l 0 Appellate Docket Number: Appellate Case Style: Style: Vs. State of Texas Si;@o @, Q@L§ If no, date it will be requested: - Were payment arrangements made with clerk? I:] Yes f:] No lndigent Reporter's or Recorder‘s Record: ls there a reporter's record? [:| Yes I:I No -Yes [:]No Was the reporter's record electronically recorded? |:] Yes [:] No Was reporter's record requested? Ifyes, date requested ., 2 Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder? [j Yes ENO [X] Indigent [:| Court Recorder n |:l Substitute [X\ Court Reporter official First Name: Middle Name: Last 'Name: Sufflx: Address 11 Address 21 City:_ State: Telephone: Fax: Email: Page 3 of 5 Signature of counsel (or Pro Se Party) DENNIS SCOTT BRALEY State Bar No: Printed Name: Name: Electronic Signature; (Optional) Signature of counsel (or pro se party) Electronic Signature: (Optional) State Bar No.: Person Served: Certiticate of Service Requirernents (TRAP 9. 5(e)): A certificate of service must be signed by the person who made the service and must State (l) the date and manner of service; (2) the name and address of each person served, and (3) if the person served is a party's attomey, the name of the party represented by that attorney Page 4 of 5 Pl.ease enter the following for each person served: First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Suftix: Law Firm Name: ,'1;~" Address l: Address 21 Page 5 of 5 H;, \ \ cAusE No. TRIA¢ cause No. ` AFPEAL cAusE No EX PARTE~ IN THE Sth DI v _ OF_ ¢0"0!¢00¥00¢0|\0\ STATE OF TEXAS BOWIE COUNTY¢ TEXAS ORDER TO .PROCBED IN FORHA PAUPRIS on this che_§§fpay of §LF¢£ , 2015. came an to be heard Applicant's MOTION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPRIS, in this District Court without paying court cost and fees. And it appears to this court that due 'to the poverty of the Applicant, he will be allowed to proceed I.F.P. in the above-styled and numbered CauEe» IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: 1. The clerk of this court will place this cause_on the docket to be heard. 2. The clerk of this court will notify the Applicant at the Michael Unit of the final hearing. Executed on this the ZS"'day of gori , 2015. /s/__:PL`QO ll&@h PRESIDING JUDGE I.L.A. 3 of 3 -__.»-::H.-.-'~.-_-..._.- ,._,-.-...~'~. ._._. . RECEVED|N The€.`.`. »un of Appeals Sixth District Sixth Court of Appeals NUVB ZZDB Att: Molly Pate October 26, 2015 100 N. State line AVe~ #20 Te exa['(d;~l;a, Te,(a$ \ Texarkana, Texas 75501 Deb!' 3 ,"_w__;w:-\ Cler' k Re: Appelate Case No. O6-lS-OOlSl-CR Trial Court Case No. 13-F-Oll-005 Dear Molly, Enclosed you will find the Docketing Statement, for the above-estyled and numbered cause. Also please find` a copy of the Order to proceed in forma paupris. Thank you for your effective assistance in this matter. Sincere::,/S § § RR DENNIS SCOTT BRALEY #1 03 31 2664 FM 2054 Tennessee Colony/ TX, 75886 I.L.A.
Dennis Scott Braley v. State
Combined Opinion