McIntosh, William Arthur

#* William Arthur Mcintosh TDCJ-ID no. 688254 Robertson Unit 12071 F.M. 3522 Abilene, Texas 79601 Clerk/ Abel Acosta Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308 Capitol Station Austin, texas 78711 June 28, 2015 Mr. Acosta, I am requesting a copy of th edocket sheet fior the following cause no.'s PD-0331-15, PD-0332-15, PD-0333-15, PD-0334-15, PD-0335-15, PD-0336-l5,fD-0337- 15, PD-0338-15, PD-0339-15, PD-0340-15. I would greatly appreciate getting a copy of the docket sheet for the above numbered cause numbers as I would like to see the progress of my PDR. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, William Mcintosh , RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JUL 012015 Abel Acosta, Clerk