Perry, Ex Parte James Richard "Rick"

To : Texas Court of Criminal Appeal RECEIVED IN P.O. Box 12308 , Austin Texas 78711 COURT OF CRI1NAL APPEALS NOV 12 2015 From : Eric Flores , pro se relator General Delivery , 8401 Boeing Dr., El Paso Texas 79910 Ab®!Aeosta, Clerk Date : November 10 , 2015 Re : Judicial Notice of Leave of Appellate Court before Judgement is entered to Proceed to the United States Supreme Court To The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Clerk , Enclosed is a Judicial Notice of Leave of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals before Judgement is entered to proceed to the United States Supreme Court because the circumstances of this case are of imperative importance to the public interest of health and safety to require the higher appellate court simmediate attention. Further the enclosed judicial notice is seeking relief from imminent danger such as death in the public interest of health and safety. Please be advised that I am proceeding informa informa pauperis and prose without the financial ability to be able to pay for the necessary copies to be able to file the enclosed judicial notice and the attached documents as required by the rules of the appellate court which means that I only have the financial ability to only send the appellate clerk one copy of the enclosed documentation due to my indigencies. The appellate clerk does not have the discretion to refuse to file the enclosed documentation that is seeking releif from imminent danger such as death solely because it does not comply with the rules of the court such as fileing the necessary copies which the relator can not produce because of his indigencies. The appellate clerk must fiel the enclosed judicial notice that is seeking relief from imminent danger such as death to be reviewed by the appellate panel whom shall only have the discretion to determine if the enclosed judicial notice should be returned to its sender to correct the noted deficiencies or too adjudicate the enclosed judicial notice by the constitutional requirement of due process of law. Please do not return the enclosed legal documentation that is seeking relief from imminent danger such as death without it being reviewed by the appellate panel. Thank you for your courtesj bed : Flores , pro se relator General Delivery , 8401 Boeing Dr., El Paso Texas 79910