March 26, 2015 'RECEIVED SToUV'WVdF Case I mari9M THIRD C0Ug,OFAPPEAlSy 1. t\TUS., ^PPellQnT, KirT A\Wn WWM^uJa^ dWo^d uj»v-\-K aq^CcxVaTe-^ AsSao'rV ljOvWn a. ov 3-^ degree ve\ar\% forovo 0"??e.rvSe oAWovQ.^ Tc> V>cxv<5 ©CjCorCcd on Pon^VrYA^v^ o? ^S To °^ Hecxcs or \^e- TKe. CaSe ujqS Yr\^e.Te-*c*S V<£VW.rTr^\\\o-Y i\oo V>«^ \V\<2. CoorT- Tln>« Commission tf Sow& <^er\S%. 3-) The 5>Yq;Y^ Wv«^ Y©Btav^cxThr^\ WsA H) TK® SYote ?a\\^A ^©Ife^e <3r -YY>reaV ui\%* inWinft For tmir*\\ner\\ bo'tTiVA \rv^u>vH~ s) Tk<2_ SVa^ J&VteA -V© ¥c®>v« «va dS5oco\V &> THe ^rttenvo^ \s\@^\V^ \n&u)9?\ c&jA- T© S'oW^rX W% C€r\\«c\Wv ^> Pr©S«pi\tGr\^A OaoSlnq Yr&uWe? bouAWC\r\c}^L©?\e ^fT%c\?c{T\n^. C^Vs OoroT\\^ claims JtffeAtanT V\od b^eo Ycvng -Ve^v^xod sKe Y\c*d Yo\d ^Pq_\\qoX VcWave Wr eiWvs. exndt Yo lecxve- StATE ©v^VWd V^Vs DocoUK \9+W Veesoo sY\e Wxd Ju5l denser vbed n^ ^-°^ rT "F0^^ -j V^rs QordV\V\ ooqs arable. Vo Xde.rvti?H A^Uar^Y or\V\\\ sWte 7e.3T\^\Vdi 4-UqT 3^e looked KecYWooQ To Sow^^one so YWxV YW^ coo\d ca\\ VW© Pol Tee ^©r V\(op. sW eWw^ed vY^oc\s cAoseYo darK ^ere. Yeac\n^ evesv^Ahln^ Warned abouT B\oofr^ ?AaH\oe ^Woo?-^ avne^ ^\PPe.ilaoT ujqS SY\W VWre. cffamdno, sKe. YvexdrvT KoouJ ujKqV ha'vVerNed uoVven AWeWcmT SToTe caW&ci 0^?oTH rW^Y^., sbe YesYlfte^ TWxT sYms. Vae\. bean du s\oAcY\<&d ajroorvdi T^-sTCv^a TWY TWs a\\ Ko^ened V.oott^ C3^S1S ^ TO ^V Una T«T\ *\(o~) \-~x) (3W,\oB^ n-3.sp ST^Te cov\\5 sYod 'vWftV, F^rs OoroTiN^ ujq5 osKeO v^ Wt ?ersoa 5>ia Kad \js\- de3er\bed ujd,\ in CcorT^^'^'AS-^) n\rs OocdYV- ujcxs urvo\>W \v> T^e.rvY\£^> APPe co\pnrn\ss\£ So^A d??er\s^. The Stafte. also failed to Pfovfe The TrvWvVisrv Tb use. H\^ Sqid oJec^n* TY\@ S"W\re(to^^adl To sVoaj AfBiAWnY bad YVvr c^ose WTar*~v\rwervY- bod\VA \t\JvxH. Also 4Ke evidence \s W<^ci\VA YrvSuFfVcUgrTC To SuPfe,rT^Hve asS\sW\Ge o? ceotn£*^>d\ AWxV a tuea^©r\ 5iv^>U^r uoeaYoCv YV^aA o9 cdWcxA oJcxS Said d? Ko\Fe_? A-o de_ a dec\d\H uje^on. See ftoopcs V SAaAe73'77 S»uJ,ad H^B;5co (Tex-^IPP- FocTu3c^AMW*'?eA reW Tx \-> ci . 9or\ci.cxv^^ev\VcL\ ru\e or orvo^rval Woo YY\aY or\e Ccxr\e aorwvcYed W doubA VWoA- YWe de9e-oA(Cx>r\Y Cor^rdAYed toc^ elecaond< X\V; Tex code Cc;^9cqcl, Ac^vcxcV. 3^,03 (veo^oo 5oW ^oofeV) Tex ?e_na\ Code ^Arvo . S "3uO\ (Lv\d^ce. vS> W<^a\\H ir\Sorider\A \FujVren V^ujed \r\c\\\a>V\Y tv^osV 9avc*ccO&W A^> AYe ProsecuY\ov^\ a^aAxcycx^A ArCfcjr o? 9acA- cajAd r\oT Uov/e Poo^d ejacVi eAev^-eN\ n V^ Vi^m^HH^ 0 5,307,313,°^ 5VCA ;n&l/Xl8ft, £1 U vd SmdV sco ?SIS (yv^^*) i UisW V. 54oY-, T^cS OoroViK Cou\dnoA TSd^<\ViFn A^VeVWA \n O?fe.o CborT uoAWxjA Y>e\r\q UeLn e_XCe9-V- cjfibo rrooY loeHoA\Yv^ov\d-> CoorAvnw^ ooY o? AW. 9^Ve? SYaA-e. a\ccad^ Yv\ade a 5oV>sY^oAvo\ sbcxdina> dr dopv\a\ dr coo^Ado-VxonoA >rvo^f\V^ uncWr 4V\e 5\xYV^ and V©ocYe^r\\Y\ Qv^eA^ro^nV. 5YoYe uddness Ae3UViypv^ VolodTc^d\\r\c\ ^f.C3^3%M-^\^ (39^67-;) Vifc') Av>d dyV^ceV vr^?eacW AYe. Sh*YY\ b^dbecin^Hi^, fY Cervo^^es Te.sTcPvejB A??e\knrT Wid^real\H oocdKed cJrF, ©iVPeWanT ujqs ^osY aY fbe bacX gYKIs -H~ueK cx\or»q coiYY. Ybe Kids, buV be.d»dr\Y Koouu o?PeA\e»r\T ujgs Vbece . SomOsY V^e Ke.arr>e. ojhile VxxVK»n^ 7^> Kivs <-o*Te. rrow YYve'\r>s;de oYW<.s YrucK, rir Cervcxr\Y^ "tesbPied YbcxY AffeT Wtf TeAd bivi^v\ Ve dUclAv Vibe u^bcxV Y^e Send a,v^d 5o a?PeUcmT -VeAls Y\\<^. >uo<= cqa FivuVb, -Wis Oouo, Qnd ,A?PeX\anT ?oUs ©oT W«-Kn»9^. Q>eY.s ? We. YcocV^ , boY VXc Cecvotf\\e? -VesYiYted TViqT be hod Sov^ve. SYo9? ^coy^a uoor\(, Sotvxq uo©odev> cvnd so be. cmsYs' ex GdJ^W fe^Hb', \v\3l (3^Yn; n-\^)C3.R^M^; \fc-l^fe^Hn* P^ic CeJTVGirdeS +esVifted Vbod once Yr\€_ sYver\^?s de_?arYrn^oTY sWouoed o? Vie d\^ noY cov^e ooX noY ©y\Y\W (BVep^YYua^ ^-oets ©Ver (3R^SV3 ^---^ft) C^c C^cvpnYeis Aocned CLCoonc) £\no\ Ye/sWF^e_d AY\cxY Ve dxdv^oY Cov^v^ Y>acU ooT onYWV YVe ^KenYY sWkued uP.£^feO^&-<0 Hr CtwooV^ Y^sY\Pted AW Lona Yr\ed Ao v^eiK^ A?fVlr^otvd- PvjV YW KmPe c^uoq^A and ^^-V AV?e\A^n\ \o c*o \cvS\de. S*\r Cecvovd\e_s toarvAs • Cfe> v^q^^- 3ur^ he Covers ad^ Ojf^o^^ ? Y^e ed^o V^\V\^\e^ TWgCT P^r Uu/\ov e^eAs AVPdWvd Ao <^o Y^exdf^ UL^Yer^ YV\e_H uue.ce oeccxbA^e. be_ u3eo\ vnS\d) 8 Ao) V\ c tooq Tes\ \P\ed rTY^r\ ovNce Y\^ £Xfr\v^d> Y\^Ao\d A?PelladT^ uuYaYs ^0^9 onov^Q YVia5 5osY TaVK^v PYr bjuna T^sW^d b^Aoldi \v\c C^wova\es Ao Ojo\A5\de exndYoVcA AWslUoyvT ToWav^ Vecoose. Kq.oj)©15 c^o\Ac^ Ya ca\V Ab^. \^uj} cxAd oobeA YY\e.y sAacAed Se^coAd*^ W YoUq oYF.Yo qo c_ad\ av^> cd^fi^s^^ (XS 4© de^tvflg. 4-bc defev^ciarT © fcia.1 uoiA-b At\o.q\o) TexaS 7fec\0l> ^l.l.yj^^rfifrfctBfci ^RECEIVED N MAR 19 Z015 THIRD COURT OFAPPEALS, \ J£FfR€YD.KYlE / TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE INSTITUTIONAL DIVISON Mark W. Stiles Unit 3060 FM 3514 Law Library Beaumont, Texas 77705 (409) 722-5255 ext. 314 To Whom It May Concern, Under both federal law (28 U.S.C. § 1746) and state law (V.T.C.A. Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 132.001 — 132.003) inmates incarcerated in Texas may use an unsworn declaration under penalty of perjury in place of a written declaration, verification, certification, oath of affidavit sworn before an Notary Public. Documents for which notarization is requested by an attorney, and documents destined to another ^tate-or-c^untry-raque«te4-43y-aj^ requiring notary service shall continue to require notary public service. Inmates requesting notary public service must explain in their request why an unsworn declaration will not be sufficient for the document to proceed. Otherwise, notary public service will be denied. This document acknowledges /CulK A C2TtAg3iJUy_. TDCJ-CID # rulPcQ is presently incarcerated within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Correctional Institutions Division at the Mark W. Stiles Unit, 3060 FM 3514, Beaumont, Texas 77705 in Jefferson County, Texas and therefore cannot have documents notarized that do not fit the above criteria. (Example: proxy marriage forms, affidavits, etc.). NOTE: Nor are we permitted to make photocopies of Offender Identification cards. UNSWORN DECLARATION-J > 6^ >\ C O o (A 1> rO rC (/I F cod C La ' * J2 H o vry o 2? > 1/1 -o