John Reed, Jr. v. Farmers Insurance Group

01-14-00485-CV COURT OF APPEALS AT AUSTIN ^RECEIVEDN THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS MAY 2 2 2015 .THIRDCOURTOFAFPEAIS COURT OF APPEALS NO. 03-14-00485-CV \ Jeffreyd. kyle""> TRIAL COURT NO. 259,941-C 169th JUDICIAL DISTRICT BELL COUNTY, TEXAS STYLE: JOHN REED JR. V. FARMERS INS. GROUP ET AL. APPELLANT MOTION TO RESPOND THE LETTER APPELLANT RECEIVED FROM DEPUTY CLERK; AMY STROTHER DATED APRIL 29,2015 I On or about April 24,2015, appellant filed a motion to extend time to file his Brief because appellant had filed to supplement the trial court Reporters and ClerkRecord on April 17,2015. Normally appellant receives a letter from Deputy Clerk; Liz Talerico in a few days stating the motion was granted by the court, direct to the issue as warranted. This time, within a week on April 29,2015 appellant received a letter from Deputy Clerk; Amy Strother warning appellant that his appeal may be dismiss for Want Of Prosecution and when the Brief was due. Amy fail address appellant motion in the letter. We placed a phone call onor about the 5th day ofMay 2015 to the Third District Clerk Office. Amy stated the letter was sent before she had realized appellant had already file a Motion To Extend Time To File his Brief. Ms. Strother told us to just disregard that letterand wait until appellant extension motion is ruled upon. The letterAmy sent to the parties is what triggered the Appellee to file their Motion To Dismiss and Appellant is requesting that Ms. Amy Strother should be informed to write another letter correcting the mistake and enter it into the record. Appellant Respectfully as the Court to grant all things within this motion regarding Amy Strother. a ^ Respectfully Submitted A . ^_-*—/^-3—> John Reed Jr. Willis Martin Jr. 715 So. 32nd Street 1318 So. 2nd Street Temple, Texas 76501 Temple, Texas 76504 254 778 2558 cell 913 2358 254 736 2246 CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE This is to certify that we conferred with Amy and she agreed that the letter was sent.u.byanus.ake.0 Q y> .„ ^A^Liffi Willis Martin JR. ^ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that a true and correct copy of the above foregoing motion has been forwarded to the clerk of the Appeals court and faxed to the counsel of the defendants on this 19 day of May 2015 to be ruled upon after the 10th day of receiving the motion. XFohnReedJr. Willis Martin Jr. ° JZ ites^S'Kt^ai;.': * .•\ rfS /^57^ ^