Blaire Reid v. SSB Holdings, Inc. D/B/A Protec Laboratory

Filed:1012312015 5:22:16 PM Jenica Turner, District Clerk Wood County, Texas Reviewed By:Donna Graves CAUSE NO. 2015-254 BLtIRE REID, § IN THE DISTRICT COURT FILED IN Plaintiff, § 6th COURT OF APPEALS § TEXARKANA, TEXAS I VS·I § 402 JUDICIAL10/27/2015 ND DISTRICT 1:22:59 PM § DEBBIE AUTREY ssA HOLDINGS, INC. § Clerk dlbla PROTEC LABORATORY, § Defendant. § WOOD COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE OF APPEAL Plaintiff Blaire Reid files this Notice of Appeal, and would respectfully show as follows: 1. Plaintiff Reid gives notice ofher intent to appeal from the trial court's Final Judgment sig ed on July 28,2015. The cause number is 2015-254, styled Blaire Reid v. SSB Holdings, Inc. Protec Laboratory, in the 402 00 District Court of Wood County, Texas. 2. This appeal is taken to the Sixth Court of Appeals, Texarkana, Texas. Respectfully submitted, DUKE SETH, P.L.L.C. lsI Walker M. Duke WALKER M. DUKE Texas Bar No. 24036505 325 N. S1. Paul Street Suite 2220 Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 965-8100 Telephone (214) 965-8101 Facsimile ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF NOT~CE OF APPEAL CAU E NO. 2015-254 Page -1 iI CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE On this 23rd day of October, 2015, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was se1ed to the following counsel of record through the Court's electronic filing system: Jason T. Weber Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons, LLP 700 North Pearl Street Twenty~Fifth Floor Dallas, Texas 75201-2825 /s/ Walker M. Duke WALKER M. DUKE NOTlCE OF APPEAL CAU~E NO. 2015-254 Page- 2