Wade, Alex Melvin

Court: Texas Supreme Court
Date filed: 2015-12-14
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Combined Opinion
us 55§'/0

Dr. Alex Melvin Wade, Jr. COURT OF CR|M|NALAPPEALS
Paralegal Specialist 1
Mark W. Stiles D 4
3060 FM 3514 " EC zow
Beaumont, Texas 77705-7638 Abel Acosta C|erk

jNo. wR-65,555-20





This Honorable Court issued its Order in the above entitled captioned cause
5 on November éth, 2015. lt is clear the Order commanded two(Z) circumstances be
made clear, submit proof of the date of receipt by the State showing 180 days
has not yet eslasped, or stating that Relator has not filed an application for
writ of habeas corpus in Harris County.

The State of Texas, Harris County, Texas District Attorney on November Sth,
2015 answered this Court questions in its State's Original Answer and its Proposed
. Findings of fact, and @onclusions of Law and Order transmitted to this Court
from the Office of Chris Daniel, Clerk, Harris County, Texas transmitted on
November llth, 2015. State's filing makes clear this Relator/Applicant filed on
February 24th, 2014 the original writ of habeas corpus and on March 26th, ZD§S

Relator/Applicant filed an amended writ of habeas corpus. The State acknowledge


receipt of the writ of habeas corpus received on February 24th, 2014 and the
amended writ of habeas corpus on March 26th, 2014. That in mind, it is clear
the 180 days has elasped since receipt of the writ of habeas corpus by the
State through the Office of Devon Anderson, District Attorney, 1201 Franklin
Statee, 6th Fl., Houston, Texas 77002;

However, the State's proposed finding of fact, and Conelusion of Law & n
.Order has caused the record, the habeas corpus record be incomplete when
forwarded to this Court.

State has caused to be deleted from the record, its Motion Designating
Issues filed on March llth, 2014, submitted by Andrew Smith, Assistant District
Attorney and the Proposed Order Designating Issue signed the Honorable Susan
Brown, Presiding in the‘185th District Court, Harris County, Texas.

State's Motion Requesting Designation of Issue as follows:
1. _ Whether the applicant is actually innocent in the primary case;

'Before continuing, the Honorable Meyer, Judge writing for this Court
in_§§_p§£te Elizondoz 947 S.W.2d 202, stated we accept the proposition that
the "execution of an innocent person would violate the Due Process Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" and announced that
this Court would entertain postconviction applications for.writ of habeas corpus
alleging actual innocent as an independent ground for relief. Applicant has
brought before the 185th District Court,HEiI"'l:is County, Texas this type ap-
plication. 0

2. Whether the applicant received ineffective assistance of counsel
in the primary case; .
The applicant writ of habeas corpus raises the substantive claim that is


presented is differ in at least two important ways from the claim presented in
Herrera v. Collins, 506 U.S. 390, 398(1993). First, Schlup v. Delo, 513 U.S.
298(1995) claim of innocence does not by itself provide a basis for relief.
In stead, as indicated by the State' s Motion Requesting Designation of Issue
l , the claims of applicant depends critically on the validity of his Strick-
land v;_Washington, and Brady X;_Maryland, 373 U.S. 83(1963) claims. Schlup's
claim of innocence is thus "not itself a constitutional claim, but instead
- a gaUJEW through which a habeas petitioner must pass to have his otherwise
barred constitutional claim considered on the merits," at 208. The State' s
proposed Finding of Fact, and Conclusions of Law and Order have manipulated
the habeas corpus record to avoid Applicant review by this Court of the claims
and evidence presented between the 19 months this matter has been pending
before the 185th District Court, Harris County, Texas.
3. Whetherothe evidence was insufficient to convict the applicant

in the primary case;

. This Applicant is being deprived of an evidentiary hearing to show the
evidence, showvhim to be innocent of the crime of attempted theft.

Applicant has presented the Clerk' s Record, 00004 showing the State

used an invalid complaint to indict Applicant. Applicantupresented in pleadings
presented to the lower Court evidence, supporting his actual innocence claim
and that there is no "CUEHBLYFm"as alleged in the indictment. CR-00002, seed
Applicant evidence,.testimony of State's Chief Witness; Eitan Price, (CR-00328
Lns. 13-24) Where the the Applicant's trial attorney failed to seek dismissal

of the charge brought by indictment because the State failed to meet it burden.


The state contend in the indictment (CR-00002) the complainant to be Western
World Insurance Group, that did not happen. However, Applicant's trial
Attorney Lawrence Cerf, attempted to lead the witness to say that it did filew
a complaint against Defendant but the same back fired. Counsel's failure
to move to dismiss the indictment and seek a directed verdict of not
guilty is ineffective assistance of counsel and violates Defendant's Sixth
Amendment to effective assistance of counselL
4.' Whether the State committed a Brady violation in the primary

case; _

ln light of _E_Z§_.p§§§§.Richardsonz 70 S.W.3d 865(Tex.Crim.App. 2002), the
Opinion issued by the Honorable Cochan, Judge, that Court said, to prevail upon
a post-conviction writ of habeas corpus, applicant bears the burden of providing
by a preponderence of the evidence, the facts that would entitled him to relief.
Applicant's habeas record manipulated to cause evidence presented to the lower
court not reviewed by this court, is nothing less than a blanant violation of


due process.

Applicant presented in the habeas corpus record in the lower court, the
state had an affirmative duty under Brady v. Maryland, to disclose material
’evidence that would have impeached the testimony of Michael Coulter, Capital
One, N.A.§'S Bank manager, the actual copy of the deposit slip issued by the
Capital One, N.A., Bank manager, Michael Coulter and a copy of the contract
entered between Capital One. N.A.,'s Bank manager, Michael Coulter, showing
that the testmony provided to the jury was in fact prejuried testimony. The
Applicant Exhibit'S Presented to the lower court, Exhibit "Z," "Z-l," & "Z-2"

Z-l showing a deposted was credited to the account operated by Applicant.


5. Whether the State allowed perjuried evidence and false testimony in the
primary case.

Judge Meyer, went on to wnite, "In Holmes, we held that in order to be en-
toitled to relief on a claim of actual innocence the applicant must show that
based on newly discovered evidence and the entire record before the jury that
convicted him, no rational trier of fact could find proof ofgpih§ beyond rea-
sonable doubt." 885 S. W. 2d at 398.

Judge Cochanp writing in Ex parte_Richardsonz ft. note 22, "A habeas applicant
demonstrates that he is entiled to relief for Brady violation by "showing that
the favorable evidence could reasonably be taken to put the whole case in such
a different light as to undermine confidence in the verdict." Kyles v. Whitley,
514 U.S. at 435; Ex parte Adams, 768 S.W.2d 290. "The question is not whether
the defendant would more likely than not have received a different verdict with
the evidence, but whether in its absence he received a fair trial, understood
as a trial resulting in a verdict worthy of confidence." K les, 514 U.S. at 434.

ln White, Judge' s dissenting opinion, he WEUIS 7 Based on these considera-
tions, an applicant seeking relief based on a claim of innocence should have
' to "demonstrate that the newly discovered evidence, if true, creates a doubt as
to the efficacy of the verdict and that it is probable that the verdict suffi-
cient to undermine confidence in the verdict would be different." §t§t§_§§
rel. Holmesz 885 S. W. 2d at 398. If this showing is made, the habeas court must
give the applicant a forum and the opportunity to present evidence. lbid;_Bedause
the District court held a hearing on Applicant' s claim of innocence, it needs
only to be determined what burden of proof applicant must satisfy to obtain

relief. Idl at 213

Applicant/Relator Alex Melvin Wade, Jr., submitted newly discovered
evidence andrelevant evidence of his actual innocence.. Further; Alex Melvin
Wade, Jr., directed the Court to the Clerk's Record CR-OOOO;, the invalid

complaint used by the State to indictment Applicant for the offense of attempted
theft. The complaint is clear, the complainant in that complaint 11168825
is Josephine Credena of San Jacinto Area Credit Union, that indictment was'
dismissed against Applicant when reindicted in this cause of action. Thee
indictment in this cause CR¢00002, is clear it is Western World Insurance Com-
pany that filed the complaint, Eitan Price, provided testimony under cross
examination that Western World lnsurance Company did not file a complaint.
State's Chief Witness Eitan Price's testimony is consistent with the record,
there is no complainant; See, CR-00328 Lns. 13-24

Applicant/Relator Alex Melvin Wade, Jr., deprived of an "evidentiary
hearing," allowing him the opportunity to show his actual innocence claim
will deny Applicant/Relator his due process of law. ln light of §§_pa£t§
Eliz/ar hearing and findings
, . / /,'


' /? f . s k -
of fact, and conclusion of law be held within 18Q?days ‘or iss.ajce~of the


Paialegal ,W
M k W. Stiles //


3036 FM 3514
Beaumont, Texas 77705-7638

l, Dr. Alex Melvin Wade, Jr., pro se, herein hereby certify a true and
correct copy of the foregoing instrument has this l day of December 2015 been
served upon the Office of Chris Daniel, Clerk, Harris County, Texas 1201 Frank-
lin Street, Brd Fl., Houston, Texas and unpon the 0ffice7of Devon Anderson,

Dis trict Attorney, Harris County, Texas 1201 Frankl;. Street:jbth Fl., Houston,


Texas 77002 postage prepaid. /!



of Record



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HNN r.mm.§ md N~mlmo_

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01.1¢_101011 8 1._01101. 91 11 01015 01. »mmE»W 1w=o.


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, 29 E§.

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§§ §8¢_.8@ 8 ml~§=£ om.m=mm 585 mo=_-
5#8@. 2. @m~§u:.€mxwm Oa=md. >3.
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:.c§. .

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..m~. wh ~.r ~.
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no=m¢. >Z. w w 5 s:_. em§m

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vamwm Oo~u:m @H.Now

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