Jones, Lydell Anton

-) ?^^ _ CQURf OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Lydtll Awfetj JSjues J XN THgoffifl§i59W»LAPPEALS i/S... I COU^T THE STAre: bP Texas | OF APPEALS DEC 07 2011 ___! MOTIOW FOP, CYTENTION OF TXME fofif&fiffilti- THEN FILE A MOTXON FOR fitmmiMC - Pflo-SE • AND flPPSALBD FH.OM TUB SatA-SI-JUOHZTM- DISTRICT CDuKr' OF MDHTGOMMV G)dHk.TEY& , TO THE HONORABLE JVO&E Of SAID COURT; CjOkac Mdwj Lyde-lt Jhtt6S. PMidx}^ iM rhc ahovt S±ylcA and hHJMlDer-e.A cnu£e oPacriOk) wherthy he-now respenrPuWy Mdkt- a requesT-fbir aw etfkMtit>hl oP-Unm. which to obfak -the. research docL/Mpo-fs" MdjCzS&ary in prepare, his prose. MofiofiJ Por rthtnr- )hig with Merih . HV\t. CDur^M&y odmd 4h-t. timc -far a parly h tilt, a motidaJ Pot reJiear- (Ng UAide-T the. aurLkorriy oflpias Rules oPAppdla-k, procedure 4Q.% ftfffiDMers ktosh'ou -for fermritjg is Arias clue, otifDemdber 3.MI5) Petitioner requc&l-art adcl'rtioxJcLl °\Q Jays fo Pile, -the. hAofioxi for tmsxrms exvetiditig -th^+iMt. L\M(hAarck3i'3iD((o). Wo ejd-eusxoto has bdeisi grameA tt> eyfewd 4ht -fiMe^ td Pt/d- tnd-MOrioM -^r rawnitf}. u>A-Lu r E IX IJLQNEPi,isa layMatt at la^-ihtfL-fye-jInc tieeJUuL rtc\Ue.shJ GcMttiotial -PiMo 4t* A'le. Phe Maf/bAj Ar ftheanNij 4t> dcrhaiti h'ls ascuMzHTs {hi TOPA/ia pauperis ma research Phe. Mbr£*6ofnetAJ a -knitted) Ljfk>rtie.y would, )ti4he iNfertsr oA3hshc.e- he ttvutzk a %do\j ejd£Alf»0A) far aM re.he.ciring mot'ioai DtCausc: he /s iNOQfttrnieJ '/N ff)