Houston, Reddie

en use too, ReDDZe h6US7dN CdUZT OF 6PPMU us, p, o. Boa* ziser ^^7H &XS7HZC7 c#Ui7 WU comesl fteobZE HfluS7anji Pcu^ files tVurJT VviS Otpplfccafcto* ftr Wn't oF /HaW- «Xv^uS <5lw^ CtfYnplouwtng 6$ Rol\i S>Jkef€5T; COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS SEP 09 2015 T Abel Acosta, Clerk SEP 02 2015 joG*, Abel Acosta, tyejk Oh t ^C &1&*/ &^ •jJ^if ^illy qUC>lt%f-''C<^ »iW active prCfiW^ng |U^ Counhy^ 7cjt^ ea^ef fei^ Wats /Vi Cawre of 7&SA? vs, Rbbbzk Maurr^y^ Bnt- &rG&( &h h* prefer OYe/e*- fetf—uJi't**. Respond- d&nicd ^c fa ndan^s MoUm PU^C PHo Tuwc IW j?el.'€^ 7cms • Rule XS ^%.^d ha^ t-^AtfiM to refc «\ Respondent d&nttd JbefcnolaW* ftf Ve Con$t\^ufe\®Y\a\ RxgVvtt to Earecuiiion <3£ Judgment Atvtft.har v^c-fWed b# ret c\ Set ^ ^Crfh-Aas?5 r^v, Sa*M tV*0\.AO*, Respondent ©len.'eM be£cv>«4«*tV fe* KvS Cr»nS\ /\,UW#*«^ K»'ghV\.o JuJfl- U$e«f J^o .$et c\ keav-»lr\9 ar\ S<*\d Respondent ^eni'eel De/endo.^'.? request ^® ettfouokicfy ©^ Dto—'sr i? "'QMLMf^ yeckfn^ ^ plea W^goj^v £l?epeaAt4 3. Tkt Rules Cvw^ Orders m voiced €W^ tC^ tfc^ C6)# (f) anM C6) CK\\d W)Ocol<. *x p£t*te ^Ct/V/Vne^ pmyf- bh#* Imve t® Hie thtt Peuwovx be u&^Z^?//tKftt fcKe ramC I^VI^h^wmur fe*€ iff uget by Lkc Court ot &ppg» dUf ordering an^ tdit@ cbifif Lkc $£?p&nd* CiRTzrzcftTS of 5"££vrce- X; IfeoM.'e H«u?tt>r\t d& hereby ezr&Py \i\sesx <\ feruS A-^d Correct Copy of i.V*<5, fo^omg U)feI7 0s" /MAWfcflMUi1 if tcitig plAct4 in t,W U.S". moiil postage ^vepat^ CQXSJIM CouWT^f DISTRICT CU^U W^KTOwtaf, TEXAS 7$ ^^r« «^ «**- «>« «**- request 6» « ^«*9 is OtfaNlSL-iiS^'' t%sCvt