellaine Forester JUN 15 2015 Court Reporter AbelAcosta,Clerk PMB No. 229 PO Box 3000 Abel Acosta, Clerk Georgetown, Texas 78627 (512)863-3417 Mr. John Brown Chief Deputy Clerk Court of Criminal Appeals PO Box 12308, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Re: AP-77,052, Cause No. 12-1237-K26, STEVEN ALAN THOMAS V STATE Dear Sir, I am requesting an extension of time for the Reporter's Record in the above styled cause, which is due June 16, 2015. I am currently working on this case, but am only roughly halfway through it, not counting pretrial hearings. We also have a family emergency and will be out-of-state all of next week. For the above reasons, I would request the due date for the Reporter's Record be set at August 17,2015. Thank your time and attention Ellaine Forester CSRNo. 2516
Thomas, Steven Alan
Combined Opinion