03-H-oo35fc-cj* April 28, 2015 Cause no. Gayleen S. Todd Court of Appeals Appellant 3rd Judicial District 2116 Juniper Trail P.O. Box 12547 Round Rock, Texas 78664 Austin, Texas 78711 / RECEIVED \ Motion for and Affidavit of Indigence APR 2 8 2015 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS \ JEFFREYD.KYLE / I, Gayleen Todd, respectfully request that the trial court furnish the complete appellate record to me without charge. I verify that I am unable to pay or give security for the appellate record. An attempt to even obtain the means to do so would create a severe financial hardship for me. I ask that the court order the reporter, Karen Goh, to transcribe the proceedings of the trial in it's entirety and provide a copy to me. I ask this in accordance with the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure 20.2 for criminal cases. I. This is a non-case until STATE proves standing. The number that has been associated with this matter is 13-08168-3. I, Gayleen S. Todd, am unable to pay the costs of court and transcripts. I verify that the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct. Signed this the ^"/day of/^/v/, 20/T ~7~7 Gayleen Todd appellant Sworn and subscribed this the PM day of fipr \ \ , 20 lS s.V WV^^YtJC Name printed (Y\avu>;\\^ IWi^S Notary Public \jQAuftfr/Vgrjy> county, Tx. My commission expires r. Ku\n£ ^ 1r>\<£ fe^ JUNE 9, 2018