Williams, Milton Veran

"5€>~,<03?`0@ _:\\\ `\AE umw c>F ammka M\>E¥\LS w reka RECEWED |N¢ c©uRT oF cRm'uNAL APPEALS NO. \M_ss, \.,m_<>~@ q JuL 232@15 ‘ 4 f ’. 1 a IN RE N\z\.ToN \(E\U\N \\\\I\_\_IAN\S\ '(le,\w\'or Ab®m£@$m’©g@y"§ L` , O\n MPL:U>N \Fo\z l\ murr oF ,N\Am)kw\u$ c\\\x$?_ No. Fv\.S`I?)%‘\o-NL 1%\& THE cRIN\xNAL ms'¥l>src:\` comm ND. 5 mm omth comm _ per cuv"v\ am suwov"\`:\\)`<', b'ic>cuw\emm:onwm &Levocmxo\\\ H\=_M:u\'@§ \NF_\L\=_ commem\io B\\ annum apw:r\ em ME;IHER §EN!:MED QBDM;_[;DN NDQ QBQNQg§\_\\§I-_ §S\LGG-N§EL\`§ CoN\F_S Nr>\u Re\a-\or (N\'\\'\rm \l. `\s\\'\l\(an\§\ ( 5_¢‘\, »-Q`\\e$ +\r\e above SH\C t)\€o\¢¥\v\ +o su? 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Yos¥o»\. _Se¢vice‘ \ f)Os-\-c\¢be ' "P"re,'"`>q`\d"j_\jn >r\\é ‘0€\9»\» +\\rc>u\§ _ \'\3'\0}\ E)Q\HRCS '.' com oe,cv`;_v_v_\:\\vvxv,' M>v>_v;»<\_S %T"l\'T'v`_ `c>\=` "rv~:`\vy$" 4 ___ 'T' ' '“ V; ~I\c “P..-O. P>z>d( 1130% ' cvxo';'n>L §m‘.\`m\\\ , `Mx.,s'vm\, Tms mm BMBSMMMMQM§ ' ,AD'.N_€M_Q_§_L_\< ve; g_;;¢;»¢\ ._:_.__”gmg\ .\'3_5 *\\\¢. ':x\vw§:mé:lmet\:p;§@ ‘ ~ ' ° my \v. <»v\_,v~ *'zd\qz~v< ' '~~._'-v-¢\vv@:r\v;.- ~ 1 `Pa@e" 3 1 O_v` 3 ' ,,‘_,-¢`,., »<.\:.» :-. ` ' v t § l .' Exhibit #@@'&g) / IN THE DIS. ;{ICT COURT IN AND F_O_R LOG.\N COU_NTY ' STATE OF OKLAHOMA ' THE sTATE 01= 0KLAH0MA, ' }‘ - Plainnff,_ v } vs. } CASE NO. CF-97-o? ZS ~ . _ . - f l ~ ' 41 _~.» z -:> ~ MILTON vt-:RAN waLlAMs " } . §§ ~ ~' DO'B 07 23-61 ssN. 441 68 5876 } , -»- ' :'-“§ Defendant. } '. (\ i~ j _ tm _ INFORMATION ` ~_\-’_._ § _ _ , .* ' 1 - ' _ 1 ' ;~‘; ~.~.> -"- _ FOR: F.'UGI'I'IVE _F-ROM .TUS'I'ICE ' _ ’ ‘ ~ § , " ' - "" ` ';'r _`_;_ ,`_‘ _ ij l11 the name and by- .he authority of the S_tate of Oklahoma Robert L. Hudson District Attorne_y of hogan Co\m_ty on his official oath gives this Honorable Court to know and be informed that in L`o'gan County, State of Oklahoma, . MlLTON VERAN WILLIAMS did then and there unlawfully, willfully and knowingly commit the crime(s): FUGITIVE_ FROM JUS_'I'ICE ' - ' That is to say, the said defendant, on or about the 6tl1 day of October 1997, and m the Cou_nty and Stat_e aforesaid, then v ~ and there being a fugitive from justice of the State of 'l`exa`s, Connty of Dall_as, the said MILTON V-ERAN WI__LLI_AMS i`-H . _.'e andthe' c .-'ed-wit-h' inofthectime of Theft $1500. 00 did flee from justice of said State, said - _ crime being on punishable under the laws of said state by a term exceeding one year`,_ in violation of Title' 2_2, O§A, ~ _ _Sec`tion ll41.3. contrary to the form and the statute in such cases made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the State. of Oklahoma. _ . ,. . __ _ . _ DATED this 6TH DAY OF OC'I`OBER1997. \ ' ' _ RoBERT L. nonsoN ~ msch A_'i-'roRNEY ~-.5..`.:_.:_,».x.;....._i.._..:__-¢ " , ' ~~~~~~ ~ .-~~Assls'rANrmsafmclA'croRNEY - _ sTATE 01= 01<.1-.AH0M_A CouN'r¥ 01= L06AN, ss. CONNIE S. POPE, being of lawful age being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she has read the above .' and foregoing lnforination. knows the allegations § statement my coth;::nd that the same are trile. 4 l ~ . _ _' l . ` v _` Assistant ljistrict Atto'mey l '_ _ l v l h Subscnbed and sworn to before me this 6'l`H l_jAY O_F QCI`O_BER 1997, 10/6/199_7 _ CF-97-218 _11/6/1997 '. CF-97.~218 12/4/'1 997 cF-s?-a.»w ' 116/1998 cF-e?~zia vThe Defendant appears in person pro se. Judge William W Wheeler EXHI-BIT #$§@) State of Oklahoma vs Milton V. Williams _ ` _The State appears by Connie -.S Pope Assistant District» Attomey. The Defendant appears in person, pro se The Court sets bond in the 4 amount of $2 000 00 and sets this case for review on November_G, 1997, at 1130 p m The Defendant is remanded back,to the custody of.the Sheriff § until that time or unthond 1s ggstegl Judge William W. Wheeler ' State of Oklahoma vs Milto`n V. Wi||iams ' . , 4 The State appears by Laura Austin Thomas, Assistant District Attomey. The Defendant appears in person, pro se The Court sets this case for further review on D_ecember 4. 1997, at 1 ;30 p..m The Defendant may remain free on his present bond until that time. Judge Wi|liam W Wheeler l ` ~\ ` \ State of Oklahorna vs Milton V. Williams , 4 ` ' Assistant District Attomey. The State appears by Connie S. Pope, The Court sets this case for further review on January 8_, 1998, at 1: 30 p m. Judge William W. Wheeler State of Oklahoma vs Milton V Williams . , _ The State appears _b_y Rya_n Wyrick, legal intern. The Defendant appears in smlsse and bond exonerated for failure fof the requesting \} Exhih_it #§'G¢>) . /» . v . '- IN '1_-'HE msich coURT IN AND FoR LoGAN coUNTY l Cq_ ' sTATE OF oKLAHoMA ' 1 - ,_: _ , ` ' ` . _' Q`a_ sTATE oF o_K__LAHoMA, . ) _ “_“ Piaintiff, ) ' ') ' » - z j ` :"'.-'5:.. ~ VS‘ v ) _ ;CASE No. CF-97-'218 5 _ % UT 4 rt n ) tv n _ _.... ..._`__ 1 _, _._ ._. l 'MILTON VERAN wILLIAMS, ) )_ Defendant. MQTIQN TO DI§MISS C()MES NOW, ROBERT L. HUDSON, in and for L_ogan County, State of Oklahoma, and moves the Court to dismiss the above entitled cause for the following reason, to wit I`n the Best Inferést 6`f Justice WHEREFORE, ROBERT L. HUDSON, District Att`orney moves the court to dismiss the above entitled cause _ _ DATED this 6th day of January, 1998. RoBERT L. HUDSON ' _ _1)_1_sT_RICT ATTORNEY ~ Assiscant bistr'i¢t Attomey RDER FDI MI SAL t NOW,_ ON THIS 6th day of January, 1998, this cause comes on to be heard before me, theundecsigned Judgem and fopl,ogan£ounty_ Qlelahoma »andthe Cotu:t bemg~fully advised _ _ l in` the premises I~`INDS that said cause should be and the same is HEREBY DISMISSED without t ' ._ v costs, and said Defendant discharged and the bondsman released from any liability herein. ' »\§@w\@ WILLIAM W. WHEELER SPECIAL DISTRIC'I` JUDGE ` r\i »U. `L‘Z 38°‘*\’ 2 330 ‘ \ hitt-1311 w 512@ lN THE DlSTRIC-[ CQURT OF_ THE gfh JUD|CIAL DlSTRlCT OF THE STATE oF OKLAHQMA SITT{NG lN AND FOR LOGAN COUNTY THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, Plaintiff, ` vs. case No. cF-zooo: 5/ 2_» Mi|ton V. Wi|liams t n SSN: 441-68-587_6 DOB: 07/23/1961 . Defendant(s), IN`FoRMATloN ¥¥% - couNTY o`F LoGAN -'author\ty, and o:n behalf of the State of Oklahoma, give information that on _or about thes§ `%d”"”"`““i“`t ' STATE OF OKLAHOMA FuGlTlvE -_FRoM JusT_lcE, ~a felony, 2_2 o.S. -§ 11441.1_3 sTATE oF oKLAHoMA, 'cfouNTY oF LoGAN: I, Robert Hudson, the undersigned District Attorney of said County, in the name and by the said crime being punlshable under the laws of said stateby a term exceeding one year Robert Hudson District Attorney By U““MS”W Assistant District Attorney W|TNESSES ENDORSED FOR THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA gallas Coung Court C|erk vvv _l, Vincent Antonio|i ' ' _ `. ,' having read the above information, state under oath that the same is true and correct. , _ ' _ , VincentAntonioli' ` v _ _ -Assistant District Attorney '