Ashley Renee Williams v. State

A.-,.~~() Noli. ~ CASE No. 30558 couNT 1 V I; ~1 INCIDENT NO./TRN: 9128401700 AOOl Q~• Dts~ l0/5 · THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COUR K § '· l41 yf. Ari. SBN ~40 t/Y)~ (:Jf'-4!•I li fl "i ~ '1 oI Telephone number: JI q -1'1 A' 1Y4 q Address: 530i E MOCKINGBIRD LN.,STE.802 DALLAS, TEXAS i5206 Telephone Number: 214-494-9916 Fax Number: 214-540-9981 30558 1 NO. 30,558 2al5NOV 18 AM fl: OS :; ·, ..... \ I ., t' · ~ ~1.. . ' · .....Cf.;. l -····1c-1 r." ,.- .·;., ST ATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COUR~'-L'"' 11. .-,, 1 ~,. r;: ('V .J • - _~ "'r-·1~,, § - - - ' - l ..JI I vs. § 196TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT § ASHLEY RENEE WILLIAMS § HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS November 20, 2015 NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Now comes ASHLEY RENEE WILLIAMS, Defendant in the above styled and numbered cause, and gives this written notice of appeal to the Court of Appeals of the State of Texas from the judgment of conviction and sentence herein rendered against ASHLEY RENEE WILLIAMS. Respectfully submitted, Greenville, Texas 75404 Tel: (903) 513-0510 Fax: (903) 200-1359 E-Mail: jessica! CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that on November 18, 2015, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was served on the Hunt (A:Jlrffit)( J SCANNtO 2