Garza, Raul Villegas

^Wf ^ f ^ / W / ^ . ORIGINAL &(P /Sxras _— 'RauI Ut//*f«* <$****' RECEIVED IN fl^/Zf*)(-//>&> -S& . COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JUL 10 2015 -"'_ Abel Acosta,Clerk ,, FILED IN . '&//*£-. — C0URT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS . a ' - JUL 10 2315 Abel Acosta, Clerk 'tome Ai*t V^4 #*"<"' G*^ *******' M± %5^f~ 6lW/Is by Ua/u/ne A6X f"5et ^. Cat. ), TJ<-r &,**&&&**£.&. ^G^A *> **&*.—}: 7^ Svcpte*^ for**** a***J «^^-fe « OM^rf—A ^ V^J/V tyr Hter c2AS^ -fc *.j*jiy. ££, U.C,/)?. App^/^t LOo.s £>anji AWT AMo-f/^/o £& Suppress U/^-P&ss/&& /?/oi App&//*rttsSfahMe*rt jAAatfi^k yio/3 M, {J^p/a-f/ Me- rnerf-co/rf A/p^//coi /t/*/o emp-fy &<£{c& l£ &. M,JOr13, >^A j^ &>& &VF fiflZ aMs //o b^Aty icAAtS toai p&ohbkle clause fc» fiflJLesf H.& /4pp^///f^¥ && ^^ c£/w&, &#, U4, •He t>M bdartt>€ ttAbeAs &a/«s .CW/i^ cWd^ U}as AJdt StjAiaA by App^Z/AAsf, M. U^y> W"teQ>, AJevO>(y Gsscoo Affe£ aA)Q£. *l") MA. Yc*ma5 &*&d*H«? App&/At/ufk $/f/uA4aA& &> c&o&tL -Hi^-ke- H&A AJO U3A ti?ffi.{-Ct/es £&M- fflfchadC/«±t1r iz> StzAHttL Apy}£r///fAj¥i d£=///ffoA -hike cLcxLu/viex^s -fitoA*. In is c&//,'&, Wyp 4 5 Am,. 4/od +At$ cfoxj.r^'of •(& 5efite.(^ ^**v LO&S -jrffded £>y App^/M^r <=& tVlS3p*\tTA "ftc-^ /h&etrf-Yoa^ h>U Her A/?/>e///l*>±(j i^scf- ifer A)J Woi AJ&*A ex. CxDa4UA*4 {-o Senile (A&cs-ti^euS^s, &#,.{/%p SA.S3 Appe//*«>i eo^se^A ~h> u&& ¥iie AocuMBt^T u&M &>i>£r/d %t»ic^y /Iffee. heraicxs h>lA fUf P& 60artJLKftSt~ CO*! AJ£d:J./ A//Afiilai/if'f/hj F*p&d~ a*>A F&afmsic dcxttufoetit- B^Atvii^e/tf -fcjtif/eA by Pb^e AfUtdr U&% d#*LbatO Coa^pA/t&d ^S<5U&&ck( ^^^ip/^^s &^TA*K>cicO&]fe& 55*i£U 6y App^y/^i; /£A« Wyp6>«-t^ 4Kt<^. a MO/=, ,- */ <3.C.CjoaA/#Oj {z> txpeeJ- SWj, CaaIsoAs £>/S»jl>0, m^ Youmj GrtfeJ He Appof A¥He moi^fo A& jupp ctK>j coas +*y/M& k> <*o/o utiles M& •fa 5Ay tfiA+y*,, jrJil ti. £A.U¥cp ssy s¥, fa clIaU±A Htfii- k* A**±<* cl*GxIs£ cZoyo£^ss)a^ ~fz> /4>£/ fillou&ccL ^> be- /uW'/fei a£ itvd/l A/Q< V¥jp&-**£, st,i-z, /fy&fivf- dlMM&A -f^f /^ ^^ fafen) -Gto^K. kw C&//AaSA h*/A/4 a$>u*k li»\ h> &/fc fc> A^&erf &6/05pCOas oo&i-frlos; V<£>/L ck.tttL~afdJi-d ItowZ?, /?£ U«&***!, b£d*us& Yeusos -tftnUfy ojoXj? h/m A&& hs> COkeAJz IcOaS y^A^-fe -far// Yw*J cOUs&kc= oJaczhd ib kaMlt ApperilAtoV 60AS Al Idr fa /C&ep h& €tc/e (Jdlumi? JkAf ~RiAioscAl/rf"-