Durham, William Earl

William Durham 1740286 Ramsey One Unit 1100 FM 655 Rosharon, Texas 77583 Court of Criminal Appeals I Austin August 4,2015 P.O. Box 12308 Austin, Texas 78711 RE: Habeas Corpus Dear Clerk, Enclosed, please find my Writ of Mandamus. I respectfully request that you bring this to the attention of the court as soon as possible. Thank you for all you do, I remain ... RECE~VED ~N COURT OF C~WIINAl APPEALS AUB 0 6 2015 . Respectfully, Cause No. 28475-A Ex Parte William E. Durham § In the 75th Petitioner, Pro Se § Judicial District § court of § Liberty County,Tx PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS: COMES NOW, William Durham, Petitioner I Pro Se in the above entitled and number cause and respectfully presents this his Petition for Writ of Mandamus and in support thereof will show: 1. Petitioner filed his Habeas Corpus 11.07 with the 75th Judicial District Court on May 11, 2015 with the Liberty County District Clerk Donna G. Brown. 2. Petitioner recieved, after many request to the clerk, a response from the Liberty C6unty Assistant District Attorney stating that he recieved the writ on June and it was in the works [sic]. 3. Petition~r claims that the Liberty County officials are deliberately stalling in an attempt to detour this Petiioner in his legal remedy. Liberty C6unty Officials has denied this Petitioner is Constitututional rights to redress his claims, further, petitioner has put forth his actual innocence with newly presented evidence that will establish his innocence and his claim of illegal incarceration. 4. Petitioner repsectfully request that this Honorable court instruct Liberty County Officials to comply with Article 11.07 and issue their Answers and findings of fact and conclusions. Respectfully Submitted, ;.&----------