-:rLo, 3~-og Attthoni (\Jofme~~Yl # li I 'fJ 7/Bq /W'ftlr)rJf: 810· F/h 1. tjl- I · H'#ltJ; vrii:EJ 7.>< 1rJts~q HoA; Juslh~,e IV e \Ve.H . .D~vld lexo.J Laurr oF. Lti'thlnUll A'()p .eAh P\o, gox t2j(U;6 A~S trl·~'J i1~ I -"l.l6 9 ,~fECEnfE!D ~N 1')< ; ©~TOFCRIMINAl~~Q or8-J15I ""tfi?, ,5 l'; SEP 02 2015 ' ' AbeJAcosta,Cfern J \A $11-f f. e. N e. well 1 J) e€4.•f' "foJ.-"''1 "! re.c:ei,veJ ~ wJ,,,~t-f. carJ. ,,.Ji(.&Airi·"'9 t-he -r;:(.,f£.,.4- wi'l~ 11o•tf Cot1 J!At r '\ he~ r1?11 9 (It fl1 '( c a.•J e, 4""h e wh~~ If e £a.r J.' .sr-aJt- e .f rh e 1~H'"1 i'5 ba:re:.d_ on tke ·-tt-r.~~~ t-o,tArfS tln.JJn'} af f~.c.-f$, 1-/.uwe·ver 1n ttl·'/ c~c~ e . tl o PQj(_ f 5 c e l-a. f. e d ro rm. '(J e. I0'( ;1 nt> .r w.re(( ~ Ie t-t'f'll•f.!J" t-o t-he }j;-srrict- (,0~,.~..rt- P and 'J., (d., A., All ihtlldi be·t"' 9 s~rdl T ~lih afr5a..ft(J~,'n t•e-J ;n rhe i1 ~f ([I'~JI' Prol.e.J"'re lev..fe. 'e' ~~ prowtde.J_ -~r Jv.i9 e f3r~J I(_ y 1'n J e:pen Je.n t-ft fo 5tG'fJ the,.. !'hi'f Gondc,...t.t wh~~h O s ln·J t;,-j'ld·f111·ent-J~ l')er -r.rz..;4.fJ fl(.(leb) 7q./J"1q.z r ~t/.11 tC7!klCt.r(e T C4:n /1of- Oij$k for q• rce-~fec~:rhrj J /(ec.t-il>fl b~tr -:t fh,~J,./(_ 9•/Ve//?·. th? cl~f(0fV'! stt~Ace5 1 t~tf' tl rh(?. overw..r.ttiiM•'na a.MQJ~~ttfilr t)t , ,, J ew• (Jt.e,fflc.e tht:.t.t ~f l5 ~·pprtlpfl"'frt • -1"' Ju::.:t be:ril·j r~e ta· 1e --;tJ; at~ (I(~Jtiia~~ /!of' 'jt>l,\( a~e&fS'9~" In this m~ 1-+el'. NoMii m'f rert11d.lln? ~ thembef' of-rhe lwv_(t" Lett" f~t:(~e)r ~ re.A'))e>Qr.(rnj, Pc"pte i'irrl t~i.f .f-t~te 5tF~vlJ 11a1r be. Con V~€.-fe·d ·Pur c_r;rneJ w h1d1 .J rd. fWr ible ({.{ff that- Jrlve5 6 So ,Hlfj.," Pe't:Jf fe ,. fl It~ u )r.&t t e $he;. v.\d n~ot l:>e rff~J H~JJ jl, ro s~1. r/')9·;;-J;Jtilu.th ./wt he (dl~S'e the1 h~Ve fritwt:JJ in tr~e DI.Hii'C.r Att.ort'Je.y.J ofJIAf-e. p,-, 1~t ).5 l2•J~~"Ja;"d ._:lr()1', i.5 Wro"'i• /!hrJk,~ p..s. '11< »s fe-GlU 1 ~ fh1~ rn.·e h> me tJ..at lfr,t-hony /V)JouA" n W ne-,n a pe!JO·Ift i§ (~·Jfy pJ1/lP tef'Jt c.iftar,. fJ!fovps tf'{ /rD (Jfi:Jte·e.tr tl;·elh- S"elve-s b"ft a.~ Hf/>1ptln. J to h;;-Jh} 4ef.< . the. ) IA(f)ru'~l pre>e;es·.r~, (·J,e t:f ttofhe'/} ~·" rh fJ la. fe .do td· -e.v e11· W(:J;fi k PoP ' . f."~(. D-A.~ of!f'r£e, ~ntfhoft.;., -r'J-,,e;1 J~nf tNen atppe0·r· ·ro bJt prtf,( <. Fli~tJ L.o.: w, · -rJ,e. r e i5 ov eq.., ~~1 f"''~;,J ew,-;J &~Le (j~ ""'I Jlf)floc&~ue, ThiJ 1~J· ttot even-~ C.. foS·e.. 4-t s- e, Jr. J1>"' v e « ~ ¥-tt I l~y 1 k r:JsJ G\!~J cdif'e =r \/Vao~.A~d f;ke t1>7er- ba(c..k io be fur e. ~r tr 1on•rc. 6 'f e(A.YS h&r ve. od r~J.,y 1P een· t".ut k en. 10~P n~, t~,,1 ;..j, 1al 4 ·e..., the~~"'; 7n rh€; conte><1r ot ~ [ 11 ot cleCAf' w ~a m~Je /t 1 gfl Slqf\ @:.J 0 ,/f. . ): Af'YI §wre -tlhe'f ~e-re UtW!CA!ft. t},eJie I'~ a. pe-t?rJ•:itj ~"'~H: 0 /- ~t+.-radt .In t-he. UY'{~reck Srt~te5 f""'pret-~f. tA~r-r ~h&~./l~l''J~'i?.j BrO fTJhe feJp&rl,Jervt.' A."rj.,ony WJ..i'rne'f: NetfYtf4h \f,, -rcxe.> tec.tttr'r-ofl' t{I'MI;nq.; Ap~lltt sJ IE1lAL fr&>m fU§pg: 4! lllf- l.UI!-7b./. 1[ t apfe:~..rs n-)1({. 5.. ·e. "Jied Q;;n, iefr G\i~or~·tY.. o•ppor·h.t~.nif'j ifv! fe: >-rov~ ~ efit"I'~"'QIJ de fe,dct•nl/tJ /'~w Vi'e;~, fCAtUiV..G·Ii P2e.ltl;e· ·w rl'ff Wrtu'9·· ThIS ]P.Q 1 fa.,tJeJ! fr~'e i5.5Ic.t·€ tA.CfqJJ'~·rt 1 (;lnJ 1J ~·t?Jc.f Yy rhf: ~on5r.·J.'htt.·f't-Qn wer~ cJ.;e.ta~lre:.J to f'fpe of l.Ot5e. t-he I.aw 1 ortt J li tlfe <- • I ~~(.e$5· .. -;t. ~;ll ftot Srof U/\rfr/11-;r 9er. ~ /)a..,~r 1flevte w oil fA;;') ~ctSe, Tt lfil"v1~d 01.~p£oi/f'. -the T.ClG.A.Is +r'l•'njto bCA.ry rAnyatt:da/1 i'.xxr,..e.;- f't~ti'seJ '"' ·.,-htr- Cc..Jf v..ndttr "\ cle:ff.'fJ r.o'-ck. vin t~t hale uVtltr eli ltjht. Thte.. (~se had ~·tH'l 5. t t-h'n:; liJt A-tAl t-i"n 5l~tee 4) 23/ Zol_f 1 o.~td Wt:Af de tJ J eJ b1 -Ot ft.> /11J hJ de- c.JJ e o3/ l'f/Z.o 11 4 ,. AFFIDAVIT OF FACT I, Emily Elizabeth Norman, do hereby make the following statements under penalty of perjury. (1) On the weekend of 11/28/2008 I was at home with my mother, Leydis Viche' Hernandez, and my new baby brother, John Anthony Norman. (2) My father, Anthony Whitney Norman, had left home on Friday afternoon, 11128/2008, with my other brother, Michael Antonio Norman . .{3) I believe they went to Dallas. (4) Over the weekend, I went for walks with my mother and watched her speak to the neighbors across the street. (5) At night on Sunday through Monday, my mother told me to take a nap for a few hours. Later I heard a loud noise. I was upstairs. (6) I came down stairs to see what was happening. Then, I saw Mommy on the floor dead and a gun. (7} 'MY daddy was notat home, and I ran:upstairs and hid in my moiilqly's and daddy's. · bed. (8) When my daddy came back, he called me to come to him, so I did. (9) My daddy called the p~lice, and when they came, they asked me a bunch of questions. (10) Then I had to get in the ambulance. (11) Then l rode back to my Grandmother's house. ' (12) Then my cousin came and a policeman came, then the policeman took me and my brother, Michael to CPS along with my cousin., (13) Then they asked me a lot of questions. I answered the questions. (14) When I was fmished, I had to go with Grandma. (15) When I got to grandma's house I was crying super much. (16) When the police came back they asked me some question to check ~fl said the same words, and I did. (17) The next day, more policemen came and asked me a few more questions, -~orne of them were hard to answer, but I answered the other questions. (18) Some of the questions were ... Where was your dad? Did you see the whole thing ... Did your daddy kill your Mom? ( 19) My dad was not at home when my mother died. (20) I was upstairs waiting for hours for him to come home. Affidavit sayeth further not. ~ £LwnQ ~~ !Joi mo 1\ Emily Elizabeth Norman State ofTexas County of Harris Signed under oath before me on·~u\~ ~ 1 ·";).0\'S by \::~,\'1 E\~'"t.Q.\a~ ~O'l-"Y't'\a"' Respondent, personally known to me and/for identified byb,~~'n. \.e~~-\...cc.<..\c:. IL\..D~~l:'<::>? Notary Public, State ofTexas J ,,\lllfl,, ""''..~~~~.' ~~;;·,,, VERONICA J. SCRIMSHAW 1j"'''<.·fi{_.·:::: ('(~\'..:n Notary Public. State of Texas My CommiSSIOn Exp1res ',_.,,~f,~f~~~~"'"' December 12, 2015
Norman, Anthony Whitney
Combined Opinion