ACCEPTED 01-15-00326-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 9/8/2015 3:28:57 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK TALL September 8, 2015 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS Hon. Christopher A. Prine, Clerk of Court Via £-Filing 9/8/2015 3:28:57 PM FIRST COURT OF APPEALS CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE 301 Fannin Clerk Houston, Texas 77002 RE: No. 01-15-00326-CV; Don Abbott Holmes, et al. vs. Jetall Companies, Inc. Dear Mr. Prine: I am hereby appearing as appellate counsel in the above-referenced appeal. Please designate me as counsel for Appellee, Jetall Companies, Inc. , copy me on all filings and notices from the Court, and add the fo llowing information to your records: Lee Keller King Texas Bar No. 00702016 2500 West Loop South, Suite 255 Houston, Texas 77027 Tel. (713) 789-7654 Fax (71 3) 789- 333 1 lee.k@ By emailed copy of this letter and by electronic service, I am notifying counsel of record for Appellants, Don Abbott Holmes, Gayle Eiser Holmes, and the Community Property Estate of Don Abbott, Holmes & Gayle Eiser Holmes, of thi s designation. Thank you for your assistance. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. 2500 West Loop South, Suite 255 713.789.7654 Houston, TX 77027 Fax: 713.789.33 3 1 Disc lai mer: In the event of a monetary dispute where Tenant owes an amount to Landlord. there is no accord nor satisfaction unt il Landlord is paid in full. Until Landlord is paid in full , Landlord may bring suit 10 secure the re maining funds owed by Tcnanl. From time to time, Landlord may grant a one-ti me accommodation. This accommodation docs not waive or cure any past, current, or future Tenant liabilities, obligations, or matters of default. outside the accommodation addressed and authorized by Landlord, at Landlord 's sole and abso lu te discretion. Hon. Christopher A. Prine, Clerk of Court First Court of Appeals September 8, 2015 Very truly yours, ~r~~ cc: Martin J. Siegel Texas State Bar No. 18342125 L AW OFFICES O F M ARTI J. SI EGEL, P.C. Bank of America Center 700 Loui siana Street, Suite 2300 Houston, TX 77002 Tel.: (7 13) 226-8566 Geoffrey Berg Texas Bar No. 00793330 B ERG FELDM AN JOHN SON B ELL,LLP 4203 Montrose Blvd. , Suite 150 Houston, Texas 77006 Telephone: (713) 526-0200 Gberg@
Don Abbott Holmes and Gayle Eiser Holmes v. Jetall Companies, Inc.
Combined Opinion