Hinojosa, James

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51* 15SS '02 To Clerk of Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas a. August 2015 P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Station This document contains some Austin, Texas 78711 pages that are of poor quality at the time of imaging. RE: Petitioner, Motion to Reconsider The Order Denying Him State Habeas Relief For Out-of-Time-Appeal. - ' ofcL?Ef^|£ Writ No# WR-56,585-02 COURT OF CRHWINAi Tr.Ct. No# 11-CR-1517-G AllS 07 2015 Dear Clerk, Enclosed, you will find a copy of the above metioned document, Please file this and bring it to the attention to court, copies have been forwarded by U.S. Mail to all parties, Also would you please send me notice of filing with Date-Stamp on this letter and return a file copy to me at my address below. Thank you for your very kind consideration and expeditious reply concerning this matter. Sincerely, cc/File JH/jm James Hinoj osa, fro.Se TDCJ-ID# 1807828 Coffield Unit 2661 F M 2054 Tennessee Colony,Texas 75884 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS IN AUSTIN, TEXAS Writ No#. WR-56,585-02 Tr.Ct. No# 11-CR-1517-G ExParte IN THE DISTRICT COURT JAMES HINOJOSA 319th JUDICIAL DISTRICT NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS PETITIONER'S MOTION TO RECONSIDER THE ORDER DENYING HIM STATE HABEAS RELIEF FOR OUT-OF-TIME-APPEAL. To The Honorable Justices of Court of Criminal Appeals. Now Comes James Hiniojosa, petitioner and submits this said motion in response to Order Denying him state habeas relief for out-of-time-appeal and request for this court to reconsider, petitioner application and explain why this court should Review the application in the Interest of Justice. The petitioner will explain, why such review be re-examined closely, and see: The attached Exhibit's that will show and provide proof that establishes Validity in this matter, II. The Judgment of Conviction Date was Entered:8/1/2012, and.entered a plea of not Guilty, See: Affidavit of Mark A.Gonzalez, which stated that he conr ;: suited and advised me of the process of Requesting for an out-of-time-appeal, on what Date, did the Attorney advised the Defendant about filing.for an out- of-time-appeal, The defendant has never received such correspondence that advised him of the process. If the attorney did sent such correspondence the unit mailroom has a log entry of all incoming Legal Mail from Attorney and the Courts. "in regards to Affidavit of Mark A. Gonzalez, which states that he advised the defendant of the process in filing an appeal and the importance of filing the notice in a timely manner'.' The court and counsel, whether retained or ; appointed they have the responsibility to make sure the defendant is aware of his right to appeal, also the trial court should explain these rights in open court and the court reporter's records should so reflect. If counsel didn't give notice of appeal in open court at the time of sentencing, then the Trial Court should explain to the defendant that notice of appeal must be given within 30 days of sentencing. No accused should be Denied of his right to appeal, See: Morris Vs. U.S.503 F.2d. 457,458,459 (5th- •SyLwJgJZftaL*..--stating that a Direct Appeal from a Criminal Conviction is a matter of right. A defendant who has pleaded Not Guilty has an absolute right .to appeal under Article 44.02 Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. This case raise the Question of Waiver, his right to appeal, did the state provide a Signed Waiver not to Appeal by the Defendant. Why would trial .-. counsel advised the defendant to file for an out-of-time-appeal, why, if trial counsel should have gave notice after sentencing. A letter was sent to Honorable, Thomas Greenwell of the 319th District Court, on or about on Feb:.:j: 2013, see: the attached Exhibit, which shows that it was received by the Hon. Thomas Greenwell, on March 4,2013, then the Honorable Thomas Greenwell, Faxs the letter to the Attorney Mark Gonzalez, on April 5,2013. "." III. The application Writ of Habeas Corpus was mailed in by petitioner on or about 29 of November,2014, the State received the writ oh December 9,2014, and State's acknowledgment was filed on December. 15,2014, the state's answer to applicant's writ of habeas copus with a General Denial,Dated:December 30,2014, then Order Designating Issues mailed to CO.A. andi Defendant, January 8,2015. __ On January 16,2015, petitioner file a response to State's Answer to the General Denial, the petitioner, sent copies to all parties by U.S. Mail, the clerk of Court of Criminal Appeals, received it on January 28,2015, at which clerk, after a thorough search of there records show that no writ of habeas corpus has been filed in the court of criminal appeals, See: the attached two Exhibit's which is letter to the clerk,and the letter from the clerk to the petitioner. IV. On February 19,2015, the petitioner sent in a Motion to Supplement and Amend the Original Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus, Requesting for Out- of-Time-Appeal , By Certified Mail No# 7011 2970 0002 5610 4636, to Clerk of Nueces County Received the Motion on March 6,2015, the Clerk never sent the petitioner Notice of filing nor did the clerk inform me of the Court's Ruling of the Motion. See: the attached Exhibit's the letter to clerk,which was sent on February 19,2015, and Motion to Supplement and Amend the Original Writ of Habeas Corpus. Then the State file's a Motion to Compel,the Trial Counsel to respond and to set Deadline for receipt of affidavit, it took almost 6 months since counsel promised to deliver the affidavit. EVIDENTIARY HEARING IS NEEDED This case raise the question of the right to appeal, a hearing is need, in addressing his issues if he was or not admonish by the court of his right to appeal, and if counsel gave notice of appeal, why was there no ruling on Motion to Supplement and Amend the Original Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus. CONCLUSION Wherefor Petitioner, summits this Motion to Reconsider the Order Denying him State Habeas Relief for Out-of-Time-Appeal, and Decide to Reconsider in a just and fair manner and Grant the petitioner such relief the Law permits, In the Interest of Justice. INMATE'S DECLARATION I, James Hinojosa, am the petitioner and being presently incarcerated, at the Coffield Unit, 2661 F M 2054, Tennessee Colony, Texas 75884, Declare under penalty of perjury that according to my belief, the fact stated in this Motion to Reconsider, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signed on ^/ August,2015 ssw; of Pevtrfrfciotier,Pro.Se CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that on ^j August, 2015, that a true and correct •?-.-. copy of the Motion to Reconsider. A copy of this Motion has been forwarded by U.S. Mail to the Court of Criminal Appeals in Austin, Texas, and to the Clerk of the Nueces Co. Courthouse, P.O.Box 2987, Corpus Christi, Texas 78403, By U.S. Mail, postage paid. Respectfully Submitted, Petitioner, James Hinojosa TDCJ-ID# 1807828 Coffield Unit 2661 F M 2054 Tennessee Colony, Texas 75884 txtobH- J. AFFIDAVIT OF MARK A. GONZALEZ mfCOvtLT STATE OF TEXAS § MAY 272015 NUECES COUNTY DISTRICTATTORNEY'S OFFICE COUNTY OF NUECES § MARK A. GONZALEZ, appeared in person before me today and stated under oath: "My name is MARK A. GONZALEZ, I am above the age of eighteen years andI am fully competent to make this affidavit. On Cause No. 11-CR-1517^G; State of Texas vs. James Hinojosa; by signature below I MARKA. GONZALEZ statethat I consultedand advised Mr.Hinojosa the processof a Request for an out of time appeal and provided information with regards to the potential witness Jerry Winterroth: • I consultedwith Mr. Hinojosa the meaning andeffectof thejudgment renderedbythe court; • I informedMr. Hinojosa his right to appeal the judgment; I informed Mr. Hinojosa the process in filing an appeal and the importance of filing the notice in a timely manner; • Mr. Winterroth was available to testify; • Mr. Winterroth's testimony would not have been beneficial to the defense in this case; • Mr. Winterroth's testimony would have been detrimental to the defense ofthis case. I further statethat Jerry Winterrothwas a co-defendant and by law I could not call him as a 1 witness to testify because he would have plead his rights to the Fifth (5th) Amendment. Thefacts stated in this affidavit arewithin mypersonal knowledge andaretrueandcorrect. MARK ANGONZALEZ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by the saidMARK A. GONZALEZ, on this the &vl day of d *\fi—^ ,2015, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ^r m> m VELMA SANTOS Notary Public, in and for My Commission Expires February 28. 2018 The State of Texas «' • • m m m ^ E Kn •b *\ 9. ll 01 li J i Him i ..i ft '1 ' Hi ''J LA in L " I "'I 1 I -< 1 -J' I /- V MM >|i i . t i i i | . M' i >!' 'i i1 I' hi 1, c • I u ' .1 | . 1 " <-li " 1 Ll ' nit l ii L'l. • • II . II 'l u i 1 L il H| 1• '° ''"' "I Ii, • * Ll ell ii iL it Mill , ] in. m \ P' ' ' tlMl '>' t 1 \ 1 ,| mil ,1 | JUJ-II. |l|| 't ' < ' 11 ll i . Ill/ III I i Mill I1 I , , ,, K , *Ti ^ *• 'in it. I - ' ir Ml ii ' i ]. ,u in 1 , niuii 1 ' .,1 i J JLLU.-VtAj^Jj-rn ll Iii iuL .' in -ll t r i.ti " 1 nj,_ ,. I- ,|, ,,n ,. 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I |,i v i n Jj _ in ii ' . , i ,„A |, l,1N 1li: L'W1'- ,1>7 i3_,L1'_ '1 «L__iln" T-1 uT _g. _ T^l rflTT iiTTi" • " "I ^W-J' 1T 1- fl/i>_-^^u_'"rxririi ,K..i __.-,'.IfLu ll I '• in, i lr u i mr\i" in I, "..I 'i,'\ [. I nn7, j , 7, , j |„ 11 • ' 'I ' *• *"«•»• l* >J ^ lL' I !• i pi il |)J,i, I , 11 i il i (il .dii-1 »' s ui I \/ 'in 1• U'p« 11 i' , i' l ui'ikI i in 1 tv 1 ' ' i'< » Hull i ' in l'iui t lr> in nrm hip i 1 i Ii f |>(jfjr 1I'll I f-V I I lli Ul ll)| . 1. 'in In ih J it n p.Mil. i nil ,i nn L.il» n ' ill.1 ml Ml il. Not In.- i . ... _u mi t ll il LlVj\ - I i. j ' Ml Lilt 1 I J1 f 1' Mm 1st »i i h. v «_il rellik t i 1 nn mv i, > il. 1 li * ri' linn, {l' '. « 2 I w. i «. li ji Lli • —11J I in the i>r .. ( I1 li r f l . i o.tJ 1 J |x pi -ul .n 11 ' '.' 1.1 C . u l l il J 1 ( " 1" , , i n ,.• 1m ..I II 1 1 ( 11 I \. " / ;J i {"i.f r\lrj( L'Py>'i> -l)c|' ' * .M^iT-^lfl I I ft l L" ri"T p-rn TV T *mmdt *-"••*- ' «• -** m n k yy a » kj / j - •< «' Iiiii in i I I 111 I f i IT i li I 1 i 11 i li I ill i il i ii I i , I l ii ii i i ii ii 1 i in ih iL lli il i l i ii ' I I II ll II tI ll I I M 11 1 ll I Ll ll 1 I I f11 i i 'ii i 1 1 i rt - 11 lixhrL»+ _3_ 11-CR-1517-G EX PARTE IN THE DISTRICT COURT JAMES HINOJOSA 319th JUDICIAL DISTRICT TDCJ ID # 1807828 § NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER DESIGNATING ISSUES Having examined the present application for writ of habeas corpus and the State's Answer, the Court finds that additional information is needed to rule on the, relief sought. The Court determines that there are controverted and previously unresolved facts which are material to the legality of the Applicant's confinement. The Court designates for resolution in this case the following issue: whether the Applicant has presented a cognizable and meritorious claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. All deadlines are suspended to allow time for submission of additional pertinent information addressing this issue. The Court directs the Clerk of this Court to file this Order and to immediately transmit to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals a copy of this Order as well as proof of the date the District Attorney received the habeas application. The Clerk of this Court is further ordered to send a copy of this Order to the Applicant pro se and to the respondent Assistant District Attorney. SIGNED AND ENTERED on this the TheH tetflfe D;Wid Stith PRES JG JUDGE £*H;bv+ a. To Clerk of The Court of 16 January 2015 Criminal Appeals of Texas P.O.Box 12308, Capitol Station Austin Texas, 78711 RE: Petitioner. Response to State's Answer to Petitioner's Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus, Requesting for Out-of-Time-Appeal. Trial No. 11-CR-1517-G, JAMES HINOJOSA Vs. THE STATE OF DearClerk' Enclosed, AbefAcosfe you will find a copy of the above mentioned document, file this and bring it to the attention to court, copies have been forwarded by U.S. Mail to all parties, Also, could you please send me notice of filing with Date-Stamp on this letter and return a file copy to me at my address below. THANK YOU FOR YOUR VERY KIND CONSIDERATION AND EXPEDITIOUS REPLY CONCERNING THIS MATTER. Sincerely, cc/File jm/JH Hinojosa 319th Judicial District Court, TDCJ-ID# 1807828 District Attorney's Office Coffield Unit Nueces Co. Courthouse 2661 F M 2054 Tennessee Colony,Texas 75|84 ^titbH- ^Sl SHARON KELLER /-!„,.„„ „_, /->!„ T1% _T- T . T l nn„ . -, ~ ABEL ACOSTA PRESIDING JUDGE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS CLERK P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION (si^-issi LAWKfcNCE E. MEYERS * » TCTT\1 T"T7Y A C HQH1 1 CHERYL JOHNSON AUS11IN, ItAAS'/S/ll SIAN SCHILHAB MIKEKEASLER GENERALCOUNSEL BARBARA P. HERVEY (512)463-1597 ELSA ALCALA BERT RICHARDSON KEVIN P. YEARY DAVID NEWELL JUDGES January 29, 2015 James Hinojosa #1807828 Coffield Unit 2661 FM2054 Tennessee Colony, TX 75884 RE: Trial Court Case # Dear Mr. Hinojosa: After a thorough search of our records, we find that you do not have a Writ of Habeas Corpus filed in the Court of Criminal Appeals at this time. If you have any further questions or concerns, please direct them to the District Clerk in the convicting county where you originally filed the application. I am herewith returning your documents. Sincerely, Abel Acosta, Clerk AA/vj Enclosure Supreme Court Building, 201 West 14th Street, Room 106, Austw, Texas 78701 1 Website www.txcourts.gov/cca.aspx IzoCrubr^ AtL Anne Lorentzen, 19 February, 2015 Nueces County District Clerk, P.O. Box 2987 Corpus Ghristi, Texas 78403 RE; Petitioner, Motion to Supplement and Amend The Original Application For Writ of Habeas Corpus , Requesting For Out-of-Time-Appeal. Trial No. 11-GR-1517-G, James Hinojosa Vs. The State of Texas Dear Clerk, Enclosed, you will find an 08KSINAL of the above mentioned document, Please file this motion and bring it to the attention of 319th Judicial District Court, A copy has been forwarded by U.S.Mail to District Attorney's Office. Please inform roe of the Court's Ruling of this Motion, also could you please send me notice of filing with Date-Staap on this letter and return a file copy to me at my address below. Thank you for your very kind consideration and expeditious reply concerning this matter. Sincerely, cc/File janies Hinojosa JH/jtn TDCJ-ID# 1807828 District Attorney's Office Coffield Unit Nueces Co. Courthouse 2661 F M 2054 Certified Hail Tennessee Colony,Texas 75884 No.# 7011 2970 0002 5610 4636 KVv.^-V 1 11-CR-1517-G EX PARTE - §' IN THE DISTRICT COURT JAMES HINOJOSA § 319th JUDICIAL DISTRICT § NUECES COUNTY,TEXAS Petitioner, Motion To Supplement and Amend The Original Application For Writ of Habeas Corpus, Requesting for Out-of-Time-Appeal. To The Honorable Court of 319th Judicial District. Now Comes, James Hinojosa, petitioner and submits this motion to supple- merit and amend the original application for writ of habeas corpus, requesting for Out-of-Time-Appeal. I. STATEMENT OF THE CASE The petitioner entered a plea of not Guilty to the Offense of Aggravated Kidnapping, and the Jury found the Defendant Guilty, and Sentenced to Fifteen years Confinement to Texas Department of Criminal Justice Institutional Division. SUPPLEMENT AND AMEND GROUND ONE: Trial Attorney failed to render effective assistance counsel by failure to give notice to Pursue an Appeal. FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND ONE: The petitioner will explained and show why, petitioner, should be allowed for Out-of-Time-Appeal. The petitioner is layman of the Law and can't be held to the same standard's as licensed attorney. Even though a defendant who has pleaded not guilty has an absolute right to appeal under Article 44.02, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Counsel, whether retained or appointed he has the responsibility to make sure that the defendant is aware of his appellate rights. GROUND ONE CONTINUES: In our adversary system of Justice, the Lawyers and Judges, by the very nature of their duties, find daily partnership in this quest for Justice. It is their joint professional responsibilities to see that an orderly appellate process is achieved. No accused should be denied his right of appeal, Justice _J[ejju^ej^hjytJ^e_ exercise .of Jiij right_^_jppeal,_..must_ be held._wltihj^_Jfra^e_ work of the Rules of Appellate Procedure. See: Morris Vs. U.S. 503 F.2d. 457, 458, 459 ( 5th. Cir. 1974 ), stating that a direct appeal from a criminal conviction is a matter of right. The court reporter's records should so reflect, If Trial Attorney gave notice of appeal in open court or not. See: Chapman Vs. U.S. 469 F.2d.634 (5th Cir. 1972). The Court Ordered a hearing to see if the attorney had abandoned the defendant's appeal or neglected to inform the defendant that he had a right to appeal. SUPPLEMENT AND AMEND GROUND TWO: The Trial Court Failed to protect the defendant right to meaningful and Full Direct Appellate Review which Denied him Access to Courts. FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND TWO: """ A" criminal defendant must not "be" made "to "forfeit substantial legal rights inregard to an appeal. A thorough examination of the court reporter's records should indicate if the Trial Court Admonish the Defendant of his right to appeal. Failure to advise you of your right tp_appeal, See: Thomas Vs.Beto, 423 F.2d.642 (5th.Cir.1970); Ex Parte Axel, 757 S.W,2d. 369 (Tex.Crim.App.- 1988). If you were indigent and had a court-appointed attorney, the attorney or the Court must advise you of; (1) your right to appeal; (2) the procedure and time limits involved; and (3) your right to appointment of counsel on appeal if you are indigent. If the court reporter's records show, that he was denied, right to appeal, then he is entitled to appropriate relief in this Habeas Corpus Proceeding. 2 INMATE'S DECLARATION I, James Hinojosa, am the petitioner and being presently incarcerated, at the Coffield Unit, 2661 FM 2054, Tennessee Colony, Texas 75884, declare under penalty of perjury that according to my belief, the fact stated in -this^Motaron^o~^^^ Habeas Corpus,- Requesting for Out-of-Time-Appeal, are. true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signed on /f February,2015 Signature of Petitioner,Pro.Se CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that on /1 February, 2015, that a true and correct copy of the Motion To Supplement and Amend The Original Application For Writ of Habeas Corpus, Requesting for Out-of-Time-Appeal, has been mail to the Clerk of the District Court of the 319th Judicial District of Nueces County, P.O. Box 2987,- Corpus Chris ti-, Tx- 78403. -By U.S. -Mail postage paid. --; '--• -- Respectfully Submitted /Petitioner, Pro.Se EVIDENTIARY HEARING IS NEEDED This case raise the question of the right to appeal, evidentiary hearing is necessary in addressing his issues if he was or not admonish by the court of his right to appeal, and if counsel gave notice of appeal or not. CONCLUSION Wherefor Petitioner, summits Motion To Supplement and Amend The Original Application For Writ of Habeas Corpus, Requesting for Out-of-Time-Appeal, and Decide the issuse in a just and fair manner and Grant the petitioner such relief the Law permits, In the Interest of Justice. (Jectfully Submitted Petitioner, .Pro^.Se James Hinojosa TDCJ-ID# 1807828 Coffield Unit 2661 FM 2054 Tennessee Colony, Tx. 75884