John Turner Gray v. State

No. 366-81876-2014 THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 366TH DISTRICT FILED IN 5th COURT OF APPEALS DALLAS, TEXAS v. COURT OF1/4/2016 3:49:45 PM LISA MATZ JOHN TURNER GRAY COLLIN COUNTY,Clerk TEXAS. NOTICE OF APPEAL COMES NOW JOHN TURNER GRAY, DEFENDANT, respectfully giving ' Notice of Appeal that he desires to appeal from the final· judgment of i ii:m""EWCfi!l conviction in the above styled and numbered cause that was &i!iJROO by the court on the h day of November 2015. John Turner Gray appeals to the 51h Court of Appeals. FILED 15 NOll 18 PM 4: 32 ANDREA STROH THOMPSON DISTRICT CLERK ' COLL C UIHY. TEXAS SCANNED