Daugherty, Robert Brice

jzis-ts izk-15 iz^i-ts lna.1 Cf (\o*7 %&<\rt 1S*IS$ X&%%6 Courtc£ AppW: Die-itr-ooostctf 0(,-IG-O002><}<:i£ OL-l&~oooy&s*RECEIVED wctuc^rTt^ ^e^n^g6URT - • OF CRIMINAL APPEALS w DEC 112015 T • n n i Abel Acosta, Clerk Ik* Side or Texas 4 Kes>pondeflT- n D - n FILED IN Pro-se, re-f-jfion Tor l>t'sc nrfiort a <<§0URT Op CRIMINAL APPEALS DEC 11 2015 t-Roim Tl^f clour b Of (Xpp<>aJs> Abel Acosta, Cierk Utfnn LXml Oral (Xrcamen^ Plot rlecues^ed I734? Idcn^iru 6t Pto.^d £ra+t kW f\o. MoH 11 &S~ 6A CHff>ea\: 33 Pirsf Norff\u)es,\- PaHs , lexas 15*4 Co Tel: foo3>) !%S--I6>6t> Px*;&OB>) ISS-755^ $|-fnal ! tW\ Weekarx sW* &a«. f\o./3m700 "Tel: («lc>3) HXl-HSm Fcjc'. faoz) m7WCicu\f\pragAe £We Bor fto. 1^61780 111'(9^) a^-fcHl ftuf:(302)*78a-977/ £"/**»/: dSpra^uz- @ sadcM 1*v t mcu I. Co) IZI-MIO Pax:$03) 737-WST S/wktl: Ipaila-rd @CO.lcxfno.r,\-\LUS> TL SW*oP Crof^i Hoan^ 5We £x^ f\o.O>7t?*i% ra«K$, , I -e-y-as. iSHCo Tt\\(Q&g) 1^1-XHSt Fax:(3°3) 131-MSS Jue^.W UoiaO(r<5-bl€ Ji>sk R. POorrjss flu SivH. Courf of Ckppea4^ af Texc* r ka^a. Te xas table, of Qc>A.te{ i Tuhoftcd Proimion *_ y( Aofd on Co^kiPt^J Brnr^1 yii Suh[eci~ n0a4rru . 2.-3 P^Xcf _^ 3-<3 ISSUe AO. ( DJocu^ke^kj toas clenarcH Kis Consffiuhov>i ri^kf 4o e-fP Corn rnuoi dol^cl ^ ^Ua o PPer, ^ &\a*vXoLrd of ^efieu3 .6-7 Qr\a lusts, -},<£ -Ml- LXrcM.rr\ey\i-~ <£-[k Qr^ft/nwr on dr^nf ffsT-___ H-~Vi C^on alu&l0>\ 2.q-ZS~ Prot(^v id, Ce?rfrWcof~e o r Service --27 -11/- Inote*? or dm H\on hiv-s £x pa.rh dc^enh ^q^ &u} 3rC{ -?r, £r/^. ^p 2>0«iJ J^n.lM Er park CrWZ. ITtS SU) 3U 473 (l^^J ^ „? Johnson • Due IrtOorfh 73> Tlo\ €~tl(Ter.Cri^ Qpp. IW) £> Wiisoar. 1/ PrHe iVl S.cf 13,^ (^oii) Su3 3<* 7°/ Gctf. Cn^• &*op. ^°^^) S Soa.^ ^ ^ac DouSa 11 Mso P 3ra [G^Clr 1 H^rrvmcWz 1/SWfd 7%fe Su3 0c& 5"£ ,S"7U cy.Cn^ .Q^ l^t) k H*f/\Qv\oW V$bfe ^"S Ski a-** 7T0 (lev. £f i^x. Ckpp. lW)___ £> /^Wfm (/• 'St-afe a£ ScO^rcf ^IS"" %\% fO jQami^ez i/ Siaie (\ U.S. 6£2 (lW) £> ,7 -y- C^on^hvuriono 1 Pro Uisicw Slk'fh Ql metKclme^i~ j U\r\\.r^A ^W^-S (Co/vsb 4u.fi ov\ Poaf+f^K\~H\ OflifJ^m) Ltmtvcl €>to-f?_S C^or\ ^ Vt Vuchtr^ Qrficle X [O Tetos Co^sri kxfio>\ OrficU X \°i Ti^as donsfii"u'haLf&f~e CcxS?S i^mbe^ C\ccorc\ m^iu, "t~ke_ appeal -prom ecu-k conVichon /\as heev\ a^s.i<^ned ql SeparoAe. £SUe£, G.tas denied e PPecfe CLS-sf^fatfee of coaitsel ^f- ~frfol because kis "Trial toansef failed "f-o commantco-te^ CL p\*fPer UOcys, Do_u.cke^kj uoouid fileo_u^k^*-rif u)oulci receit/e (X sentence. o-P Mo lj^o-^s f^ r-u.v\ coneari^efirJtf. D>ocuouW ho-ue <&c<:e£Jt-kxfes oP^er ^^s lePf open -for- c*. sp^i^i^4 -kime. PurHv?^, Vk« rec\-a.Ace Trio.ICout\; HoiA^roblei Q>ill Harris, (ba assign men+"J «£urM Dfsfricf- Coarf-, Umar GoanKj, Iexa£ •rial £ou*r "Tie "fri cUr Cocxt-r- ', ChleZ Ju<>kce j S»*K Coa.i'1-oP C\pp*a{$ . (3^/kkf OtPrVVvx "Hve Prfal courU t)i5pcsifion * jacAc^ime^f OLtnci ^e/\[ence -Viih $i*hemer\h Recardi'^ £Wl Or^a^e^\- TT\e Pehr-ioner^ Kobe^k Once Occu^ke^kj anil uJaije oral Qrcuiri^f, -IJT I* The, T~e.)Cr ice l-^aucherKj , Pnhhoneir VS. »k-e- Sko,fe. of \ etfOuS , Kesponder f Petihon Por {^iscr^h o^arct Qeoieto Prot^ T~ke Court oP Qppeo-I* Sivfh Oisfrief of Tetfas <&) Texa^ka^a (Xfpeois nos. &&~lS'-Od02>%cg 6l>-l'SD00 3>qc& 66-/^-6)00^6cie m) The Honorable £ourT~. LO^es HouJ, libe^f r^ouA^ke^f^, Pro~se> Pe.htiov\e^, Piles 4"kis bis Pe+nfiota Por Ofscrefion^r^ ReVieco e oP i e^4 L^U be reperr«?cl +o O-s "Hu^ S^We. or- rnssecaio^ On &agas.f- l^t XotH t Do-Ug-Acirfif uoo-s indicted -Por -P^lonu c>PPe^sx i^Hv i^fe^f |t> defter fY\eH\o.vr\phe f&mind o" f more. Hvxf\ Pocl^ crams jin. o„ druc rre«_ zone and ^osSfSS/ov, £p o/t^z.^p^K\ in an amount fefis "Hxq.^ 7s§ crctmS in o cfrq.^. Pr-f«- lone. Q,v\d as cx kc^bifi-t^ oPp^^d^, (H>n September f|, Hot Hx Octa^Ae^ fy UX>-S jKoli'cfecf &r Pe lo*.tf possess*o^ ^'H\ th4~efvt~ -Vo deliueir mef^OL^npneftLmine ot More, tour crams j^ ex o4rcc<^_ >Qr-ee 2~, 4-&e cclS^l proceeded ft> -fn^/. TK«. -f* eiecfed1 fo cfto«o +~k£- possess/cm ci\a>KV©-le droj tke clru^ Pree 2.o^e a_lieo,c^ko>v tvitk rec^uavdl 4© -fiA->e) r-fmainint Cka/tGes. 0 CR XSZfy pfrl ®C*e 7^ Iff p^S -2- Octucke^ftf oUso pleou 4-rue +o "He. bo-foituet a PPev\o! entencej J^au^net-Uj to life imprisonment- oP each eAaroe mi ti\ Se«o fences +c run concurrently On ^at| is, TxOi s~, T>au<^ker4tj -£illaois"" ^.s "Hva^P 0Kick -\tVjl €>Wte rejected g) ^^mo^ancSm Qpiv\\cr^ @ /?f?Drr 8x3 (fe) &pp kc) expire* On Qugasf 2.9, *2>K - "He dafe &ef Por Dauc^ke^fys ^^'^ +r,^( *A iix€ oPPe^s^s aJkick occ:urr<>d on Jane S, p.oi<*. On /Wemke^ 7, 7c3^ , t"ke fpiol Court held ex hearing 4o detersive uJhefW Daju^kerf^'s appointed Counsel should be alloooed 4o uJikkdra-io c4ue +t> c.onPkc4~ aP infer^sh and appointed Aeia krTal counsel. Qt 4~kaP Keann^ H^<_ pa/ihes aCsauSSe^ +ke flea. otPer -hke SPaie ba^ K^e Dcu^U^ +rio-l Counsel. Tk« k> HO UPCi^S, . Oaucke^ky peskj^veci), Under oaPk i "it\ -kbr^e oP 4-ke ofPeases and eUoteA 4o hai/e "Ha* 4-ri Dauc^kerttf's r\e MDef Ed pS7 -4- had Communi cated H\£ S^aJ-es HO uear p lea. aPpe<^. Tbrotx^k £>t~ipulad~ed te^ki kvxoau Dava^h^f^ tesPi Qiecf Pkuxk ke had nah been hold o£ €>hvk?-S 40 u^r oPfer until aPher \,ir expired. Q. dd ih&no-lt he. teskiPie^ Hv*i- bad. he foeen jn;Pormi xH. (Xppellate Disfrict c7t Iexas ok~ TexarkaAa bo^<4 aw. ineffective cissistance of counsel.^ Dn September 3>, TvOtS, 4-k^ £»yfh (Xppellahe- D is trial- o£ Texas* affirmed -the. +rial Coarfs jud^me*\4- and Senh?flce Of\ Se^ferwb.?^ :xo, TvOiS, C^aucWe^k^ -p-i led Por e^te'lSfon OT tirke and +0 Suspend |Qu.k 4,3>(b) recuardin^ ^jS Dtscreticrno.ru KeC^feuJ) txnkk -kke_ Courk aP Cri»v\mat CX^p^als - Or October l, ^d>(S , t"fve cWv^V op Cnmt^ Qpp^ats arantel eefensiak DP time and suspended rule 3. 3 Ob}. © k& ft \