Randy Lin Ates v. State

                          JiMc 10,2615

          vl."flit 6fa&of Te*as

 fclwV- a*A \W coUrV reporter 3a£ iwa\ce, arrancpvunW ftp pauWCrt\- of fte irtccrb vii-HuVi
-\c*Aa\|s ot- \W receipt of fee ntA^-lW K^dM^wctowA-ttus. Cou«v(&r- c«J^M$iovi
 or \irt>fr beCA>fe,W AvA \\dV fete^e, &t. CourV& reoye^V unVi\ ^ 24,2016 v..^r 2-^»$

' sVaVinij tfvaV" Ata reporter's vworA via* kw> i« W CourVon lAa«j 19,201$ a*d ($ bvierdue/'.
The towV- »A\ii«eA -\ta, KpptlWr-fc) ^Atr-Hit retorAfaf ft\iA<^n5\^VW"lWsAay,
 ioat U,2*\6.*^tit kppe.\\»AVi$ a&Mfewui-ttvA CourV in (Mri^vv^W^V WtaMoV weeV-H\e
 ivAt ^i2**5deaMuu^W fo tfit  Write- ovw> toorV-b rt[Mu\"r<&?o \W, oH\tr tou^ At&AliAe..
                                      AHARILLO TX 791

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