ACCEPTED 14-15-00024-CV FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 5/19/2015 3:51:51 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK No. 14-15-00024-CV FILED IN IN THE FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS14thHOUSTON, COURT OF APPEALS TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS 5/19/2015 3:51:51 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk MICROSOFT CORPORATION, Appellant, v. MICHAEL MERCIECA, Appellee. On Appeal from the 353rd District Court, Travis County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. D-1-GN-11-00130 The Honorable Tim Sulak, Presiding AGREED MOTION TO AMEND SCHEDULING ORDER Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”) respectfully files this agreed motion to amend scheduling order, in support thereof, shows the following: 1. On February 23, 2015, Microsoft filed its Appellant’s Brief. 2. Thereafter, counsel for the parties conferred and agreed upon a briefing schedule that would permit Michael Mercieca (“Mercieca”) to file a combined appellee/cross-appellant’s brief on March 25, 2015. The agreement also encompassed a schedule and word limits for all subsequent briefs. See Exhibit A. 3. On March 12, 2015, this Court entered an order granting the joint motion. See Exhibit B. 4. Thereafter, Mercieca sought and obtained additional extensions, such that his combined appellee/cross-appellent’s brief was filed on May 15, 2015. 5. The Court’s docket for this case currently states that a “reply” is due on June 15 and a “response” is due on July 6. See Exhibit C. 6. A postcard notification dated May 12, 2014, which granted Mercieca’s last extension request, described the remaining deadlines more specifically as follows: “Microsoft’s response [to the cross-appellant’s brief] is now due June 15, 2015” “Microsoft’s reply [in support of its appellant’s brief] and Mercieca’s reply [in support of his cross-appellant’s brief] now due July 6, 2015.” See Exhibit D. These deadlines reflect the sequence anticipated by the parties’ agreement that this Court previously sanctioned. See Exhibit B. 7. Because the calendar entries on the Court’s electronic docket (Exhibit C) and the deadlines described in the Clerk’s notification (Exhibit D) are not precisely the same, the parties respectfully ask that the Court enter an amended order clarifying that all remaining briefs are due as follows: Microsoft’s response to the cross-appellant’s brief is due June 15, 2015; Microsoft’s reply [in support of its appellant’s brief] and Mercieca’s reply [in support of his cross-appellant’s brief] are due on July 6, 2015. CONCLUSION AND PRAYER For the foregoing reasons, Microsoft respectfully asks, and Mercieca agrees, that this Court grant the agreed motion to amend scheduling order and direct the Clerk to amend the electronic docket to reflect the specific deadlines described above. Respectfully submitted, BECK REDDEN LLP By: /s/ Gretchen S. Sween Eric J.R. Nichols State Bar No. 14994900 Gretchen S. Sween State Bar No. 24041996 515 Congress Avenue, Suite 1750 Austin, TX 78701 (512) 708-1000 (512) 708-1002 (Fax) Russell S. Post State Bar No. 00797258 Kate Skagerberg State Bar No. 24058578 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 4500 Houston, TX 77010 (713) 951-3700 (713) 951-3720 (Fax) COUNSEL FOR APPELLANT/CROSS- APPELLEE MICROSOFT CORPORATION SMITH LAW GROUP, P.C. By: /s/ D. Todd Smith by permission D. Todd Smith State Bar No. 00797451 1250 Capital of Texas Highway South Austin, TX 78746 (512) 439-3230 (512) 439-3232 (Fax) LEAD APPELLATE COUNSEL FOR APPELLEE/CROSS-APPELLANT MICHAEL MERCIECA CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on May 19, 2015, a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served on all counsel of record by the e-filing service provider, if registered, otherwise by email, as follows: Paul T. Morin Roy A. Pollack 503 W. 14th Street Austin, TX 78701 D. Todd Smith Smith Law Group, P.C. 1250 Capital of Texas Highway South Three Cielo Center, Suite 601 Austin, TX 78746 Counsel for Appellee/Cross-Appellant, Michael Mercieca /s/ Gretchen S. Sween Gretchen S. Sween Exhibit A Order filed March 12, 2015 In The NO. 14-15-00024-CV APPELLANT, MICROSOFT CORPORATION// CROSS-APPELLANT, MICHAEL MERCIECA, Appellant v. APPELLEE, MICHAEL MERCIECA// CROSS-APPELLEE, MICROSOFf CORPORATION, Appellee On Appeal from the 345th District Court Travis County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. D-1-GN-11-001 030 ORDER The parties to this appeal filed a joint motion to adopt a briefing schedule and for leave to assert cross-points in appellee's brief. The motion is granted. Accordingly, we order the following:' 1 M iscrosoft 's opening brief as appellant was filed February 23, 2015. • Mercieca's brief as appellee/cross-appellant shall be due no later than March 25, 2015 25,000-word limit, 15,000 for the appellee's portion and 10,000 for the cross-appellant's portion); • Microsoft's response to Mercieca's cross-appeal shall be due 30 days after Mercieca's opening brief is filed (10,000-word limit); • Microsoft's reply brief as appellant and Mercieca's reply brief as cross-appellant shall be due 20 days after Microsoft's response to Mercieca's cross-appeal is filed (7,500-word limit for each brief). PERCURIAM Exhibit B Order filed March 12, 2015 In The NO. 14-15-00024-CV APPELLANT, MICROSOFT CORPORATION// CROSS-APPELLANT, MICHAEL MERCIECA, Appellant v. APPELLEE, MICHAEL MERCIECA// CROSS-APPELLEE, MICROSOFf CORPORATION, Appellee On Appeal from the 345th District Court Travis County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. D-1-GN-11-001 030 ORDER The parties to this appeal filed a joint motion to adopt a briefing schedule and for leave to assert cross-points in appellee's brief. The motion is granted. Accordingly, we order the following:' 1 M iscrosoft 's opening brief as appellant was filed February 23, 2015. • Mercieca's brief as appellee/cross-appellant shall be due no later than March 25, 2015 25,000-word limit, 15,000 for the appellee's portion and 10,000 for the cross-appellant's portion); • Microsoft's response to Mercieca's cross-appeal shall be due 30 days after Mercieca's opening brief is filed (10,000-word limit); • Microsoft's reply brief as appellant and Mercieca's reply brief as cross-appellant shall be due 20 days after Microsoft's response to Mercieca's cross-appeal is filed (7,500-word limit for each brief). PERCURIAM Exhibit C Case Detail Page 1 of 3 CASE: 14-15-00024-CV DATE FILED: 01/08/2015 CASE TYPE: MISCELLANEOUS/OTHER CIVIL STYLE: APPELLANT, MICROSOFT CORPORATION// CROSS-APPELLANT, MICHAEL MERCIECA V.: APPELLEE, MICHAEL MERCIECA// CROSS-APPELLEE, MICROSOFT CORPORATION ORIG PROC: NO TRANSFER FROM: 3RD COURT OF APPEALS TRANSFER IN: 01/08/2015 TRANSFER CASE: 03-14-00747-CV TRANSFER TO: TRANSFER OUT: PUB SERVICE: A P P E L L A TE B R I E F S DATE EVENT TYPE DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT BRIEF [ PDF/2.10 MB ] 05/15/2015 BRIEF FILED - ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED APPELLEE NOTICE [ PDF/91 KB ] BRIEF [ PDF/8.24 MB ] 02/23/2015 BRIEF FILED - ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED APPELLANT NOTICE [ PDF/91 KB ] CASE EVENTS DATE EVENT TYPE DESCRIPTION DISPOSITION DOCUMENT BRIEF BRIEF FILED - ORAL [ PDF/2.10 MB ] 05/15/2015 ARGUMENT APPELLEE NOTICE REQUESTED [ PDF/91 KB ] MOTION 05/15/2015 MOTION FILED APPELLEE [ PDF/205 KB ] APPELLEES BRIEF 05/15/2015 DUE MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME NOTICE 05/12/2015 APPELLEE GRANTED TO FILE BRIEF [ PDF/89 KB ] DISPOSED MOTION FOR MOTION 05/07/2015 EXTENSION OF TIME APPELLEE [ PDF/160 KB ] TO FILE BRIEF FILED 5/19/2015 Case Detail Page 2 of 3 DATE EVENT TYPE DESCRIPTION DISPOSITION DOCUMENT APPELLEES BRIEF 04/24/2015 CROSS-APPELLANT DUE MOTION FOR MOTION 04/23/2015 EXTENSION OF TIME APPELLEE [ PDF/156 KB ] TO FILE BRIEF FILED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME NOTICE 04/02/2015 CROSS-APPELLANT GRANTED TO FILE BRIEF [ PDF/95 KB ] DISPOSED 04/01/2015 REPLY BRIEF DUE APPELLEES BRIEF 03/25/2015 DUE MOTION FOR MOTION 03/17/2015 EXTENSION OF TIME CROSS-APPELLANT [ PDF/166 KB ] TO FILE BRIEF FILED NOTICE 03/12/2015 ORDER ENTERED [ PDF/91 KB ] JOINT - APPELLANT MOTION 02/25/2015 MOTION FILED AND APPELLEE [ PDF/191 KB ] BRIEF BRIEF FILED - ORAL [ PDF/8.24 MB ] 02/23/2015 ARGUMENT APPELLANT NOTICE REQUESTED [ PDF/91 KB ] APPELLANTS BRIEF 02/23/2015 DUE 02/03/2015 LETTER FILED APPELLEE 01/30/2015 CLERKS RECORD DUE SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE 01/23/2015 CLERKS RECORD APPELLANT [ PDF/90 KB ] FILED CLERKS RECORD NOTICE 01/23/2015 APPELLANT FILED [ PDF/103 KB ] DOCKETING 01/08/2015 APPELLANT STATEMENT FILED CASE TRANSFERRED TO THIS COURT NOTICE 01/08/2015 FROM ANOTHER [ PDF/118 KB ] COURT OF APPEALS CASE TRANSFERRED FROM THIS COURT 01/08/2015 TO ANOTHER COURT OF APPEALS RECORD CHECKED 12/16/2014 OUT 12/10/2014 EXHIBITS FILED COURT REPORTER REPORTERS RECORD NOTICE 12/10/2014 COURT REPORTER FILED [ PDF/74 KB ] 5/19/2015 Case Detail Page 3 of 3 DATE EVENT TYPE DESCRIPTION DISPOSITION DOCUMENT NOTICE OF APPEAL NOTICE 12/09/2014 FILED IN COURT OF CROSS-APPELLANT [ PDF/83 KB ] APPEALS DOCKETING 12/04/2014 APPELLANT STATEMENT FILED NOTICE OF APPEAL NOTICE 11/24/2014 FILED IN COURT OF APPELLANT [ PDF/78 KB ] APPEALS CA L E N DA R S SET DATE CALENDAR TYPE REASON SET EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE 05/15/2015 MOTION APPELLEES BRIEF 06/15/2015 STATUS REPLY BRIEF DUE 07/06/2015 STATUS RESPONSE DUE PARTIES PARTY PARTYTYPE REPRESENTATIVE GRETCHEN S. SWEEN MICROSOFT CORPORATION APPELLANT ERIC NICHOLS KATHRYN SKAGERBERG ROY A. POLLACK MERCIECA, MICHAEL APPELLEE D. TODD SMITH PAUL T. MORIN TR I AL C O U RT I NF O R M A T I O N COURT: 345TH DISTRICT COURT COUNTY: TRAVIS COURT JUDGE: HONORABLE TIM SULAK COURT CASE: D-1-GN-11-001 030 COURT REPORTER: RHONDA WATSON PUNISHMENT: 5/19/2015 Exhibit D I IU; CUJ'Y r~ ~~ FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS ~ " 301 Fannin, Suite 245 ";.'."/ Houston, Texas 77002 ..::;~t:,,..• Tuesday, May 12, 2015 RE : Case No. 1 4 -15-00024 -CV Style: Appellant, Microsoft Corporation// Cross-Appellant, Michael Mercieca v. Appellee, Michael Mercieca// Cross- Appellee , Microsoft Corporat i o n Please be advised that on this date the Court GRANTED APPELLEE'S motion to extend time to file their brief in the above ca u se, time extended to and i ncluding May 15, 2015. Microsoft's rosponse is now due June 15, ?015, Microsoft's reply and Mercieca's reply now due July 6, 2015. T. c. Case # O-l-GN-11-001 030 Christopher Prine, Cl erk D. Todd Smith Smith Law Gr oup, P . C. 1 250 Capital o f Texas Highway South Three Cielo Center, Suite 601 Austin, TX 78746 DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL r.Sl"~7;~~'l FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS ~ 301 Fannin, Suite 245 •.Jf" ...:t:·· Houston, Texas 77002 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 RE : Case No . 14- 1 5-00024-CV Style : App ellant , Microsof t Corporation/ / Cross - Appellant , Michael Merc i eca v . Appellee, Mi chael Mercieca// Cross - Appellee , Mic rosoft Corporation Please be advised that on this date t he Court GRANTED APPBLLEE' S motion to extend time to file their brief in the above cause, time extended Lo and including May 15, 2015. Microsof t 's response is now due June 15, 2015 , Mi crosoft' s reply and Mercieca ' s reply now due July 6, 2015. T. C. Case # D- 1 -GN-11-001 030 Christop her Prine , Clerk Gretchen S. Sween Beck Redden LLP 5 15 Congress Avenue, Suite 1 750 Austin, TX 78701 DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL