wILr_IAM ISAAC HOFF '~ _"£N THE 6- /\S_" d& /7 "7\ RELATQR 7 6 66 4"€011)111 OF F~ 1~_D1N HE_CE \1 D 11 ' VS 7 The §i cti;:[§\l"t ic?l:als 7 Ap/H&A;:§;§'@Of Appea{$ '. 97 FSUICT"" _" m 7 CASS COU/\/T>’ 1 777 7 7 7777 _~ '.-'9€1 1 121/115 v "" ; <. l EX~S \` .1 ,7 _MB_LA]__LAW . L:J gri 111€{ CICIR rexamapa drean RESPON DANT 799777777 K /‘\U< ev C*¢r+< PLAIALU;EES_DB;LGI NAL_ A.BPLIC/A`_TI_ON FOR 11/R_I‘r oF NANDAMUS TO THE HONORABLE ;TUDCE O/" SAID COURT Comes now william IQaaC HOP?. Be/a+or‘ PRO $E m +he nbm/@ 51>'/'621£ and numbered cause Q(` 611;711011/ amd 911€5 +hiq originaL@QQm:¢1JQQ £`Q L_QF_LLO§ hm_a_mlgmMnd_Lmald§bawj_/)_e;c;oar+ 1116 Pol/ow)no : 7 _1@1_;111:1:1;1:11\11 151/10 11@11~ TDCJ 110 1<103_1_8715 an 0¥?1~21111@1~ mcarcer‘cu‘ed 111 17he Texa< Depar+menf 010 _ Cmmina| 311511€€-.@1110( 15 appearina PHU SE_,_who_caLbe_ /oca+ecl 611 The Gar_za Eas,+ Um`+. 1301 11101111)11_\1 202 l Bee\nl/e TexoLC, 78102 1,02; Relaior 1151¢; Qxhau$,+ed 1115 remedy$ and ha<; »JJ(LOH)er` a110q11a+e remedy 111 10111). l 0317`1)€ ac'+ 5011€11)+ 10 be ComDe//ed 15 mini§ferlal. 1101 ci1s,c;1`e+1‘onary m na~+urp? A) The 1110110 peroi 01 1119 named co111+ has 11 m.m$+ema/ pA(}\F 4_ Op4 pl HC q /l+~+an\m/)n+< duty to (`€1@1 pond to Relaiof_$__mof/O_/)_)fo_c//$m/$_s ill _oL +Emelv manner Mi%sepsnee_ni£>£;;w mm B_AN Ks_)__ wage s£ _+he__C/t§_$__ ammiyl:o;m__m~)ier capac;§+v aa Pre<;_}dms`z Jud_qe o(` the QQSS_C;ML&L)'LQMLLQ(`_LCLMLQS__a_m_/_m§>i€_£l_ql,d_ui_y_t011 i€§£QDd_an;lgLasni_B_e_/tlipl§M/DDW)AQLR'€5 pondem} _ may be Ser‘\/Qd at her place 0_(` bris)`n€&€) the locat{@n 09 Mhmb_Li,‘ PO BOX 835 L}nden Texas 75563 31021Requ€511 ‘fo be heard Relcu‘oi:$ motion to Mmmb;/Mlatof1tljamie A 0 'Ra nd Cn$s §Quni;;@]&£kj££e§uenilc;+i)£l€;a$jaj€$_ Oi`_ Coa r+ S+qfe as Shown upon EXh}bn‘S H~C_’_L +hr_oag/') G 3 1 and were Msl_tolhe_é'es pomeai_as_$beem_zieo_n_&x_mb_ £_C11'1 JLMMMMHPMMMMMLQQ_ 1£€_@itasb£d_a5_EX_-htb_1i13_Lt_rogg b__L,_a noLcLee_//_)co£, da+e/. Rela+or hsu received no respo_n§e §MM@MM_QMQ/ Qc>it£t@i`l_a%_ Jiano£ab£_Jx¢LdgLBe;©’_M/iitbgaks__rple&dmg_ PAQFOAWP 131 H< q A44,11L\msn+< 3,_041’, 145 13 clear \C`r`c>m the l:`xh}_bii_< $hownj‘Relaior‘ ha§ Du+ ReSpO'nden-t con nof/e€ lhszi Bela+Of` Se€ks“ to ~ ilaile_$slid;;l)slrge d1sm155ed ' ~1;1:1_cci)ire5i_toifle lsc io_):$_e£€oi:is_,_!§ e§e' '.",-'\. NAME;M\,L\\MW\ +\L)l-\D- oATEoFBIRrH; io“l*’{~lq@@ Be advised that Cass County Court has jurisdiction in Class A and Class B, misdemeanors only. ‘ ` Records of thejustice Courts should be searched for lesser offenses and records of , ' the Fifth District Court of Cass County should be searched for felony offenses No misdemeanor history found“' "lT IS E.XPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD TI'IAT THE ’UNDERSIGNED DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE CORRECTNESS OF SAID RECORD NOR SHAI..L SHE/ JAM|E O’RAND_ CASS COUNTY CLERK BY;@HUWD v (s¢ai) Deputy Clerk R ft ~ ' .. w \ _ i ` _ mr ASSQM W/Milu _\r\j oeg_r:°n rul L_Pei\rifm} jj (5” J l `\J/. P-O. BOX 449, LINDZ!I, TE!AS 75563 * 903-756-5071 moa bemhe;) /i__' DA13M00894 ri<; ., ' - '“."@Ol§ ' Ld l q iN THE NAiiiie AND eY THE AuTHbitir’lllBt?Qiil£%‘rA'i"i-:l oi:=frEx:As: BSXST yir:iiy,'=;`,,» eas.-:.‘_? BEFORE ME. the undersigned _authority, on this day personally appeared SHERRY Gll.LESPlE\ known to me to be a credible person. who,`after"b“e`i"ng' by me duly sworn\ on oath deposes and says that she has reason to believe and does believe and charge that heretofore and before the making and filing of this complaint that on or about the.20"‘ day of OCTOBER 2012, in the County of Cass, State of Texasl WlLLlAM H_OFF, did then and there intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly cause bodily injury to Kimberly Hoff a member of the defendant’_s familyl as described by Section 71 003, Family Code, by grabbing Kimberly Hoff by her hair and throwing her off the porch AGA|NST THE PEACE AND DlGNlTY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. _ . ' s% ///Z f cotnPLAiN§’NTV SUBSCR|BED AND SWORN to before me by SHERRY GtLLESPlE, on this the&§_l* day of (Y;ltdw( , 20 173 , by an official authorized to administer and authorize this oath pursuant to Tex Code of Crim Proc Art 21 22 ( /l A~Giwio~~sio~ tdi/nmi wm G©QWQW `;! NKT;"C:;°,:§,;:;ant?§::,;:;as Peace°Off`icerI thai'yl Assistant District Attorney 'z»~` Juiy i;i. 2016 lN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHOR|TY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: NOW COMES THE ASSlSTANT CRlMlNAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY, TlNA RICHARDSON, of Cass County, State of Texasl and presents in and to the County Court of Cass County, State aforesaidl and based upon the complaint of SHERRY,G|LLESP|E filed herewith, presents in and to said Court that in said county and state, heretofore and before the making and filing of this information, that on or about the 20"‘ day of OCTOBER 2012, that one WlLLlAM HOFF, hereinafter styled defendant did then and there intentionallyl knowingly, or recklessly cause bodily injury to Kimberly Hoff a member of the defendants famiiy, as described by Section 71 003, Family Code, by grabbing Kimberly Hoff by her hair and throwing her off the porch 'AGAiNsT THE PEACE AND DiGNiTY 0F THE sTA'TE oF T`ExAs. ` §§ __: § . ::- a TiNA M. RicHARo oN g;g; §§ §§ AssisTANT cRiiiiiiNAi_ oisTRicT ATToR_NeY m <~.i cAss couNTY, TEx'As 35 5 § 1 l\) OFFENSE ASSAULT W/BOD|LV |NJURY-FAM|L¥ V|OLENCE _ STATUTE 22 01 HEALTH & SAFETY CODE PENALTY CLASS A MlSDEMEANOR ` e)tnu_ij.Li `\\C,_'il ' - ~ _>~\ 33 1'\/3'(1?@§3"?“1"=' 1171_1‘:~2‘§_1131\31,__3`33 1113; chary c:»'F;: /‘\33333\/\//+101)..1_./ _33__11337` 333 331`;1 ~~ 1573 M 311;'>”' I.f" 3121/13 §7`~3“111`1',_ 91._;`3\,.,0§1 Hi i_/J\i`.__i ;3 /-=_1\3 13 53/\?~` '§`1? 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in Re William Isaac Hoff
Combined Opinion