Esthay, Kirt Allen

\-") The State. Wiled to ?rov& WHoncl a -CeciSoOt*ble. doubi +Wa+ +he Said -uieeSw use^ ^ V^e- Compression o9 Scud oVfe^Se uoas cv^eaeAlH 3.") Tke S+evVe FciAeA to ?roVe XaWvV. mctde, beHo^d o. reasonable dodpV. HO TKe sYate Fciiled To ?rt>ve q VhceuY ^o'xVW \nW\\ ^or \ mtY~\inejrvY Vxd'i1H \^u9 S - 5.) TKe StaW 9c^led -V-o?asve ss\b\'eL ?on\sVvrr\erT ©FaSTo^ Hears or Vi9e_- TV\& Case, LOa5 Vcied before <*q JorM beojinamg VeWuarM n,^o\H< TK4 tb& AffeNW\\, V^rV ^W^ £.S^boH> V\ad sbouyed d?€«>nd be CecKed €>9 AVcoKab -J^^^rvt uoos Sad V© ba^e> \>ej&r\ 'HVs GbciV.*K cW\roS A?fk\WbT bad beeod-rtr^3 To Ted K uo\\b ber.(B>f^ai^ )Q-\\'.) f^Vs OorobK •tesbFved 5Vv^ ^po\ d Told A?V^\exoV to Wave b&f aban© Qnd bo \aatve - SWTr As Red V^rs OoroVvVs >F tbe. IWrson sbe bmd dost descrVta^ WqS *o c^ofT TcdaM, rn rs DorotiK oljq S onob>\c to Xdie^MF-^ %UabT% onV»\\ sVoVe. lead W^c Vber^j&^W^^ ft^q; a-V4) Defense r\c ber* Sbe cWw^ed nV vocxS doSe to dc*rK aod Fhe^ uoece teor\r>^ €iveC^Vb\Csg douJO- FY CWdbK fesTiFsd tbaV ^Ws qU botfenc-i about B'.OQ9^ ma^~ be, qioo^ a.^d A??e\WbVux\s st»\\ tWce oFFa^dsKe HadcA Knouun uahed boPPe-ned oJhev^ AffefeKF ST\TdM£\MT OF Tbe EvXPfefrOog cm Aj&usT"^© tbe dola Voluroter Ft'm QeferTfnenT be\d q VpqF ^nesot t"© ra\se. Funds FoC Tbe\P d^rTroervT^ T^Vs 'OchJFV^ YesbF^vng Foe Vbs. SVqW fHrs Stao F>or©bVs uoas Wse cKs?atc5rvec tor Fire de?afTf^eevF Sb^ b»*sV\F\ed tb'ed cd Sorv^c ?^rT duCifNOj VbetckxH Vbe. aflUlanV, V^vFT AUe$N b,^VV\oH, Wd sKouoed u? af\d be CeeKed or qIcoWoV A?fe\WvTr was ^©ud toVc^s/e Wen fnri> DdrotvK cW>rr\e«i a?R=aWn\ Wd teen tryvooj Vo taHf;ed sWV^d tdd tx??^V^M b> to leave Her q-lonc^ €*od To teexve. Vbe ©venrY. SToJe ca s\4ed T^rs PocoVsVs ^F tFe ?erso\~s sW bad ~WsT desc^bed cocts >n CaocV b&daH. F\cs Cbro-ViK toa'S unable bo XdenV»Fs affeltanY orvViU sVa\ed bead Wc #Were{3R^PS;is~as:) (anal .SR^a^;^dH0 ^ rs ^>occA\V^ Wd \cc«n&& ber Pbar^ bo Sow^e ov>e so-Wrvod VneH ooo\4 Co^W tVva \auJ For KeC Sbe cWxr^ed \t u^as cAase \& dacK vdbeo VWs ^ ?\ac*. •8V00 or^.oQ-TbeH ujera -VeaVvng ev©T^VV\^nc^olouoo. t^rs EWt»VvX tesViFved VVnoV VWrs o^\V \^ov?eoedd°^e. -Vo darVC boA sW &i oo\ V^oo^ o->Vv»V \™A V«S?fen«A , 8p