CRIMINAL APPEALS - CERTIFICATE To Be Filed with Court of Appeals TRIAL COURT NO.: B09-09 FILED IN STATE OF TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COURT' 4th COURT . OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Vs. 06/12/2015 198th JUDICIAL 10:50:04 AM DISTRICT KEITH E. HOTTLE Margaret Jane Griffith OF KERR COUNTY, Clerk TEXAS 1. Date Notice of Appeal filed in Trial Court: May 15 th , 2015 2. Has a motion for new trial been filed: X Yes _ _ _No Date Filed:- - - - - - ---"'-'=-- Will a motion for new trial be filed: _ _No X (Unknown) - - -Yes 3. Date of Judgment signed: April 20th, 2015 4. The Honorable: M. Rex Emerson presided at trial. 5. The Defendant is represented by: M. Patrick Maguire, Bar No. 24002515 327 Earl Garrett Ste 103. Kerrville, Tx 78028 Phone: 830-895-2590 6. The State is represented by: Scott Monroe Bar No. 14272700 402 Clearwater Paseo, Ste. 500, Kerrville, Tx 78028 Phone: 830-315-2460 7. Defendant's Counsel is _ _Retained X Appointed ___Pro se 8. Defendant was convicted in this court of the offense of: Delivery of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group One -1-4 GR. Enhanced and Habitual 9. Name & Address of Court Reporter: Paula Beaver, PO Box 233, Comfort, Tx 78013 10. The trial was before the Court: Without a Jury X , A Jury on both Guilt & Punishment~, A Jury on Punishment Only _ _ , A Jury on Guilt Only_ __ 11. Sentence was imposed/suspended on: April 20th , 2015 Punishment assessed: 40 Years in the Institutional Division-TDCJ Witness my hand this the 12th day of June, 2015. Robbin Burlew Kerr County District Clerk FILED {~ (so: 20J,.C C 'fii8 6L M ROBBIN BukLEW Dlstr.· Cle rr County, TX NO. B09-09 fACI.~"""'~~LIooIIi- _put)' STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COURT § vs. § 198TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT § MARGARET GRIFFITH § KERR COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Now comes Margaret Griffith. Defendant in the above styled and numbered cause, and gives this written notice of appeal to the Court of Appeals of the State of Texas from the judgment of conviction and sentence herein rendered against Margaret Griffith. Respectfully submitted, M. PATRICK MAGUIRE, P.C. Attorney and Counselor 945 Barnett Street Kerrville, Texas 78028 Tel: (830) 895-2590 Fax: (83 895-2594 By:_....:.....-_...::!-_1.......::~_---1~___t---+-- M. Patrick Maguire State Bar No. 24002515 Attorney for Margaret Griffith .. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that on May 14, 2015, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was served on the District Attorney's Office, Kerr County, 402 Clearwater Paseo, Suite 500, Kerrville, Texas 78028, by facsimile transmission to (830) 315-2461. CAUSE NO. B09-09 TIlE STATE OF TEXAS § IN TIfE DISTRICT COURT VS. § 198m JUDICIAL DISTRICT MARGARET JANE GRIFFI1lf § KERR COUNTY. TEXAS TRIAL COURT'S CERTIFICATION OF DEFENDANT'S RIGHT OF APPEAL I, Judge of the trial court, certify this criminal case: ~ot a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] is a plea-bargain case, but matters were raised by written motion filed and ruled on before trial and not withdrawn or waived, and the defendant has the right ofappeal. (or] is a plea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to appeal, and the defendant has the right ofappeal. [or] is a plea-bargain case. and the defendant has NO right of appeal. [or) I have received a copy of this certification. I have also been informed of my rights concerning any appeal of this criminal case, including any right to file a pro se petition for discretionary review pursuant to Rule 68 ofthe Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. I have been admonished that my attorney must mail a copy ofthe Court ofAppeals's judgment and qlinion to my last known address and that I have only 30 days in which to file a pro se petition for discretionary review in the Court ofAppeals. Tex. R App. P. 68.2 I acknowledge that, ifI wish to appeal this case and if I am entitled to do so, it is my duty to inform my appeUate attorney, by written communication, of any change in the address at which I am cum:ndy living or any change in my current prison unit. I understand that. because of appellate deadlines. ifl fiJi) to timely inform my appellate attorney of any change in my address, I may lose the opportunity to file a pro se petition for discretionary review. ~~ Mailing address: Defendant's Counsel State Bar ofTexas identification number: Telephone number: Mailing address: Faxnwnber (ifany): Telephone number: Fax number (if any): Cause No. B09..Q9 THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE 198TH JUDICIAL V. § DISTRICT COURT OF MARGARET JANE GRIFFITH § KERR COUNTY. TEXAS ADJUDICATION OF GUILT: SENTENCE To Institutional Division, TDCJ FIL~~9toQ~ ~1S DATE OF JUDGMENT: April 20, lOtS JUDGE PRESIDING: M. REX EMERSON ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE: scon F. MONROE ATTORNEY FOR THE DEFENDANT: PEIIY CORTESE OFFENSE: DElIVERY OF A CONTIOLlED SUasTANCE PENALTY GIOUP ONE - 1-4 GI. ENHANCED AND HABITUAL STATUTE FOR OFFENSE: Adlcle 481.1120, Sedion • Health and Safety Code DEGREE OF OFfENSE: first Degree felony APPLICABLE PUNISHMENT RANGE Hablual OIfender (25·" yrs or lie In prison) Iinciuding enhancements if any): DATE OF OFFENSE: SEI'I'fMBEI 25, 2009 DATE OF COMMUNITY SUPERVISION ORDER: NOVEMBER 2. 2009 CHARGING INSTRUMENT: Indictment TERMS OF PLEA AGREEMENT NONE (IN DETAIL): PLEA TO MOTION TO ADJUDICATE: True FINDING AS TO ALLEGATIONS IN MOTION TO Tree ADJUDICATE: CONDITIONS OF COMMUNITY SUPERVISION As set out In State's exhibit A VIOLATED (as set out in the motion 10 adludlcatel: AFFIRMATIVE FINDING ON DEADlY WEAPON Not AppIc:abIe OTHER AFFIRMATIVE SPECIAL FINDINGS: Drugs/alcohol affected this crtme DATE SENTENCE IMPOSED: APlll20.2015 PUNISHMENT AND PLACE OF CONFINEMENT: 40 yean In the InstIuIIonai Dlvislon·1DCJ, TIME CREDITED TO SENTENCE: 296dars COURT COSTS: $80 TOTAL AMOUNT OF RESITTUTION: $ NAME AND ADDRESS FOR RESTITUTION: noB: 0810511964 SS#: 45343-3961 SID#: tx 03720700 This sentence shall run conculfenllv unless oIhetwIse speclled. On the date stated above, the Defendaol eIdered a plea of Gai.1 ty to the offense stated above and was granted a deferred adjudication in the above numbered and styled cause. The Defeudant was placed on community supervision as stated above, subject to the oonditions or supervision set out in the order in Ibis cause. Thereafter. and during the period of supervision, the State filed a motion to acljudicate in Ibis cause, aIIeging thai the Defendant had violated conditions of supervision set out in said order. On the date stated above, the above numbered and eotitled cause was regularly reached and called for a hearing on the motion to adjudicate. and the State appeaacd by the attorney stated above. and the Defendant and the Ddendant's attorney, as stated above, were also pn:sent. TbaaJPOD boIh sides aJIIlOI.UK:ed ready for the hearing. and the Defendant, Defendants attorney, and the Defeodaot waived the reading of the motion to adjudicate, and, upon being asked by the Court as to bow the deCendaDt pleaded, entered a plea of True to the allegations in the motion to revoke. AdjudicatioD or Guilt; Direct Senlenc:e; Page 1 of 2 Pages Thereupon. the Ddendant was adm(wisIIaI by the CGurI of the coosequeaces of the plea; it appeared to the Court that the Dcf'endam was awnpc:tad and . . the dcl:. . . . . . DOl bdIuenced in making said plea by any consideration of fear or by an persuasion pIOIIIpdug said pica; and the Court received the ftee and voluntary plea, which is now entered of reconl in the miDub::s of the court. The Court, after hearing all of the evic:Ience for the State and the Defendant and arguments of coonseI. was of the opiDioa and fbund that the Defendant violated the conditions of community supervision as Slated ~ The Court then adjudK:ated the Defendald guilty of the otIease Slated above and found the offense was ,r committed on the date stated above. A pre-sc::DtaIce iIrvesti.pOon ftlPOI1 ....... ftqIIiftd doae. After bearing additional evidence on the issue ofpunishmenl, if any. the CGurI that aS5tSStd pmrishmmt as Slated above. And thereupon the Court asked the Dere:adal:lt whether the DcfeIIdaal bad anytbing to say why said sentence shouldnot be pl'OIIOUDCCCl upon said Deli,...., aad the Defeadaot answered DOthing in bar thereof. Whereupon the Court proceeded to pl'CIIIOII1Ice cer*DCe ..... said J:)efaw:IB as Slated. above. It is therefore ORDERED, ADJ1..J.DGIID aad DECltEIID by the CGurI that the ctetf:ndant is guilty of the offense stated above, the p"nishment is fixed as stIIIIal aIJme, aad the State of Texas do baYe and recover of said defendant all comt costs in this prosecution exp"JQ04, for which exccutioo will issue. It is ORDERED by the Court that the Derendam be taken by the audaimI agerl of the State of Texas or by the Sheriff of this county and be safely OOIM:JCCI aad dcIM:nxI to the Dindor. ~ Di'Visioa-TDCJ, there to be confined in the JIIIIDDCr and for the period aforesaid. and the said defendant is hereby remanded to the custody of the Sheriff of this COUDly UDIiJ such time as the Sbaijf can obey the directioos of this sentence. The defendant is given credit as stated above on this serdmce for the time speat in ClOUDly jail. The Defendant also is ordered to pay restitution to the persoo(s) ....... above in the amount specified above. Signed on the 20· day of April, 2015. M N, JUDGE PRESIDING Defendant's right tInunbprint -••• • • ••• Atljudication of Guilt; Direct Sentence; Page 2 of 2 Pages