Page 1 of 14 Zn Lj , o NO.04-14-00509-CV £^ — z;r.j— r»—r~ 5 on r- -o rn i-3> CAUSE No 2013-01-12691 CO X.!vl •X FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT CADENA-REEVES JUSTICE CENTER 300 Doiorosa, Suite 300 San Antonio, Texas 78205-3037 Original Brief date February 9, 2015 RECONSIDERATION REQUEST 10-13-15 OF THE 4-30-15 APPELLANTS BRIEF. ca r-.V o r > " »— r" rp CTT! .1 - .. to V* O -3- Page 2 of 14 GLORIA E. OCHOA-APPELLANT, APPELLANT IN PRGPIA PERSONA V. NAIL FLOWER NAIL/BEAUTY SALON-APPELLEE. ON APPEAL FROM THE 224TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT IN BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS From the 224**" Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas Trial Court No 2013-CI-12691 Honorable Antonia Arteaga, Judge Presiding PAGE 3 of 14 Appellant/Plaintiff: Plaintiff/Appellant's Counsel Gloria E. Ochoa - Appellant in Propria Persona 542 Williamsburg Place San Antonio, Texas 78201 Phone: 210-309-0744 Phone: 210-736-1408 Page 4 of 14 Appellee/Defendant: Defendant/Appellee's Counsel: Campbell, Miller & Associates Elizabeth W. Lennane IBN. 24053014 300 Convent, Suite 2350 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Phone: 210-229-9879 Fax 210-229-9878 PAGE 5 OF 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS: INDENTITY OF PARTIES AND COUNSEL i INDEX OF AUTHORITIES iv STATEMENT OF CASE vi ISSUES PRESENTED vii STATEMENT REGARDING ORAL ARGUMENT viii STATEMENT OF FACTS 1 STATEMENT OF THE ARGUMENT 2 ARGUMENT 4 CONCLUSION AND PRAYER 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 6 PAGE 6 OF 14 INDEX OF AUTHORITIES TEXAS #322.103 (11) (B) PROFESSIONAL MALPRACTICE NEGLIGENCE. 322.01 (2), 322, 05 (2 CM 290). Cases: Beauty Shops. Omc/ v/ foreman. Page 7 of 14 STATEMENT OF CASE - FACTS "Good Cause" was not given adequate, thorough consideration when this brief was recently reviewed. Human Suffering is involved. Please review again and OVERTURN SUMMARY JUDGEMENT AND GRANT A NEW TRIAL. On 8-09-2011 SUFFERED severe "staph Infection" to left thumb after a manicure at Nail Flower Beauty Salon, This resulted in ongoing, chronic pain, loss of use for thumb, disfigurement and other related injuries and ongoing medical treatment. SUMMARY JUDGEMENT WAS RENDERED 6-19-14 FOR NOT PROVIDING LEGAL RESPONSE IN A TIMELY MANNOR. There was "Good Cause" for the failure to timely make, amend or supplement the discovery response. 3. There was insufficient evidence to support the engorgement as delivered, as Plaintiff was NOT ALLOWED to speak to present GOOD CAUSE REASONS, for not responding In a timelv manner. Page 8 0F14 Good Cause (continued) 4. Plaintiffs failure to file an answer before judgment was the result of an accident and or mistake, rather than due to an intentional act or the result of conscious indifference. 5. Plaintiff "is" the "Iniured Party" and unrepresented bv attorney as previous attorney abruptly canceled agreement to represent her. Plaintiff has been unable to locate other attorney who would take case due to limited time frame to work on this case. 6. Plaintiff/Gloria E Ochoa has been and is CURRENTLY under PHYSICIANS CARE & ONGOING MEDICAL CARE and on MEDICATIONS. **7. ABOVE DESCRIBED SITUATION and suffering from severe injuries from staph infection incurred at above named nail salon prevented Plaintiff from responding in a timely manner. 8. Gloria E Ochoa files this Appeal Brief complaining of defendant and how defendant caused great "Personal Injury" to her. 9. Gloria E Ochoa requests opportunitv for verbal discussion etc, to answer, in person, any questions from the judges to decide this case. Page 9 of 14 SUMMARY See included copy of my BANK RECORD showing DATE OF VISIT to Nail Flower Nail/Beauty Salon and charges. See previous submissions to court of appeais. Manicure preformed by empioyee, Ben Nguyen. Gloria Ochoa, piaintiff was instructed by ''soak" her naiis in manicure dish that had a soap soiution to soften cuticies. A short while later, Gloria Ochoa, plaintiff, suffered severe infection to thumb, that necessitated emergency medical treatment. Thumb was very swollen, blue in color and extremely painful. Page 10 of 14 DEFENDANTS BREACH OF DUTY. Defendant "OWED" plaintiff a "Duty" to "Care", "To Protect" its client by cleaning, disinfecting, sterilizing all its equipment. Emergency room doctors termed this a severe "Staph" infection due to nail salon not /sterilizing/cleaning their soaking dishes /equipment etc. Defendant "Breached the duty owed" to Plaintiff in that they FAILED to properly disinfect, sterilize, clean their equipment. DEFENDANTS NEGLIGENCE. As the direct and proximate cause of the defendants "NEGLIGENCE", plaintiff suffered personal injury etc as described below. Pain and Suffering, Loss of Use for thumb and hand. Inability to continue working/earn a living, disabled status, loss of earning ability, now and future earnings, emotional stress, anxiety, etc. Significant unpaid med bills due to these injuries. Cost of Ongoing medical treatment'. Page 11 of 14 ARGUMENT. 1. This injury should not happen to any other innocent person walking in to this nail salon for a simple manicure. This has caused unnecessary Current ONGOING SUFFERING due to Defendants Gross Negligence. 2. Defendant must BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE AND ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE GREAT INJURY THEY HAVE CAUSED. They must Sterilize all equipment with each client or use disposable equipment. 3. SEEKING REASONABLE COMPENSATION for ONGOING PAIN and SUFFERING /LOSS OF USE FOR THUMB/HAND. DISFIGUREMENT FOR THUMB. CONSEQUENTIAL OTHER INJURIES. DISABLED STATUS DUE TO "STAPH INFECTION" THAT COULD HAVE NEEN AVOIDED BY DEFENDANT "STERILIZIING" EQUIPMENT. LOSS OF ABILITY TO EARN A LIVING NOW AND FUTURE EARNINGS and PAYMENT OF UNPAID MED BILLS. PAGE 12 OF 14 PRAYER FOR RELIEF. Therefore, plaintiff, respectfully requests REVERSAL of SUMMARY JUDGEMENT against plaintiff and GRANT A NEW TRIAL. 1. Damages in an amount within the jurisdictional limits of the court. 2. Pre-and postjudgement interest on that amount of any legal rates. 3. Costs of suit and 4. Any other relief to which plaintiff is entitled. Respectfully submitted. Gloria E. Ochoa an Individual, Plaintiff. 542 Williamsburg Place San Antonio, Texas 78201 Phone: 210-309-0744. 210-736-1408 Phone: 210-331-4492 Page 13 of 14 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 192.3 I, the undersigned, Gloria E. Ochoa, certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served to Defendants attorney by "Certified" mail, return receipt requested. Gloria E Ochoa 542 Williamsburg PI. San Antonio, Texas 78201 Phone: 210-309-0744 Phone: 210-736-1408 PAGE 14 OF 14 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH BRIEF LENGTH AND TYPE SIZE REQUIREMENTS. BRIEF LENTH: I certify that (1) this brief complies with the word-count limitation in ORAP 5.05 (2) the word count of this brief (as described in ORAP 5.5 (2) (a) is 1,747 or less. (1163 words). I certify that the size of the type in this brief is not smaller that 14 points for both the text of the brief and footnotes as required by ORAP 5.05 (4) (1). 14 font size. Gloria E. Ochoa,