NUM32 W 13 122 william Robert Parker "' cAUSE No. aidi» AZML JYW# DECLARATION OF INABILITY TO PAY COST ,,-) ¢03€05¢03¢03@ STATE OF TEXAS ~NOW respectfully comes William Robert Parker TDCJ-ID NO. 00325353 and declare that l am unable to pay court cost in this action and request leave of the court to procede in forma pauperas in this accompanying action and would show the court the following: l william Robert Parker state by declaration, that l do not have sufficiant funds in my account to pay for the filling of this out of time appeal and ask the Court to wave the filling fee and declare the Petitioner a pauper and allow l the Petitioner to proceed in forma pauperas. (1) l, William Robert Parker TDCJ-ID NO. 00325353 being presently incarcerated in the L.C. Powledge Unit of the TDCJ-ClD in Anderson_County, Texas verify and declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct. Executed on this °-rb|day of _ Wllliam Robert Parker, eti ioner, Pro Se TDCJ-ID NO. 00325353 L.C. Powledge Unit / TDCJ-CID 1400 FM 3452 Palestine, Texas 75803
William Robert Parker v. State
Combined Opinion