KURT B. WENTZ ^DIN . _ 1 ST COURT OF APPEALS Attorney at Law Houston, texas 5629 Cypress Creek Parkway Suite 115 Houston, Texas 77069 JUL 2 2 2015 (281)587-0088 Christopher Ai prine CLERK. VJF July 20, 2015 Mr. Christopher Prine, Clerk 1st Court of Appeals 301 Fannin Houston, TX 77002 Re: Appellate Court No. 01-13-01004-CR Trial Court No. 1363644 Style: Brian Victorian v. The State of Texas Dear Mr. Prine: In compliance with Tex. R. App. P. 48.4 enclosed please find a copy of my letter to Mr. Victorian with Return Receipt attached advising him of the Court's opinion in his case, my decision not to file a petition for discretionary review on his behalf and advising him of his right to file such a pleading on his own behalf. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, KurtB. Wentz Enclosure: Letter to Mr. Victorian with CMRRR to c« 5 D Bs & RTB.WENTZ i2 .S-l • BEAUMONT TX 77705 =a § D ru Attorney at Law CC o ru .•6" £' t> in 0051 5S Creek Parkway Sui o 3 S -coo a. ir o tO uston, Texas 77069 r^ TO.oir • •• _D (281) 587-0088 m Q hi/A • _ 2 • _.. "D ISTOf 07/08/2015 |2" 2 -8 I— j. 5 S a 5 ~ ISOL"™ !_:..'_ £ O If S^DD It saddens me to report that the 1st Court of Appeals has affirri Hit) 0) , ES E *t With the Court's decision my representation of you on direct \ £SS ssg © o> •*= ? V3 03 .Q ~ C Sen M 13 js"*" * Vi I have reviewed your case and the Court's opinion for the pur] *• 3 o I discretionary review. However, after having done so I have d i3s.t oS>- w < O ^ p^ v ^ I t petition for discretionary review on your behalf. However, yo. Ul\_ iltUL L\j i.:v u. for discretionary review on your own behalf. Such a pleading is referred to as apro se petition for discretionarv review. I am enclosing a copy of the Court's opinion to assist you in deciding whether or not to file such apro se PDR. I am also enclosing a copy of Tex. R. App. P. 68 that relates to the filing of a petition for discretionary review. Please note that the time limits for filing such a pleading are strictly construed. Should you wish to contactthe 1st Court of Appeals with regards to obtaining further information on the case their mailing address is Clerk. lbt Court of Appeals. 301 Fannin. Houston. Texas 77002. Your letter should be addressed to Mr. Christopher Prine, Clerk. I am also enclosing a copy of the brief that was filed on your behalf. A copy of the brief was originally sent to you On December 17, 2014 as evidenced by the enclosed letter. However, I am not sure whether you retained the brief or not. You have my best wishes for the future. Sincerely, Kurt B. Wefitz Enclosure: Opinion. Brief. Letter
Brian Victorian v. State
Combined Opinion