WR-82,467-01 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS Transmitted 12/14/2015 10:24:00 AM Accepted 12/14/2015 10:34:18 AM ABEL ACOSTA CAUSE NOS. F99-02631-R, F00-01305-R CLERK WRIT NOS. W99-02631-R(A) and W00-01305-FR(B) RECEIVED EXPARTE § COURT IN THE DISTRICT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS COURT 12/14/2015 § ABEL ACOSTA, CLERK § § 203RD JUDICIAL DISTRICT STANLEY ORSON MOZEE § and § DENNIS LEE ALLEN § DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS AUSTIN, TEXAS EXPARTE § § § NO. WR-56,666-03 § DENNIS LEE ALLEN § IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS AUSTIN, TEXAS EXPARTE § § § NO. WR-82,467-01 § STANLEY ORSON MOZEE § SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATIONS FOR WRITS OF HABEAS CORPUS TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF SAID COURT: NOW COMES DENNIS LEE ALLEN and STANLEY ORSON MOZEE, Applicants, and submit this Supplemental Information in Support of Applications for Writs Supplemental Information in Support of Applications for Writs of Habeas Corpus - Page 1 of Habeas Corpus and would show the following: I. This supplemental information is contained in the attached letter to counsel from the Dallas County :District Attorney's Office. This letter is a Brady notice of additional suppressed exculpatory evidence located by the Dallas County District Attorney's Office Conviction Integrity Unit. II. This information should be further developed in a hearing before the trial court. Applicants request that the Court of Criminal Appeals issue a remand order so that this evidence can be fully developed. Respectfully submitted, Isl Gary A. Udashen GARY A. UDASHEN Bar Card No. 20369590 BRUCE ANTON Bar Card No. 01274700 SORRELS, UDASHEN & ANTON 2311 Cedar Springs Road Suite 250 Dallas, Texas 75201 214-468-8100 214-468-8104 fax Appearing on Behalf of the Innocence Project of Texas Counsel for Dennis Lee Allen Supplemental Information in Support of Applications for Writs of Habeas Corpus - Page 2 Isl Nina Morrison NINA MORRISON INNOCENCE PROJECT, INC. 40 Worth Street, Suite 70 l NewYork,NewYork 10013 212-364-5340 212-264-5341 fax Isl Ezekiel Tyson. Jr. EZEKIEL TYSON, JR. Bar Card No. 24034715 THE TYSON LAW FIRM 342 W. Montana Avenue Dallas, Texas 75224 214-942-9000 214-942-9001 fax Counsel for Stanley Orson Mozee CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 14th day ofDecember, 2015, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Applicants' Supplemental Information in Support of Applications for Writs ofHabeas Corpus was hand-delivered and electronically delivered to the Dallas County District Attorney's Office. Isl Gary A. Udashen GARY A. UDASHEN Supplemental Information in Support of Applications for Writs of Habeas Corpus - Page 3 SUSAN HAWK CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS December 11, 2015 Via Electronic Mail Mr. Gary Udashen 2311 Cedar Springs Road, Suite 250 Dallas, TX 75201 gau@sualaw.com Ms. Nina Morrison Innocence Project, Inc 40 Worth St., Suite 70 I New York, NY 10013 nmorrison@innocenceproject.org Re: Stanley Mozee; W99-0263l(A) and Dennis Allen; W00-01305(B) Dear Gary and Nina: After post-conviction discovery of the DA trial file took place and after the Court of Criminal Appeals remanded the above-referenced cases for findings regarding the agreed Brady claim, our office continued its investigation into whether additional Brady information was suppressed by the State. During our investigation, we interviewed numerous witnesses and obtained various documents that were not part of the original DA trial file. As we have previously discussed, our investigation combined with further extensive review of the file as a whole has revealed additional exculpatory and impeachment evidence, all of which should have been, but does not appear to have been, timely disclosed by the trial prosecutor to Mozee and Allen's trial counsel. We have also discovered information and/or evidence that may impeach the trial prosecutor's testimony admitted during the recent writ hearing conducted pursuant to the Court of Criminal Appeals' remand order. As a result, this letter is meant to constitute a Brady Notice regarding the following specific information: 1. Undisclosed impeachment evidence pertaining to various informants: • Manning and Degraftenreed We recently provided you with portions of the probation files of Charles Manning and Alvin Degraftenreed. We obtained the records in response to the trial prosecutor's testimony regarding whether he suppressed impeachment evidence concerning these two informants. In short, the probation records constitute additional proof separate and apart from the trial prosecutor's hand written note (Defense Exhibit 17) that both informants received assistance from the State prior to their testimony in the Allen case. Manning's records also contain other impeachment evidence indicating that at the time he was providing information regarding Mozee and Allen to law- Frank Crowley Courts Building, 133 North Riverfront Boulevard, LB-19 Dallas, Texas 75207-4399 (214) 653-3600 Letter to Mr. Gary Udashen and Ms. Nina Morrison December9, 2015 Page 2 of3 enforcement, he was addicted to crack/cocaine, drinking heavily and suffering from bipolar disorder. He was also simultaneously acting as an informant in another ongoing murder investigation. It is important to note that we obtained and provided you with only portions of the probation files for these two informants. It is possible there may be additional exculpatory and impeachment evidence in the files. As such, you can and should subpoena the entire files from the probation department for your review. • Hardeman We also recently provided you with transcripts of Lone! Hardeman's guilty pleas on March 30, 2000 and November 6, 2000. The transcripts appear to indicate two important events occurred. First, Hardeman received assistance from the State prior to his testimony. Second, the trial prosecutor was actively assisting Hardeman with his criminal cases after Hardeman's testimony contrary to what the trial prosecutor testified to during the writ hearing in these cases. We have also recently discovered that in January 1999, Hardeman received assistance from the State in one of his earlier criminal cases prior to providing testimony for the State. More specifically, Hardeman was released from the Dallas County Jail at the direction of Officer Penrod in order to assist law-enforcement in a separate murder investigation. Our office is continuing to investigate Hardeman's role in the investigation and prosecution of the murder case. In the meantime, we are attaching relevant copies ofHardeman's DA trial file. 2. Undisclosed Impeachment Evidence Pertaining to ID witness: Both the DPD investigative file and the DA trial file contain information that a witness identified Allen in a photo lineup as the person who attempted to use the complainant's stolen credit card shortly after the murder. The trial prosecutor's notes specifically indicate that the prosecutor intended to call the witness to testify in Mozee's first trial. On the first day of Mozee's trial, June 26, 2000, the trial prosecutor even documented that Judge Dean "swore the witness in." However, the witness was never called to testify in either trial and there is nothing recorded in the DA trial file indicating why the witness did not testify- nor is there any indication that the trial prosecutor disclosed to the defense why the witness was not called by the State. We recently located and interviewed the witness. According to the witness, the witness appeared in court and met with who he believes was the trial prosecutor. However, after being shown two photo lineups and after picking who he believes was the "wrong person," both times the witness was told he was no longer needed and was subsequently released from the courthouse. Attached to this letter are copies of the trial prosecutor's notes regarding this witness. Frank Crowley Courts Building, 133 North Riverfront Boulevard, LB-19 Dallas, Texas 75207-4399 (214) 653-3600 Letter to Mr. Gary Udashen and Ms. Nina Morrison December 9, 2015 Page 3 of3 As previously mentioned, we are continuing to investigate these cases. Should any additional information come to light, this notice will be promptly supplemented. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions. ik_CLCIA CUMMu" ~0<:\i $'"'13. \c:>.:~- '\-~'16-tc-\:: l,A! (,, u 't'f' "'\ '?r5% ~o\1S-i11 ---:>;A~.5. ff. l;S 1~ ' ' ll. . j.j,/ . . ' .' - -_:.•. I ! 1 ·-..a l -1,.', l~ ' t.: ' 6('J.4 ~- (fr) 17 .;i, -'{d..3 - 7'3 11 (?..!) ~t'( - !'{8 - 4 f<>P (Su.-) ''(lA-"(1 '/- '1!11
Mozee, Stanley Orson
Combined Opinion