Enderlin, Eugene Dale Jr.

OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPJEAfcSLQF TEXAS . PENALTY WAyfSp .7870 W PRIVATE USE ffijCy Jk> 02 ivr- 0001401623 AUG 07. 2015 8/3/2015 ENDERLIN, EUGENE DALE JR*\TrMt3o.#1,1^973-A WR-82,683-02 On this day, the supplemental clerk'S'.ce^ord.vin jje'sponse to the order issued by this Court, has been received and pre^ente'drtatfte/e'ourt. -******* Abe| Acosta] C|erk _EUGENE DALE ENDERLIN JR. TDC# 1490997 P: Rrs