ACCEPTED 01-15-00691-CV FIRST 8/6/2015 COURT5:16:02 PM OF APPEALS Chris Daniel - District Clerk Harris County HOUSTON, TEXAS Envelope No. 6394719 8/13/2015 3:03:43 PM By:CHRISTOPHER Phyllis Washington PRINE Filed: 8/6/2015 5:16:02 PMCLERK Cause No. 2014-32348 INFINITY CAPITAL II, LLC, IN THE DISTRICT COURT INFINITY CAPITAL, LLC, FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS LAURIE A. MCRAY, and HOUSTON, TEXAS MCRAY MONEY MANAGEMENT, LLC, 8/13/2015 3:03:43 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Plaintiffs, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Clerk €A®fO'>00=¢O'300=b(7>K7J€0i€0>€OJ€0J@> V. STRASBURGER & PRICE, LLP, Defendant. 281“ JUDICIAL DISTRICT PLAINTIFF S’ NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: COME NOW, Plaintiffs INFINITY CAPITAL II, LLC, INFINITY CAPITAL, LLC, LAURIE A. MCRAY, and MCRAY MONEY MANAGEMENT, LLC, pursuant to Rule 25.1 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and file this Notice of Appeal, and in support hereof would respectfillly show as follows: 1. Plaintiffs INFINITY CAPITAL II, LLC, INFINITY CAPITAL, LLC, LAURIE A. MCRAY, and MCRAY MONEY MANAGEMENT, LLC, desire to appeal from the Final Judgment signed by this Court on July 24, 2015. 2. Plaintiffs appeal to either the First or the Fourteenth Court of Appeals. ~~ Respectfully submitted, BANNWART & ASSOCI ~ ES, P.C. ~ANTHON >>—._ L. BANNWART StateB 0. 00792344 H. E RSON GROGRO StateBar No.: 24087634 7322 Southwest Freeway, Ste. 1510 Houston, Texas 77074 Tel: (713) 807-0020 Fax: (713) 807-0040 emexson. bannwaxtlawfirmcom ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS LOCAL RULE NOTICE OF AND ASSIGNMENT OF RELATED CASE IN APPEALS As required by the Local Rules Relating to Assignment of Related Cases to and Transfers of Related Cases between the First and Fourteenth Courts of Appeals, I certify that the following related appeal or original proceeding has been previously filed in either the First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals: Caption: LLC, Infinity Capital, LLC, Laurie Infinity Capital II, A. McRa1, and McRay Money Management, LLC, Appellants v. Strasburger & Price. LLP Appellee Trial Court case number: 2014-32348 Appellate Court case number: 01-14-00841-CV SIGNED this é //day of %/gt/V , 2015 BANNWART & ASSOCIATES, P.C. ATTORNE ANTHO Y L. BANNWART ~ ~ S FOR PLAINTIFFS ~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Plaintiffs’ Notice of Appeal has this day been sent by electronic delivery and/or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and/or via facsimile to the following counsel of record: Mr. Gary Siller, of Strasburger & Price, LLP, attorney of record for STRASBURGER & PRICE, Defendant, located at 909 Fannin St., Suite 2300, Houston, Texas 77010, (713) 951-5660. /' /5 SIGNED this day of /4449; , 20/37 BANNWART & ASSOCIATES, P.C. ANTH Y L. BANNWART ATTORNE S FOR PLAINTIFFS
Infinity Capital II, LLC, Infinity Capital, LLC, Laurie A. McRay and McRay Money Management, LLC v. Strasburger & Price, LLP
Combined Opinion