Porter, Orvis Wayne

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-08-20
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' ms sTATE or TExAs cAusE No. 34 _
vs. , . 353 DI-sTRIc‘I~ dam - _
__/77£%/5 b*/pm/L DALLAS couNTY, TExAs




Comes now Defendant in the above cause, in open Court, and l
acknowledges having been served with a copy of the Motion to`Revoke
Probation herein, waives reading of said Motion in open Court, and
enters his plea of TRUE-to the allegations of said Motion.

Defendant consents to the stipulation of evidence at hearing
of this cause, and waives the appearance, confronation and cross-
examination of said witnesses. Defendant consents to the introduc»
tion of testimony orally, by affidavits, written statements of
witnesses and other documentary evidence. -

1 DO FURTHER JUDlCIALLY CONFESS that the following facts are
true and correct: “

That on §Qfg§!¢ l l n , 19 92 , I was duly and
legally place on pro ation in't is cause for a period of

years beginning on said date. I received and was explained and under-
stood the conditions of probation set down by the Court in this case.
Since having been placed on probation, and while under probation,

I have violated the conditions of probation in the following manners;

l. l failed to report to the probation officer as directed
although l was able to report and could have reported during
the following periods of time: '

MWL s; \\/‘, zL,, 14 1‘?‘7? area nti%ia¢gc

2. I committed the following offense or offenses while under
probation: . .





3. l have further violated probation in the following respects:

£9/&//%£/’}2??; Vé;b de ¢%QQ AQ;YL, A;/ z;o
owning w \Gaid defendant was convicted of thc felony
offense of nutglary ofa lilabitat-.on on or ahoul thc. 31" day of july l99t¢ A.D_, in C;u;¢ Numbcr F.92.
3|291 on the docket ol` 363td ludicial l)istrict Court of D.tllas (`ounly. Texas under the name of O.'vis
Piiner and said conviction was a final conviction

l‘rior to thc commission of thc instant offcn




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\)it\itiit»\i n»\i €t/i>t>~na) 'S,

g ": web ~Q\Mn\_e bet Dli\\nb C\i\svlg
jm\\ n@n\ \t,\ttt nn it Ytt”\ itt
~CU< §§ YSQ\AQQ\ t;:§: \(D\liilti\t, fled gewle






gr€ GH 4 ` :_ Department of Corrections
_ ~ Offender Iriformatiori and

' ]ohn A. Kitzl\aber, MD, Governor Sentence COmPuta-tion
' . ~' 24499 SW Graharris Ferry Road
Wilsonville, OR 97070-5670

Phone: (50_3) 570-6900
Fa><; (503) 570-6903




Steptember 25, 2013

To: `_
` "M`r".' P"o"rt`er,' De'mdh§"`OWis' ` " ` l
_ \l
' 0
RE: Porter. 'oemons.orvis oR sID 10530457. ' P'\)\l ll/K er
003=04195¢1975. ' \L -~.)
l\iién’\.iz) uslw t
in di §“D '

I, Grace Chen, hereby certify and attest that:

1. I am a Records Information Specialist with the Oregon Department of
Corr_ections. ~

2. I have caused a careful and complete search'of the incarceration
records pertaining to P r r D m Orvi OR SID 1 5304 7_

3. This information is to verify that Porterl Demons Orvis OR SII§
10530457. He was incarcerated with the‘Oregon Departme`rit of
Correctiori from 09/23/1994 to 12/16/1998.

Mr. Porter was releasedfrom incarceration on 12/16/l998 and
completed his parole on 06/26/2002».-»~ --~." ,

Sincere z bind MQ/W 44

»» /) /

¢-» y 1 54+ nw .t
Grace Chen h
Information Request Coordlriator j,(\, 3 ((_ lqo]$ t rQ
Offender Informatiort and f -

Sentence Ca|culation, B|dg Z, ‘ ‘fQ» 3( 32 91 . mud »-

24499 SW Trahams Ferry Rd., m

wilsonviiie, oR 97070 iz 7' QH¢ NUZ/ I//g/;/ 5‘5'\)
l IY`€
la r\/ N /_)"



' TF’

;YSSlOSé' Correcticne Information Systems . 9/2§\
CHENG Admission and Release History l4:05:t



//Offeg§ér: 10530457 PORTER, DEMONS ORVIS LOCatiOn: MTDC

----Admission ------------- Release ---------------

Loca Date Time Date . Time Type TO
Ol From: MULT t
Ol-Ol Status: Probation x
Ol-Ol-Ol MTDC 05/24/1994 O9:OO 06/03/1994 17:00 TRAN MTNO
Ol-Ol-OZ MTNO 06/06/1994 09:00 09/23/1994 13:30 VIOL OCIC
01-02 Status: Inmate
01-02-01 OCIC 09/23/1994 13:30 10/03/1994 09:50 CUST EOCI
01-02-02 EOCI 10/03/1994 14:22 ` 01/24/1995 08:40 MEDI OSP
01~02-03 OSP 01/24/1995 14500 11/16/1995 08:00 HOLD EOCI
01-02-04 EOCI ll/16/1995 ll;59 11/21/1995 06:45 PROG SRCI
01-02-05 SRCI ll/21/l995 14:00 07/23/1996 08:00 ADMN EOCI ' t
Ol-02-06 ' EOCI 07/23/1996 13:45 07/24/1996 09:00 ADMN OSP \
01-02-07 OSP 07/24/1996 14:45 01/06/1997 08:00 HOLD EOCI
01~02408 _ EOCI 01/06/1997 14:10 01/07/1997 06:45 ADMN SRCI _
01-02-09 SRCI Ol/O7/l997 13:55 01/28/1997 08:06 ADMN EOCI /
(01-02-10 EOCI 01/28/1997 11:20 01/30/1997 08:30 ADMN OSP '/
Ol-OZ-ll OSP 01/30/1997 16:30 12/16/1998 08:15 POST MTDC ‘
01-03 Status: POStPriSOn

01-03-01 MTDC 12/16/1998 08:16 06/26/2002 OO:OO DISC

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I, James [-Iammond # 414, a Peace¢Of`f`lcer in the Crimina| District Attomey's Off`lce of Da-llas County,
Texas, on this the 18th day of December,- A.D. 2013, personally contacted Wer_\dy,- With the Texas
Department of Cr-iminal Justice, Records Division. I inquired-about Orvis Wayne Porter, DOB:
04/24/1974, SID No. TXl 103 7536 She confirmed that Cause No. F92- 3 1291, was discharged on October
6, 2004.

,/'/ l //7 '
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Inv. James Hammond #414
Peace Off`lce`r, Dallas County, Texas

State of Texas
County of Da||as


1 \_`_`,>f.z;£;' 2013 by

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Notary Pub|ic's Signature
Notary Pub|ic

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