. ,- fr!LE§ IN RECEIVED IN The^^m - l^iSStS&r1* CAUSE NO. 06-15-00074-CV *D,strict OCT 2 3 2015 OCT 2 3 2015 DON A. WADE T Texarkana, Texas • • Debra Autreys Clerk Appellant FF nJ™k*na' Texas ^ebra K. Autrey, Clerk v. HOUSEHOLD FINANCIAL CORPORATION III Appellee APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE APPELLANT'S BRIEF TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS: Don A. Wade, Appellant, moves this Court to grant an extension of time to file Appellant's Brife, and respectfully states: 1. Appellant's Brief is due on October 21, 2015, however, Appellant has not had adequate time to research the records. 2. Appellant seeks a thirty day extension of time to file Appellant's Brief from the due date, which would make Appellant's Brief due on or before November 21, 2015. 3. This extension of time is necessary because Appellant requires time to examine the records and transcript and study the defenses. 4. This is the first extension of time Appellant has sought for the filing of his brief. For this reason, Don A. Wade requests that this court render an order extending the time for filing Appellant's Brief to and including November 21, 2015. ^X^£^ Don A. Wade CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE On October 20, 2015, an attempt was made to confer with Sarah S. Robbins attorney for Appellee, in order to confer as to the extension, but was unable to reach Ms. Robbins. *f£^2zJ? CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE On October 20, 2015, a copy of the attached motion for extension of time was sent by U. S. Postal Service to: Sarah S. Robbins Hughes Watters & Askanase, LLP 333 Clay Street Houston, Texas 77002
Don A. Wade v. Household Finance Corp. III
Combined Opinion