44 § . Cau€e numbe((€) #20,570 end 20>572 RFCE;VED|N 06 »'A.S_" 00 /9/@ O‘5 27 33 m n 7 2015 § »\-\un+ coun+v;n_ggqg§§. "\'Ke\a&o\' The Court of Appeals ' Tez<;:ré»/ ana 119an \_ ` Sixth District " fileer ilu§rey, C\erK § amos wag¢ cc +§§e 354“‘ *AU(; 0 7 2015 B\S*'<\c\' QL)ur-L ` _ K w ` ` c _`&Y § Texarkana, Texas m ‘5 ° ‘L" "`°“° Debra K. Autr:ey”_©§|e§nk `Kes Panden+ '.P€-H-{»ion 'G.\r AQF\¢`CA-l;cdi:)n puc Wr'.+ o'c Mar\damu§ (“on ma4§ons cor .TudSmen'(' l\lunc ’Pro Tunc_\ (Caus@. mmb§>.r(s’) #zo, sm_ ana " za,rc>l:_. fuld 23.\ (C\€<:\Ci\( afford due '\'0 -\»\'\e pollou.‘»`(n$ .. .. . \-\ISTC)KY- § 'KElA-lor was C\-\adec\ m§-H\ (?_\`\mo Se\°eca'\e o¢€cnses al wauan n-C A \-\nb`\~¥.\\-\`\r_\-.-\ bv `md§c§men'{' . crow N\e 354£` Dis¥dc'(- Cn.u<-\- § of Hun'\' Coun+¥> T€XF:S ~ ) `m-u\e %\:»o~}e_ S'Hled Causc= n`umbec($) . ?ursuAM le o ?lea asreen~.e_rrh Re_le\¥¢>¢ <-\Qm_=d ha ’P\end Su`§lh' +o bo+h ¢Qe§ns"es \(`or (2\ we SQPAMe ("Zo\ irm-eniY-Yenr ` .SerAences § ui§+h 258 daY 4ime_ Ccec\`\-\r an eaja Sen\e.r\ce . FLr-Lhermorc \'204+. 5en4ences were 40 run _ (C.Ci') Concurr¢n'¥ u.»§H»» each o+§ner ('Exh`§bi{'-A\ 00 jul`( 05,*‘" 2004 . Tudse R. B€ééom Rcce?'\cd H\ese "§>\ca mre¢mmts . and mem femnwnc¢a (z\ m~§ee¢en{ences T’ronaunced». if No Dirc& G\P(’en( was '\'aken »e' when ’tleln&or was rcce`§ucd +éT.o.c.`.r.~I.l>. .¢\ Sen-\enc.e, Qom?u+a¥\or\ was done \:Y Tl>cT-ID . Kecnrds D`N`\s`\on@ and -“1€1 onir Gl(ou>ec\ ’?ac-¥§a\ CreA`r(' ordeced ¥\m€ Q\'e;\l'\' . As ~H\e gun 258 day +ime , Q\*€A`A- would ?re` da+e \oc>+\». amenae ldc\&es. F\e\¢=r\~or mm~\e ¥o his doch A?€o§n\'ed M\orne`( (P'\\'. le@n¢l , Ho\=son} no re$c>onse was S§ven . 'F\e\e+c.' Q\\so L`(\eA (-\n “CL- H'l T§me Ke-selu'{ion D`¢s?u+t Form HS . required.under -l»|r\e Texas G>¢wccnmenj< (‘_oc.\e § 501.003( . luHh -H\a+ denied (Exh}bi+~€). Ke(Mor H'\en . CileA QPPt`¢ce(`\on Q>r mcl+o(? \'-labes\s roms (l('-O`I) in exh Qaus~e numbed's\ due \Lo H\e fbi\ow§ns reasons... & ~' 010"/0 ,Cm+'§mea Dmm ’Pvev. maez ,i ' |\_Fai\ure~\o abide b\l ?\ea_‘. (-`or %4& `mnbil\"\'¥§-§?r<>£orn`-. g/-\l_l_". elemen+$ oil ~Hne ’P(E¢\ QSreeme.n'B. _ _ 'ZLI\|€BR[ ‘.`\en'\er\ccs ‘. 95 -H~.e Se¢~Aences was un- F\u¢|'ho\"c?.ed» b\l (nu.)(r_~(u; la ¥ime Cred§'l' Qumrc.\eal ..) _ . 3L X.nvo(un'ler‘l ’P\ea.`§ beC_Aia'Se qA`LL-I E(erncrr\:$ ali H~.e Pleas mere 'no* baird fulfilled ‘n_ Ine£(‘-ec(`we stl§ance of (.‘ouns€\ .`. £o'r recommending ’Pleas H~m-@ Coulc\n}+be ?ro£ormed (wa ¢H.‘&Sl-oz .`. WL 4+.43!-03) , _ Thz QouA a»C (`_c`\m§nal~ QPFeA(:s §‘SSued A remand Orde( (Exh`\b`r\'- 53 ua`§H~. order -(`or , '§vcc`§-("§c~. \Z`mA`§n_`£ Lnu> r@nrd`m$ -Hwese `\ssue$ m`§seé.. On Tanuecv o‘a>`”“` . 2003 'H\e_ 46¢-\( Cour+ 653ch i'('s' Finc\}n$$ (_Ex_h`§b}*~£) and ordero'l”unc.`in , wm cwg¢*‘§ (E§ronm.r§¢ea sen+¢r\c_e_s me (Q ,q.,¢n+~,_§(ears _ u>`§-\+\ 253 days \-imc Cced`¢~" l +o (l‘i)n`me-}een~`{enrs and (Zoo\ +mc~hundred da`fs w`d+\ 253 days _ dev/5 ¥§mc (‘_ce¢i`r\ . ¥-Lr+her (`_la‘§m`m_§ \+wr\- Kela-\nr u_ms ?resen~\~ an Tanuar\l 05§“" 2003 L.J`§-H~§ Cou<+ . H?Fc`§d~}ed Cnun Se\ (N\<.Ra~lmnné l~bf-‘s.orn "m open C:our'\' [Exh'\bH-F~ 'P_‘R.Z\ land <-\Sreecl »\i> -H~.`§s. . L£'(' (Exhil::r>‘>{"~c>\ ?fove H'\`\s ClR;r'n pn\$c. ' . _ T\'e (‘nur-¢ c-C Cr`\m'ma( chals denied u_~.§+hnu+ .r»\ L._)r`§++en order pr~. lllo'7 QPPl§aa-(§nns .` ecae?i}r£ -Une. -\-r`m( C¢>`ud-s Con-‘»er\-l§on -Hm¥ H\e Tudsmen{ l\lunc. T»‘m Tunr_ }s=sued an T¢Anuar‘/ b$.+i _ 2003 rcsotveal all }s€uc.s raised . `Thou_‘§h no address was given +o -H\e ille$a(`\JcY op H'\e~(>c`\_§§¢w( . zen+ence_s, o('(‘.\ca`§m cc 'meC§`e¢-_-(§v¢ ass€_<.~}nnce 09 Ceunse(:c(es駥e U\e remand ordec~!)~ _ gela¥oc £i(ed moJc`¢on 40 en¥ec l\{unc ‘?re. Tuna_ ,”J`ud$me.n{; c\ue lo ¥he cx`¢s+nnce oP An _ ((’_lev`§ca( award under Tex.R.Apr. ’)’mc,. Kule_ 23§1 bn Tune le»"" 2040 . in bok-k Cause"*'$ (Exh§b§+ -H\ _ Th¢ tonj¢¢ml»§on was -\'\-\a~¥ H\e_ ir`\n`.€om¥ C Hundrec\ davs lu`\+\\ , 253 da`(§ ‘\'ime Cfed`c{'.......` 54§(( amar¢$§n.? ~\'\-\e SF\.me_ 251 dm me Qredljc` -\»‘{\a-\- made H\e QC`LS'ma\\Y ._K§c_m¢>unc_ecl Sen-\enc.es `mvotun¥er¥ and un-Qb{`As\\°\§_.' 11'1€4¢§9\ Codr4 Qccacdins 4a H~e D`¢s-\~r`§cl derk., had c\en`\ec\ -\'\ne_se_ hhmc ’?n>'¥unc reques-\»S/ v/I,,'cl\ is s~¢i// (//|-£/€M - 1 _ F\eln-\of -\'hen filed Qn mch a£ Han.:lamus u_>`§¥\~. Hn`§$ Oour-{ an Nnvcm hac |5,4$ 2015 . (uFFeM¢\J¢e. Case mmbec($): oé-lo_ao~zl?_-CL aco~lo-ooe)$~-ca) w‘.», .\»ne Q\n‘.f“ H\,.L we Mun_¢_! . ‘Pc¢> Tunc. mo¥`\nn§‘ §§ leA on ”'j°une_ |&=.`H` 2016 1 u_{\H-\ \+\e -l'r`\a( Cour-l~ .Be'm§ “c{cn`\ec§ '. Dnl)' 40 learn . ~'\&\A\- uaw (*\Q¢L Dn\d been.`"?re§zn¥e;*"-\°i-ke Tud$'e and c~e&urne,d uman eA u_\`§+\-.“Ioo ru|§n:¢ ma¢le" M~l od§ina( Wrijc ac Mnnclamus was den`§eA because :r_ diAcH erove Unq-¥ \'\\e lr`m\ Cou§r'\ defied . 5?»`\¢3 l\lunr. ’ProTunc. molinns,ds C|AiMeJ . 3 - eff/0 . Kel§=§§or;§ §§nce reques§ed 9mm 14§¢ D`§s&§»`§c&(’_\er\< Cor`§e_s u¢§+\e i\l§mc ?ro §unc'.;g§`\ed " - on june Il».§"'L 20l0 alcan-§Ped Den`§ed an{\l §c-e§f$+ be §n{'ormed -\4\¢\~¥ ~\'\\e‘( Couldn‘\ be \§>c.F§-§ec\ _ Then mas-§ rene§\-l-\`I§ lher would have_ 4a be 80+4€:§ ¥ram AusTIN (?} Assum§n.$ H'§A~\- _ Au¢_~§\'§n was §§»§ re-C(`er§:nc.e ‘}o¥\§e 549-\¢ La§.§> L`§brm\/ `§n I\us-§§n§'- \eke$.. A Cc=§\\ was made +§> ' _ -c§nd .au+ il 'Hne "l§e¢w§ed~" l\lunc'. ?roTunC ordecs Could be Db+a§ned 'H'§e§'e. 775/ag /5 M> //f/”é 739 Wrc’ //g)w dD/r /{, %d/_I Ar,r/§é/ § . P§§.AS-‘.§n R§'\S§.ue.rs`. ~ W/%W .ré`r%§, _- I+ is 5}§`|1 dnKnawn §`f 09 Ru/ig An>; been mA¢/e an §v§.'/)c'P/eo T'§mc J'u§/jmc'n )L5 P§`l§>.§l by Ke|/§+O/<- on ~T§).')e ll§,§QO|O» ' | 'I` 1'_-(3 -Por c\n¥ reason n _§udsmer§-\' or Sen~\cnc-.e. §§ no-\r C§>rrec-l-\~l ew§e.<~ed §'n-§o record Hwe . +rmlcour~§m¢;§>' Ce.rrec.~(- n C\er`§c_A( error ur§der Tex. R A§>P. ’§’ra§:. l,R§§l§: 23. l.' Or§P _|F§§§ '§~§n-§e C.red§-\-s are mir ’ProPerlv Cred`§-\ed§ \»\§§a-\ arc owed under Tex Code o(»` (`_r§m. ’Pmc A§J§. '~IZ. 03 ‘ESQC§~§`on _ Z(A\ A ¥r§§§§ Q§>§§§-¥ may en§er-§+\e €ra.§ver number o¥’ da~ls under T§:x..K A§=r ’§>mc. ’K§§§§: 2'?>§ 2 /-\ Nunc _ ’Pro~r§§na _)§.§d$mer\+ mm b§-_ used §§> Qn§§§»§>_r_+ en C\e.c`§c_§\§ error, bd nqu §\.»§ _§ud`§cc§§ erred w`§lson \/ l . (.‘J{`H*E; (D'I’| v5§|.».\. Zd. 5(3 {TEX.C(§m. P§\'-’F. lci%“'), When -H\z¢'¢ LS Qn \/Hrm'h_or\ bel-wefm .H.\e Om( ._’§’mn§>u ncemen+ ¢>§5 an Sen§znce and H§§>_ §..>r`§+§en vers`§or\ §>{la Se§dence§‘ -H§e amf fi>ronw§-§ced'§e§~r§ence _e§>n§m§>) CD£(‘§=_§ §/. 5+§§4€, 919 5§§.§.2¢§. Bze(vex.cr;m. nr)§>. §QGE§ done§ §'\L)~l~¥§> u.>hQ-§- ~\“l'\e_ `\f§n\ Cour'(' believe$ 5hou|d cr r.‘n'LS}v§» 'H§>§v; b€en done ,§ and no 4 ` _ §ud`§czi§l reason`§n_$‘ C~Z\n be used . Ex~?ar-§»€, ?€n§=\ ,7| S’.m.‘Zd 336 (Tex.CC"§m.A??, Zooo) `_ `§'here-§`é>re .<§ C\e_r`§<;¢\( error Cnn be C§>rrcc§ed »b§,§+ n'o+ a _"§ud§c.a\ errors 'K`§(e¥ \/. C'c>ckre\ g `33‘? F:'Sd'. _ _";3_€_>8(5&(1§§’. 2003).An‘l nunc '§>r¢Tunc. judSmen+ mus+'rr§`§rro'r wha~\- 9¢_4§.§§§\§§ occured 3 §_Q_I!Ln_.s__\_/__ ', ‘i'\w\e, 240 5.§».>§3¢11»°?‘25 (TeX.C'.r§m. QPP§ ZQO`D. `H'§ere mus+ be ~i’§'§:§a§{2 o(`- who-§ was (-\<:J§§,\Al\)’ (~e§'§de(ed _ £-`§§~§d "Prc>noun€€d.'§ ‘Sm`§+h V. S'ha{c/ §S S§W. gd. 229 (TeX.A§’F. dm§as 2000.). Whh¥ -§‘he.~l-¢`§F§( _Cu,§r+ orc§§IY ”§I*onwnc.ed§ on Tu§v Q'S§i"-L 200£ § was f-\cce_§>§a§~§r_'e o£-H§e ’§’§e§=§ ereemen'¥ on §:§§:§+h , (‘_PuSe \'\umbe§'(§) o~¢ (20)~§1\.§_.¢>_§»~§4¥- Y€Ac$ w`§~H~§ 253 d§§YS \-§me Cred§'{ (E)d-§§b§~§~ln ~H\e ¥r§al(;ouc~§- Con¢§rm.$ , -§»H§s §n §'iS o§.§.)§-§ Q§nd"§n$§$ §ssuec\ on “_|'§=§n§.§arY 08§- 2003.§(\’:`1<§1§\§§+ E),, also on T§qnuarr o‘$}`*` 2003 -§ §n . remnse;~§'§> §§§P_ (:....ur§ erc Cr`§§m.‘v§r§\ Q§>Fe§\\s order § LL£ ~l»r§§\§ C§>ur-§~ L§':un§>§‘o§>e§”l‘/ en§ercd judgmen'§ . ¥\\IMC "?\'G \\m€'- 413 CHAMC`>E ‘RelH'-§oc_<§ or§J§naUY ’R'or'§a§_.§nacd (ZO) hardy Yenr‘€>erv\ences u_\§-H\ 258 _ §da~{s -§»`§m€. CCeA`§+ 415 (l‘f) n`§nelcen- ‘lenrs and (Zoc) '§u.xo- hundred dF\Y u_>`§+§w 253 daYS -\»§mr_ QC€d`§~\' ,;(E~§ur-§ had r\o. Q§.§+§\or`§b‘ under Te)<.'K. Ar§’. R'oc ’K§.§\e 23 l o§- 23.- 2 ar P§n~l oH\e§' .'ru§e or S'\§=§-\§.§e_ -\1> Ch§=§n$€ Q§ decrc¥a( ’?or-¥`§or\ 09 A _\ud_?mem'l' m ar ou+$§de_ 0£ a defend en‘\'$ . ’t’res-.P_n§‘_e. `Th¢ nunc ’§’r§> Tunc. jud$men+ en§ered on J'r-§nu§§=§rY o$§ ~2003 made no (`_\§=§§m -Hw§=§~§ An _]G§er`§ce§§ error e§<§s~§e_d m H§¢ or"§j§§-§at ‘Ser\~§eoces The wang ’?mT§,§nc-,jud$men'§ o€ 'Sanu§=§r? 08§“‘2003 _;§:§n§§r C'rea§ed C\er`§ca§ ecco<_s. Fur+§§'ec more;l§§§ess§me 253 days l§me_ Qre;\`§~§ -§+§¢§4 ma<§§: -§4\¢ or`§s§n§>§( .°_`)er§-§er\c_e-s un_ A§.§J¢h§§r`§?_ed bY law §§_\<-§s again omarde¢§ 14 §s a dear ’\’o§n-§» DC law %ajr=g_&§£c_°rg_ |+unc. C§:§c§n§_~.~§ be used 3m ('.§§AMGE. n dec rc{»nl "r’or-l»`§on of c-\ .)uclS§me§n{.. . t 1 ` `é/-@/'-/d .I. An~l ?§er=§ QSre.e.men'§' us`§H»§ ?m§'\§\=`§-§ed bene-‘§§¥§ §\P§S C€'§u§€d 456 ’P§€F\ jro be §n\&o§u§`§`\'(=§§"/ _ be\ o § Yor§ 04 5 504 \q'lD .) Ex-'Far~\~c 'Bur'\'or\/(o__23 5¢=-§. 2d ‘H%[|€X C_r_§m. ggg_¢_js_§) ; MSN§‘;L z §|Bg§<§§,;g , 392 Fz§§ ‘Z3o lz*c§r §<§30§53 §-?§§r§e 6§>§¢§§zzn¢ 903 _§.§£.gc§. 331 (B,<. ape., §§M_§>,§ /99$) .“§§e 253¢§§§§5 §L§'m§»_erec§;§‘ ,§§ b§>+§§ §§§e §>r§s§§§§»§ 6@§§§@§€5, _r§§~§d §+§e '§mPrQFe.r§~/ en§ered §§lunc. ’Pr§> Tur§c “_§'ud$men+ §>4` immuan 03\*~52003, renders `U\~e. ` _%en§enae.s un_ au+b\or`§?,ed bv ln§§_>. As' H»e §§§.§_>arded lime Qred`§§’ ’?rez.§A§es -§Le o£eense d§>(-§e. ` I§hp§s lens been held L§§a¥ each e§em}n§ o£ q P|ea Q9reemerr§- mug-§ be uP- he§d or e`§§)ner ?er§-¥ . mm w`§an§wa §§~e'§§’ Fl€§\> 93§”€€¢“¢“\".9_4 &n_V~L§`_rn§ b§)§§‘§c§~§ ?\e§§=§§or re‘l§§QSJ. ’§’l€§=§ QSreémen+ _§_’E§§§§.'b§+ §d§§§§§§(e;§§§§§§,§§ §-:>. 1+ was ordered §§> be Q¢e&§¢§§ §-§§ +§§§»_ or§_~§z§§§§§ ml r>r§§§§§§§§meme§§+, _§»"c§i|ure ~lo Cred§'/' H§e §Q¢// 252 davis '§»§me_ Cred§‘§' renders §J§e.'§’lea `§nvo§ur\'§'§-'§r¥ ...... l-\ert TDCTI_D Cou|d . NaT H§>§~§§§r \ur§e .(Lll 238 clan HmeCred§`~§/' §§§¢§-§- was §»§§e §erm `§n-H»§e or`§_<)§nr§\ B-e§w§ences "§?unuur§cecl _§:§n J'u§v oS,- 20¢>§ lone an H-§e §mPraPerlY §mPcsec| Nunc ’Prc.'l€§nc Tud.P§-nen+ en-§€Ced on _`Z§`§Anue§r~/ oi»+l` 2§>¢>3, due -§o§~he -Cr=§d- -H-§§§=A- ¥hz -Q§ll Z‘SKC§AY_<. §§me Cred§§ wou§d ’§>re-df§§-c bc§-§\ _§.§§-"§?ense dn§es. €)ee" MMMSQ> ('T;X.__Qr`§m...f§r»'?. \q@.The Proh`§b`§-§§\iene$$ .~§e ecoer §§m§>_ C'red§'§ §-§-\a-L would ’Pre-c§n§e_ -§~he oMense '§5 a C§ear ’§’oir§'\' ac law § . . `f§we F§E§\S . mere chr§§~§ec `§n\§c>l§.§rr§ar¥ due §u ’Re§n-Lors` `§ne(l’er_§`§ue ass§s§nnce of Co§.m=>'el liar h`§s erroraus adv§`ce _-§»\'§ae§ §'§-§e Mdn‘l$ -§‘§m€ Cunse( lu§(( ?res§§me_d ~§ohc§ve Knoodedse op leSQ§§ ?r`§nc§f>(® which is . ne§+§§e_r nove( §>r un- Sa§§§led” I¥ §S (\SQ`§n a C;§ea§' Po§n~§ §_§§`§ la§§>, ".‘thc§§ §-ime Cred§lr Qe§nr§o\' _ Pre- da-§e -§§~§e Mense do.-§e . 14 `§s required -§»§-§A~§- no{§ce §)(` §n-§emL§o/\ be _9`§ver§ Berre a jud.Qme§-§'§' `§5 enlrerec£ _ N§§nc ’Pro `l'§.§§'§cJ end §o H£Pc>rd §+§e ?erson C‘§>rw`§c-§ed nn oPPor§un`§jr`/ 40 be ’Pre§r`§ns, _ end §-o‘o§>_ reerzsen§ed§ br counsel `§n order §§> word \\`§m due "§’r§:ces_s al' lmra § 5533£ ¥, S§R§e 4 ..§3‘1' 5.§..§.2¢§. 3'§7(7€><.(;'§§11.£§’§’. l‘??&_>>. Here §§- §5 ’K§:la§ocs -§l§rm, |:§e\§e»(l §»hnjr ~§»§§e +r§h\ C‘our-§- . §n#\en¥\w¢§\\`/ §?G\`\\eo\ j§u S‘we no4§ca ollilrs `§r§§e§~§§§ons §§> er\§er §\§§nc ’§’re§~§.m§; _§udsmen'§~ §.§_§§+h S‘Fec§§`§`c , §~n-§en¥ J§o harm fe§<-\-\or b1 den'(§n$ H§m due ’§>roc_e§>` a-C \a§,.§ .(Ex§\§b§`§~F'P$~Z) "D§w§§;s§ -§§w-§ §-r§t-§§ . c§w§r¥ Q\enr\~/ s-\A-\es -§'§§a~§ defend§\§r§’ (’Ke§§=§-\or\ §,§_§ns ’§’reserr§ `§n cour~§- §§_)`§4+§ carro'§r§~§ed C§>unsel Mr. _ K§>§~/mend |-§§>§§’Sc§r~§ §.~.§~§ j`§>§n§.mr¥ o%§*!` 2003 §'-\nd ’?§ed S§§§|~§v k Burs§§=§r¥ of ah §-§§=§\:§`§Jrrr\`§on 95 ”§>§=§r-§~ <.r€ _ §»§-§e ’§’§e§v§ C§§r§>.er§'§er\{' reached u_§§+§§ -\-I§e s-l§~§§e. _ Gnd ns Par§' §>¢ H\é P§za weemer§¥ u_)o§.§§d rece§§)e _ (|Q) n§ne-§een~\ler§r'$ Qr\d (2§:§:>\ -§§.§»o~§'§undred da`§$,‘l§$§§~\\ 258 days ~§§m§>_ Orcd§§' _ Le§ (EX|'\`§b§~§--G)§ho§.o _ JA§§>A re\c§§or was No'|' ;n§+§e 3’§‘54‘f D`§s§'ric§- Cou§-§ m januan oS§"“"`Z§:§§:§Sd ’Bu§» uses on H)e Tohn B§ _§`;§>nn<:\\\v un`§~§ oil T§sc".§‘ § §`r§ Karne_<. C§>un§¥,Tex§>§s. 1-§'5 Sho¢.§(d nlso be no-§e§:l ~\'§w§=§~\- re|e§or Q§(ed _ i"\r. K. (Ka¥m§:.§‘§d\ §~§o?€c>n 95 §ne@ec`_~§`§\§§: and \+§e.re werer\o `§nd`§CQ§§c>§\ ¥§~§a~r \'§`\S C§§-‘§§m u.‘§’§$ heard _ on r§S mer§`§'$. R§>_§c>.jn>r e\‘:><> §'\Rs head `§n£orm Cc>rrec'\' -H'\e']’u*d$men'\* nunc ?fc> Tunc_ orders 09 . january 03.'”` 2003 [E) re_£\ec+ u_>h€+¥ adua\\Y DCCuCCd on J"uI`/ 0‘:‘>'% 2004 . which iS whé+ , 4+\£ crisian Pleq QS r€€men'\' (Exhib'¢‘(’~ A) and H\e oris§nn( ’Pranour\ced Ser\-\ences (E)d\ih}+ ~ B) Call€d£fl . T?\e. SErTlences (Z\ 40.¢. ('20) ‘{€ar' S€n-(ences uain 253 dh\ls ¥me Cred`c+ » ?\es?or'\den‘t had F\ min\'$~('er`ml du+)' . 4a Gran‘\ -H\ese Nunr_ ?r¢.\Tunc. orders §\nd rnch like Corred¢ions‘ reques+ed l W\`rr(ecs \l'. ’Presid¢`ns _ ’_')'ud9e ', \ 13 °_`)u..>'. 'Sd. '1'73(Tey.(l'r}m. (-\FP. 2003)..F0c a '?ro?osed mo¥ion 40 C'o< €ec-(' Nur\c’?ro`l'unc; +0 . ’Preva`\( , +he¢e. mus+ be Pfoc.¢ all M\e ?coc>c>sed luds»men-l's ( in 4+\`¢5 ease bo+’n 6€04ence5) mere , AC.-tun\\`{ ?(D(`\ounf_€d` Bm}-l»\'\ V. 540\'(€ l€Md. 2_€]__? T\'\i§ Canbc$hown `\n-Hq¢ 0\"(3§(-\3( 'P{er-\ S\Sreemer\'\' (E_xh}br\~A) .Anc\ln -Hwe l`\`nd`m§ oC- l+\e ¥`nd$ bv Hwe~¥rin( er{' on `.Tanunr¥ 03'>"¢ 2003. (Elhl£i¢ E) (Exl'\`\l=`r\'-E\ u_\h}ch_ C\ear|Y 649~\¢5 \'he lends 0€ \=0+¢\ E'>en-\enccs. Once »Pne l-r}a| Cour'(' _ _ PQl(ed 40 m\e an -H\ese_ Munc ’Pro Tunc mo`-Hons ¥`\\ec\ by ?e\n-\or on ‘.\`une ll.>$H` Zo(o, which were , min`\s¢c¢`m\ 'm nolure. , -H~e QPPmPria-¢e. (emec§~l would be Manclamu$ Ke\`\eQ . \A(h`¢c»h R¢ln-h>r ”“‘ . nom ‘Seé‘LS .\ In R€f Df»'\iSY, lS(o 5033¢(. °(ZZ(TE'X.£\PF. DH|\RS 200§3 Ta Ob-k=\`m I"{And{-\mu_s , R<.=_(`\e(2 9 'Kelnl¢or mus4 Sha\¢.._»‘. (l)_ Clem' r-\nd. `\nd\`(& Ru|e£$ di£(`ececv¥la¥@ be&ween Cler`¢c;a\ ercors '. -'H-\‘a§- H\e. Cnur-$ C0rreds 5 ice u_r|nn{' QQ~\un(l`l DCCurcd Dra(l‘/, finder gale 234 .`. Q=;'nd :\G}( -Ume _ Cred`r\' C\'\anses under ®u\`e_ 23.2 per C<‘ed`\{ \'nu.\m‘d$ -\4\€ SEn-\€nc.€S. Bu\L no\+\`\n$ under Ru\e 23 _ avowed 1410 Hia‘\ (‘;nur-¥ ¥o"CMANGE." Hw_ oce\\\/ ?ranounc.ec\ Sen-\ences 0¢ ID\~/ 05.“-` 2001 40 (I‘?) _ nine\een~\lenrs mnd(£oo}-\u¢ hundred davis and 263 days l-¢`me Cce¢¢`+ , ‘Sim\’\v because Tl>c_:'- ID ` KecocA Uvis`¢on ama no‘r fu{lY or \e$¢-'\HY erAer H\e L.l\ Z§Xda¥s ¥im¢ O_red¢`{a Ocdeceé bY %ese. - ?\en Q‘Bree merv¥s A irr`\a\ Qo'ur]< does no\- hev; ‘Sjm&u]rorr 904+10¢14‘/ or c\`\zcen-Lence on his mr`¢-Hen _\ud§men{'.ou($ide . Q(` a de(ht\an&s ’\’ces@nce ‘. Ex_?er&¢ /Y\pdaina , 70 6.».3¢\. 131 (Tex.cr'.m. am 2002). The sentences ` _ orally ?mnouncea on :ml~r osi‘=_ eeoc . ordered (ZH<.¢¢. 520€¢¢\4¢ (Zonen+v~-yem' ‘Sen+ences mi+h 258 dev ‘Hme, llceA{`{' `(he awarded -\irnc CC€A`C\' 06 Hwe krm$ b-¢ Jr`¢zec_£ BY law `/e{ H\e Jm"a( C;mr’r Mem?l»s jco red<(`¥ -l+\`\s b~l Tud.§men¥ Nunc.’?r¢.`l'urc mere `\|\esa\ end un au+hov`czec§ bv \au>, . meM<>dS. when made ¥he_oram pronounced °.`)en’¢enc.es un-nu+hor`rc.ed b1 law was; Jheawmdins 06 \-he. . 258 davs ¥\me Cxedi+. u_>ha¥%elhou.»n by au exhibi-l-s +o u;.nn+ hc>s occured -. The harms . 0£-“'\€ '\’\en mreeJL.>~ece ?)F'ec`¢-eicz Te\'ms o€ (Z)~l'wo (20}41.00'\'¥‘/~ Yea( 5en'\€nc£s oo`\-\h 253 dev '\~ime - Qred`r\ 40 be Sel' Hme P\en Mree,m¢n&$ and om(iv ’P" . "h£ \-r`m| Cour-{s own . F`md`\n$ o(` Cec!ss issued on jenuar‘/ 05,£' 2003 S+Mes H~.e-lerms a€%e?\ea ereemerd€ Qnd whr-\+ _ wasom\(¥ ”\>conoun:ed on ju\Y 0545 200{ (Exh b`\+ 53 bu¥ M-\'hn-¥~hme on IRnuF\(Y DK?`i` 2003 del _ `m{enhonnuf ana know;ns\r abuse i¥'s d`\scu.» +hz vee€FAed `\n\eo¥ion$ o€ H»\e -h'in"( Cour-(r ~)ro de?r`\ve. "Ke\nlce_s~.c 04` Lnu_u J'_-l' Cnnr\o“l' loe exPeded lhn-\-\-hej¢r`\al Qour+ will 9ch in 5000 __ 130an on `\\~'s own ._ `(he+r`¢n( 'C‘our~¥ has fe?ea¥cd\¥ v`\oln+ed Qlearf\’o`m{s a£ \mo . 'rhe X`-o\\ow'm§ are . on\¥ a Ceu>?oln¥s when mak`ms ‘lour decision 1 | . n__ Awnrdance. al hmo Credi4 on Or`¢$im=\( Senlences 2L_19nor'¢ns £\enc\~z aimed da££e£$/ (;@5~}, A-_;¥g/` QE)P€A~}¢J 1287¢/¢’5'/5. 7 - 0/'»/0 ' "Pm\/er ~ _ "Keln-(or ’vas +ha-\ H\`\s Couc-¥ w\\\ G'>mn'\ relie(’, and vn¢nl‘e M\e )\|unc_ ’\>ro Tunc. . 'Tud§men¥s entered b~l +he_ hia( (‘.our-(' nn “_mnuac~l 0‘5\‘¢` 2003 Qnd ’Remnnd Chuez~e(s) back . 40 -h"m( fier , Rdum`m_°, \Lo ?0514100 beQ<>\'e hncm-Qul\¥ imPoSeA 1\Iu nc. ’?ro Tunc Tudsmen'\x were issued » 60 +hn\» \'he. orZ_S'¢na( C\a`¢ms Can be Qddc€ssed 95 ¥he CL>uHb 04` erminnl R?Pea(S _ ?\emnnd ordec ori§`¢na((f ordere)¢i£ 14 is esiC.J"*!O€?_‘(?S’$ b€\o_¥ Ckgd¢n'\'\Y inCanQ¢?F\`td £-\~\ ‘\'ht>_ MiCl"\f-\t( un`r\'_ `m Ander€>on Coun'&Y , Téxer$. do hech Gu.»-enc' under ?ennl\~¥ 09 'Pe\'~$~\f>’u M\a4 »-H\e . I"r.\\°esoim_? /\?e-\r`\-Hor\ . and eno\osed Exh'¢b`r{s enclo‘-:~.ed we -hve end Cor(ec:§ leo -Une beS-{- _ dc mv hnoco\edse '! 50 hew me %c>d _ _ ‘ 0/ . €}sned%e_di:’_dnvo€Za/L 2015- ’E>r;nn K. Melin>n +a=lo§z-rzs (/3;/2//¢¢/ 12///%‘ # /¢Jp€z?;/> 9.-0/“/” ..»`_.._`_ v _ . x E>,=,3€ _ N___ C‘our{~oc Crimina( GPPea\S remand order __ 3 Mses . E\___ F'.nd`\ns 0£ Fac€$ Tan. 08*;" 2003 _____ 2 ?ases . F'\_ ']`ud$m en+ Munc. ’?rc> Tunc, 'Xnn 0%)'*` 2003 lo Y&Ses - QL__ un`\-¥ Q%L§nmen‘r Shez+ _____ l we _ HL___ l\'\o-\ion To €\’T\€r `.¥ud_.Sm'Cn+ P\(unc 'F\'t> Tun€'. piled june l(o>'u’ 2010 /a»w”'// ,, Scannecl Januarv 8 2005 @-g ~..., , _ =" " _ §, AGREED PuN1sHMENTRizC0MMENDATioN ‘ ‘ " ` 35111-9<¢1113131111€1- Couni JUL 0 a 290 HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS m Cl-EBK mr Cnusc No: 20,570 Dat¢ July 5,"§66!lu';’ ""”-'CO 1:1__ Dcf€ndam; BRIAN KEITH MELTON Off¢nge; Burglary ofa Habitation "’ lt is mutually agreed and recommended to the Coun: ( __ ) Prosecution should proceed only on count(s) ( _ ) Prosccution for the Lesser included Oft`ensc 01`-. / il ( _ ) Class A. lvlisdemeanor punishment with Third De_grec Felony ConvictionCu/nder 12.44 P.C .1. ( ___ ) Deferred Adjudication Probation for years l _ ) A fine of 3 "' ( _§ ) Conf`mement: 20 years in the Institutional Division years/months/days in the Hunt County lail ... years/month/days 1n Community Correctional Facility __) Al"ter conviction Probation be granted of the term assessed as punishment (__‘_ ) Jail Term to be served by (_) El ectronic Monitoring (___) Community Service "' [ )Jail Work Rclcase ( __) Off Work Weekends ) Res_titution (_X:) Othcr Punishment Reconlmcndations: 258 days Cr'€dit. "' NOTE: Thc parties are nut allowed to make binding agreements regarding the length of probation supervision or the terms and conditions of probation However, non -binding recommendations will be considered as follows: 0 ( _ ) Shock Probation (_ ) Boot Camp Alt Incarceration Prograrn (_ ) Restitution Center (_ ) Detentio`n for a term of_ __ days ( ) Community Service hours ( ) Substancc Abuse Treatment Faciliry ( __) Electronic Monitoring (_ ) Community Correction Facility V»--- / Defendant _ ..1 ' l/§C\oc§~l~\ml;, /\ <\ Counsel for D§ fendant\j Prosecut 10 »~Il NO_ 20,570 -_" THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COUR VS. OF HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS 'BRIAN 1 Dhy said sentence ur't having foun‘d that t title United States of resent to ro ounce _ THEREUPON the said Defendant was asked by the Court whether he had anything‘t should not be pronounced against him, and he answered nothing in bar thereof, an the Defendant is mentally competent, understands the English language and is a "" America, the Court roceeded in the resence of said Defendant his counsel al sentence against him, as follows: f L£{"'~,' IT IS THE ORDER OF THE COURT that said Defendant, who has been adju g o to be guilty of the offense of Burglary of a Habitation with Intent to Commit Theft and who§e punishment has been assessed by the Court at confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Insti:tutienal Division for Nineteen (19) Y¢ar$. 200 days , be delivered immediately by the Sheriff of Hunt County, Texas, to the ._ ' Director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Institutional Division or other person legally authorized to receive such convicts, and said Defendant shall be confined in said Texas Department of Criminal Justice Institutional Division for Nineteen (19) years, 200 days in accordance with the provisions of the law governing the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and the Defendant is remanded to ail until said ' Sheriff can obey the direction of this sentence. Page 2 of 3 'r The.Coui't finds that the Defendant Did Not use or exhibit a deadly weapon in the corr mission of this offense or during immediate flight therefrom. ,.. It is further ADJUDGED AND DECREED by this Court that the sentence pronounced herei and that the Defendant is granted‘ 258 l days crediter time served injail. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED by the Court that Defendant pay Court costs, court appointed restitution and/or reparation as set out in Exhibit C in the total amount of $ QLiC`\ o 95 Court hereby ORDERS that this Defendant pay this total amount as a condition of parole 12 ii shall"begin this date, attorney's fees, and land the of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure in monthly payments while on parole of $ 935 ¢C'O ursuant to Art. 42. 12 per month. Said payments due on or before the seventh day of each month payable to the Hunt County Adult Probation Office, P. 0. BoxI I 141`, 2423 King Street, Greenville, Texas, 7540 1. ITBFUM'HERQRD ORDBRBDtha!Defmdm! lebanon tyndfonewal! dane wagon Mwomuntilpmmi¢empw _ day of ,@Wwa/M,i C/ UV SIGNED on this the t . 4 __¢ Notice of Appeal: §t\c\`\\| €Li ` Right Date: July 5, 2001 4 ' 'I'humb Print Page 3 of 3 $CAN\|ED / sgt lZlfi / ."L `}" b';`t`/ 11:§153:§3_:.3 C':j I UC` F~Z'l ‘;w"t`. f`~_\'l lif'.? 1 § "l Dt`.l l..ll"l 1 T C',Zl.~tf-}t§ €fl i" l (`~`-¢5%)"i` `l. (f.ll\l Fi'E lJ I l`~,: i»i C§UH'P§{E:N"£ Di:§"l .`f' . `_t. l`\li"l ftl '.l l;`.?.~.`.\/ L,YL.LS*j-_‘- l~lt"_li._lt;"i l i\lEi/Jl.llB fl§'-.'_; .i` Gl‘\li*iE`N i` l~i.i't; Tl ".lR ‘{ t-Lil`§it) 't" l` l"ll~l`.: ll E"i§l‘€i /'l_l\`_'i 1§ . 1 l\ll"il-”~`WE ~l?\'li:t'iYiE:' l"fltw`t..."i(`.ti`\l., E\Rfl ¢-`ii`\i’ i'-'.i':.fl"i H `l'le'Ii\l(f.l : li?l.'i,tZl§i:_","l}§€t Houatmn i»~Houain»»i imm/woo Jon assn i~~“~~~M~eJnnm»~w»¢~-»m para umrr i~»maemmNT~-i coat nuTH note 'i~m~~~~nsarGNmENT~~¢-W §~~»mm»~»“»~HouaiNo commanr»»»~»~”»~»wi i~»~»~”*~~m»“son COMMENT~~»W iii /'li;`lc_l /' lZ`l§f‘i C.I‘Y' &lh .l 1 thB "§ . lf~.€’i“i l_`ri§ €Z`l 1 /lflt`:'\ ."‘ tZ.`l;‘§ l..T`i’ .'l. l li:?l.`l lZ'.t-‘.it G‘:`J €:`\(J ii:`l 1 f tZtE§./'lzl§."i if..f'\" l .'l .l if¥tl~i Il. /~'l» ' if:i’t`"`.¢ F‘-`tl*l wm mesa Hops:mo/Jnna aunitnnta ENTER THE NEXT teams cons ne amp/nn roewn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, n ann/on option 1 wri HEun p-a»naau qu~ouna amp/on alone - "L".Ei,i.i"ii:`€al`/l`tlifl/ 1 i‘\ifl'€\tZ`li ith ll"l l.li~' i~'t':.`ti:' » l i '-l`llYll`-`.l`\l`i 4 l¢"."l~L'i/' ll “/.»"l§.".l“/' l .l r.' §§ I l`\li’ii"t:i l llf.`~f§/"C`\"l.'ll~i'it_`J-F.- fC`.`r’;;';"é`i F~t.iR T.`L`)C`. thfl li?l‘f.,\;§?~"?l`:;€t il:i.`l.l.“) lZIl‘: ”' §§ 'il£i»'é?,' J~i l\l¢cil*ll:`l~ : P'il§l..."llf,li\£, B`R`l't:itl\l i"\li§,]`.~ll~l i;'.'i'~"llflili;: lai 'éjE.}( :: l"i _' H‘3l ii‘\l F~`lf§l? Di`-`i"l“§ 'i`"r‘§~“-=t;'~f t"t)l:'.j' .`t' D ” * ~ 1 i.'-.tl\llYlif* l\i`l` t‘.`,t_.it`~?tiil;';'l\l'i" i.il`\i 1 i" .". l_"i`i" l..'.`."i/ - if Gi`-ll`fli~.“;fi‘-.i i`F lZl`“/` _ Di’-‘\“i"£i »F:itI-'\'€€t`l`(.'ii'\ii“ifl: tZl"£" 16 li`ft§-fi'. Df»§ E:l\ll`~`l(fli..l`i'i% El`? l"tt:§.ii\-l .. i'~"~'i’.:.i-:."\` .`L` li`;`\l\ll"}`,lf`) : t`§‘-"Eit:`i if_ENi”-iENT Gt~? `T`El"ii:‘l.fltilt'~it F€`i’ 137 iii§ft:!x' illi:' li»‘ t'.§(f,ti§ F;`f t l"‘l.i-’-l DL\ fi§ D"'l` Ri'-li\l§€ lZ`tr’_\ ` i‘\i.O El`\li`\’t`il l l"t;" tZtti\ l'itl F~t(:\'i~;.t .ll:il\iini'~_' l\li l.i:' i\lt`) HH ll'll£i attend_e/ has mi- \ete area ' ` ' unit alma '7.1@-0?. Ui‘\i .if i" aa 1b ne in ns ' in ma in as rs ai re ~ mi TF aime;?ss` r:`~,ii-d»t~+ i“'» ~4= -i m nn w »r= i~'- i~# l'i;i "i_" El‘\l"D C.ll"~ Diiét"l tit F‘F'l :Ht:`.~`.l__l:‘ i:"t"~`E :¥:ORl»ii`$lRD i-"F£i :I:`\t~`l\t_`;l»’\ i:‘Fi. 1" . l\ll..`.>(`i`- .'il‘\iL'-..l l:t~“i i:__‘ :' "'tt.`ll:‘ Ctl»"<' l\lE.XT F’E;'CSIL|E ’E"l /C}i'»`< `l`lllCli`-li:l iii __ C]R BIDNC} f m »» /\.f ) t , L_ Causc No._¢_“t /. State of Texas § lin the 354"' District Court Hunt County, 'I`x. "`""”~~`i;-`,¢:,,,,__ Vs. § with Brian K. Melton, Prose § Motion to enter Nune Pro Tunc order; Undei' Tx. R. App. P.; Rule 23.2 ( Clerical Error ) To the Honorable Judge of said court1 Now comes, Brian Keith I\/lelton, prose, defendant in the above entitled and numbered cause and moves the court to enter the correct judgement of 20 years with 258 days time credit to commence on the 5"‘ day of July 2001, as the terms of the plea agreement reached with the state, and in support of such motion shows: ]. Defendant Was charged With Burglary of Habitation_, Texas penal code~30.02 with an offense date of ___l -24-0]___. The Defendant, Brian Keith Melton, defendants appointed attorney, Raymond Hopson, and the attorney for the state , Joel Littlefield reached a plea agreement of 20 years with 258 days time credit, Said time credit of 258 days was an element of the plea agreement This agreement was taken before the District Judge of the 354"‘ court; Richard Beacom on the 5“‘ day of July. At that time the plea agreement by Judge R. Beacom to read that as part of the plea agreement reached between the attorney for the State of Texas, Mr. Littlefield and the defendant, Brian K. Melton punishment Would be assessed at 20 years With 258 days time credit, No appeal was taken. H. Upon transfer to Texas Department of Criminal Justice, said defendant was informed that due to both State and Federal law, that the 258 days time credit could not be honored_, even though it Was an element of the plea agreement, because it Would pre-date the offense date. Defendant then tried to contact his attorney, R. Hopson and received no response Defendant also wrote to the trial court . and received no response At that time, defendant filed an ]l. 07, writ of Habeas Corpus. On January 8, 2003, Convicting court entered finding of facts and conclusions oi"law. In which they stated the following: Presented re JUDGE l 0{3 Rl,ettii'ned unsigan Deputy l l:) Yes_, the»defendant was sentenced to 20 years with 258 days time credit as part of a plea agreement between the State of Texas and said defendant 2: ) Yes, the defendant is entitled to said 258 days time credit as it is an element of the plea agreement. j lt was then stated that the 258 days time credit was a clerical error, and that a judgement Nunc Pro Tunc should be entered to change the defendants sentence This has created a clerical error as the defendants holding sentence does not reflect terms of the plea agreement pronounced on the 5“‘ day of July 2-001. lt is the defendants right under Tex. R. App. P. Rule 23.2 for Written judgement to reflect judgement pronounced. The trial court did not have proper authority to grant judgement Nunc Pro Tunc on .lanuary 8, 2003. Under Tex. R. App. P. Rule 23.2, as there was clearly no clerical error to be corrected The written judgement and judgement pronounced mirrored one another perfectly and both specifically addressed the time credit of 258 days. HI. The trial court can now enter judgement Nune Pro Tunc to correct the clerical error in the judgement addressed above. As required under Tex. R. App. P., Rue 23.2, to reflect judgement as pronounced on the 5"1 day of July 2001. A defendant is required to seek a correction under Tex. R. App. P. Rule 23.2 from trial court before seeking relief from a higher authority. EX Parte Pena. 1711 S. W 3D 336; 337 ( Tex. Crim. ADD 12002). Ex Parte Ybarra `i49 S W. 3D 147 (2004) Should the trial court fail to enter judgement Nunc Pro Tunc correcting clerical error defendant would be left no choice but to seek relief from a higher authority. Conclu§ion. The defendant Brian Keith Melton, prose has shown that a clerical error exists and that a Nunc Pro Tunc ludgement should be enter ed to correct said clerical errol to reflect the judgement pronounced, as iequired under Tex. R. App. P., Rule 23. 2. This is a ministerial duty. Prayer. Wherefore, premise considered the defendant prays the court to GRANT this, prose, motion for Nune Pro Tunc- order to show defendant to have the sentence of 20 years with 258 days time credit to commence on the 5“‘ day of July 2001. The court should also order the clerk to send a copy of the Nune Pro Tunc Judgement, to the records division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the Parole Division, as well as a copy to the defendant Re§_pectfully S ibmitted, " _ J//L ”/'l/ /¢_?/~r,h '3‘~ vii 4/ l , //f J;~///yzf/;r '“ 1/?@/%/,@¢%:'//7 l_, Brian Keith Melton, prose, being currently incarcerated at-the John B. Connally Unit ln Karnes County, Texas, do hereby swear that the foregoing motion to enter Judgement Nune Pro Tunc, is correct under the penalty of perjury. signed this /5" day 011/347 e/ , 2010. 559/w /{/ ///2-/_%% f'/:»s~:z»?§e'/ {G,/’”,//W,/,{/” LlW/i% /()/W /:"/'7¢//. g_=;-,z /QW‘: %/ 7:“` 7:///7” s ;,` ' , _ ;;~t ....,.. ‘¢‘ i':l Cause No. vz067r State of Texas § In the 354th District Court Hunt County, Tx. Vs. § Brian K. Melton, Prose § Motion to enter Nunc Pro Tunc order; Under Tx. R. App. P.; Rule 23.2 ( Clerical Error ) - To the Honorable Judge of said court: Now comes, Brian Keith Melton, prose, defendant i.n'the above entitled and numbered cause and moves the court to enter the correct judgement of -20 years with 258 days time credit to commence on the 5th day of July 2001 , as the terms of the plea agreement reached with the state, and in support of such motion shows: I. Defendant was charged with Burglary of Habitation, Texas penal code-3002 with an offense date of _3-27-01_. The Defendant, Brian Keith Melton, defendants appointed attorney, Raymond Hopson, and the attorney for the state , Joel Littlefield reached a plea agreement of 20 years with 258 days time credit, Said time credit of 258 days was an element of the plea agreement This agreement was taken before the District Judge of the 354"‘ court; Richard Beacom on the 5th day of July. At that time the plea agreement by Judge R. Beacom to read that as part of the plea agreement reached between the attorney for the State of Texas, Mr. Littlefield and the defendant, Brian K. Melton punishment would be assessed at 20 years with 258 days time credit. No appeal was taken. II. Upon transfer to Texas Department of Criminal Justice, said defendant Was informed that due to both State and Federal law, that -the 258 days time credit could not be honored, even though it was an element of the plea agreement, because it would pre-date the offense date. Defendant then tried to contact his attorney, R. Hopson and received no response Defendant also wrote to the trial court and received no response At that time, defendant filed an ll. 07, writ of Habeas Corpus. On January 8, 2003, Convicting court entered finding of facts and conclusions of law. In which they stated the following: ’ 1 of 3 l:) Yes, the defendant was sentenced to 20 years with 258 days'time credit as part of a plea agreement between the State of Texas and said defendant, 2:) Yes, the defendant is entitled to said 258 days time credit as'it- is an element of the plea agreement. It was then stated that the 258 days time credit`was a clerical error, and that a judgement _ `Nunc Pro Tunc should be entered to change the defendants sentence. This has created a clerical error as the defendants holding sentence does not reflect terms of the plea agreement pronounced on the 5‘h day of July 2001. It is the defendants right under Tex. R. App. P. Rule 23.2 for written judgement to reflect judgement pronounced The trial court did not have proper authority to grant judgement Nunc Pro Tunc on January 8, 2003. Under Tex. R. App. P. Rule 23.2, as there was clearly no clerical error to be corrected The written judgement and judgement pronounced mirrored one another perfectly and both specifically addressed the time credit of 258 days. III. The trial court can now enter judgement Nunc Pro Tunc to correct the clerical error in the judgement addressed above. As required'under Tex. R. App. P., Rue 23.2,‘ to reflect judgement as pronounced on the 5th day of July 2001. A defendant is required to seek a correction under Tex. R. App. P. Rule 23.2 from trial court before seeking relief from a higher authority. Ex Parte Pena, 171 S.W. 3D 336; 337 ( Tex. Crim. Am). (2002). Ex Parte Ybarra, 149 S.W. 3D 147 (2004). Should the trial court fail to enter judgement Nunc Pro Tunc correcting clerical error, defendant would be left no choice but to seek relief from a higher authority. - Conclusion. The defendant, Brian Keith Melton, prose, has shown that a clerical error exists and- that a Nune Pro Tunc Judgement should be entered to correct said clerical error to reflect the judgement pronounced, as required under Tex. R. App. P., Rule 23.2. This is a ministerial duty. Prayer. Wherefore, premise considered the defendant prays the court to GRANT this, prose, motion for Nunc Pro Tunc- order to show defendant to have the sentence of 20 years with 258 days time credit to commence on the 5th day of July 2001. The court should also order the clerk to send a copy of the Nunc Pro Tunc Judgement, to the records division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the Parole Division, as well as a copy to the defendant 54752?)/')/€//" ’ ip/¢’//¢,_é;£»’ /O// I, Brian Keith Melton, prose, being currently incarcerated at the John~B. Connally Unit In Karnes County, Texas, do hereby swear that the foregoing motion to enter Judgement Nunc Pro Tunc, is correct under the penalty of perjury. Signed this /{ day of (76//7€ , 2010. ere/aa /z. /r/a/ék 1%51733”` Lzmw@&¢%W% art //f/Y¢- 631 )(?’”£O@/V /~ '75" 787/7 sga§~$