Joshua Paul Calhoun v. State

ACCEPTED 12-15-00081-CR TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 9/30/2015 9:26:56 AM Pam Estes CLERK COURT OF AI' I'EAI,S NO. 12. 15·0008 1·CR TR IAL COURT CAUSE NO. A.2I ,464 JQSII UA I'AUL CALHO UN, AI'!'I-: U . ANT , IN FILED IN 12th COURT OF APPEALS nT" TIn: TYLER, TEXAS CO URT 9/30/2015 9:26:56 AM VS. , PAM ESTES Clerk T HE ST,\ 1'1-: 01­ ' TEXAS. AI'I'.:I.I••:I-: I Sl\UTII COUNTY, TEXAS 1'0 1'I1~; IIONORA.I!LE J UDGE OF SA IU CO URT: COJ\U::S NOW. the APPELLEE. State ofTex:u, by and through her Dbtrict Allomey, Nancy J(um:u, and files this J\IOC ion for EAtension of Time to File Appellcc's Brief and in ~upport of the same ....ould show the followi ng: I. 1. Appellee' s brief is due 00 or before Oclober 2, 2015. The Appellant's brief is 64 pages long with II issues. 2. Appellee requests an additional 60 days from the curre nt due date of October 2. 201 5 to file it s brief with the Court. 3. Appell ee requests an extension of lime for the following reasons: a. UndersignWJ ust finI shed and filed a 30 plus page brief on September 2 1. 20 15. (Sw,~ of T~.UI.< ". Dm",y Ray I... ,.,j:. No. 12· 1)'(X)255 and No. 12· 14"()(}39). Mr. Lusk was convicted of severa l counts of Aggravated Sc~ual Assault of a c hild and recei"cd sevcral Life sentences. b. Additionally. undersiJi!ncd counsel is preparing for dod;:cts tile w~ek of October 5'~ and 12'h, 2015. an Aggravated Scxual Assault of a Child jury trial October 20. 20 15. (State I ', McCan'a: Cause number: C R 15-0 167­ 173) and a jury trial docke t thc following ""eck October 27'". 2015. c. Addit ionally, counse l has been assigned to train a ncw prosecutor in thc office who has no fclony cxpericncc. 4, This is the third MOlion for Extension ofTimc rcqucsted by Appell ec. 5. T he undersigned is nOI see kin g th is extension for the purposes of de lay. WHERE FORE. Appellee rcquests thJt thc Coun grant this MOIion and extcnd thc deadli ne for filing its bricf for 60 days to December 2. 2015. Respectfully. -7J'7/~ Nancy Rumar Assistant District Attorney I09W,Corsieana Athen s. Tellas 7575 1 Bar, No. 24044654 Phone: 903·675 -6100 Fall: 903 -675-6 196 CERTI f'l CATF. OF SERVICE I. Nancy Rumar , do certify that a true l ,O to Defendant 's Attoroey,l..c:s lie DillOfl , at dcorrect copy of the fOll'goi og Mot ion was r"",~ S I. ....... 11K '30 day of September, 201~ . Signed thi s the 30 day of September 20 15. Nancy Rumar STAn: 0.' TEX.t\S I COUNTY OF II ENDERSON I Befort' rll(', thl' llndersi gned nmary, on tllis day, persooally appeared Naocy Runmr. a pel'S(ln whose identity is Imown 10 nK'. Arter I administered an oalh 10 hl'r. upon his oalh. she :.aid: " My name is Nancy Ru mar. 1am capable of making thi s affi davit The facls stated in Ihis affidal'il are wuhin my pen.onal knowledge and are lrue. 1 am the allomey for the SI31e of Tex as vs. Joshua Paul Calhou n ;n Court of Appeals Cause No. 12- 1S-0008 I-CR. I hal'e read thl' fort'going Motion to Extend Ti me to File Appellee's Brief and il is lrue and corm::t " Nancy Rumar Subscribed and sworn 10 before nit Ihi s ~~tl " day of Septembcr 20 15. ~"?P-t- 'D. ~ Notary Puhlic -Slal e of Te x a.~