Duke, James A. AKA James Albert Duke

C//zné; Mr.Jam\es A‘lbert Duke 3 ( TDCJ# 11884#8/Eastham 2665 prison Rd.#1 Uoveiady,Texas 75851 August 2a,2015 Hon.Abel Acoeta,Elerk 'Texas Court of Briminal Appeals P,D.Box 12308§Capitol Station Austin,Texas 78711 RE: The State of Texas V. Jadee Albert Duke,Case No.wR-37,21h-Dh, Mamorandum In Support of Applioation for writ of Habeas Borpus Art;11.07:Trial Court-No.BE?1,Trinity County,Texaa: Dear Hon.Acosta: The purpose of this inquiry in to file Applicant's Memorandum of Uau in the above cause No.UR-37.21h-Dh enclosed.- ' Please inform applicant of any movement`by the court in this request for relief¢ I thank you for your time and assistance. I await your response. I Remain. 5 ncerely, Oe- O/J=e James Albert Duke , oc/jpa/pla enclosure / RECE\VED lN U.__U_/__‘___/l 37 `D-l\{ QHURTo=cR\MlNALAPpEALS IN THE TEXAs ' SEP012[115 EDURT UF ERIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN,TEXAB Abe| Acosta, Clerk EX PARTE ` X IN THE DISTRIET EUURT X TRINITY EUUNTV;TEXAS JAMES ALBERT DUK-E,l v - X' h11th JUDIEIAL DISTRIET MEMDRANDUM IN SUPPDRTIUF APPLIBATIUN FUR 'MRIT UF HABEAS'CURPUB SEEKING RELIEF FRUM FINAL FELUNY EDNVICTIDN UNDER ARTIELE 11.07 AND 11.073 TEXAS CUDE DF'CRIMINAL PRDEEDURES TU THE HUNURABLE UUDEES'DF THE EUURT UF ERlMINAL APPEALS: NDhl EUMES, James Albert Duke,Applicant,and submits this Memprandum in support of Applieationnfor writ pszabeas Eerpus seeking relief from final Felpny_convietipn under Artiele 11107 and'11.0§3 Texas dee of Eriminal Procedures and would show this Honerable Court the Fellpming; l I. JURISDlCTIUN Thia Hdndrable Court has jurisdiction over the parties and the Extraordinary Matters pursuant to Art.11.07,8upra of the Texaa Epde cf Criminal Prpcedures¢ -II. CUNFINEMENT AND‘RESTRAINT Applicant was convicted of Aggravated'Assault in this case and sentenced to Bé.years in prison,is being unlawfully confined and restrained of his liberty by william Stephens;acting in his Ufficial Bapacity as Directer of the Texas Department'of Eriminal Justiee Eorrectipnal Inatitutional Division (TDEJ-CID),at the Eastham Facility situated at 2665 Prison Rd;#1;LoVelady,Texas 75851;for Aggrayated Assault in case No.5671 of the h11th District Eourt,Trinity'County,Texas pursuant to Art.11.22.of the Tsxas Eode of Eriminal Procedure'this'Eourt has the jurisdiction or all grounds presented. III. ERUUNDS FUR RELIEF ERUUND NUMB ER DNE: 'APPLIEANT'S AETUAL INNBEENEE CLAIM, A SBHLUP- TYPE ELAIM, 15 A PRUCEDURAL ELAIM UHIEH APPLIEANT'S DLAIM UF INNUEENEE DBE5 NUT PRUVIDE A BASI5 FUR RELIEF, BUT 15 TIED TU A SHDMING BF EUNSTITUTIUNAL ERRBR AT TRIAb ANB UN APPEAL DUE TD INEFFEETIVE EUUNSEL IN VIULATIUN DF THE U. 5. EUNST AMEND5 VI AND XIV: THAT HAVE PRDBABLV RESULTED IN A MISEARRIAEE BF JUSTIEE. GRUUND NUMBER TMU: APPLIEANT RECEIVED INEFFEETIVE ASEISTANCE UF EDUNSEL AT TRIAL IN VIULATIDN BF THE TE XAS EUNSTITUTIUN AND THE U. 5. EUNST AMEND5 VI AND XIV. ERUUND NUMBER THREE: APPLIEANT RECEIVED INEFFEBTIVE A5515TANEE UF CDUNSEL UN DIRECT APPELLATE REVIEM.INHTHE VIBLATIUN UF THE TEXAB EUNSTITUTIUN AND U.B.EUNST AMENDS VI AND XIV. ` IV. STATEMENT EF THE CASE Applicant,§ames Albert Duke,pleaded guilty to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and true to two Felony convictions for driying while intoxicated. A jury assessed punishment at 85 years confinement. Un appeal,Applicant contented that the trial court erred in excluding evidence of the oomplainant's criminal background and in denying his challenges For cause. The appellate court affirmed the conviction, Applicant petition For discretionary review was refused. 2. Applicant`filed a 5tate Application for writ of habeas corpus which was denied 5eptember`27,2i06. v. 'FAcTs;oF THE cAsE The offense for which Applicant stands oonvicted_occurred on August B,ZUUZ in Trinity County,Texas,' n lt was alleged that on August B,ZDDZ,Applicant was living at Ed's Marina in Trinity Bounty,Texas `SSs (ER-V.S,Pgs,§&,ES,BT) Easey 5izemore used to live at Ed's Marina and_eame back and~visited.sften.(ER-V,B.PQ 195). while there,Sizemore threatenedepplicant;severe y frightened g Applicant SeE,(ERjV,B.Pgs`116,155,170,173),After threatening Applicant 5izemore drove his car under a pecan tree where 5izemore had a direct view of Applicant's home and continued to intensely stare at Applicant and Applicant's home further intimidated'Applicant.5ee:(ER-VlZ,PgS`172-173). Applicant felt the only way to remain safe from 5izemore was.to get Sizemore to leave the Marina. DUE to Applicant's fear,he decided tov confront 5izemore and get Sizemore to leave'Ed!s_Marina{ Furthermore, due to his fear of 5izemore,Applicant.armed himself with a knife when her went to try to get 5izemore to leave Ed's Marina-See (ER-V.§,Egs 173-T7A). During the confrontation between 5izemore and Applicant,Sizemore pushed Applicant_and Applicant used the knife against 5izemore See (ER-V,Pg~174) when Applicant used the knife during the confrontation it resulted in 5izemore's injuries and 5izemore later died due to then lack of medical treatment 5ee (CR-V.Z,Pgs,h1»h2). . Applicant was indicted for both Murder and Aggravated Assault. .At trial,the 5tate abandoned the Murder count and only proceeded on the aggravated assault count.Applicant plead guilty to'the aggravated assault. 3. count and true to the enhancement paragraphs.Punishment was then tried by the jury. vI. ARGUMENTS GRUUND NwMBER UNE: _ APPLICANT'S_ACTUAL INNBCENEE EEAIM,A BEHLUPsTVPE'ELAIM,IS A PRUEEDURAE ELAIM wHIEH AEPMIEANT'B ELAIM’UF INNUEENEE DUE5 NUT.PRUVIDE A BASIS FGR'REEIEF,BUT IS TIED TD AlSHleNG UF CUNSTITUTIUNAE.ERRUR"AT TRIAL AND_UN APPEAt_DUE-TU INEFFEETIVE EIUNSEE IN'VIUUATIDN IF THE U;S.EBNST`AMENDS VI`AND XIV:THAT HAVE PRDEABEY RESULTED IN A MISEARRIAGE DF JU5TIEE. ' There are two types of actual innocence claims that may be raised in a collateral attack on a conviction. A bare innocence-claim,or' Herrera-type claim "involves a_substamtive claim in which applicant asserts his bare claim of innocence‘based.solely on newly discovered- evidence;" Ex Parte'Franklin,?Q 5.w,5d.671,675 (Tex.ErimrApp ZUUZ) (citing 5chlup V.Delo5531 U.S. 2953314,130“U.Ed 2d'505,f15f5.€t 851 (1995);'Elizondo;§h?'$}w.Zd'at`ZDB)).`The_other actual innocence claim, a 5chlupsType'claim;we explained'"is'a procedural claim in which Applicantls claim of innocnece does not provide a basis for relief;but is tied to a showing of Constitutional Error at trial" ibid,(citing,$chlup,513 U.S. .at 314); d Applicant's Constitutional Elaims are based on the claims of lneffective'.i Assistance of Counsel at Trial and on Appellate Review as follows{ Generally,a habeas petitioner must show cause and prejudice before a court will reach the merits of a successive,abusive,or defaulted claims. Even if he cannot meet this standard,a court may hear the merits of such u. claims if failure to hear them would result in.a "Fundamental Miscarriage of Justice". Applicant's claims applies under the standard based on his (New Elaims) not previously raised which constitutes an abuse of the writ. under, McEleskey V.Zant,h99 U.5.467,111 S.Ct 145#,113 L.Ed.2d 517 (1991). -The Fundamental Miscarriage of Justice exception applies where a petitioner` is "Actual lnnocent“ of the crime of which he was convicted or the penalty which was imposed. See,e.g.Kuhlmann'V.wilson,h77 U,S.LEE,TUE 5-Et 2616,Id. 1). Applicant was denied his Eonstituional,Right to effective counsel to research the law of this case and advance (Applicant‘s) only defense of justification of necessity,or self~defense;and or self-defense apparent danger,after Applicant (Admits) to the offense_of`Aggravated Assault under Section 22.52-of the Texas Penal`Eode,and through Applicantls own testimony raised a defense in this case under 5ections 9.0239,22,and 9;31 of the Texas Penal Code;denied Applicant a fair trial,a'fundamental error; (See;ER,In Ground of Error Number Une)- 2).` Applicant was denied his Constitutional Right to effective counsel to object to the Eourtfs‘charge to the jury to preserve any error for .(Appellate Review) as required by (Texas Law) under_Art.ZE;lh of the Texas Eode of Eriminal Procedure;denied Applicant's.Right of preserving the error.for Appellate Review under Rule 33.1 of the Texas Rule of AppellateVProcedure;denied Applicant.a fair trial.a_fundamental error, and Eonstitutional Violation-under theyVI and XIV Amends of Texas and United 5tates.(5ee.ER,ln Eround of Error Number Two). 3). Applicant was denied his Eonstitutional Right to effective counsel of failure to request a jury instruction that the Court charge the jury 5. on th law of justification of necessity-of self-defense,and or self-defense apparent danger,raised by the evidence of Applicant's own testimony under 5ection 9.31 of the Texas Penal Eode,precluded the jury from giving effect to the Applicant’s only viable defense,denied Applicant a fair trial,a 'fundamental_error,and in violation of the Texas and United 5tates Bonstitution VI and XIU Amendments. id Eourt Records. cDNSTITUTIUN VIILATIBN“UF.INEFFEBTIVE CUUNSE£.@N DIREET_APPEAL: 4). Applicant was denied his Eonstitutional Right te effective Appellate Counsel of Eounsel's failure to raise an issue arguingithat trial Eounsel were ineffective in failing to ; 1).Research the'law available in this case and advance the law regarding Applicant's only defense of justification of necessity of self-defense,or and self-defense apparent danger.; 2). Ubject to the charge by the Eourt to the jury to preserve'the asserted error for Appellate review.;$).'Reguest a jury instruction that the Court‘s charge charge the jury on the law of justification on necessity af self-defense, or and self-defense apparent danger that precluded the jury from giving effect to Applicant's only defense Constituted Ineffective Assistance of -Eounsel on Appeal in Violatien of the Texas Constitution and U.'S.Const_v 'VI and XIV Amendments. 5). Applicant was denied his Constitutional Right to effective Appellate Counsel where Eounsel was Ineffective on direct aepeal when Bounsel presented a ELAIM of arguable merits of victim's character evidence is allowed,and (Affirmatively) argued against_Applicantls case,that the trial Eourt should have allowed testimony from witness,Julie Loitz,about the victim's prior convictions of drug charges,and Counsel relied upon Article 35.36 of `the Texas Eode of Criminal Procedure. This statutory provision only applies to (Murder) prosecutions. Applicant plead guilty to the charge of Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon under 5ection-22.02 of the Texas Penal Bode,Eonstituted lneffective Assistance of Eounsel on Appellate Review in Violation of the Texas Eonstitution and United 5tates Eonst.VI and XIV Amends,a fundamental miscarriage of justice. (5ee§CR,ln Ground of Error No. Two,and Appellatels Brief In Case No.Dl-UJ-Ul§llB-CR). cRUuND NuMsER Two: APPLIEANT RECEIVED'INEFFEETIVE ASSISTANEE UF CUUNSEL AT TRIAL IN VIULATIUN DF THE TEXA5 'EUNSTITUTIDN AND U.S.EUNST VI AND XIV AMENDS Applicant had a right to Effective Assistance of Counsel is a right guaranteed by the SiXth Amendment of the United 5tates-Constitution,5ee, 5trickland V.washington;h66 U.5.668§(198h)yapplied to the 5tate through_ the Fourteenth Amendment of the United 5tates Eonstitution ,5ee,Eideon V;wainwright,372 U.5.335 (1963);United 5tates V. Eronic,hEE U.S.EHB (1954), where Eourts considering ineffective assistance of counsel claims must evaluate whether counsel's deficient performance was significant enough to undermine confidence in the result of the proceedings,$ee,Bell V. Eone,535 . U.5.655,695 (EDUDL Also guaranteed by Article 1,5ection 10 of the Texas Constitution,See,Garcia V. 5tate,7B7-5.w.2d 957,958'(Tex.Erim.App 1990). The standard for Appellate Review of Effectiveness of Counsel was set-out in,Strickland V.washington,hEE U.5,665,1Uh 5.Et-2052 (1954), and adopted by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals,in Hernandez V.Btate, 7. 726 5.w.2d 53,57 (Tex.Erim.App 1993),and the proper standard for ineffective assistance of counsel at the (Punishment Phase) of a Non-Capital case on Appellate Review,See,Hernandez V;State,QBB 5.w.2d`77U-771-72 (Tex.Crim.App' 1955). The two-prong Strickland test,usually is stated as follows;(l) whether Eounsel's Eonduct was Deficient,and (2) whether,But for Eounsel's Deficient Perforemance,The Result Uf The Proceedings would Have 5een Different,See, Strickland,lwh 5.Et at ZUEA;ZDEB,id. lt has been held that,even if an Attorney's manner of conducting a trial was trial strategy,it can be so ill-chosen as to render a trial fundamentally unfair.See,United 5tates VtRusmiael,716`F.2d 301.310 (Eth.Eri 1953),"from lack of diligence in preparation and investigation is not protected by the presumption in favor of counsel;See,Kenley V. Armontrount,937 F.Zd 1498)1304 (Bth.Eir),cert denied;BUZ U.5.96h (1991)." ' Even a single error of Counsel may support a claim of Ineffective Assistance if the error was of such magnitude that it rendered the trial- fundamentally unfair.5ee,Nelson V.Estelle,642 F.Zd 903,907 (5th.Eir 1981). 1). Applicant would first,urge that his trial Eounsel's conduct was deficient in failing to research the law available in this case,and advance Applicant!s'available defense of justification of Belf-defense due to Apparent Danger.5elf-Defense is a justification defense for otherwise unlawful conduct.See,Giesberg V.State,QBh 5¢w.2d 245,249 (Tex. Crim.App 1998),cert denied,525 U,5.1147,119 S.Et 10#&'(1999),a defendant is "Justified" in using force against another when and to the degree he reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other's use or attempted use of unlawful force,under the Texas Penal Eode §9.31 (Vernon'201s). A person also has the right to defend against apparent danger to the same extent as if the danger was real.5ee,Hamel V.5tate,916 5.w.2d 491,493 (Tex.Erim.App.l§QE). In the present case before you,the Applicant Mr.Duke,had a fundamental right to an instruction on any defensive issue raised by the evidence, whether that evidence is weak or strong,unimpeached or contradicted,and` regardless whether the trial court finds the defense credible,id§See,` Miller V.State,515`5.w.2d 552}585 (Tek.Crim.App.1991). A claim of (Self-defense Apparent Dangerl defense is not required to be included in the charge when the defendant denies eiy.participation in the crime...sanders v.state 707 s.w.zd 78,91 <'Tex..crim.App 1986)-. f However,when a defendant acknowledges particiation in the offense,his“ self-defense apparent danger defense is not just a denial of the crime. It is a defense which justifies his conduct in the same manner as an affirmative defense and must be included in the charge.ld .at 81 n.3. Also see,willis U.State;VQD 5.w,2d'307,313 (Tex.brim.App 1990)(that once a defendant admitted to the offense,the Bourt cf Eriminal Appeals has held that,a defendant can sufficiently-admit the conduct alleged and justify a defensive inst€?tion as in the Applicant's case.where Applicant admitted to being recklessly in causing bodily injury to Mr;Sizemore,but denied intentionally,knowingly stabbing or cutting sizemore with a knife 5ee (CR\V-E,pgs.B,and 174).." Applicant's Eounsel were deficient in failing to research the law -available in this case after Applicant admitted to the offense of 9. Aggravated Assault. Throughout this trial,it was clear that (Mr.Duke'a) and the others '"testimony"-asserted the claim of "Self-defense" due to Apparent Danger. He also testified about Mr.5izemorels previous violent threats.and conduct toward him and it's impact on him at the time of this offense. THis is an established method of proof in raising a defense of 5elf-defense to an apparent_danger.Eee,Fielder V¢State, 756 5.w.2d 309,319-20 (Tex.Crim. App 1955). Furthermore,in deciding whether to submit a defensive instruction, a Court may not review the truth or credibility of the testimonygbut rather only whether it raises the issue of a.defense;§ee,Broussard;V.State, 509 5,w.2d 556,555 (Tex.App-Dallas 1991,pet,ref'd); Unly`the tier of fact has the responsibility to accept or reject a properly raised defensive' theory.See, Fleming V.State, 973 5tw.2d 723,725 (Tex;App-Beaument 1998, no pet ). yln this case,the jury could have believed that while Mr.5izemore. did not participate physically in_the altercation,he had been “Dut of Control" through his "Threats" and "Assaultive Threats In The Past",Against `(Mr.Duke) caused continuous fear in (Mr.Duke) due to 5izemore's threats@ Eonsequently,there is sufficient evidence in'the (Recordl tov raise the issue of (Self-defense.Apparent Danger) as follows: First,we must review the opening (Statements) of Applicant's d trial counsel (ER.V-B,pages 27-28) THE EDURT: All right,Mr.Park,do you wish to make an opening? MR.PARK: ves,r dn,vour H@npr..- n ` “ ` May it please the Eourt,Mr.Mullin,Ladies and gentlemen,l actually agree with a lot of what Mr.Mullin has just told you.Mr.Duke has admitted that he is guilty of aggravated'assault. ` 10. He has taken responsibility for his actions.He said that he_acted recklessly; we'er also going to admit.that he was drunk that night.But these things still don't fit into`a vacuum.Vou're going to learn that on that night Mr;Duke was suffering from a spinal disease;arthritis, a broken wrist,two broken fingers,he had been clinically diagnosed with depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome as a result of his being a marine in vietnam, This is not a man who was healthy. .Mr.Sizemore was a 33-year-old man.He was healthy. And there is a reason.Mr.Duke was upset and went down there carrying that knife. No.l,he was scared. No.2, he wanted to tell.Mr.Bizemore to leave. The reason he was telling him to leave is because Mr. -5izemore has just threatened this man anthad been shoving him around threatened to kill him. Vou will also learn that he threatened to beat him up several times in_the past. Now,we must consider the_(Testimony) of the_Applicant and his (Initial) plea of (Not Guilty) during Voir Dire Preceedings (CR. V- 2,pgs 20- 21) THE CBURT: This is on the record. Your true and corr ect name is James.Albert Duke; `is that correct? THE DEFENDANT: Ves. THE CUURT: Mr.Duke;yeu were originally indicted in cause No.5574; and he reindicted you in Cause No.6571,.Do_you_understand that? THE DEFENDANT: Ves. THE CDURT: Vou'were--MR;RIDLEY: You have read them. THE CDURT& Have you read the indictment pending against you? THE £3 I= ca b And I did,so you say,a reckless thing.l armed myself,and I went down there and confronted him again and run him off. Let's be clear.You-are the one that keeps saying lthings like "stupid" and "reckless." Are they stupid and reckless,or did you mean to go down there with a knfie? At the time I suppose i did.i put it in my hand. 50-- I didn't go down there to use it. But you did,didn't you? 'Yes,sir,l did. And you said in your statement--I'm going to read you afew excerpts because I have a transcript of what we heard today.And then I'm going to ask you a question about it. You saidy'"all l wanted him to do was leave.i told him he didn't need to come back.I wish he had went on home.If he hadn't shoved me. I wouldn*t have stabbed him.All I wanted him to do was leave.All I wanted to do was get in his car and go.l wish he would have just went on home?" Do those sound like the statement of a man who thinks this is his fault? Aren't you putting it off on Easey? l guess it could be on both of us actually.lt's-- I was going down there with a knife ,him threatening me and shoving me around.Bo which is right and which is wrong,I don't know, This is why we are here.i don't know, Casey--you still don't know which is right and which is wrong? Is that what you are saying? It was wrong of me to go down there with a knife,yes. was it wrong for you to stab him to death? Yes. Did he ever threaten you with a weapon? He didn't need a weapon. He didn't what? He wouldn't need a weapon. 1&. So you*re not hedging your bets here just a little bit when you s "well,l really don't know what~ is right and what is wrong.That's why we'er here?" Aren't-you kind of equivocating a little bit? » No.5ir,l'm not. _ MR.PARK: UbjectionyYour Honor.He said it was wrong to go down there. THE EUURT:.All right,I'll sustain your objection. Now we must consider and review Applicant's Eounsel's closing arguments: (ER.V-B,pgs 214-215) MR.PARK: If it pleases the Eourt,ladies and gentlemen,l would like to thank you all for coming here and servinng on this jury.Dne thing that Mr.Mullin said is absolutely right.Uur client has pled guilty.He has admitted_his guilt.in this case.50 today everything that we have done is not--didn't have anything to do with justification.There is no justification for what he did. n what we'er trying to do today is mitigate,that is trying to lessen, show you the circumstances surrounding this crime that he did commit and show you why you should not give him as mush time in jail. _ Now,Mr.Duke took responsibility when he came in here and he pled guilty_ He admitted that he was wrong.And I think that that is in line with what he has done throughout this entire case,other than the crime itself. After he committed that crime,he went straight up there;and he admitted to his brother and admitted to the whites what.he had done.He didn\t try to run.He didn't try to hide.He.dingt try to throw that weapon out there in the lake.He brought it right up to his brother. when the police came,again,he didn't try to flee.He didn't try to run anywhere.He came up and told the police,"Yes,I am the one you' are looking for." _when they came and asked him to make a statement,again,he didn't say,"well,no,l want to talk to my lawyer.I don't want to say anything at all." He went out there and voluntarily made a statement. iNow,this is significant because it means that the only reason we know what happened,about him stabbing Easey 5izemore,is because 15. he admitted it. He didn't try to hide anything.he has not came in here with any self-serving statements.All along he has faced up to his responsibilities and admitted to what he did. `Now,lets take a look at what might mitigate the circumstances, other than him being honest and responsible. Un that evening, August the Bth ZUUZ,James.Duke--you saw his wrist.I mean,that - wrist isn't just broken.it's horribly broken,he had two broken fingers.The man had spinal diseaseywas suffering from seizures, had post-traumatic stress syndrome,and had servere depression.He l was on all kinds of medication.Now,we had an expert psychologist come in here and tell you that all these things make him more prone to fear,to anxiety,to thinking peoplt.are threatening him, whether they are or not. Let's take a look at Casey 5izemore.He didnjt deserve to die. what James-Duke did to him was absolutely wrong.Casey was a man about my age.l don't like the idea of him dying like that.I donlt like what James Duke.did.But Easey 5izemore--and here we've got a guy who defines himself with tattoos that say "outlaw" and "Btoned again" and have knives.stabbed down through skulls, -eight-point dagger31 He comes up to this man and starts threatening James Duke.James Duke told you he had threatened to kill him before. James Duke told you he had been in the pen.James Duke told you he had seen him dealing drugs;using cocaine out there on a regular basis and was not a nice guy. n He is a young,healthy man.This is-a beat up,old`man over there. He came up there and startes shoving him around,cussing him out, saying he is going to whip his ass and saying he is going to kill him and he has done.this on several occasions in the past. James Duke finally had enough.But he wasn!t going down there to kill him.He did commit a crime,but he did not intentionally go down there to kill this guy.He did intentionally bring that knife.down there,but he told you he wanted the guy to leave. And that's what we really wish in this case.we wish,first of all,that James Duke had not stabbed Easey 5izemore.That's the No.1 thing we wish. l 16. 5econdly,we wish that Casey Sizemore had left.Thatls all he had to do,But he didn't.He gets over there and tells him again, ll'm going to whip your ass,shoves him again." Folks,this is a case of a young man who did not deserve to die but who shoved around a beat up,old man one too many times.That does not justify what he did,but we hope that you will have mercy in light of all the circumstances of this case.Thank you. . You must also consider the (State‘s) prosecutor's closing arguments by Mr.Mullin (ER.V-Z;pgs 215-227). l The trial court must charge the jury on any (Defensive Issue) raised by the (Evidence),"Regardless of it's substantive character;" 5ee, Brown V.5tate,955 5.w.2d 276,279 (Tex.Crim.App 1997)(quoting williams V. 5tate,630 5.w.2d 6#0,643 (Tex.ErimtApp 1952).‘ Self-defense,like other chapter nine defenses justifies conduct that would otherwise be criminal,See.Vanbrachle'V.5tate;179 5.w.3d 7UB, ` 715 (Tex.Crim.App 2005)(citing Young V.State,991 5.w.2d 835,538 (Tex.Erim. App 1999);wallace h.State,.75 5.w.3d.576,587`(Tex.App-Texarkana 2502),aff'd ` 106 5.w.3d 103,109 (Tex.Crim.App 2003). In other words,the defendant 'must "Admit" violating the (Statute) under which he is being tried,then offer a statutory justification for his otherwise criminal conduct.Young, 991 5.w.2d at.BZB. Thus,a defendant is not entitled to_a jury instruction on "Self-Defnse" if through his own testimony or the testimony of others, he claim that he did not perform the assaultive acts alleged,or that he' did not have the requisites culpable mental state,or both,5ee,Ex Parte Nailor 1h9 5.w.3d 125 ,13# (Tex.Brim.App ZUUA);East_V.State, 76 5.w.3d 736, 735 (Tex.App-waco,2002,no pet);wallace,75 5.w.3d at.587;Eilmore V.5tatey` 44 5.w.3d 92,97 (Tex.App-Eeaumont 2501),pet.ref'd).Anderson V;State,11 5.w. 3d 369,372 (Tex.App-Houston [1st Dist].2UUU,pet ref'd). 17. Applicant's trial counsel were deficient in failing to know the law available to Applicant's case. Eounsel failed to acknowledge that a defensive issue may be raised solely by the Applicant's testimony.See,Pierini V.State, 004 5.w.2d 255, 260 (Tex.App-Houston [1st Dist]1991,pet ref'd).ln determining whether testimony of the Applicant raises an issue of self-defenseythe truth or credibility of the Applicant's testimony is not at issue.5ee,Rodriguez V. 5tatey544 5.w.2d 352,353 (Tex.Erim.App 1976).(ER.V.B,pgs,160-191). If the defensive theory is raised,and the trial court is timely and properly requested to instruct the jury on the theory,the trial courtv must instruct the jury on the raised defensive theory.Bee, Thompson V.State 521 5.w.2d 621,624 (Tex.Erim.App 1974). "[A] person is justified in using force against another when and to the degree he reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other's use or attempted use of unlawful 'force."‘See,Texas Penal EOde Ann §9.31 (Vernon Supp 2002). To rely on "Self-defense" the Applicant must first admit committing the conduct which forms the basis of the indictment;the defense is- inconsistent with a denial of the conduct.Bee,Kimbrough V.5tate, 959 5.w.2d 634,640 (Tex.App-Houston [1st Dist]1995,pet.ref'd);MacDonald V. 5tate,761 5.w.2d 56,60