Ill • : • Date! 9/22/15 PROSE PRISONER & APPLICANT: SVEN ERIK JOHANSSON #1465256 C.T. TER~ELL /R3 unit ATTENTION: ·1300 -:'~1·lf2{J~5~\'l:§[] ~~ Ros h@~t&~C~IM7NAL ii~~~l~ TX.CT.CRIM.APPS., Clerk 8 Abel Acosta P.O. BOX 12308, Capitol Station s~ ~~ 2o15 Austin.- Tx. 78711 Re, TRL~ Ct. # 10,205 & Revocation#23,645 I 11.07 writ #WR83,619-02 Dear Clerk, Attached hereto is an open letter to both, the Tyler CO. Dist. Clerk, Chyrl Po~nds and the Atty who represented me in this bogus revocation hearing rtow having me illegally confined for almost 3-years. I was never told of any atty being appointed to file_my appeal on direct review, never filed any request for appointment of counsel, and no counsel ever sent me any letters regarding such app- -ointment . . . . . . and do not beleive any such appeal has ever been filed. What I DO KNOW is; I will get to the bottom of all of this, and those people reponsible for for all of the mental anguish and illegal incarceration are going to pay for it in court .... somewhere, somehow. I just wanted to you to know, we will be back in touch on this matter in the very near future .... sir. Until then, /s/, ~E;uh_~ SVEN ERIK JOHANSSON #1465256 Applicant prose f, '. ; •. ·" '. J PRISQNER: ERIK JOHANSSON §1465216 C ~-T. ri'E.ftRif;..L1Rl Unj. t 1300 ;?.M. G55 . :;vl'TlllNTlON: TX. ct·. Crim. Apps. %Clerk, Abel Acosta P.O. BOX 12308 , Capitol Station Austin. Tx. 78711 He1 Tel ct. J'ud~etalf.tilt. 5I semt.enc~'1 ca~tei 10,205; ott.~Hli.l•l cf Alfg .. AtH!!&\.\lt v/dfi:&dly vea!l) .. -(;liiirks _rw::(;;'d elso g!.);,Q4 in r.neifcnsa to tl'w c .. c.A. ' . ,··• I • ota~r .......... roANDAMUS ~~0 ll-07 Nabees Corpve denio~ without writ&en or~.~~011finement. ·• :S~me ~anevf.l}rs to all, m}' queetion$ hetrein ttOula bo qdvieed, and in:· A TIMELY MANNER. Ia/,~~~ .... --. •. -~ -...-,... SV.EN ERIK JOHANSSON . 01465256 C.'l'.T:ERRBLL/iU unit (T:OCJ-IO)' ', :· . : ... ·.,., '•. ·::,. CERTIFICATE OP SERVICE ANb AUFlOAVlT · 14 SVEN E~IK JOHAWSSON 31465256, do atate undec peo&tty of pe~;ury that l have s6nt br prisonmail dcop box a copy Gf th!e op~n ls~tec to lat-A J~dicial Oiat Cleek ot ~iler ·couuty, T~~ H$• Chy~l Pounds, lCJO W. Eluff • 203 Cot.;u: tho use, ~oodville, TX ~ &W$12; 75979-5220; AND: A'l'TX AT t~AW, fltl'!'CB ADJU4S4 432-A . S· Bonne~:' - Ave .. , i'yloc, Tx. 7S702; AND: TX COURt Of CBlM. APPS. ~CLERt, AbGl Acosta, P.o. BD~ l2S9th Coipitol Stat.ion, Jt.ustitt4 'l'K .• 1~1!1 on thhs...1,,1 _ _daj' of $ ~~j:·.,i.. _____laOlS ~ . /fJ/}, '··.'•·"'·e ' •v .(" · ' : '! · ,:': . • . /'·: f i' .,. f} SVEN BRIK HANSSON ~1465256 C.T.TBRRILL/~3 unit (TOCJ-ID) 2 of 2
Johansson, Sven Erik
Combined Opinion