J'Z_/\S`- 00/?`0~ c/C IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FH_ED ,N _ The Court of Appeals siXTH DisTRICT Sixrh oismcr TEXARKANA, TEXAs .@C`l` l 5 2915 _ 4 Texa§kmuwm: _ ... ..\.}......1. v»ln .¥J¢_vh¢¥omz ____ ¥1_.\_»»: .......l. .17.\._.. 1 ! 1...;.11... mm EP Pu¢l¢._ u_.hu<.._..t&sll uxh..nla. |.~. ..... .l. `Z.: ¢.\~ 41...|¥.1.1$.»..!..|'1..|1.»|1_...1 r.. \..,$. , 1. . 111 .1 ¢a_._..<....._::..._ .a.... .w~_ 310 N . so.».~e:o._..,. _...¢.:_P:~_ 1.._1.1.,.....:.1,.2_1 ,._- ho.h$~....n pmvuvn. .$!5__2§ 3 n»v_::u` . so ul_.:.xxo_a uz_>§ ¥a!. a.$. .. . . .. . .:kx_a n._F».. .u¢' `_.._m!_ . . . 1.z»_._~b$ »:t. nh.z¢un..|a..`..\|>.._1 1 id.m.aw 1. . §3.¢&¥ 3 .. . . .....110.:¢ nw zb_»»v` .»n<. l... 1 11 .m Q, x.._..... 251 .. omdw nz_x ¢u xu_¢nu¢ . . . 1a.2_ ua$:.. ....11... ... ¢w¢.._”_¢. . ..~ . .. .…{.... :._¢3=. .. . . .. _ guvl_.__._"..imd. :.:SS_ .H ._d.n§ J.._“§ nu §§ .uc_H.. ..>.vH&P . .._.~ua___d" .11... ..-?.\.:.11. .1 hn.n¢z dawson vauu.§ . . 212 N .._.:.I£_ . . . . . . ...:_`i .l_. . suzl.al.. :...... 1 ....;... . 11.........!1.: i... ..1..1 ¢uztah.: .. .. .1 . .- W .. t_i 5 _ ._qu . . .. 13 _.aa,.. _ .a_a.» . ._._1..".:.5 ._.. 111 ., 1 .u.. ..-..._.. ._.1. .,:......,11 1. .. .11 >3. . ..__=1:¢.~......0§ 1 3 . El_h. so u:n _» vitalian .- _. .... 2 . 520 uxr§_l .u.,. c=1.L. qua . ud“. .n m :.z:nu :_» az oz< ¢¢x:,.__. H do 3 .. dow...._o o . _". ... . E.._;¢ _ of 3 . w. . .. ._ _ a 34 ; ..;:.s..x .. ,.1.1... 115 ,.,..1...1>:...1)\.__.!..$.3...1..|.1.. .u..o..."o.¥. h.c.".v.nd.mm.. .H..n.dh.:. ....z.. rn.._,_..:..e.|~w _.;i 1_.:.:. .~ .oa 3c1 .:l/' ....1 1 HHEB.UHWI\.§._?... ..._.uz.uw..f . n z.._..m..n mo w"»..+u_..._.:.am..v a¢¢..@z¢...»». . mo;m_b;n 1._.¢:>1 Exhibit 2 T_""TC CF§|I“.'I!\L*"._ "."CLUl'»‘|E FOR!.\ 110 GENERAL VERchT FOR1.1 cause 1\:':-.-'_£11512 4/~ da 35 521 j 4*'!- aé¢'"$$ 7 we sure o.= rast § 'N '1'4_15 inst ci :.cLRi~ vs _ § PREC'NCT_£ PL,'~ci j _ M___/@Q?M_ § maism» couhirr 12er V`ERD|CT CHOOSE ONE UF THE FO‘._LOW|NG ‘.".'e. 'he Jury', find the ccfef‘cant'gui ly as charged and assess punishmen: at $ t'lne. ` FOREPE R 50 N DATE .-'- f amf ‘3/ .__~_-,P ;1§,_:11.'§,1, riw;q'[h»a defendant rc-t g.ii|t',.-_':,_?r;$-f¢’:x,¢é:é:¢':i . -:/M¢+Kl:’j.% C”MQ'_}) FOF’~E F‘E RSD-’.\l lNST R'.,|'CT l: :' "-,"E R LJ l CT {Z .-l.ARG E. C.£-.U 3 E l`~l‘_."'I.B ER 11~: THE JusT!cE couRT oF _ Coumr, TE><.~“\S Paimnci'___ m11¢\<:1;_ THE BTJ~`~.TE D: TE}U‘-.S U$`J C’)‘J (-L'D 11-1¢-,0~_!10'§: of "ha .111“3: -'1.'€€~.'.' `-;'ou 'e.rvr.‘e il i'£ your '_'u*.~;' |.L> choose from among ','0111 "urrbe' a l-c'epe‘sf>r= | fl.rt|`®r instrL 1:? you t:- 211:.21_15'_ 1119 1:-9?91"1:`€11‘1; and amer ;-'1 -t-‘e'dir,t :1[ '1~.0: giii|‘.y.‘ l‘-ir_'r-.-"=’-rnbe" .:i_fllf:'- .:a;e 1 cf ‘ Exhibit 3 rd“ . _ ~_ ._._E&E .*&.~M_ .__§=_5:=_5 mg Mmmrm"w __ /»lll¢. §§ mp@v¢_¢z YW /MM/§/M/H J/Q@ omni §§ §§ Smm.m_&~…_ §§ m§__w.+__…._._.c/_Doo zow&m,_`f xmw,_o E:oo ».:300 XOO >ml_,<.Q..M.`.)x KMCL< 1..__ Y,,Om §Y,,%. ww§mo@. § ,. ,H._. ...h¢;r... . § §E§ EQ_, __ got%~ Q£§%Cttrc THE S'I`ATE OF TEXAS `I`o any Shcriii` or any Constable within the State of 'I`exas - GREETINGS: Wl-IEREAS, on the 28“‘ DAY ()F OC'I`OBER, 2014, in a certain prosecution pending in the COUNTY COUR'l` A'I` LAW of HARRISON COUNTY, TEXAS, Cause No. 2014~0801, ` wherein THE S’I'ATE OF TEXAS is Plaintift` and JACK MEY`ER is Defendant, the said Defcndant as principal together with APPEAL BON. , as surctics, did enter into a BAIL BOND payable to thc State of Tcxas in the penal sum oi` EICI‘I'I` HUNDRED EI,GHTY FOUR DOLLARS (3884.00). ' CONDITIONED, that the said Dcfendant should make his personal appearance before said Court on the 20m DAY OF,JANUARY, 2015, then and there to answer the State ot"l`exas upon a charge by INFORMATION duly presented in said Court, wherein the said Dcfcndant is charged with the offense of 'l`RAFFIC ()FFENSE CLASS C and there remain from day to day and term to term, until discharged by due course,ot` law; and whereas, on the 20"~" I)AY OF J.¢\NUARY, 2015, before said Court, then in session, said cause was called for trial, and the said JACK MEVI£R, wholly failed to appear and answer'said accusation against him, and thereupon thc BAII., BONI) of the said JACK MEYER, was declared forfeited by said Court, and it was ORI)F.REI), ADJ`UDGED and .DECREED by said Court that thc State oi` Tcxas do have and recover of the said JACK MEYER, as principai, the sum of EIGHT HUNDR_EI) EIGHTY F()UR DOLLARS (3884.00) and of APPEAL B()Nl), as surctics, thc sum oi` ElGH'l` HUNDRED EIGH'I`Y FOUR DOLLARS (8884.00) cach, and it was further ORDERED and ADJ UDGED that said judgment should be made final, unless good cause should bc shown on the Monday next after thc expiration of twenty days from the date oi" service hereof why said Defendant did not appear. YOU ARE THEREF()RE COMMANDED: 'l`hat. you summon the said JACK M}<)YER, Principai, and the said APPEAL BOND, Suretics. as aforesaid, to bc and appear by filing a written answer before the said COUN'I`Y C()UR'I` A'l` LAW oi` said HARRI,S()N COUNTY, on or before Monday next after expiration of twenty days from thc date ot` service hcrcol`, then and there to show cause why said forfeiture should not bc made iinal. The officer executing this writ shall promptly scch the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates hcreof, and make due return as the law directsl li` this citation is not served within 90 days after date of issuancc, it shall bc returned unscr ed.` glssued and given un .r my hand the said of said Court at Marshall, Te.\’as, this thc LO___ day oi` \_\/\\CM , 20 \`§ AHCS ' PATSY COX Clerk Coun __ urt afle Harri on County, Tex s By: M~\ \ avoids subd . \, l])t;,pi‘\ ty cner CAUSF, Nt). §§ )§5' Ct°é Sci -CCL CRIMINAL CAUSE NO. 2014~0801 SI*IERIFF’S RETURN CAME 'l`() HAND ON THE DAY ()F , 20 AT O’CL()CK A.M., EXEUCTEI) IN C()UNTY, 'I`EXAS, BY DELIVERING 'I`O EACH_`W“ITHIN NAMED l)lill`*`l€Nl)AN'l`, IN PERSON, A TRUE COPY OF THIS Cl'l`A'l`lON, TOCE'I`HER \VI'I`H THE ACCOIVIPANYING COPY OF JUI)GMENT NISI AT THE FOLLOWING: NAME: l)A'l`E: l"LACEZ WAS N_()`fl' EXECUTED FOR THE P`OLl.()\VlNG REASON: CERTIFICA'I`E OF DELIVERY I DO HE-R,EBY CERTIFY THAT I DELIVERED T() , 0N THE DAY or _m_, 20 A’I` ()’CLOCK .l\’l. 'I`I:IIS (,`OPY OF` INSTREMENT. 'l`OiVl l\"IcCO()L, ‘HARRISON COUN’I`Y SHERIFF BY : DEPU'I`Y C>(lOl€» Q`ZSQ~QU\ tCiLED No. a/ ~ m/O¢_ JAN 2a 2015 PATsY cox, ct K wm count \i/\Rmso u Tv.rex)is . y BY _‘ _c-_ ocean 'f`l~{l'l STA'I`E OF 'I`EXAS )( l'N 'l HE COUNTY COURI 7\T )( N¢:/.//¢/j;j,$;z//¢.//é/ )( » HARRISON coUNTY,rEXAs STATEMEN'I` OF BAILIFF On the date shown below, the above styled and numbered case was called by the judge for: (chcck applicable blank) l. _____Arraignmcnt 2. _______Trial before the Court 3. ____'I`rial by jury 4. _________Revocation `Hcaring ~ 5, ___B_mai i~ieanng/At»mw The defendant did not appear. At the behest ofthe judge presiding, and on the date shown bclow, I, acting as the duly . qualified Bailiffof the above named court, did distinctly, and three times, call the name of the above referenced defendant at the courthouse door, and the said defendant did not ‘respond, nor was there an y indication from anyone that the said defendant was present nunc ana said this M@g@_ day or W’/¢_a!_`_/M»£ ___, 20,_;§{/ ap § d §/;W Bailiff`$ printed name Q.X` w w~», § §§ ..ll ,,.. ,,.` .. l . ., . ,_,.»hx 1 §m€~n l ..,..g§c+ § 533 MM z§or>» 1.".<@:.`.“,<_ v . §J,m:?»¢ $UP§H~».$.»B `. v ..,,l z l l il .- s § .;S_IE . . - ,w.lr,“,r:~.lnll..,§.. _,..;Swm..,_.. iii la § v ....§>.,M , ..l:l,.ll,ll,.l , ,,‘ ; tll¥§§€. d civlL CAUSE No. ®\Dl€' q %50( \ QU\ CRIM!NAL CASE No. 2014-0§01 THE STA'I`E OF TEXAS )( IN THE COUNTY COUR"§§ id §§ ‘l?':v vs. )( AT LAW HAR 16 2th JACK MEYER )( nARRISoN COUN'rY, TEXAS JUDGMENT NISI On the 20""" DAY' JANUARY, this cause was called l`or trial and thereupon came the State of 'l`exas by her Criminal District Attorney, but the Defendant, JACK MEY’ER failed to appear and answer in his behalf, and thereupon his name was called distinctly three times at the door of the Courthouse, and a reasonable time given him after such call Was made in which to appear; yet, the Said vDei`endant came not, but Wholly made default And it appearing to the Court that the Defendant', JACK lVIEYER, together with _ APPEAL BOND, on the ZSTH DAY ()F OC'I`OBER, 2014, did enter into a BAIL B()ND, payable to thc State of 'l`exas, in the penal sum of EIGHT I~IUNDR}§D l?'§]C'H'l`Y I#`()UR_ DOLLARS ($884.00) conditioned that the Del:`endant, as principal, should well and truly make his personal appearance, instanter, before the l'lonorable County Court at Law of Harrison County, Texas, at the Courthouse of said County, in Marshall, "l`cxas, at the present term of Said Court, and there to remain from day to day and term to term ot` said Court until discharged by due course of law, then and there to answer the State of "l`exas upon a charge by information therein filed accusing him of the offense of TRAFFIC OFFENSE CLASS Cz lt is therefore considered by the Court that the State is entitled to a forfeiture of said BAIL B()ND, and it is ORDERE|), ADJ`UDGE-D and DECREED by the Court that the State o'l" 'l`exas do have and recover of and from the said JACK.MEYER, Principal, the sum of EIGHT HUN.DRED l€lGH'l`Y FOUR DOLLARS ($884.00); and in like manner that the State of 'l"eXas do have and recover of and from the said APPEAL BOND, the sum of EIGH'I` HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR D()LLARS (3884.00) each, and that this judgment will ~l)e made linal unless oood cause be shown on the l\/londay next after the expiration o'l1 twenty days from the date citation is served, why said Det`endant did not appear. lt is further ordered that an alias capias issue for 'tth-:Hd Defendar\t. :lw§ll §., COUNTY COUR'l` A'l` l,/~\W I'l RIS()N COUNTY, TEXAS Exhibit 4 Certified Mail # 7008 3230 OO()?. 6288 9277 . AFFIDAVIT ()F PACT STATE OF TEXAS CGUNTY OP MARION BEFORE MI:`, the undersigned Notary, ROB l ]\I U'- M OORE , on this day personally appeared jack l'l. Meyer ol"l»OS l~louston st. jefferson, Texas 756$7, personally known to me to be a credible person and of lawful age, who being by me first duly sworn, on his oath, deposes and says; l received on the 2()"` ol` Mar<:h a notice oi` attempt to deliver a certified mail, #70) 2 2210 0001 9444 9626, by the LIS Postal Scrvice. Due to the late pickup of the daily mail l was unable to secure that certified mail at the LIS Post Oflice of jefferson "l`x. util about 4:0()pm on'the following Monday, the 23rd of March 2015‘ Upon reading that mail l discovered the judge of the Harrison County Court at Law has ordered the “Rearrest” oi" myself l`or “Failure to appear at What appears to be a “Pre~trial Hcaring of my appeal to that court, criminal cause No. 2015-9859~CCL (ZOl¢l_»-OSOI). ’l'he remaining hand written text on that line of the statement ol" the Bailil`l`is unrcadable. Also, said judge ol" said court has order the forfeiture of the 588-’¥.()0 appeal bond which l have given as surety of my appearance before that court when notified l can only assume that the copy oi`my original payment ol` the bond by personal checl<, dated 10/20/2014 for the sum ol` 5884.00, is included as some kind olprool` that bond was given in this appeal However, that check was declined by the County Clerk in l`avor ol`a bank certified check for the same amount, which was given on the 23"' ol` Oct'ol)er 2014 at a cost to me of$SSS.OO. "l.`he check copied and included in this notice of default can only be a copy due to the fact that my original payment by personal check was returned to me when l turned in the certified check from the FNB jefferson 'l`x` on the 23"' ol" Oct. to and by the l'larrison county clerk, Mrs. Cox. M}' linal and parting question to Mrs. Cox was “\vhat should l expect to be the next step in my appeal?". Mrs. Cox stated that it would be a notice of the court of the hearing date and place \Vit.h that l returned to jeller's<)xi 7l`x. and my personal business ' /\lso, the certified notice received on March 23"l is dated as being filed on .’vla\rch 16, 2015. This is about a l`ull 5 months alter my notice ol` appeal and almost 2 months alter my alleged .Failure to appear. With this is included a notice of trial on the l()"' ol`Sep_t. 2015 at; 2:30pm. This is l month short ola l`ull year since the appeal was lilcd. `l`o this certified notice l respond as l`ollows. l . l object to its information as being almost totally FALSE! Page l ol`$ l am a Sovereign Citizen of the State ofTexas and the United States ofAmerica. l have not contracted away in any manner any of my God given and Constitutionally protected Rights. l bring before this court “Constitut;ional Matters and lssues”. You are now required to revert to your primary and highest duty as a “j udicial <]udge” over a judicial Court of the State of'l`cxas and adjudicate my case and Challenge. l have never been notified of any hearing in the matter of my appeal in this case, #201 S-9859*CCL (2014~0801) by any means Had l been noticed of any hearing in this case l would have appeared, for multiple reasons, the least of Which is the loss of $888.00. In the certified notice from the Harrison County Court there is no mention that l was notified»to appear for What I believe Was a pre~u'ial hearing, it simply states that I did not appear, which is true. However, absent any notice of hearing it is impossible that .l. could have appeared, and the claimed default has not happened To be “Reanested" one must be previously arrested l have never been arrested in this case! l have been threatened by the citing officer with arrest if l did not sign the citation issued All citations issued, these included, have been signed “Under Duress”. Duress being the threatened arrest by the armed officer of the la\v. ` There appears on all of the documents sent me in this certified mail post marked as being in Shrevepon. La. On the 15"` of March NO seal of the court! Absent the seal of the court these documents amount to nothing more than a personal letter to me, no different than a Christmas carti. The above mentioned certified mail documents are marked as filed on the lo‘h oi` i`vlarch 2015 and the envelope in Which they were mailed is postmarked as being in Shrevcport La. On the 15"’ of March 20l5. May l ask how a document in a sealed envelope and in the post office of Shreveport ila be liled a day later in Marshall Tx.‘? if the documents filed on the l()`ch are truly stamped on that date then it is impossible for that Stamp to be impressed through the envelope on the 15‘h and most certainly the reach of that stamp can not be Shreveport La. The same is true of the seal of the court! All of the above taken in sum is obviously nothing more than another blatant attempt by the administration ofthe City ofl\/larshall "l`x. and I:la’rrison Co. Tx to engage in a conspiracy to defraud lack I~l. Meyer of his God given and Constitutionally protected rights ' Pave 2 of 3 b ll. 12. 13. The jurisdiction of my accuser and the administrative court has been challenged by me. A challenge of jurisdiction by the creator (also the employer, also the Sovereign) leaves NO Discretion to the created (also thc employee, also the fiction). Any challenge to any employee is purely an administrative matter WI'l`HOUT any discretion allowed Siniply ptit, it can not be denied or avoided by any means 'l`lie PERSONS challenged have only two options,` prove jurisdiction or dismissal of the matter at hand. That is to say, the person must cease what is questioned by the creator or prove where the creator has given authority to do what is questioned Clearly, this is not the wish of the government officials involved in this matter. lt appears those involved wish to do whatever they believe they can get away with to avoid admission that no jurisdiction exist and disobedience of the laws of this nation and state ’l`he SWORN duty of all public employees is to administer the law of their creator and employer by OBEYING it. Clcarly, those actions demonstrate that their action and lack of action is done with knowledge that no jurisdiction exist. If this were not the case then the matter would be quickly and efficiently resolved by simply proving jurisdiction, which no one has to date done. "l`o the contrary, you have done all that you can to fool or coerce everyone into believing anyone has authority over their creator and employer You have been informed by me on repeated occasions For years now of the above information of fact. You have had every opportunity to investigate my claims and see that justice is done but, you do not. This lack ol` action alone is a demonstration of intentional will to break the law oi` this land. A law l must remind you again to which there exist NO excuse ol`ignorance, and once authority is exceeded sovereign immunity is lost. l now repeat inv Challenge of]urisdiction ol` my accuser and the administrative courts ol`this nation and state and request a pretrial hearing in Which this jurisdiction is proven or the case he dismissed l have been and remain available for appearance before the court at almost any time. l only require timely notice of the event, in accordance with the laws of this nation and state All Right Rescrvcd, Without Prejtidicel All oi` the statements contained in this document are made by me from my own personal knowledge ol' the i`acts stated therein and are true and correct to the best oi`my ability Sworn to and subscribed before me on the Ww_zi~_/l day of ____/`/é/¢A , 2015, by MZ/% (name of amant) /?MMA; Q/. /\/\ nasa Notary ._Pubiie's 31 attire Page 3 ol` 3 w§sm~=s» 1511 C»'<'l\“fi‘ !F:€`W cii,»v. . ‘_¥_ (@p£'a’§ “€f:=';' ~ simmj“mwwm max m m 11 §§”‘”1 ;‘¢11*:)1\»19»1 1? [3 “~ D_'@`é 1 £'_'} access 1131 E] blum mem 'e:;'zh§x:iz;z:y:‘ l;l \§;§»` ‘.Z wmc mimch ’1¢~.';"‘" ,‘rx:vn arm \~ixw\! F‘\’§’F:rrn 03 x "L robian l \'\:T~£ ..u ;11;:1€: w;~;e ‘1§3?“’ mm:mv K § m WWM\,“ Exhibit 5 '_ CASH SOND, v(Elt§nt§ Nc;il _Arttz§.l mata CQ(,\r: mata , THE STAT§ U§'-‘TE>_£&S CDUNW OF H§tAR§St;)N} KNG‘\ t/ ALL MEN SY THESE PRESENT5: ` mmi t ' ~t" z z lt:>;SIS ll t~'\€~ ;;»g» tai Sum 1331v ' _ Dol arts ~cr the payment cal ».»,"ttx;':h :l:um weis and hul\; l~:t be made amd in addition alt ntamessar§~ and roa'-or“ial>tz:'fc§s and ammust that may be incur'red w peace £`;~lfic:tm~; m managing me in me event the emtd§t§mts_ of this bond am violated { 1 tdc ii t"" mywil my haley , exacu§crs and t.dt*"uttt.~.!tdlmv §1.’:‘» lt§~' mtd §§ ~uta§ty fry miss c pra St”mts `IHE GOND£T!ON QFTHE ABOVE OBL|GAT£O`§\£ 18 SUCH that what cas l that princigal l crain stand chang with a mt"\ ts>~w§t: f , y "' , iii ` t 2 y " ’ 1 ;~..-Mi 5 …M,M 001er ot Harrisf.tn'CoLGty. '1'(¢22<;3,3.v . t~_!mris on Ccunc,g`fc»):as unlth l d:xj' of 11 »y y ` tz:, clock A M. ctr mgmt notiéts LW the Court 01 pay to the Ccm"t the pti rt:ipaz S'um `o? ‘ f ~ ' montes .,‘:~,>z:m.; M....».._¢ _ W M. ,W _… 13 ~ : tocatt;z&l_ . ‘§wé:iz‘ Sigrtr;t§m€ . , . ......... Mf§.”..;;m.':@..€f_< i>:/ m M'tzes?. AT`;‘;; 7';" M'”' . ;, . l,; `X ‘ '_ 3“¢¢ ,’;t’ H '. my . ; C.€lt,¢; Sl>'ne, E,’,E§: f" »"`EJ.§.»’ 1';’/- 1511 vt 1 ~1_~ jt §§ S"r 311 Dri\.-at;s L§c€zrtsez N;metzr Drivet“s Ur:ertz;e blumth l k v/ . ~ _\" §>“.: 555 _; th ~ w /-`(. > l Phth t‘~iumha: Ptm:te Numtjz;~r Ftecei~.¢t:~:.i 831 . ‘."’hi§c t Br;ol<’kt:~:t¢;t»/.tr fitth z L ll _Pirt§< v )‘~.ascil~;zr Ye'tiuw ~» ’§€;§Ut‘tdatn! Bond Nc>',' § 111 1'1»1? :»31;».11= OFTt-_;>:,t\s THP`1 1 GAS.H;BQ.”,`~?Q’ »' 1 _ft_:_rest 13~&1'@" y W,“.t\ '£ni)rt;/D:zte 133an m me pena ¢1.511;1\1 ot"y' . thl§:gz~=§;, 1011 1119 1313 \i~:`tert1 of \vhi:;h Q',~L:m weil zmd italy 10 be ms`ce, .'z 'v‘~'i ~< 5“°' am held and 1tr1nl y bound mich the SL=x§é 111 1 ` §§ 1 s ,,>"’ ) _ .,in Sxiditior.t all net:§:»;£ear§; and r§z;gor:§a§:le fé€=§ arm exps>rzsp.s 1111>,1 may be mr urrPn" by Pea¢::e "}fftc:erz$ m rear“P;-z!ing mp in the evan§ 1119 r:c‘.ndili:)xl$> 01 this wortc§ and 1'§61319£§ 1 do h nd "rwaeli my baird exemtc)z's and Pdmini`s£raiin':l‘; md ~qe walls ny wmata was ama THE COND\ T‘ZUN CJF `1 HE ABO\!§. OBL¥GA hON 155 SUCH that whereas 1 the prmcipal hér`eih 1312111£1` merged with a m§§citzme“zn'tr~’f@¥on',, 113-11111; 1 t 1… 1 12 1 “ ~ z t .»» § ' ,t 1;1.:,‘11)11'311115 :`1 t §““’ 'l’.$<)url`ul Harrison Cuutliy;`Te;£uB, AD_ .~:i`, v H¢urszor((.ount,z`¥‘em" mathe- . \ 'r upon noticed 1:"> the C;>urt m gay mt the 31211`11 tim ;>rktczpal Sttm of ~ ' ' 13 " i`* `f :da; at °““’ aims 311 1191:9§€.&1 1 and reascztat!¢= E`xpéz*\§e~> 111£1.111¢31§ 111 arm asré t 101 tai§u':a 10 ,az)pear,_ blow `l|' l Ct;ét:z:a'w of 11112 2111: il J!!i¥¥|\`?§l. ltv :,h<"z§l well amf tguly makét 10 term 01 Said ;:Q§Séna§a;tp¢satar'ctz in §m‘." axis 311 sum rfqu proceedings 1 ;. f‘--»:»a 1 Dot§ars rii§id,apptz;»nmtc:tz hamm said C'cur£. zir;_t§ 1?1=.')`1‘€ 112111;1111 Z§Sm day 1131 1332 5111§ mfm hat may 122 road rt`alazl\ra w §§101 jcha¢ga.§tt m 1101’: i:e’;‘~ézd 011 5316 cl%;l#§t? 1111:1 wbltgz’sliun Sl 311 11111.1;)»1113 vuid:_ 1;1"`111?1‘/.‘:31 13 10 11311“£21¢11 111 1511 fOl‘€t': find f Si{;nad anaheim :111$1;1§1 say"ol 1’ “ az 1 ',21:1 Pr`n:c`l{:ta¥ "’L:mt'!j 31§11§11)1& S$gna:ure I¢:l ,:- { f jj _;é ,;: fig ._` 313 f § 4 f j\,j,dg! ~:;:; A’Udr@~:\$ C§t\;. Staze, 219 C§?},". State. Zip }] x r` " iii 1551 ¢`;‘ ~’ ‘*’ U?/*:~£ jj :‘; : Dzi\'t,s's L:t:?nzstz 1\11 tmtwr e;'(.' ’ <" ‘§. ‘<.. Prmrt& Numbér Whiia 1 Bt:c,kkaaper § Dri.»er's U»::en-»e Nt;mt§tzr Phon-;- Number' P1 ~tk Az.:n£tor `1’&11:1‘.'1 - Cl€‘~`,\;‘ § , »A:rem` Dm§~ >Coprt gate - , w ;».»1¢,,1,~ PB§S§NTS' am held and firmly bound 11:110 1!'1§ 3131§ §f <. ' ~ .‘:4 >Qj, 11 §§ " 1 ve 11 and 1111!3110 be made ;1¢16 11' add tior_ all mmss;zry md reascrab! § 1131;3 and F:<;€z'lr>e$ that may be 1111:1111§€_| 13;.' Peace Of?`i<:els 1111¢:11"31§ 1'111§ mo 11: 1110 went mo condkicn§ cjf this 1001 .d ace \»',io|axecé_ icc kind myser mv he;rz~, 11 ‘)'; executors and administrators joint!~,' and ;~121101:1|?5~1)','1?113§§ prcs§m.~;. THE F`,.QNDW!ON OF _T'n E ABO?'E. OBL|GATION 18 SL{Ctha1"¢“1§rc:as l, the~princ§;)&l herein,'stwqd.charged`;.vith 44 z ' Court cast <=11'1301§» Cou*\t}';'Tex § M .) v lonal€'d 31 Harrison 65111'1£',1, Te>
in Re Jack H. Meyer
Combined Opinion