Runnells, Marcus Tyrone

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E;¢z',//-)/c //e¢z§me_Q_/§_ D§EFENDANT’S -‘Q©PY DEFENDANT: MARCUS TYRONE RUNNELLS ADDRESS: 210 W Sycamore ST D t OK C;l:]uSlE NUMBER: Ob 5 qL|[L! COUNT DEGREE OFFENSE ~ BOND AMOUNT State Jail CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD ABUSE 5 ada Q% Felony PA CONTROL NO. 13-04976 ' TRN #: NOT AVAILABLE TRS#: DESCRIPTION: DoB 04/08/1983, Black, Male . wITNEsSES FoR'GRANI) JURY: CHRIS NoRDHoFF DATE REC’D m oFFICE= - ARREST DATE= Co-DEFENDANT($): TRUE BILL or INDICTMENT IN THE NAME AND BY_' AUTHORITY oF THE sTATE oF TEXAS; The Grand Jurors, duly selected, organized and impaneled as such in and for the County of Grayson, State of Texas, at the January Terrn, 2014, A.D., of the District Court in and for the 397th Judicial District ot` 'l`exas and for said County upon their oaths in said Cowt at said Terrn present _ that on or about the 6th day of Novernber, 2013, A.D., and anterior to the presentment of this indictment, in the County of Grayson and State of Texas, Marcus Runnells hereinafter called .'Defendant”, §§ then and there, Mh or_kngmdMMwmririgMe exercising control over, property, to-wit: a credit card, namely, Belk card, Kohl’s card, J.C. Penney 1 card, Citib ‘ d Sears card; Bank o ` r Sam’s card from resa \@_n, the \ owner thereof, without the effective consent of the owner, and with intent to deprive the owner of ` \ the pr“pe'rty, against the peace and dignity of the State. JOSEPH D. BROWN . _ Criminal District Attorney' Foreman of the Grand Jury F' SLE 1 F ;'~" `z~ 33 __ ;'_.,» _ Bi( D‘ 05 ` ¥""M'D' sTAn-: or rExAs \\\\\\\\\\w»'NHm/,/,,,/ ' "` ”“‘ ~ " - comm 0\= omYsoN \\\\\ o\g_,rRlcr 06 /,,/// Ll(olly,Asl\mom.Di¢io\CklkiomdforGrayaonCoqntyTws, o //// \\ .......... Il ,r r‘ ..- , ' _ ._ , \\\. ...... dp 1‘+ . ‘A’ ' : dohsabyoemfydu\hahovemdfoupmguammdomnot § a 4 hibi 52 h H 5/ dopy_oflbcdgioaldowmasthewappeafsondv£binh 5 § _-° -' ‘ z‘ /z,/ a§_ttr.-:.Sar-;aaz: won-m ‘-D~”° ' ozSTR-lr;t ct_w<. GRAYsoa.rx 0 ........... /////;,~ CO U ““`{ `\\\\\\ ' "///)nn¢-,\_-_\“F“ ' 397¢11 District Court ` Honorable Brian K. Gary MARCUS TYRONE RUNNELLS 4019 METROPOLITAIN DALLAS TX 75210 Re: STATE OF TEXAS v, MARCUS TYRONE RUNNELLS 064419; CT 1-7 CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD ABUSE ELDERLY Dear MARCUS TYRONE RUNNELLS: A felony indictment has been returned against you by the 'Grayson County Grand Jury in the above entitled and numbered cause and is filed in the 397th District Court. This letter is your notice and you are hereby advised the matter has been set for First Appearance with an Attorney on the above indictment for: Date/Time: ;4th day of June, 24014/ 1:30 PM Location: 397th District Court, Grayson County Justice Center,» Z"d floor, 200 S. Cr.ockett Street, Sherman, TX 75090 You are Ordered to Appear before the Court on the above date and time. "YO"UK'F'AI'LURE `To' APPEAR wlLLREsUL='r /\`I'Er_U:LlT_/j INMATE`S N/\ME: GC.SO.“'. DOB: CF.!..|_.: VO: CIRCLE T_Q WHOM THIS REOUEST lS M/\DF ` CHA!‘LAIN J.‘\IL ADD'T]NISTRATION S|.-UFT S'.",R(_"F.,\NT MnmC/\L oURT AoMlNI_sT/\"Tlor~r t'r_.Asslw'chTroN" » NorARv uman barlow commss..\___m;' swann \-’\_S\_T,\TroN owlcm mon/mow wmowr von orrtcr_a M,,\u,, ovrvr_tmz (;Rm\/'ANCE m,;/ d 1 g‘¢|l_ o ',»)/ v/ 4 ¢'q? ‘ec/ , ¢____//11-11¢'¢¢/_ u__/, !W / _14 ;_¢’_.M {__~_,¢.1 1."11'~./`~‘ `/ I_ a' ‘ />" / / gz_/'¢/ a /+~¢ \NMATE \N\r N S..-__.M ¢_~\FF\CER use ONU"¢ m_._ 4. . -..£r. \\'P!TF. REQUEST terFLg_aazgégm_zl/&LL>_?QM%_CQ£€¢OA$?.)S.Q.bas@_o.§-`_G\a§ al * -' ; §~LI§€,B(CJCQ\ \'L"Cam` um~¥(`@n’.\ 9\\2’§€\ ~’ ,: ` ' . _[/ QGL nc ‘{/1'\1, H\\\co~\lons ic\ ¥\\e 001ch RmeL/@@ Q)§ (.')\Q@l /J;KML@_\;X§(_§__ - \OD(`QS¢.>M)R,. 160/uhl Mc¥/(’ns\`n'<\ ///)wS/o,M/v/m§€ ' ` / .1»~ ),',\.,i ~' ,.' ,» ./ ,.! .» '. '.r..\' 4 : ,\ .`~"` - ,A.}.' ', Q'j\\\,. 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